Official translation









of 6 June 2002







(as amended by Resolution No 902 of 16 July 2004)



The Government of the Republic of Lithuania h a s  r e s o l v e d:

To approve the Strategic Planning Methodology (as appended).









Prime Minister                                             Algirdas Brazauskas 


Minister of Finance                                     Dalia Grybauskaitė 








Resolution No. 827 

of the Government

of the Republic of Lithuania  

of 6 June 2002,  










1. This Methodology shall establish the system of strategic planning, the principles of strategic planning and budget formation based on programmes, as well as the procedure for the drafting of the strategic action plan of the institution and drafting of the strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy.


2. For the purpose of this Methodology the following terms shall be used:


Long-term Development Strategy of the State shall mean a long-term strategic planning document, which sets forth the geopolitical analysis of the situation in the state, long-term priorities and the agreed vision of the long-term development within all sectors.


Long-term Economic Development Strategy shall mean a strategic planning document, which summarises strategies of all branches (sectors) of the economy and foresees the priority trends of the economic development.


General Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania shall mean a planning document, which reflects the territorial projection of the long-term development in all sectors.


National Development Plan (Single Programming Document) (NDP/SPD) shall mean a medium-term strategic planning document, which presents the analysis of respective sectors, the strategy of economic and social development of the State, the priority trends of sector strategy related to European Union (hereinafter – the EU) aid, objectives and measures, as well as the preliminary financial plan of the EU aid and respective national resources.


Public administration institution (hereinafter – the institution) shall mean an entity of public administration fulfilling State or municipal functions prescribed by legal acts.


Strategic planning shall mean a formalised system that ensures the implementation of the entire strategic management process in the course of which directions and methods of activities are established providing for the most efficient use of financial, material and human resources available and expected in the future with a view to completing the mission and reaching the goals set forth; it also covers monitoring and reporting of results.


Branch (sector) of the economy shall mean a field (fields) of administration that falls under the responsibility of a certain minister or head of the institution designated by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter– the Government).


Strategic action plan shall mean a planning document of activities of the institution that, taking the environment analysis into consideration, formulates the mission and strategic goals of the institution, as well as describes the programmes being carried out by the institution and identifies funds for the implementation of such programmes.


Summary strategic action plan shall mean a document that gives a brief description of the mission of a ministry (and bodies subordinated thereto), governmental body or administration of the county governor, their goals, programmes in progress, programme goals and results to be achieved.


Priority strategic goals of the Government (hereinafter – the priorities of the Government) shall mean the major activity trends or main objectives set forth by the Government for an appropriate period of time.


Mission of the institution shall mean a purpose and obligations of the institution formulated by the head of the institution that reflect the existing and foreseen public needs within its scope; the mission shall be used in further stages of drafting of the strategic action plan of the institution.


Strategic goals shall mean results to be achieved in terms of certain needs, conditions and opportunities.


Environment analysis (PEST analysis) shall mean the assessment of political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) factors of a branch (sector) of the economy or institution.


Resource analysis shall mean the analysis of the content, structure, and role of the available human, financial, and material resources of a branch (sector) the economy or the institution. 


SWOT analysis shall mean the analysis summarising and incorporating the results of environment and resource analysis that classifies the determinant factors of the strategy into four groups: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).


Programme shall mean part of the plan of activities aimed at the implementation of institution’s mission and strategic goals, which sets forth goals, objectives, their performance measures, measures (projects), planned funds and expected impact of the implementation of this programme on the public.


Inter-institutional programme shall mean the aggregate of measures (projects) being carried out by several institutions to achieve the identified goals.


Objective shall mean the result of the implementation of a certain goal achievable and assessable over an identified period.


Measure (hereinafter – the measure) shall mean the way (solution) to implement an objective by employing human, financial, and material resources.


Performance measure shall mean an indicator providing information about the implementation of the strategic action plan or the strategy of a branch (sector) of the economy.


Result of objective accomplishment shall mean material or intellectual product and/or services produced reasonably using the resources allocated for the implementation the objective.


Result of programme implementation shall mean the benefit (or damage) which, upon the implementation of the programme, is directly experienced by the programme beneficiaries.


Result of achievement of the strategic goal of the institution or the strategic goal of a branch (sector) of the economy  (hereinafter – the activity result) shall mean the benefit (or damage), which, upon the implementation of a respective goal, is experienced not only by direct beneficiaries but also by other groups.






3. The strategic planning system shall be comprised of the following:


3.1. inter-related main strategic planning documents listed in Annex 1 Principal Model of the Strategic Planning System to this Methodology ;


3.2. institutions responsible for preparation of the documents listed in Annex 1 to this Methodology:


3.2.1. the Government;


3.2.2. ministries, governmental bodies, county governors’ administrations;


3.2.3. other institutions;


3.3. procedures and terms for the drafting of strategic planning documents.


4. The Long-term Development Strategy of the State reflecting the long-term development vision of the State shall be drafted for the periods established by the Government. It shall be the main planning document that incorporates the agreed and summarised strategies of development of branches (sectors) of the economy and other development strategies.


5. The Long-term Economic Development Strategy shall reflect strategies of development of individual branches (sectors) of the economy, as well as inter-sectoral and regional development strategies. The Long-term Economic Development Strategy shall incorporate the analysis of the economic situation (environment and resources) of individual branches (sectors), analysis of development gaps between Lithuania and the EU, SWOT analysis of the whole national economy; it also shall define strategic goals, priority trends, objectives and measures for an appropriate period. The General Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania shall reflect the use and management of the national territory in the long run. 


6. The National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document) shall give the analysis of environment and resources, the national strategy for economic and social development, priority trends of sectoral strategies related to the EU support, objectives and measures, as well as the preliminary financial plan of the EU support and respective national resources for an appropriate period. The National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document) shall reflect the programmes (measures) of individual national budget appropriation managers of the Republic of Lithuania and the economic infrastructure investment projects foreseen in the State Investment Programme, which will be co-financed by EU structural support funds.


7. Strategic plans of institutions shall set forth the mission, strategic goals and programmes of the institution that define the results to be achieved and contain the estimates of financial and other resources. The strategic action plans of the institutions should reflect the priorities of the Government, and the provisions of the following documents: the strategy of development of a respective branch (sector) of the economy, the National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document), the Long-term Economic Development Strategy, and State Long-term Development Strategy. The process of drafting strategic action plans of the institutions shall be related to budget formation and an annual cycle of strategic planning.


8. When drafting the Long-term Economic Development Strategy, the National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document) and strategic plans of the institutions, macroeconomic forecast of a respective period and fiscal indicators shall be referred to. 


