October 14, 1997, No. VIII-450






Article 1. Purpose and Regulation Area of the Law


1. This Law shall establish the structure and administration of the vocational education and training (VET) system of the Republic of Lithuania, based upon co-operation of the state government institutions and social partners, and also regulate organisation of VET.

2. The law shall regulate vocational training implemented according to the conditions defined in the Register of Studies and Training Programmes and shall not provide college-level or university education.

3. Basic and general secondary education, which is acquired at vocational training institutions, shall be regulated by The Law on Education.


Article 2. The Basic Definitions of this Law


1. Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education and training the purpose whereof is to provide individuals with a vocation or requalify them. Vocational training is comprised of:

1) initial VET, denoting a component part of the system of education, which creates an opportunity for persons not having a vocational education to acquire a vocation in accordance with the conditions defined in the Register of Studies and Training Programmes;

2) labour market vocational training, denoting training that provides an opportunity to acquire vocational qualifications according to the conditions defined in the State Register of Training Programmes, essential in order to adapt to requirements of labour market.

2. The Register of Studies and Training Programmes denotes a list of training programmes (modules) and inventory lists of qualification requirements.

3.Vocational Education and/or Training Institution denotes an institution the fundamental area of activity whereof, is vocational education and/or training.

4. Enterprise denotes an enterprise, institution, organisation which implements vocational training under actual conditions of its activity; this training does not comprise the principal area of its activity.

5. Student denotes a person, engaged in education and training in a VET institution or (and) training enterprise.

6. Vocational Teacher - a person, engaged in theoretical or (and) practical vocational training.

7. Practical Training denotes the development of vocational skills at VET institutions and (or) enterprises.

8. Module denotes a training programme part of a subject being taught, which provides the student with information of a certain level and scale.

9. Social Partners denotes organisations representing the interests of employers and employees, engaged along with state administrative institutions in the performance of the functions established by this Law.

10. Competent Institution denotes the Chambers of Trade, Industry and Crafts, Agriculture or another Government-authorised institution, performing the functions of regulation of VET, established by this Law.

11. Qualifications Requirements denote occupational requirements established by a competent institution, fulfilled within the vocational training process.

12. Qualification Certificates Recognised by the State denote documents certifying the completion of a certain vocational training programme in accordance with the requirements of the Register of Studies and Training Programmes.


Article 3. Tasks of the VET System


The principal tasks of VET are:

1) to provide a vocational or general cultural education, in keeping with the current level of science, technology and culture and requirements corresponding to the chosen area of vocational activity;

2) to create conditions for upgrading vocational qualification and requalification in order to enable a person to satisfy the changing needs of the labour market;

3) to foster a disposition towards improving vocational qualification and to guarantee a continuity of vocational training;

4) to develop personal characteristics, essential for the person’s future vocational activity and independent existence within a society based upon the principles of market and democracy.


Article 4. The VET System


1. The functions of the VET system of Lithuania, established by this Law, shall be performed by VET institutions, enterprises, state administrative institutions and social partners.

2. VET shall be implemented by state, municipal and non-state vocational training institutions and enterprises.

3. VET institutions of the following types are functioning in Lithuania:

1) vocational schools, performing theoretical and practical VET as well as general education;

2) vocational training centres and courses organising theoretical and practical training;

3) specialised VET institutions for persons with special needs (with disabilities, prisoners etc.). These persons may study also at the institutions referred to in items 1 and 2 of this paragraph.


Article 5. The Register of Studies and Training Programmes


1. The initial VET and labour market vocational training recognised by the State, will be undertaken on the basis of the Register of Studies and Training Programmes. This Register is planned and managed according to the procedure established by the Government.

2. The Register of Studies and Training Programmes shall be kept at the Ministry of Education and Science.






Article 6. General Provisions of Management


1. The management of VET shall be implemented on a state, county and local authority level.

2. The management of VET on a state level shall be implemented:

1) in reference to initial VET, by the Ministry of Education and Science;

2) in reference to labour market vocational training, by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour;

3) other ministries, departments, county governors and local municipalities, having co-ordinated with one of the ministries listed in items 1 and 2 of this paragraph;

4) the Vocational Education and Training Council of Lithuania as a consultative institution.

