Official translation

4 April 2014


Government of the Republic of Lithuania





of 4 December 2013


ON approvement of action plan for implementation






Acting pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 22 of the Law on the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Valstybės žinios (Official Gazette) No 43-772, 1994; No 41(1)-1131, 1998; No 92-2843, 2000; No 72-2831, 2007; No 71-3541, 2010; No 11-497, 2013), and in compliance with Paragraph 34 and Paragraph 50 of the Programme for 2012–2016 of the Sixteenth Government, which has been approved by Resolution No XII-51 of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania of 13 December 2012 (Valstybės žinios (Official Gazette) No 149-7630, 2012), as well as Paragraph 12 of the National Changeover Plan, which has been approved by Resolution No 604 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 June 2013 (Valstybės žinios (Official Gazette) No 73-3670, 2013), the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has resolved:


to approve the Action Plan for Implementation of the National Changeover Plan (as appended). 




Prime Minister                                                                                 Algirdas Butkevičius




Minister of Economy,


Acting Minister of Finance                                                             Evaldas Gustas





by Resolution No 1173
of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 4 December 2013






Sr. No


Title of a Measure


Responsible Institution(s)


Coordinating Working Group(s)





To plan drafting and approval of the legal acts related to the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania:  



To make a list of legal acts to be amended and the new ones to be approved in relation to the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania, and to submit it to the Ministry of Finance

State institutions and bodies within the sphere of competence

Legal Issues Working Group

1 February 2014


To draft and approve new legal acts:



To develop the Republic of Lithuania Draft Law on the Adoption of the Euro in the Republic of Lithuania and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Bank of Lithuania,  Ministry of Finance

Legal Issues Working Group

1 May 2014


To draw up a draft legal act regulating relations related to mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Economy

Legal Issues Working Group

1 April 2014


To draw up draft legal acts related to the establishment of the amounts related to payment of wages, social security benefits, benchmarks and insured income of the current year in euro, to submit them to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and to inform the population on that

Ministry of Social Security and Labour

Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs


1 September 2014


To develop a draft law regulating the procedure for re-denomination of the value of the authorised capital and securities into euro and for amendment to the Statutes of public limited and private limited companies and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group

1 July 2014


Where necessary, to draw up new changeover-related  legal acts, and to submit them to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

State institutions and bodies within the sphere of competence

Legal Issues Working Group

No later than 5 months before the euro adoption date, if this plan or other legal acts do not establish it otherwise


To amend existing legal acts:



To develop the Republic of Lithuania Draft Law Amending the Law on National Audit Office in order to harmonize the national law with   the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Bank of Lithuania Ministry of Finance

Legal Issues Working Group

1 January 2014


To develop the Republic of Lithuania Draft Law Amending the Law on the Bank of Lithuania in order to harmonize the national law with   the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, and to submit it to the  Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Bank of Lithuania Ministry of Finance

Legal Issues Working Group

1 Juanuary 2014


To develop the Republic of Lithuania Draft Law Repealing the Law on the Credibility of the Litas, and to submit it to the  Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Finance

Legal Issues Working Group

1 February 2014


To draw up draft legal acts that will ensure the use of the euro as legal tender and payment instrument in all the sectors of the Lithuanian economy and in the private sector after the euro adoption date, and to submit them to the  Government of the Republic of Lithuania

State institutions within the sphere of competence

Legal Issues Working Group

1 April 2014


To develop the Republic of Lithuania Draft Law Amending the Law on Tax Administration in order to amend the provisions related to pegging the amount of late payment penalties and interest rates on the tax loan to the annual interest rate on the Treasury bills of the Republic of Lithuania issued in litas by auction

Ministry of Finance

1 August 2014


To draw up draft legal acts which should be amended in relation to the euro adoption, and to submit them to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

State institutions and bodies within the sphere of competence

Legal Issues Working Group

No later than 5 months before the euro adoption date, if this plan or other legal acts do not establish it otherwise



To monitor Lithuania’s fulfilment of the convergence criteria under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (OJ 2010 C83, p. 1) and to draw up quarterly reports projecting Lithuania’s fulfilment of the economic convergence criteria,  identifying threats of non-fulfilment of the criteria, and providing proposals for their mitigation

Bank of Lithuania

Working Group for Monitoring Lithuania’s Fulfilment of the Convergence Criteria for the Adoption of the Euro