9. The annual budget planning process shall start with defining the priorities of the Government. At the beginning of every year, if appropriate, the Government shall review its priorities and revise them. The priorities of the Government shall be identified following the programme of the Government, the Long-term Development Strategy of the State, the Long-term Economic Development Strategy, long-term national programmes and the National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document). The priorities of the Government may be formulated as activity trends, goals and objectives. The institutions shall follow them when drafting or revising their programmes. In general, not more than 5 priorities or goals of the Government shall be identified. 


10. A macroeconomic forecast of the gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, employment, and other indicators of a certain period shall be made on annual basis. These documents shall serve as the basis for the development of the national fiscal plan.


11. A fiscal plan shall include economic and fiscal prospects of the Government activities, expected revenues and expenditure, deficit target, the dynamics and ceilings of the public debt of an appropriate period. To achieve the defined goals, the outline of the fiscal policy shall be proposed, including the targeted level of revenues and expenditure as well as the balance of the national budget. Pursuant to the fiscal plan, ceilings of appropriations shall be set for every institution. On their basis, strategic action plans of institutions shall be drawn-up.


12. In the process of the analysis of information on additional appropriations for the implementation of the Government priorities, the Strategic Planning Committee of the Government may recommend the institutions to shift the priorities of the programmes in progress, cut expenditure, and encourage using them more efficiently. The institutions must adequately revise their strategic action plans. The Ministry of Finance shall evaluate the indicators planned by the institutions, which shall include the following:


12.1. changes in the base budget of the institutions (a base budget is a pool of current or previous year resources needed for institution programmes and measures recalculated to fit the conditions of the planned year and compatible with the implementation of the continuous non-extended institution programmes, functions and tasks and  in line with fiscal development forecast);


12.2. extra funds to be used for the implementation of the strategic goals (priorities) of the Government;


12.3. funds as savings made by the institutions. 


13. The institutional planning indicators shall be summarised and the conclusions shall be applied when drafting the State budget of the Republic of Lithuania and the State Investment Programme.




14.  To identify the goals for an appropriate period and to foresee ways to achieve them, the institutions shall draft the strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy.


15. The following structure of the strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy shall be recommended:


15.1. analysis of the situation of a branch (sector) of the economy;


15.2. strategic goals and priority trends; 


15.3. objectives and measures of an appropriate period. 


16. The analysis of a branch (sector) of the economy shall include the analysis of the present situation of the branch (sector) of the economy, identify and explain the reasons behind the development problems, sketch out future development trends and possible investment solutions. An analysis shall aim at a full assessment of political, economic, social and technological (PEST analysis) factors relevant for the development of a branch (sector) of the economy. The analysis shall be based only on reliable data. Moreover, institutions are requested to present descriptions of major social and economic problems, development gaps as compared to the average in the EU and other branches (sectors) of the economy. It is also recommended to provide descriptions of the state aid provided for the development of branches (sectors) of the economy and the assessment of problems and gaps, as compared by regions. Depending on each specific character of a branch (sector) of the economy in question, 2-7 pages are recommended for the analysis report.


17. After the gaps in the development of branches (sectors) of the economy between the Republic of Lithuania and the EU Member States are analysed, the extent of the gap in the development of major branches (sectors) of the economy shall be identified. In order to assess major gaps, in terms of quantities, which are most characteristic for a specific branch (sector) of the economy, clear and quantitative key indicators shall be presented that will serve as a basis for further assessment of changes within a branch (sector) of the economy. A choice of 2 or 5 indicators is recommended depending on a specific branch (sector) of the economy.


The assessment of a gap extent (small, moderate, big) shall be presented according to Table 1 of Annex 2 Drafting of Strategy for Development of a Branch (Sector) of the Economy to this Methodology.


18. Further, all major national (being implemented by the Government, counties, municipalities) and international (being implemented by the EU or international financial institutions) programmes implemented or those in progress shall be analysed. These programmes shall be evaluated taking account of the results of objective accomplishment, results of programme implementation, and the activity results.


19. Summarised information on the programmes (title, information on documents and legal acts that served as the basis for programme implementation, as well as objectives, financing/budget, and implementation period) and their evaluation shall be given in the form of Table 2 of Annex 2 to this Methodology.


20. Strategies of development of branches (sectors) of the economy shall be drafted with the help of SWOT analysis. Strategies of branches (sectors) of the economy shall be developed on the basis of the analysis of internal (strengths and weaknesses) factors and external (opportunities and threats) factors of environment describing the reasons predetermining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 


SWOT analysis of a sector shall be presented in the form of Table 3 of Annex 2 to this Methodology.


21. The following strategic links shall be examined on the basis of SWOT analysis:


21.1. how strengths should be used to take the advantage of the opportunities available;


21.2. how opportunities should help to neutralise weaknesses;


21.3. how strengths will be used to reduce threats; 


21.4. what weaknesses need to be removed to reduce threats. 


22. The strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy shall be based on the environment analysis and the SWOT analysis of a branch (sector) of the economy after the results of the programmes implemented are assessed. The strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy shall cover the goals of the strategy and prioritised trends to achieve the goals. It is recommended to discuss a number of possible options and to assess their effectiveness and efficiency before the strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy is chosen.


23. The strategy of development of a branch (sector) of the economy shall specify how strategy goals will be pursued. Therefore, the objectives shall be defined and the measures for the implementation of the objectives shall be chosen. A number of objectives have to be set in the order of priorities for the implementation of a goal. To carry out monitoring of the objective accomplishment, performance measures have to be established to measure the progress over a certain period of time in the course of objective accomplishment.


The summary strategy of development of the IT sector shall be presented in the form of Table 4 of Annex 2 to this Methodology. 




24. When drafting the strategic action plan, the institution shall define goals, trends and methods of its activities. The plan should be aligned with the priorities approved by the Government, provisions of the strategy of a respective branch (sector) of the economy, the National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document), the Long-term Economic Development Strategy, and the Long-term Development Strategy of the State. The institution should foresee the optimal use of the financial, tangible and human resources available at the moment and expected in the future for the implementation of the mission and for goal achievement.


25. The strategic planning combining present and future goals allows the institution: 


25.1. to analyse and assess the institution as an integrated part of the State system and as an independent system that coordinates the activities of the structural divisions subordinated thereto;


25.2. to be aware of institution goals, to adhere to the policy course in planning its activities, to compete for a more rational distribution and redistribution of financial, tangible and human resources;


25.3. to better coordinate the activities of institution divisions and adjust the activities according to the changes introduced; 


25.4. to better control the implementation of the strategic goals of the institution  and to promote employees.


26. Preparation and implementation of the strategic plan of the institution consists of the following stages:


26.1. environment analysis, resource analysis, and SWOT analysis;


26.2. formulating the mission; 


26.3. defining strategic goals; 


26.4. developing institution programmes; 


26.5. implementing institution programmes; 


26.6. monitoring and reporting of results. 