3. The ministries and departments may transfer corresponding VET management functions, according to the procedure established by laws to county and local government institutions or (and) create their own units for the performance of the previously mentioned functions.


Article 7. The Vocational Education and Training Council of Lithuania


1. The Vocational Education and Training Council of Lithuania (further - Council) is the consultative body in deciding strategic questions in VET.

2. The Council shall be comprised equally, of members of state administrative institutions, and of organisations representing the interests of employers and employees.

3. The Government shall approve the Statute of the Council and its structure.


Article 8. The Competence of the Ministry of Education and Science in the
                            VET Area


The Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) found, reorganise and liquidate VET institutions subordinate to it, according to the procedure established by the Government;

2) approve the foundation and reorganisation of non-subordinated to it state, municipal and non-state VET institutions, submit proposals to founders regarding liquidation of non-state VET institutions, when their activity proves to be contrary to laws;

3) issue licenses for VET according to the procedure established by the Government;

4) establish the extent of cultural subjects within the education and training programmes;

5) establish the general qualification requirements of vocational teachers at VET institutions and organise certification thereof;

6) organise in-service training and requalification of instructors of vocational training institutions subordinate to it;

7) establish the general requirements of the statutes of VET institutions;

8) organise preparation of national curriculum and the teaching and publication thereof;

9) administer the Register of Studies and Training Programmes;

10) ensure vocational guidance at general education and vocational schools;

11) establish together with the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the procedure of supervision of VET institutions.


Article 9. The Competence of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour
                            in the Vocational Training Area


The Ministry of Social Security and Labour shall:

1) establish, reorganise and liquidate state vocational training institutions subordinated to it, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government;

2) co-ordinate the foundation and reorganisation of non-subordinated to it, state and non-state vocational training institutions within the area of labour market vocational training;

3) perform expert examination and submit conclusions regarding the issuance of licences for labour market vocational training;

4) supervise the activity of licensed labour market vocational training institutions;

5) establish the procedure of labour market vocational training;

6) organise extra-curricular vocational guidance of labour market and youth;

7) perform expert examination and submit conclusions to the Ministry of Education and Science concerning the inclusion of labour market vocational training programmes into the Register of Studies and Training Programmes;

8) establish additional qualification requirements for labour market vocational training teachers; 

9) organise in-service training and retraining of teachers of vocational training institutions subordinate to it.


Article 10.   The Competence of Ministries, Departments, County Governors
                               and Municipalities in the Vocational Training Area


1. Other ministries, departments, county governors and municipalities:

1) may found, reorganise and liquidate the institutions of VET subordinate to them, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government;

2) organise preparation of training programmes and instruction materials, as well as publication for vocational training institutions subordinate to them;

3) organise in-service training and requalification of teachers in vocational training institutions;

4) conduct an expert examination and provide conclusions concerning the issuance of licenses for vocational training in their activity spheres according to the applications of the Ministries of Education and Science or Social Security and Labour;

5) submit proposals to the Education and Science and Social Security and Labour Ministries in reference to the Register of Studies and Training Programmes.

2. The county governor’s administration shall:

1) carry out state supervision of VET institutions according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science;

2) submit proposals to founders regarding the scope of enrolment at vocational training at county state institutions and enterprises.


Article 11. Competence of Social Partners in the VET Area


1. The Trade, Industry and Crafts and also Agriculture Chamber (further - Chamber), representing employers' interests confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists and Lithuanian Businessmen’s Association shall:

1) submit proposals to the Council in establishing the national curriculum programmes (modules) and requirements of qualification examinations;

2) participate in organising qualification examinations.

2. The Chamber shall:

1) register the contracts of the VET institution, enterprise and the student’s practical training;

2) perform general supervision in the formation of practical vocational training contracts and implementation thereof.

3. Trade Unions representing employees’ interests shall:

1) submit proposals to the Council establishing national curriculum (modules’) and qualification examination requirements;

2) participate in organising of qualification examinations.