Each quarter till the date of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation to the Republic of Lithuania and the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania


To draw up a statement on the application of the excessive deficit procedure in 2014

Statistics Lithuania,

Ministry of Finance


1 March 2014



To approve new tax stamp specimens for labelling cigarette packs, which will display the maximum cigarette retail price in euro

Ministry of Finance

1 July 2014



To develop and approve a business accounting standard for economic entities concerning changeover requirements for accounting and financial reporting

Authority of Audit and Accounting

Business Environment Working Group

1 July 2014


To develop and approve a public sector accounting and financial reporting standard for public entities concerning  changeover requirements for accounting and financial reporting

Ministry of Finance

1 February 2014


To develop recommendations for businesses to prepare for the euro changeover  in Lithuania (on accounting, adjustment of information systems, dual display of prices, cash management, organisation of staff training sessions, etc.), and to familiarise the business community with them


Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group

1 April 2014



To coordinate with the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications investment projects for procuring  or upgrading information systems

State institutions and bodies

From 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014


While coordinatinginvestment projects of information systems,submitted by state institutions and bodies, to ensure that procured or upgraded information systems  are suitable for operation post euro adoption

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

From 1 January 2014  to 31 December 2014


To provide recommendations to state and municipal institutions and bodies concerning the adjustment of information systems for work with the euro

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications


From 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014


To work out an action plan for the adjustment of the operating information systems for work with the euro, specifying  required actions, their deadlines, and administrative units (individuals) responsible for their implementation, and to submit it to the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications 

State institutions and bodies

1 January 2014


To evaluate the adjustment of the information systems to the euro changeover by state institutions and bodies, as well as their adherence to changeover action plans

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

From 1 January 2014  to 31 December 2014


To form an IT expert working group of the representatives from state institutions and bodies as well as business to address issues related to the adjustment  of state information systems to the euro

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

1 January 2014


In cooperation with state institutions and bodies, legally mandated to develop state policy in appropriate area or to take part in its development, to agree regarding the scope of adjustments required forthe information systems to  work with the euro, having due regard to  the envisaged amendments to existing regulation 

State institutions and bodies


1 January 2014


To approve a list of state information systemsthat are most important (critical) for the changeover

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

1 January 2014


To approve required amendments to specifications of the state information systems

State institutions and bodies

1 February 2014






To carry out public procurement for upgrading and modification of state information systems, making them ready to  work with the euro, and to conclude contracts with service providers

State institutions and bodies

1 April 2014


To upgrade and modify state information systems to work with the euro

State institutions and bodies

1 September 2014


To carry out testing of adjustments to the state information systems

State institutions and bodies

1 November 2014


On a monthly basis (every two weeks) to provide the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications with the information about the progress achieved in adjusting state information systems to work with the euro

Managers of the most important (risky) state information systems related to the euro adoption




Every month from 1 January 2014, every two weeks from 1 May 2014 to 31 December 2014





Managers of other state information systems


Every month from 1 April 2014 to 31 December 2014




To prepare for collection, preparation and dissemination of statistics on cash and finances, external statistics and financial accounts after the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania, in pursuance of the requirements of the legal acts of the European Central Bank

Bank of Lithuania

31 January 2015


To draw up and approve the description of the procedure for the management of official statistics before and after  the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania

Statistics Lithuania, Ministry of Finance

1 May 2014



To develop an action plan ensuring smooth functioning of the activity areas, related to the establishment and regulation of prepayment labels, assigned to an instutition (company) during the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania (including the period of dual circulation of cash in euro and in litas)

Public Limited Comapy Lietuvos paštas (hereinafter – Lithuanian Post Office),


1 July 2014


To inform consumers about the validity term of tickets for passenger transportation by air, water, railway and road , on long-distance, suburban and local routes, where the nominal value of the ticket is indicated in litas  

Sellers of tickets for passenger transportation by air, water, railway and road transport on long-distance, suburban and local routes

2 years after one month following the date of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation to the Republic of Lithuania and the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania


To inform consumers about the validity term of postage stamps, whose nominal value is indicated in litas

Lithuanian Post Office

2 years after one month following the date of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation to the Republic of Lithuania and the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania



To develop action plans ensuring smooth functioning of the activity areas assigned to the instutition (company) during the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania (including the period of dual circulation of cash in euro and in litas)