27. An environment analysis of the institution (PEST analysis) shall identify external factors and determine their impact on institution activities. It shall also forecast opportunities and threats. External factors have to be formulated precisely and definitely to the maximum extent possible and, when appropriate, expressed in quantitative terms. It is recommended to define the following groups of external factors:


27.1. Political factors. They have an impact on a regulatory framework of the institution. The factors that help or impede the institution to implement priorities of the Government or to carry out the Programme of the Government or that may force the institution to revise and adjust the strategic plans shall be identified.


27.2. Economic factors. They reflect the development of the national economy (of a respective field or sector);


27.3. Social factors. They reflect changes in a demographic situation and values, lifestyle, etc. that are characteristic of a certain stage of the development of society; they also include ecological and cultural factors; 


27.4. Technological factors. They are important in assessing an impact on the area under the regulation of the institution in terms of new technologies, information flows, organisation of management and inter-institutional relations.


28. Making the environment analysis, ministries, governmental bodies and administrations of county governors have to make a survey of activities of the bodies under their subordination and to summarize those activities, also to motivate the necessity of the activities they undertake.


29.  Examination and assessment of the external factors shall be followed by the assessment of resources (internal factors). The following areas shall be analysed:


29.1. legal basis;


29.2. organisational structure;


29.3. human resources (number of staff, qualifications);


29.4. planning system;


29.5. financial resources;


29.6. adequacy of accounting;


29.7. communications system (information and communication systems);


29.8. internal control system (including internal audit system).


30. The results of the analysis of resources are used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. Their analysis shows real possibilities of the institution to overcome obstacles created by external factors. The analysis of resources enables the institution to forecast options for the accomplishment of goals and objectives set.  


31. In the course of the environment and resource analysis, the results of the previous period shall be assessed and factors that have predetermined a successful operation of the institution shall be highlighted together with other factors that have influence on the results of the activities of the institution. After the environment and resource analysis is completed, the SWOT analysis shall be carried out and the strategic links outlined in paragraph 21 of the present Methodology shall be examined.


32. The environment and resource analysis shall be necessary for further stages of planning:


32.1. defining and, if appropriate, revising the mission of the institution; when the mission is being defined for the first time, the environment and resource analysis reflects to what extent the implementation of the mission is realistic. If circumstances change, the formulation of the mission shall to be revised;


32.2. defining (revising) strategic goals of the institution; when the environment and resource analysis is being carried out for the first time, it helps highlight major trends of activities of the institution, establish goals and plan results. In a later stage the environment analysis is used to assess the circumstances that predetermined the characteristic features of the goals. If circumstances change, goals of institutions shall be revised;


32.3. developing and revising institution programmes or measures; the environment analysis helps ascertain which measures or programmes of the institution were most effective. Based on the conclusions of the analysis it may be advisable to change or stop inefficient programmes or measures undertaken by the institution;


32.4. planning results of the institution  programme for the following year; the environment  analysis helps ascertain those factors which may have impact on the achievement of results outlined in a programme. This helps adjusting the results that were planned by the institution and helps choosing adequate measures to obtain the results planned.


33. The mission of the institution shall define the institution’s tasks and obligations, the major goal of the institution, its sphere of competence and trends of activities, public needs, as well as show why the institution was established, define its functions, and reveal what makes the institution different from other institutions of public administration. When defining the mission of the institution, present and future activities and goals of the institution shall be taken into consideration. The mission of the institution shall be the most invariable obligation of the institution as compared to its strategic goals and objectives. The mission of the institution shall be revised provided the circumstances that predetermined the content of the mission undergo changes.


34. To implement the mission of the institution, strategic goals shall be set forth. Principles of setting the strategic goals of the institution are the following:


34.1. relevance (goals have to encourage the institution to fulfil its mission);


34.2. realistic approach (goals have to be realistic with respect to external and internal factors);


34.3. motivation (goals have to stimulate the activities of the institution);


34.4. transparency (goals have to be defined simply and clearly);


34.5. commitment (goals have to predetermine obligations); 


34.6. harmonisation (goals of the institution and its divisions have to be closely interrelated).


35. Strategic goals of the institution have to be harmonised with the strategic goals of branches (sectors) of the economy, as well as with the Long-term Economic Development Strategy, the Government Programme, and the National Development Plan (the Single Programming Document). It is recommended that the institution sets up to 5 goals. After setting (revising) its strategic goals, the institution shall assess the adequacy of the institution programmes in progress and those to be implemented, and plan the results that are to be achieved as regards each programme within the planned period.


36. The programmes of the institution shall be categorised as institutional (vertical) and inter-institutional (horizontal). The funds to implement an institutional programme shall be allocated for a single appropriation manager. The goals of this programme shall be related to only one field of management.


37. An inter-institutional programme shall be developed in the same way as an institutional one. Several institutions shall take part in the process of development and implementation of an inter-institutional programme (hereinafter, referred to as the participating institutions); therefore, the funds shall be allocated for several appropriation managers. The development and implementation of an inter-institutional programme shall be coordinated by the institution authorised by the Government, with which other participating institutions shall coordinate their joint activities. In the process of co-ordination, general programme goals shall be agreed upon; besides, it is necessary to appoint those who will work on the accomplishment of certain objectives and implementation of measures. The institution, being a part in an inter-institutional programme, shall fill in the form given in Annex 3 Information on participation in an inter-institutional programme to this Methodology and attach it to the strategic action plan. The institution that coordinates an inter-institutional programme shall fill in the summary form given in Annex 4 Information on coordination of implementation of inter-institutional programme. An inter-institutional programme shall be approved by the Government. 


38. The institution programme shall be developed after the assessment of environment and resources is completed and the institution mission is formulated, and after the strategic goals are defined. The institution programme shall include: 


38.1. goals;


38.2. objectives;


38.3. measures;


38.4. performance measures of objectives;


38.5. funds.


39. The goal of the institution programme has to define a result expected over a certain period of time. Goals of the institution programme have to be related to the function and strategic goals of the institution. They have to comply with the conclusions of the environment and resource analysis; i.e. they have to be defined taking account of certain needs, circumstances and possibilities. Goals of an institution programme have to be arranged in the order of priorities.


40. With a view to implementing programme goals, the objectives are defined. Each goal of an institution programme has to cover at least one objective. In case of a number of objectives, they shall be arranged in the order of priorities. An objective has to make it possible to see what is planned to be carried out by the institution next year in order to achieve the goals of an institution programme and what results are expected. The following requirements shall be imposed on the objective of an institution programme:


40.1. it has to aim at one major result, which has to be achieved;


40.2. the result of an objective has to be measurable compared to indicators;


40.3. the result has to be achievable over a budget year with the resources available.