Article 12. The Requirements of a VET Institution


A VET institution must meet the requirements of the training content and the personal qualification and training base. Having co-ordinated them with a competent institution, it shall be established as follows:

1) for initial vocational training, by the Ministry of Education and Science;

2) for labour market vocational training, by Ministry of Social Security and Labour.


Article 13. The Founding, Reorganisation and Liquidation of VET Institutions


1. The Ministry of Education and Science shall found, reorganise and liquidate state VET institutions.

2. Other ministries or Government institutions and county governors, may found, reorganise state VET institutions, having discussed this in the county council and upon obtaining written approval from the Ministry of Education and Science.

3. Municipalities may found, reorganise and liquidate municipal VET institutions, upon obtaining written approvals from The Ministry of Education and Science and the county governor. Joint VET institutions of ministries and State institutions and municipalities may be founded.

4. Legal and natural persons of the Republic of Lithuania and other states shall found, reorganise and liquidate non-state VET institutions according to the procedure established by the Government.

5. The Government shall establish the procedure to be deliberated by the Council, of founding, reorganising and liquidating VET institutions.

6. If the activity of a VET institution shall be in violation of the laws or requirements of VET institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, its activity may be terminated according to the procedure established by the Law on Education.


Article 14. VET License


1. VET institutions and enterprises, and also other educational institutions and enterprises, implementing basic vocational or labour market training, must have a vocational training license issued by the Ministry of Education and Science.

2. The procedure of issuance of council - deliberated licenses shall be established by the Government upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science.

3. The Ministry of Education and Science shall register VET licenses.


Article 15. Registration of VET Institutions


VET institutions and also, other educational institutions engaged in vocational training, shall be registered by the Ministry of Education and Science, in the State Register of Education, Science, and Studies institutions, according to the procedure established by the Government. An excerpt concerning the institutions engaged in vocational training, included in it, shall be submitted to the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.


Article 16. License for Practical Training


Enterprises engaged solely in the practical training of the students of VET training institutions, must have a license for vocational training, issued by the Chamber or another competent institution.






Chapter I



Article 17.   The Rights and Obligations of Institutions Engaged in Theoretical
                               and Practical Education


1. A VET institution shall have the right to:

1) implement according to the procedure established by this Law, both initial and labour market vocational training;

2) after co-ordinating with the founder, the Ministries of Education and Science and (or) of Social Security and Labour, alter vocational programmes or create programmes for new vocations and propose that such be in the Register of Studies and Training Programmes;

3) obtain the funding stipulated by laws.

2. VET institutions shall have a right to engage in commercial and economic activity according to the procedure established by the Government. The income derived for this activity shall be used for education and training purposes.

3. A VET institution must:

1) ensure sound vocational education and training;

2) implement contract conditions of training;

3) provide safe work conditions within the process of training.


Article 18.   The Rights and Obligations of Enterprises Engaged in the
                               Implementation of Practical Training Exclusively


1. An institution engaged in implementing practical training exclusively, shall have the right to:

1) obtain funding and tax privileges stipulated by this and other laws;

2) obtain the necessary information from a vocational training institution, enterprise.

2. An enterprise engaged in implementing practical training exclusively, must:

1) form a contract of practical training with a vocational training institution, enterprise and student;

2) compensate for the student’s work in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the contract;

3) ensure safe labour conditions;

4) provide the student with some time, within the training plan, for designated theoretical and general education.


Article 19. The Contract of Training


1. Contracts of theoretical and practical training between a VET institution, enterprise and student shall be formed to cover the entire period of training. The conditions of training, labour, and the compensation thereof, shall be stipulated in it. Contracts shall be drawn up prior to the commencement of vocational training.

2. The content, form and registration procedure of these contracts shall be established as follows:

1) for initial VET, by the Ministry of Education and Science;

2) for labour market vocational training, by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.

3. Training contracts with minor students shall be formed and annulled with the concurrence of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians, according to the procedure established by the Civil Code.

