Official translation




16 July 1998  No VIII-858



Article 1. On Regarding the USSR State Security Committee as a Criminal                              Organisation

The USSR State Security Committee (NKVD, NKGB, MGB, KGB, - hereinafter SSC) shall be regarded as a criminal organisation which has committed war crimes, genocide, acts of repression, terror and political persecution in the Republic of Lithuania occupied by the USSR.


Article 2. Limitations on the Current Activities of the SSC Staff Members

For ten years from entry into force of this Law, former SSC staff members may not work as state officers or employees in institutions of state authority and administration, local government and national security, at the Department of State Security, the police, the prosecutor’s office, courts, in the diplomatic service, at the Customs, the State Control and other state institutions exercising control and supervision, as lawyers and notaries, at banks and other credit institutions, at strategic economic objects, security agencies (structures), other agencies (structures) providing detective services, in the communications sector, as teachers and tutors at educational institutions, also as heads of said institutions , nor may they be engaged in work (hold a post ) involving possession of fire arms.


Article 3. Exemptions from the Application of the Limitations

1. Limitations specified in Article 2 of this Law shall not be applied for those former staff members of the SSC who, during their employment at the SSC, were involved only in investigation of criminal cases and who terminated their employment at the SSC not later than on the next day following 11 March 1990.

2. The Centre for the Investigation of Genocide and Resistance of Lithuanian people and the State Security Department may adopt a joint reasoned recommendation not to apply  the limitations set forth in this Law to the former staff members of the SSC who, within three months from the day of entry into force of this Law, have registered with the State Security Department and have disclosed to the State Security Department all information about their former employment and their current links with the former staff members and agents of the SSC.  A decision on this issue shall be adopted by a three-member commission formed by the President of the Republic. Employees from the Centre for the Investigation of Genocide and Resistance of Lithuanian people and the State Security Department may not be appointed to the commission. The regulations of said commission shall be approved by the President of the Republic.


Article 4. The Procedure of Implementation of the Law   

The procedure of implementation of this Law shall be laid down in Law on the Implementation of the Law on the Assessment of the USSR State Security Committee (NKVD, NKGB, MGB, KGB) and the Current Activities of the Staff Members of this Organisation.


Article 5. Entry into Force of the Law

The Law shall enter into force as of 1 January 1999.


I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.



PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC                                      VALDAS ADAMKUS