41. Measures have to be planned for the accomplishment of each objective. It is recommended to discuss and plan more than one measure and arrange them in the order of priorities. Each measure has to comply with the following criteria:


41.1. the measure has to be the most efficient and rational way of achieving the expected result;


41.2. the measure has to provide a possibility of achieving an expected result with the resources available or planned;


41.3. the measure has to be clear, legally grounded and practical.


42. To assess the accomplishment of the programme objectives, the performance measures of the objectives shall be set. They provide information on the results of the programmes implemented by the institution. The performance measures have to be announced and reported about internally and externally; they also have to be monitored and used in the decision-making, i.e. they have to help manage and control the process. The performance measures shall be used to assess the results of the implementation of institution programmes and in the course of internal audit. The performance measures have to:


42.1. be based on programme goals and objectives; 


42.2. be realistic, fair, clearly formulated, not complicated, and allow to draw comparisons;


42.3. be comparable in terms of time;


42.4. allow to assess costs, workload, results and benefits.


43. It is recommended to select several types of performance measures. The performance measures shall be grouped into the following types: 


43.1. quantitative (absolute and relative) ones that show how much has been achieved (the scope of goods or services);


43.2. qualitative ones that show the quality, exactness and completeness of the provided services, consumer satisfaction, and compliance with the standards of services;


43.3. measure of cost effectiveness that reveal the ratio of the achieved results to the resources used.


44. To organise and coordinate the preparation of the strategic action plan of the institution and to monitor the implementation of the plan, as well as to assess the results achieved over a budget year, to analyse problems and define priorities for the activities over a planned period it is recommended to set a strategic planning group of the institution (or is to delegate the above-mentioned functions to a structural unit of the institution).


45. The head of the institution shall set a strategic planning group of the institution and approve its composition. The strategic planning group of the institution shall report to the head.


46. It is recommended to including the heads of structural divisions, the chief financier, the head of the internal audit or the internal auditor (at observer status) of the institution into the strategic planning group. The recommended number of the members of the strategic planning group shall not exceed 10. Representatives of other institutions concerned may be invited to the meetings of the strategic planning group of the institution.


47. The time frame of the development of a strategic action plan of activities of the institution has to be in line with the time frame of drafting the Law on Financial Indicators of State Budget and Municipal Budgets for a respective year.


48. To timely present the strategic action plan to the head of the institution, the strategic planning group has to plan its work and meetings in advance. The time frame for the preparation of the strategic action plan of the institution shall depend on the activities of the institution, a number of people involved in planning, pace of work and time that could be devoted by the institution for this purpose.


49. The strategic planning group of the institution shall involve coordinators of institution programmes (or heads of respective structural divisions) into the planning process and the latter shall involve persons (or appropriate structural divisions) responsible for planning and implementing individual measures. The strategic planning group of the institution shall:


49.1. carry out the analysis of environment and resources of the institution;


49.2. formulate and, when appropriate, revise the mission of the institution;


49.3. set and revise strategic goals of the institution, plan results of the activity of the institution for the planned period and arrange them in the order of priorities;


49.4. identify the programmes to be carried out;


49.5. set results for the planned period on programme to programme basis;


49.6. delegate tasks for programme coordinators of the institution;


49.7. assess the compatibility of draft programmes provided by programme coordinators with the strategic goals of the institution;


49.8.  ensure inter-compatibility of all programmes of the institution;


49.9. approve draft programmes and present a draft strategic action plan of the institutions to the head of the institution.


50. A programme coordinator (or the head of a respective structural division) shall: 


50.1. carry out an analysis within the scope of the programme under his/her responsibility;


50.2. set programme goals and arrange them in the order of priority, identify objectives of the programme and plan results;


50.3. establish performance measures for the implementation of objectives;


50.4. delegate tasks to people involved in the planning (implementation) of measures;


50.5. assess the compatibility of projects submitted by people involved in the planning (implementation) of measures with the objectives;


50.6. ensure inter-compatibility of the objectives of the entire programme;


50.7. drafting measures for the implementation of objectives and developing projects for budget needed;


50.8. agree on a draft programme with the strategic planning group of the institution. 


51. Individuals (or heads of structural divisions) responsible for planning and implementation of individual measures shall:


51.1. present an analysis covering the objectives within the scope of the programme under his/her responsibility;


51.2. to outline measures for the implementation of objectives;


51.3. to plan appropriations necessary for the implementation of objectives and measures;


51.4. to coordinate draft measures for the implementation of objectives and appropriations needed with a programme coordinator.


A head of the institution may authorise programme coordinators to be responsible for planning and implementing individual measures.


52. The strategic planning group arranges the meetings to summarise the information received from programme coordinators and formulates suggestions concerning the analysis of environment and resources, the mission, strategic goals and programmes. After discussions with the administration of  the institution, the group has to decide which programmes shall be chosen as priorities and what will be the agenda of their implementation.


53. The strategic planning group may recommend programme coordinators to fill in appropriate tables of programme drafting.


54. In the process of the development (revision) of institution programmes, the strategic planning group in co-operation with the programme coordinators must estimate the need for resources according to certain cost analysis applicable in a given case.


55. The strategic planning group has to involve the institutions subordinated thereto into the planning process. Heads of the subordinate institutions have to provide information on their activities. Heads of the subordinate institutions have to actively participate throughout the entire strategic planning process (from the very analysis of environment to the very last stage of the assessment of programme results) and within its competence provide help to an appropriate institution.


56. The strategic action plans developed by the bodies subordinated to ministries  (independent appropriation managers), and their compatibility with the identified priorities and sector strategy, as well as activity reports shall be assessed by the ministry responsible for the field in question or the institution designated by the Government. 


57. The strategic planning group shall be responsible for a timely filling in of the form wherein the strategic plan of activities is outlined and for its timely presentation to the head of the institution. Forms of the strategic action plan of the institution and the procedure of their filling in are given in Annex 5 Strategic action plan to this Methodology.


58. Ministries, bodies subordinate to ministries, governmental institutions, administrations of county managers shall also draft a summary strategic action plan that should provide concise and essential information to the public concerning the mission, strategic goals, programmes in progress, goals and expected results of the programmes drafted by ministries, governmental institutions or administrations of county governors. A brief description of the planned reforms shall be given. The summary strategic action plans of ministries shall also include summary strategic action plan of subordinate bodies.


Forms of the strategic action plan of the institution and the procedure of their filling in are given in Annex 6 Summary strategic action plan to this Methodology.


59. After the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Seimas) approves the Law on Budget for the respective year and after the Government approves strategic action plans of ministries and governmental institutions, the Office of the Government within a given time frame put summary strategic action plans of ministries (or if decided so – of other institutions) on its website; while the ministries shall put full versions of their strategic action plans on their websites.