4. Should a contract be formed with a non-state VET institution or enterprise, the amount payable for training shall be indicated, which may be altered only upon agreement by the sides.

5. The contract shall stipulate conditions when losses experienced as a result of one of the sides having broken the contract, shall be compensated.


Article 20. The Content of VET.


1. The VET shall be comprised of practical and theoretical instruction.

2. The content of education and training must correspond with the requirements of VET programmes, included within the Register of Studies and Training Programmes.

3. The content of VET shall be formulated in training plans and subject programmes (modules), which shall be approved by the founder, upon co-ordination with the Ministry of Education and Science for the initial VET, and with the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, for labour market vocational training.


Article 21. General Provisions of Qualification Examinations


1. Upon co-ordination with the Council, a competent institution shall establish the organising procedure and supervision of qualification examinations.

2. The following types of examinations shall be offered for qualifications recognised by the State:

1) qualification examinations;

2) qualified worker’s examinations.

3. An examination shall be comprised of theoretical and practical examinations.

4. Examinations shall be organised by examining commissions that have been formed according to established procedure.


Article 22. Examining Commissions


1. One commission for qualification examination shall be formed for the theoretical and practical examination. This commission shall assign problems to those being examined and shall assess their performance.

2. The commission shall equally represent employers, trade unions and vocational teachers.


Article 23. Certificates


1. State recognised qualification certificates include: a certificate of qualification and a diploma of qualified worker.

2. The content, form and procedure of issuance of certificates shall be established by the following, taking into consideration the proposals of the Council:

1) for initial VET, by the Ministry of Education and Science;

2) for labour market vocational training, by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.

3. Certificates shall be registered at the Ministry of Education and Science.






Article 24. The Purpose and Tasks of Initial VET


1. The purpose of initial VET is preparation of qualified workers.

2. The most important tasks:

1) to provide theoretical knowledge, practical skills and general education, necessary for the vocational activity of a qualified worker;

2) create conditions to continue vocational and general education;

3) urge students to strive for a higher level of education.


Article 25. Admittance to Initial VET Institutions


1. Persons no younger than 14 years of age shall be admitted to initial VET institutions who:

1) have no vocation;

2) desire to acquire another vocation as a qualified worker.

2. The founder shall establish the conditions and procedure of student admission.


Article 26. Student Rights and Responsibilities at the Initial VET Institutions.


1. The student shall have a right to:

1) transfer from one stage of initial VET to another, provided his general education and vocational readiness meet the stipulated requirements;

2) receive compensation for work at an enterprise in the course of practical training;

3) receive a stipend, according to established procedure, with the acquisition of a vocation, for the first time;

4) receive at least an 8-week holiday over the course of the school year;

5) cancel the training contract according to established procedure.

2. The student must:

1) observe the regulations of internal work procedure of the VET institution, enterprise;

2) adhere to the requirements of the training contract.

3. Other rights and responsibilities of students are stipulated in the Law on Education and other legal acts.


Article 27. Content of Initial VET


Initial VET shall include:

1) theoretical vocational education;

2) practical vocational training, implemented at a VET institution and (or) enterprise;

3) general education.


Article 28. The Stages of Initial VET


1. The VET system shall include the following stages:

1) stage I - for acquisition of a vocational qualification. Only persons not having a basic education shall be admitted. A separate programme shall be created for students, who wish to acquire a basic education;

2) stage II - for the acquisition of qualification of the vocation of a qualified worker, assuring an opportunity to extend the studies within corresponding schools of further education. Persons having a basic education shall be admitted;

3) stage III - for the acquisition of a qualified worker vocation and secondary general education. Persons having a basic education shall be admitted;

4) stage IV - for the acquisition of a qualified worker vocation. Persons having a general secondary education shall be admitted.

2. During the process of education continuity between Stages I, II, and III shall be ensured in vocational training and general education.

3. The overall duration of programmes of any training stage should not last less than one year.


Article 29. The Qualification of Vocational Teachers of Initial VET Institutions


The Ministry of Education and Science shall stipulate the qualification requirements for teachers of initial VET institutions.