Municipalities, enterprises founded by municipalities providing public services 

1 July 2014


To assess and, where necessary, following the procedure established by the Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Procurement (Official Gazette, No 84-2000, 1996; No 4-102, 2006), to modify contracts concluded with public service providers so that fees for public service provision during the changeover were rounded up to the benefit of the population and were not increased


other state institutions within the sphere of competence

1 October 2014


To carry out administrative supervision of municipalities in relation to  their preparation for the euro changeover in the Republic of Lithuania– to oversee municipal compliance  municipalities with the laws and implementation of Government decisions related to the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania

Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in counties

From 1 January 2014



To identify possible threats for consumer protection and security during the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania and to provide proposals concerning elimination of these threats to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of the Interior

1 January 2014


To develop a Coordination Plan for the Activities of State Institutions and Bodies in Elimination of Threats for Consumer Protection and Security during the Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania, and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of the Interior

1 February 2014


To overseestate institutions and bodies as they implement the measures listed in the Coordination Plan for the Activities of State Institutions and Bodies in Elimination of Threats for Consumer Protection and Security, during the euro changeover in the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of the Interior





From 1 February 2014 till the deadline of the implementation of the measures indicated in the  Coordination Plan for the Activities of State Institutions and Bodies in Elimination of Threats for Consumer Protection and Security during the Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania



Within their respective competences, to organise changeover-related practical training sessions to all civil servants dealing directly with stakeholders and the staff of state-owned enterprises that provide public services, after the drafting of detailed training plans and the earmarking of the required resources

Ministry of Social Security and Labour, State Social Insurance Fund Board (hereafter – SODRA),

Lithuanian Labour Exchange, Ministry of Finance, State Tax Inspectorate,

AB LESTO, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Lithuanian Post Office,

JSC Lithuanian Railways,

Ministry of Agriculture, National Paying Agency,

State Food  and Veterinary Service,

Ministry of Economy,

business incubators, tourism information centres,

Public Institution  Enterprise Lithuania, Public Institution Invest Lithuania, Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance,

other institutions and bodies



1 October 2014


To organise educational information  lectures for various societal groups concerning the impact of the changeover on the country and its economy, also seminars for cash handlers

Ministry of Finance,

Bank of Lithuania,

Ministry of Economy,

Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Ministry of Education and Science, other state institutions within the sphere of competence

From 1 April 2014 to 31 December 2014


To inform the members of the state social insurance system about the euro adoption:



To prepare for the provision of information to insurers and the insured in the e-Servicing System for the Insurers (EDAS) and e-Servicing System for the Residents (EGAS)


1 September 2014


To draw up an action plan for the provision of information to the beneficiaries of the state social insurance with regard to the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania within the sphere of their interest by using various socially-oriented information methods


1 July 2014


To inform the recipients of cash social benefits about the euro adoption and related changes



To arrange for an individual column on euro adoption to be opened up on the website of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, and to publish euro adoption information relevant to  social security beneficiaries in the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Social Security and Labour

1 July 2014


To draft and submit recommendations to municipal administrations concerning the public notification of the recipients of cash social benefits as regards  benefit rates during the exchange of the litas into euro

Ministry of Social Security and Labour,


1 July 2014


To inform the taxpayers administered by the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance about the preparation of the Inspectiorate for the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania and legislative amendments releated to  reporting and payment in euros of taxes administered by the Inspectorate 

State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance

1 July 2014


Where necessary, to draft new templates of documents,set new requirements for their completion,  and to inform data providers, consumers and customers about the changes related to the euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania

State and municipal institutions, bodies, enterprises and other organisations

1 August 2014


To adjust the system for announcing the fees for payment services on the website of the Bank of Lithuania to the euro

Bank of Lithuania

No later than after 30 calendar days following the date of the irrevocably fixed conversion  rate of the euro and litas


To create conditions for acquisition of euro coin starter kits by all willing natural and legal persons

Bank of Lithuania

1 December 2014


To provide consultations in writing, by e-mail and orally to consumers, consumer associations and business entities concerning the ways to display prices

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority

During the mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro


To draw up and coordinate a Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities with the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Lithuania

Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group,

Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs

1 April 2014


To arrange for designing  the logo of the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities

Ministry of Economy

Ministry of Finance

Business Environment Working Group

1 May 2014


To establish and approve the description of the procedure for the application of the designed logo of the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities

Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group, Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs

1 May 2014


To hold a campaign inviting  as many as possible business associations and individual economic entities to sign the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities

Ministry of Economy,

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority

Business Environment Working Group

From 1 May 2014


To hold an event of signing the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities 

Ministry of Economy

Ministry of Finance

Business Environment Working Group, Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs

By 1 August 2014


To establish a procedure for joining the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities by business associations and individual economic entities, which did not participate in the event of signing the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities

Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group

1 June 2014


To arrange for joining the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities by business associations and individual economic entities which did not participate in the event of signing the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities, in accordance with the established procedure

Ministry of Economy

Business Environment Working Group

After the event of signing the Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will) of Business Entities


To prepare and publish statistical information on average retail prices in litas and euro of homogeneous goods and services, and their changes



To draw up a list of 100 main homogeneous goods and services and to coordinate it with interested state institutions and bodies, social partners and  consumer protection organisations


Statistics Lithuania

Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs

Within one month from the date of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation and Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania


To prepare and publish, on the Official Statistics Web Portal, statistical information on 100 main homogeneous goods and services: from the beginning of the period of mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro to the date of the euro adoption, and the month following the euro adoption date – average retail prices in litas and euro and their changes, and the next 5 months – average retail prices in euro and their changes

Statistics Lithuania

Each month on the 9th working day after the end of the reporting month


To monitor advertising done by financial market players, with a view to ensuring  the adherence to the requirement of dual display of  prices in litas and euro

Bank of Lithuania

During the period of mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro


To prevent  misleading or unlawful comparative advertising, and including fallacious indication of prices in litas and euro

Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – Competition Council)

From the date of adoption of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation and Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania to 1 January 2016


To perform a market supervision function – to carry out targetted inspections in trading venues with a view to ensureing the adherence to the requirement of dual display of  prices in litas and euro

State Food  and Veterinary Service, State Non Food Products Inspectorate 

Working Group for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Affairs


During the period of mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro


Within respective competences,to investigate claims and appeals of natural and legal persons, and changeover-related disputes

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, Competition Council,

Bank of Lithuania,

Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania,

State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy,

National Control Commission for Prices and Energy and other institutions dealing with claims, appeals and disputes

From the date of adoption of the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation and Euro Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania to 1 January 2016


Within respective competences, to submit to the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority statistical data and statements on changeover-related consumers claims, , along with recommendations for taking measures to avoid similar infringements in the future

Competition Council,

Bank of Lithuania,

Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania,

State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy,

National Control Commission for Prices and Energy, other institutions dealing with claims, appeals and disputes

Each month following the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation to the Republic of Lithuania and euro adoption date in the Republic of Lithuania

till 1 February 2016 


To summarize the information specified in item 9.25 of this plan and to submit it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority

Each month following the EU Council Decision on Abrogation of a Derogation to the Republic of Lithuania and euro adoption date in the Republic of Lithuania

till 1 March 2016


After summary of the information received from other institutions concerning changeover-related consumers claims, to make a list of the most frequent violations and violators , and publish it on the website


State Consumer Rights Protection Authority

During the period of mandatory dual display of prices in litas and euro



To establish the demand for euro in circulation: 





To make a euro demand projection (by denomination)

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

15 February 2014


To agree the scale of euro issuance with the ECB prior to the issuance of euro into circulation    

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 July 2014


To provide with euro cash:





To draw up, agree and sign an agreement on borrowing euro banknotes with the ECB   

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 August 2014


To approve samples of euro coins with the national side (obverse)

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 April 2014


To draw up, agree with a manufacturer of coins and to sign a contract for minting euro coins and producing sets of euro coins

Bank of Lithuania,

Private Limited Company Lithuanian Mint

Cash Working Group

1 July 2014


To provide images of the national side (obverse) of circulation euro cents and coins to the Addendum “Informaciniai Pranešimai” to the Official Gazzette and the Official Journal of the European Union   

Bank of Lithuania


Upon adoption by the Council of the European Union of the decision on the abrogation of the derogation for the Republic of Lithuania and euro adoption in the Republic of Lithuania


To collect and destroy litas, allocate, store and transport euro: 





To draw up cash changeover guidelines

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 March 2014


To set up a Cash Changeover Surveillance Group of the Bank of Lithuania and approve its working regulation

Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 May 2014


To collect and summarize information about the vaults or sites fit for cash custody available in banks, cash-in-transit (CIT) companies or other companies, institutions or organisations where cash could be stored, and to draw up a plan for euro allocation, custody and transportation 

Bank of Lithuania, banks, 

CIT companies, other companies of the Republic of Lithuania with sites available for cash safekeeping

Cash Working Group

1 May 2014


To agree with the banks the demand for euro to be frontloaded, denomination structure, terms of delivery and to sign with them the contracts for frontloading of euro banknotes and coins    

Bank of Lithuania,


Cash Working Group

1 August 2014


To carry out the frontloading of euro banknotes and coins to the banks

Bank of Lithuania,


Cash Working Group

31 December 2014


To carry out the sub-frontloading of euro banknotes and coins to the customers 


CIT companies

Cash Working Group

31 December 2014


To ensure safe transportation of euro cash to the vaults of the banks, other companies, institutions or organisations with which cash custody agreements will be concluded 

Bank of Lithuania, Ministry of the Interior, banks, CIT companies, other companies of the Republic of Lithuania with which cash custody agreements have been concluded

Cash Working Group

31 December 2014


To adjust the existing information systems of the Bank of Lithuania and the existing system interfaces , ensuring the possibility of cash service, to operate in two currencies or to create new systems    


Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 July 2014


To envisage additional organisational measures ensuring smooth collection of litas and dispensing of euro in banks, the Lithuanian Post Office and the Bank of Lithuania:





To get the staff ready for handling cash to ensure smooth collection of litas and dispensing of euro  


Lithuanian Post Office, Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 September 2014


Where necessary, to recruit new staff and train it to handle cash, providing them with flexible work schedules


Lithuanian Post Office, Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

Upon necessity


To envisage and apply measures for encouraging customers to start returning litas and cent coins as soon as possible


Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 September 2014


To approve and apply measures for informing customers about major aspects of the euro adoption 


Lithuanian Post Office

1 July 2014


To draw up, agree with the banks and approve a list of bank branches where, for 6 months following half a year from the date of the euro adoption,  litas banknotes will be exchanged free of charge

Bank of Lithuania 

Cash Working Group

1 March 2014


To approve and apply measures designated for the preparation of the ATM network infrastructure for dispensing euro banknotes 


Bank of Lithuania

Cash Working Group

1 November 2014


To reform the payment systems:





At the approval of market players, during a one-year transitional period, to adjust the existing retail payment system to settlement in euro, disregarding  the requirements of the Single Euro Payments Area (hereinafter - SEPA); to use this system to provide credit institutions with a service enabling them to receive and provide information on debit payments (effecting of enforcement orders) 


Bank of Lithuania


1 January 2015


To take a decision on the expediency of the development of a local euro retail payment system 


Bank of Lithuania

15 July 2014


Following the decision to develop a euro retail payment system in line with the SEPA requirements, to act upon it and to provide its services from 2016    

Bank of Lithuania

1 January 2016


To implement the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 260/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2012
establishing technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits in euro and amending Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 (OJ 2012 L 94, p. 22), including the substitution of national niche payment instruments (enforcement orders, debit orders and orders for agricultural products) for SEPA instruments, and to draft necessary legislation     

Bank of Lithuania, payment service providers,

Ministry of Finance


1 January 2016


To draw up  a procedure for setting and publication of euro foreign exchange reference rates, which are not published by the European Central Bank

Bank of Lithuania

1 November 2014



To achieve the objectives set in the Public Information on the Euro Adoption and Communication Strategy of Lithuania and to implement the communication tools indicated in Annex 2 to this Strategy

Ministry of Finance,

Bank of Lithuania, Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania,

Ministry of Economy,

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, other responsible institutions

Public Information Working Group

Within the terms indicated in the Strategy and its Annex 2


Following the Partnership Agreement signed with the European Commission on 2 February 2010, to coordinate the draft Grant Agreement with the European Commission

Ministry of Finance

Public Information Working Group

1 February 2014


To disseminate information at international and EU level considering the need to provide adequate information to the EU institutions and EU Member States involved in the decision-making process concerning the eurozone, also to foreign states to which Lithuania’s membership of the eurozone might be relevant due to economic or political reasons.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 

Ministry of Finance, Bank of Lithuania,

state institutions within the sphere of competence

Public Information Working Group

1 July 2014