60. After the Seimas approves the Law on Budget of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government approves appropriations of the State budget pursuant to the approved programmes, the implementation of the programmes is launched. Concurrently, the monitoring process shall start.


61. Monitoring shall continue throughout the entire process and at all levels: 


61.1. heads of institutions shall monitor and assess whether institutions achieved the strategic goals and implemented the programmes and whether the employees carried out the tasks delegated to them and whether the programme measures are effective, and then they shall adequately revise the strategic action plans; 


61.2. the Ministry of Finance shall monitor and analyse whether the appropriation managers plan and used resources from the State budget in a proper way; 


61.3. the Government shall monitor and assess whether institutions work on achievement of their strategic goals and whether they stick to the fiscal plan; 


61.4. the Seimas shall have a possibility to monitor and assess how the Government sticks to the State budget and works on achievement of the set goals; 


61.5. the public shall have a possibility to monitor and assess whether the authorities elected by them meet their commitments and provide high quality services. 


62. Within the terms set by legal acts, the Government shall furnish the Seimas with reports on its activities of the previous year; thus it must monitor how institutions carry out strategic plans and the Government Programme. Within the terms and procedure set by the Government, ministers, heads of governmental institutions and county governors shall furnish the Government with annual reports of their activities. The internal audit units (auditors) shall assess the implementation of programmes of the institution according to the procedure established by the Government. Annual reports have to be made public. 


63. The institutions participating in an inter-institutional programme must report to the coordinating institution within the set terms and submit the reports in the form given in Annex  7 Information on the implementation of measures of the inter-institutional programme during the reporting period to this Methodology.


64. At the end of the year, along with its annual activity report, the institution that coordinates an inter-institutional programme shall also furnish the Government with the report on the implementation of the inter-institutional programme in the form given in Annex 8 Information of the coordinating institution on the implementation of the inter-institutional programme based on the information received during the reporting period.







to the Strategic Planning Methodology

,Long-term goals (vision)
(exceeding 7 years)
,Medium-term goals
(3 to 7 years)
,Short-term goals
(1 to 3 years)
,Inter-sectoral documents of strategic planning 
National Development Plan 
Regional development plans
National Programme for the Adoption of Acquis (NAPP)
Medium-term economic programme to be submitted to the European Commission
Lithuanian National NATO Integration Programme, etc.
,Strategy of a sector,Strategy of a sector,Geo-political situation
Long-term priorities
Long term sectoral visions 
,Long-term Development Strategy of the State,Long-term documents of strategic planning
Long-term economic development strategy 
General Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania, etc.





Annex 2

to the Strategic Planning Methodology




Drafting of the Strategy for Development of a branch (sector) of the economy



Table 1. Assessment of gaps of information technology (IT) sector




Indicator being analysed (according to priority)


Measure of indicator




Value of indicator (Lithuania)


Value of indicator (EU average)


Extent of the gap


Permanent Internet users


share of the total population of the country, in %










Household computerisation


share of all households, in %










On-line buyers


share of internet users who buy on-line, in %










Mobile connection users


share of the total population of the country, in %










School computerisation


number of computers per 100 pupils, in units










Students of IT and related education


share of all students of the country, in %









Internet hosts per 1000 population


Internet hosts, in units















(Annex 2)


Table 2. Information on the implemented programmes and assessment of those programmes












Title of the implemented programme


Title, date and number of document under which programme is being implemented, beginning and end (year) of programme implementation


Main objectives of programme


Results of objective accomplishment


Results of programme implementation


Activity results


Programme budget, in LTL thou




including Lithuania’s share


































































including financed by the EU







































(Annex 2)

Table 3. SWOT analysis of information technology (IT) sector





1.   Well developed infrastructure of information technologies and telecommunications (ITC) in towns


2.   The number of IT specialists being educated is fairly big; cheap IT workforce


3.   Rapid expansion of ITC sector


4.   Internet users are willing to get e-Government services


5.   Lithuania, being a small country, is able to get adapted to the dynamic environment and changing conditions of international activity in a flexible and rapid way


II. Weaknesses


1.   Low general level of IT use


2.   Insufficient ITC infrastructure in rural areas


3.   High prices of Internet connection


4.   Lack of proper ITC base at training institutions


5.   Few public services are being provided on-line


III. Opportunities:


1.   To rapidly develop ITC sector


2.   To heighten the need for e-business


3.   To install and use e-payment systems


4.   To expand e-Government services


5.   To export IT services


6.   To attract domestic and foreign investment into ITC service




1.   Labour migration of skilled IT specialists to other countries


2.   Increasing social differentiation of population due to uneven competition in the field of ITC


3.   Weak competitiveness of Lithuania’s economy in European and global markets


4.   Menace to preservation of the Lithuanian language and cultural heritage.





(Annex 2)

Table 4. Summary of the Strategy for Information technology (IT) sector development


Goal of development of a branch (sector) of the economy


To create conditions for the formation of open and educated society that keeps learning and grounds its activities on knowledge; members of such society have access to and are capable of efficiently using modern ITC.

Priority trends (in the order of priorities)

Competence of population of Lithuania in the field of ITC;
e-business; Lithuanian culture and language.

Objectives of development of a branch (sector) of the economy (in the order of priorities)


Performance measures

To create conditions for pupils and students to acquire necessary knowledge in the field of IT and to grant pupils, students, employees of science, education and culture access to the up-to-date IT, computerised data banks, etc.

Percentage of pupils taking ITC literacy tests;

Percentage of education institutions with wide bandwidth Internet connection.

The number of Lithuanian or adapted foreign training programmes.

To provide the public with open access to Internet, to create conditions for library readers to use computerised library services, information sources, etc.

Public access to Internet in rural areas (in pcs.);

Percentage of libraries that have their websites

To develop e-government services

Percentage of public services provided on-line

To encourage the private sector to develop e-business, introduce innovations, and use up-to-date technologies in its activities.

The number of the instilled models of cooperation between research institutions and businesses (business incubators, technology parks, technology nucleus, innovation centres)





Drafting of standards, training programmes, special software and e-publications with regard to pupils’ ITC literacy.

Provision of general education schools with the necessary ITC base.

Provision of higher education schools with the necessary ITC base.

Experiments and international surveys in the field of ITC introduction into education.

Improvement in training IT specialists.

Introduction of e-literature into the study process.

Development of Academic and Research Network in Lithuania (LITNET) and its integration into the EU GEANT network.