Article 30. Intermediary Examinations in Initial VET


The intermediary examinations, provided for in training plans, shall be held at initial VET institutions. The students who have passed all of their intermediate examinations, shall acquire the right to take qualification examinations.


Article 31. Qualification Examinations in Initial VET


Within the vocational training system shall be given the following:

1) qualification examinations;

2) qualified worker examinations.


Article 32.   Certificates of Initial VET Qualification and the Diploma
                               of Qualified Worker


1. A certificate of qualification shall be issued to students upon completion of the VET programme of Stage I.

2. A qualified worker diploma shall be issued to students upon completion of the VET programmes of Stages II, III and IV.






Article 33. Labour Market Vocational Training Goal and Tasks


1. Labour market vocational training must guarantee the conformity of the qualifications of labour market demand and labour force supply.

2. Labour market vocational training is designed for acquisition of state-approved qualifications or preparation of a person for performance of work or job-related functions.

3. The tasks of labour market vocational training are enhancement of vocational skills and knowledge, which allow the workers, who are facing unemployment and those who are unemployed to :

1) enhance qualification;

2) acquire qualification.

4. The Ministry of Social Security and Labour shall organise labour market vocational training.


Article 34. Admission at Labour Market Vocational Training Institutions


1. Labour market vocational training institutions shall admit persons:

1) who are employed at enterprises, who in the face of unemployment:

a) must enhance their qualification;

b) must change or acquire a new vocation;

2) the unemployed or persons in search for employment, who:

a) must enhance their qualification;

b) must change or acquire a new vocation;

3) who are starting their own business.

2. Persons over 18 years of age shall study at labour market vocational training institutions, while those younger shall be included only if they have already acquired initial vocational education. Exceptions shall be granted according to the procedure established by the Ministries of Education and Science and Social Security and Labour.

Article 35.   Student Rights and Responsibilities at Labour Market Vocational
                               Training Institutions


The rights and responsibilities of those studying at labour market vocational training institutions shall be established in the contract of training between the student and vocational training institution.


Article 36. The Content of Labour Market Vocational Training


1. Labour market vocational training shall be conducted according to training programmes, which are comprised of one or more independent modules. The training programmes (modules) shall be created taking into account the student’s general and vocational education, acquired work experience and requirements of the corresponding occupational activity.

2. The duration of training should not exceed one year in length.

3. The training programmes shall be updated at least every 5 years.


Article 37.   The Qualification of Vocational Teachers, Working in Labour Market
                               Vocational Training Institutions


1. The Ministry of Education and Science shall establish the general qualification requirements for vocational teachers.

2. Additional qualification requirements for vocational teachers, working in labour market vocational training institutions, shall be established by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.


Article 38. Qualification Examinations in Labour Market Vocational Training


Qualification examinations will be taken following the conclusion of training according to the programme which is included in the Register of Studies and Training Programmes.


Article 39.   Certificate to Perform Certain Work or Certain Function
                               and the Certificate of Qualification


The completion of study according to the programme included in the labour market vocational training Register of Studies and Training Programmes, shall result in the issuance of:

1) a certificate attesting to the preparedness to perform a job or duties in keeping with the acquired vocational education;

2) certificate of qualification.






Article 40. Sources of Funding


1. Initial vocational education and training shall be funded from:

1) the state budget;

2) municipal budgets;

3) Vocational Training Fund;

4) other sources.

2. Labour market vocational training shall be funded from:

1) The Employment Fund;

2) The Vocational Training Fund;

3) other sources.

3. Initial vocational education and training and labour market vocational training shall be funded in accordance with the procedure established by the Government based upon approved estimates of revenues and expenditures.


Article 41. The Vocational Training Fund


1. The Vocational Training Fund shall be an inter-departmental funding institution of vocational training the funds whereof shall be utilised for practical vocational training, enhancement of workers’ qualification and funding of practical vocational training development.

2. This fund shall function according to Government-approved regulations.


I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.



Algirdas Brazauskas

President of the Republic