Providing open public access to Internet

Improvement of ITC infrastructure in rural areas

Development of ITC bases of libraries

Development of virtual library in Lithuania

Implementation of digital community projects




Expansion of on-line services provided by state institutions to individuals and businesses

Improvement of access to public information

Development and maintenance of gateway to the public e-government



Encouragement of development and introduction of models of cooperation between research institutions and businesses

Expansion of international cooperation on the field of the applied sciences

Adjustment of Internet potential to the system of public procurement

Encouragement of use of the open source software
















Annex 3

to the Strategic Planning Methodology


Information on participation in the inter-institutional programme
















(title of inter-institutional programme, priority of the Government)








institution coordinating implementation of inter-institutional programme; code of institution)


institution participating in inter-institutional programme; code of institution)






Goal and code of inter-institutional programme


Programme elements of participating institution


Codes and designation of participating institution’s programme, programme goals, objectives, measures, and objective accomplishment performance measures


Results to be achieved (planned values of objective accomplishment performance measures)


Institution’s expenditure project of the year n (in LTL thou)


total expenditure


current expenditure


capital expenditure






























































Programme goal






















































Objective accomplishment performance measures
















Total for the goal of inter-institutional programme










Total for participation in inter-institutional programme










(Position of the head of participating institution)                                           (Signature)                              (Name)





Annex 4

to the Strategic Planning Methodology


Information on coordination of implementation of inter-institutional programme













(title of inter-institutional programme, priority of the Government)








institution coordinating implementation of inter-institutional programme; code of institution)






Goal and code of inter-institutional programme


Participating institutions and elements of their respective programme


Codes and titles of participating institution’s programme, programme goals, objectives, measures, and objective accomplishment performance measures


Results to be achieved (planned values of objective accomplishment performance measures)


Expenditure project of the year n (in LTL thou)


total expenditure


current expenditure


capital expenditure
















































































Programme goal






















































Objective accomplishment performance measures
















Total for the goal of inter-institutional programme










Total for inter-institutional programme










(Position of the head of coordinating institution)                                          (Signature)                              (Name)





Annex 5

to the Strategic Planning Methodology




by Resolution No ___ of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of ___________ 200__


Form 1a







Code of appropriation manager


Environment and resource analysis


Institution’s mission


Strategic goals of the institution


Strategic goal of institution



Description of the goal



Description of the goal



Pool of resources needed for institution programmes and measures and planned sources of financing


(in LTL thou)

Economic classification

Appropriation for the year n–1

application for the budget year n

Project for the year n+1

Project for the year n+2

Base budget



1. Total expenditure







current expenditure







including wages








capital expenditure







2. Financing







State budget of the Republic of Lithuania







co-financing funds








special funds









Economic classification groups

Appropriation for the year n–1

Application for the budget year n

Project for the year n+1

Project for the year n+2

base budget



EU funds







Other sources










Key indicators


Number of submitted programmes


Number of staff





Appendices to the strategic action plan

Table 1. Classification of goals, programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of appropriation managers of the year (n–1)–(n+2).

Table 2. Summary of expenditure by programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of the year (n–1)–n.

Table 3. Summary of expenditure of programmes of the year (n–1)–(n+2).

Table 4. Summary of objective accomplishment performance measures of programmes.



(Position of the head of institution)                (Signature)                  (Name)






Filling in of Form 1a



1. Column Code of appropriation manager shall give the code assigned to the institution by the Ministry of Finance. The code must include a double-digit code of the ministry, a three-digit code of the department and a four-digit code of the appropriation manager, as of a budget institution (e.g.: the Ministry of Education and Science: 229000326). 

2. Column Environment and resource analysis shall present analysis carried out following points 27 to 32 of the present Methodology.

3. Column Institution’s mission shall contain a formulated mission.

4. The code of the goal of an institution given in Table Strategic goals of the institution must correspond to the code given in column Code of goal of appropriation manager of Table 1 Classification of goals, programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of appropriation manages of the year (n–1)–(n+2).

5. Table Pool of resources needed for institution programmes and measures and planned sources of financing shall contain data on the available funds and sources of financing by giving appropriations for the year n–1, the application for the year n, and the immediate two years (LTL thou). Column Appropriation for the year n–1 shall give appropriations approved for the current year.

6. Sub-column base budget shall give appropriations approved for programmes in progress in the year n–1 and recalculated for programmes to be continued in the year n, taking account of programmes and measures recommended to be terminated (programmes not to be extended) and of the planned saving of public resources. Sub-column revised/new shall give appropriations being planned for the implementation of the approved strategic goals/priorities of the Government, extended programmes, functions and objectives of the Government of the year n. Amounts given in sub-column Total, paragraph State budget of the Republic of Lithuania, item co-financing funds, must not exceed the ceiling of appropriations set forth by the Ministry of Finance.

7. Table Main indicators shall give the number of subordinate bodies, programmes submitted for assessment/to be implemented, as well as the number of staff. The total number of staff must not exceed the ceiling set forth for the number of staff of these institutions by the Government.

8. At the end, the form shall bear the signature of the head of an institution (including his/her position, name, and date of filling in).

9. It is recommended that the form is laconic: up to 5 (7, in case of ministries) pages.











Table 1. Classification of goals, programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of appropriation managers of the year (n–1)–(n+2).









(Appropriation manager)









Code of appropriation manager


Code of goal of appropriation manager


Code of programme


Code of programme goal


Code of objective


Code of measure






Priority of the Government


Inter-institutional programme
























































(Position of the head of institution)                                                    (Signature)                                                      (Name)



Filling in of table 1


1. Column Code of appropriation manager shall give the code assigned to the institution by the Ministry of Finance under the list of appropriation managers (to be coded the same as in Form 1a).

2. Columns Code of goal of appropriation manager, Code of programme, Code of programme goal, Code of objective, Code of measures shall give double-digit codes.

3. Column Title shall give titles of goals, programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of an appropriation manager.

4. Column Attribute shall indicate a connection of a programme, objective and measure to priorities of the Government and/or implementation of an inter-institutional programme. Priorities of the Government shall be given in digits corresponding to the number of the approved priority. Codes to inter-institutional programmes are assigned by the Ministry of Finance. When a programme, objective or measure is linked to the implementation of several priorities, this column should give more than 2 priorities.



Table 2. Summary of expenditure by programmes, programme goals, objectives and measures of the year (n–1)–n.



















(Appropriation manager)




(in LTL thou)

Code of goal of appropriation manager

Code of programme

Code of programme goal

Code of objective

Code of measure

Functional classification code

Approved expenditure of year n–1

Expenditure project of year n

Approved by Ministry of Finance







































Total for measure




































Total for measure

















Total for objective






















































Total for measure

















Total for objective
















Total for the goal of programme





































Total for measure

















Total for objective




































Total for measure

















Total for objective
















Total for the goal of programme
















Total for programme



































(Position of the head of institution)                                                    (Signature)                                                      (Name)



Filling in of table 2


1. Double-digit codes given in columns Code of goal of appropriation manager, Code of programme, Code of programme goal, Code of objective, Code of measures must correspond to the codes given in Table 1.

2. Column Functional classification code shall give a six-digit code of classification of expenditure of the programme measure by public functions.

3. Column Approved expenditure of year n–1 shall give the approved expenditure of the current year. Current expenditure (including wages) and capital expenditure shall be given separately. Programme expenditure shall be itemised according to programme goals, objectives and measures.

4. Column Expenditure project of year n shall give the expenditure of the planned year that must correspond to the amount of expenditure appropriations reported by the Ministry of Finance to appropriation managers. Programme expenditure shall be itemised according to programme goals, objectives and measures.

5. Column Approved by Ministry of Finance shall be filled in by the Ministry of Finance.




Table 3. Summary of expenditure of programmes of the year (n–1)–(n+2).























(Appropriation manager)



(in LTL thou)

Code of goal of appropriation manager

Code of programme

Title of programme

Functional classification code

Approved expenditure of year n–1

Expenditure project of year n

Planned expenditure for year (n+1)

Planned expenditure for year (n+2)














































































































































(Position of the head of institution)                                                    (Signature)                                                      (Name)


Filling in of table 3


1. Double-digit codes given in column Code of goal of appropriation manager and Programme code must correspond to the codes given in Table 1.

2. Column Title of programme shall give a title of every programme.

3. Column Functional classification code shall give expenditure of appropriation managers for programmes of the current year and each planned year in accordance with functional classification (a six-digit code) of appropriation manager expenditure for programmes.

4. Other columns shall separately give current expenditure (including wages) and capital expenditure. Respective codes and expenditure amounts given in this Table must correspond to indicators given in Tables 1 and 2.

5. Priorities of the planned year with regard to capital investment must correspond to the priorities of appropriation manager’s programmes. Filing applications for appropriations of the State budget of the Republic of Lithuania for the implementation of investment project, institutions shall also present estimations of supplementary capital expenditure or its savings after the implementation of an investment project.


Table 4. Summary of objective accomplishment performance measures of programmes











(Appropriation manager)





Code of goal of appropriation manager

Code of programme

Code of programme goal

Code of objective

Objective accomplishment performance measure

Plan of year (n–1)

Plan of year n

Plan of year (n+1)

Plan of year (n+2)

































































(Position of the head of institution)                                                    (Signature)                                                      (Name)



Filling in of table 4


1. This Table shall give performance measure of the implementation of all objectives of programs.

2. Double-digit codes given in columns Code of goal of appropriation manager, Code of programme, Code of programme goal, Code of objective must correspond to the codes given in Table 1.

3. Performance measures of programme objectives and their double-digit codes in column Performance measure of objective implementation shall be given in ascending order started with figure 01.

4. Columns Plan of year (n–1), Plan of year n, Plan of year n+1, and Plan of year (n+2) respectively give performance measures (quantitative, qualitative and/or cost-effectiveness) of the current year and of every planned year.




Form 1b


(Title of programme)


programme Description


Budget year


Appropriation manager





Code of programme



Reasons for programme preparation



Priority(s) of the Government




Programme description


Goal of programme



Goal implementation description

(objectives, measures, objective accomplishment performance measures shall be described)




Goal implementation description

Expected result of programme implementation


Pool of resources needed for institution programmes and measures and planned sources of financing

(in LTL thou)

Economic classification

Appropriation for the year n–1

The application for the budget year n

Project for the year n+1

Project for the year n+2

Base budget



1. Total expenditure







current expenditure







including wages








capital expenditure







2. Financing







State budget of the Republic of Lithuania







co-financing funds








special funds








EU funds







Other sources







Number of staff per programme








Possible variants of programme implementation and financing


Related laws


Approved measures for Government programme implementation related to the programme in question


Other relevant information



(Position of the head of institution)                (Signature)                  (Name)



(Position of person responsible for coordination of the programme)

(Signature)                  (Name)


Tel No







Filling in of Form 1b



1. This form shall be filled in with regard to every programme.

2. Respective columns shall give the budget year, the appropriation manager and the code assigned to the appropriation manager by the Ministry of Finance (to be coded as in Form 1a).

3. Column Programme code shall give the code of the programme (to be coded as in Table 1).

4. Column Reasons for programme preparation shall give the strategic goal to be achieved by this programme, it shall also state whether the programme is extendable and for how many years its implementation is planned. It is also recommended to assess how this programme will facilitate the implementation of the Government priorities.

5. Column Priority(s) of the Government shall indicate which priority strategic goals (priorities) approved by the Government the programme is linked to (priorities shall be coded in the order set forth in the decision of the Government).

6. Sub-columns and further paragraphs of column Programme description shall indicate goals of the programme and their codes (to be coded as in Form 1a). A description of the implementation of every goal of the programme shall be accompanied by the list of the next year objectives defined to achieve this goal as well as by a description of measures and a list of performance measures of objective implementation.

7. Column Foreseen result of programme implementation must indicate the expected final results of the programme that are significant to the public.

8. Table Pool of resources needed for institution programmes and measures and planned sources of financing shall include a budget application of this programme. The budget application should give itemised information, the same as in Table Pool of resources needed for institution programmes and measures and planned sources of financing, Form 1a, however, the data shall cover not the whole institution but individual programmes. 

9. Item Number of staff per programme shall give the number of staff for the implementation of the programme in the year n–1, n, n+1, n+2 (training institutions shall indicate the number of staff per programme alongside with the number of teacher norms).

10. Column Possible variants of programme implementation and financing should give an assessment of variants of programme implementation and financing sources (e.g., privatisation, de-centralisation, etc.), as well as their own resources and other financing sources; it shall also state whether there are any possibilities to implement the programme goals at lower costs.

11. It is advisable that column Related laws indicates the related laws and legal acts, if any, that had or will have influence on programme drafting, implementation, and completion.

12. If necessary, Table Approved measures for Government programme implementation related to the programme in question shall be filled in after filling in column Related laws. Measures that will be implemented in the year n and deadlines for their implementation (in quarters, if appropriate) shall be given.

13. Column Other relevant information must give information that facilitates substantiation of necessity of this programme or its priority over other programmes. It is recommended to describe the integrity of the programme with regard to other programmes of  the institutions as well as its integrity at inter-institutional (horizontal) level. When measures of the programme are being carried out while implementing an inter-institutional programme, a table filled in under Annex 3 Information on participation in an inter-institutional programme to this Methodology shall be attached.

14. At the end, the form shall bear the signature of the head of an institution (including his/her position, and name) and of a person responsible for coordination of the programme (including his/her position, name, telephone number, and date of filling in).

15. It is recommended that the form is laconic: up to 7 pages.









Annex 6

to the Strategic Planning Methodology



Summary strategic action plan



by Resolution No __ of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of ________ 200_




Summary strategic action plan of __________________ for the

(name of institution)

year n – (n+2)






I. Introduction



In the introduction the head of the institution shall give a brief description of the field of activities, major changes, achieved results, and priority trends of the institution; at the end, the position, signature and name of the head, and the date shall be given.

A photo of the head shall be attached to the introduction.


II. FORM S1 Mission and strategic goals of institution and filling in of the form


III. FORM S2 Summary Description of programmes being IMPLEMENTED by institution and filling in of the form


IV. FORM S3 Financial plan of programmes being IMPLEMENTED by institution (year n) and filling in of the form


V. FORM S4 Summary description of the planned reform (substantial change) in year n and filling in of the form






Form S1


Mission and strategic goals of institution



Institution’s mission


Strategic goals of the institution






3. etc.


Body’s mission


Strategic goals of the body






3. etc.





Filling in of Form S1


1. Form S1 shall be filled in by ministries (and bodies under ministries), governmental bodies, and county governors’ administrations.

2. Line Institution’s mission shall formulate a mission of a ministry, governmental body or county governor’s administration (mission statement should not be different from the statement given in full-length strategic action plan).

3. Line Strategic goals of institution shall formulate strategic goals of a ministry, governmental body or county governor’s administration (goal statement should not be different from the statement given in full-length strategic action plan).

4. Line Body’s mission shall formulate a mission of a body subordinate to the institution (if any).

5. Item Strategic goals of body shall give the strategic goals (if any) of the body subordinate to the institution.


Form S2



Summary Description of programmes being IMPLEMENTED by institution 




Expected results

1.   ……………………….

(Programme will be implemented by ……..)







3. etc.



2. etc.




3. etc.


3.   ……………………….

(Programme will be implemented by ……..)







3. etc.



2. etc.




3. etc.







Filling in of Form S2



1. Column Programme shall give titles of all programmes in progress: first of all programmes of the institution and, then, programmes of bodies subordinate to the institution (title of the programme shall be followed by the information on who will implement the programme).

2. Column Goals shall give the goals of programmes.

3. Column Expected results shall give the results to be achieved in the budget year n. The expected results given in this column shall reflect objective accomplishment measures given in Table 4 of Annex 5 to this Methodology that are relevant for the public.






Form S3


FORM S3 Financial plan of programmes being IMPLEMENTED by institution (year n)  and filling in of the form



(Funds, in LTL thou)

Number of staff

Appropriations of State budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Other funds (including their sources)


I. Appropriation manager ______________________________________________

(to be given)

















Total appropriations for manager’s programmes





II. Appropriation manager ______________________________________________

(to be given)









Total appropriations for manager’s programmes











Filling in of form S3


1. Every section Appropriation manager (the number of such sections may reach the needed number) shall give the name of an appropriation manager: in first place, the name of the institution; then, the names of bodies (if any) under such an institution).  

2. Column Programme names shall give the names of the programmes being implemented by the institution and bodies (if any) subordinate to those institutions.

3. Column Funds, in LTL thou shall give the following data: sub-column Appropriation from State budget of the Republic of Lithuania shall give appropriations approved in the Law on Financial Indicators of State Budget and Municipal Budgets of the year n of the Republic of Lithuania. When the programme is being financed from other sources (e.g. EU financial aid funds, Privatisation Fund, loan funds), amounts of these funds shall be given in sub-column Other funds.

4. Column Number of staff shall give the number of staff per every programme. The total number of staff at the institution must not exceed the ceiling set forth by the Government for the number of staff at that institution.

5. Item Total for appropriation manager’s programmes shall give approved funds and approved staff for all programmes of the appropriation manager.

Form S4


Summary Description of reform (substantial change) planned in the year n


Goal of the planned reform (substantial change)

Reasons predetermining relevance of the reform

Link to the priorities approved by the Government and other undertaken obligations

Reform duration and main objectives

Main measures for reform implementation

Impact of the reform (political, economic, financial, human resources)




Filling in of Form S4


1. The new reform shall provide substantial changes in regulation of the administration sphere whereof implementation requires drafting of new legal acts (amending of the valid legal acts) or developing of a new programme (or make substantial changes in the programmes being implemented). Form S4 shall be filled in with regard to every new reform.

2. Line Goal of the planned reform (substantial change) shall give the goal and essence of the new reform to be planned as well as its link to the programmes being implemented by the institution.

3. Line Reasons predetermining relevance of the reform shall give the main reasons that predetermined planning of the new reform for the year n and possible effects in case if the planned reform would be implemented.

4. Line Link to priorities approved by the Government and other undertaken obligations shall give a brief description of priorities approved by the Government or of other obligations implementation of which will be facilitated by the proposed new reform as well as the way for their implementation.

5. Line Reform duration and main objectives shall give the duration of the new reform implementation and the main objectives foreseen for every year of the reform.

6. Line Main measures for reform implementation shall give a brief description of the main measures necessary for the implementation of this reform (including legal acts to be drafted or to be amended) in the year n.

7. Line Impact of reform (political, economic, financial, human resources) shall indicate likely positive or negative impact of the reform on the activity of public, municipal and other institutions, economic development, environment, certain regions or municipalities, social group, national defence, foreign policy, etc. It shall be indicated how the reform will facilitate a more rational use of funds (saving).







Annex 7

to the Strategic Planning Strategy


Information on the implementation of measures of the inter-institutional programme during the reporting period ________________


(title of inter-institutional programme, priority of the Government)




institution coordinating implementation of inter-institutional programme; code of institution)


institution participating in inter-institutional programme; code of institution)


Goal and code of inter-institutional programme

Programme elements of participating institution

Codes and titles of participating institution’s programme, programme goals, objectives, measures, and objective accomplishment performance measures

Objective accomplishment performance measures

Actual expenditure of the participating institution during the reporting period (in LTL thou)

Planned values

Actual values


current expenditure

capital expenditure






















Programme goal



























Objective accomplishment performance measures








Total for the goal of inter-institutional programme













Total for participation in inter-institutional programme







(Position of the head of participating institution)                                           (Signature)                              (Name)






Annex 8

to the Strategic Planning Strategy


Information of the coordinating institution on the implementation of the inter-institutional programme based on the information received during the reporting period _______________


(title of inter-institutional programme, priority of the Government)




institution coordinating implementation of inter-institutional programme; code of institution)



Goal and code of inter-institutional programme

Participating institutions and elements of their respective programme

Codes and titles of participating institution and their respective programmes, programme goals, objectives, measures, and objective accomplishment performance measures

Objective accomplishment performance measures

Actual expenditure  during the reporting period

(in LTL thou)

Planned values

Actual values


current expenditure

capital expenditure












































Programme goal






























Objective accomplishment performance measures









Total for the goal of inter-institutional programme





Total for inter-institutional programme






(Position of the head of coordinating institution)                                          (Signature)                              (Name)

