The Supreme  Council of the Republic of Lithuania, following

both the  Basic Provisional  Law of the Republic of Lithuania and

the principles  of humanism and justice, seeking to implement the

rights of  the disabled as guaranteed in international documents,

and recognizing  that integration of the disabled into social and

State life is an indicator of civilization, adopts this Law.


Chapter 1



Article 1. Objectives of the Law


1. The  Law on  the Social Integration of the Disabled shall

regulate the establishment of disability, medical, vocational and

social rehabilitation  for disabled  persons, the  adjustment  of

conditions for  the disabled,  as well  as  the  development  and

education of  the disabled,  and shall  establish legal, economic

and organizational  guarantees for  the occupational,  vocational

and social rehabilitation of the disabled.

2. This  Law shall apply to disabled persons who permanently

reside in  the Republic  of Lithuania and have been recognized as

disabled in  accordance with the regulations set forth in Chapter

2 therein.


Article 2. Principles of Social Integration of the Disabled


1. In the Republic of Lithuania, the disabled, regardless of

the cause,  character and  degree of  the manifestation  of their

disability, shall  be  entitled  to  the  same  rights  as  other

residents of  the Republic  of Lithuania. The state shall provide

additional assistance  and guarantees  to  disabled  persons  who

cannot exercise their rights independently.

2.  Public  and  State  structures  shall  be  open  to  the

disabled. Disabled  persons shall  participate in deliberation of

all questions connected with their life and activities.

3. Disabled  persons shall  be protected  from all  types of

exploitation, discrimination and abusive or scornful behaviour.

4.  Disabled   persons  shall   live  in   families  or   in

environments which  compensate them,  and may  not  be  put  into

special medical  institutions or institutions of care and welfare

without their  consent or without the consent of their parents or


5.  Disabled  persons  shall  receive  medical,  functional,

psychological  and  pedagogical  assistance  in  their  place  of

residence, with  the exception  of cases  which  necessitate  the

provision of assistance in special institutions.

6. Disabled  persons shall  be developed  and educated; they

shall  gain  a  profession,  shall  work  and  engage  in  useful

activities   according    to   their   ability,   interests   and


7. During the preparation of Governmental and other national

programmes, specific  needs of  the disabled  shall be taken into


8. The  disabled, their  parents and  guardians, as  well as

public organizations  of disabled  persons shall be provided with

information and  skilled consultation concerning their rights and

legitimate interests.

9. Disabled  persons shall perform their duties according to

their ability,  skills and  knowledge. Disability does not exempt

an individual  from liability  for his  or her  actions, with the

exception of cases provided for in laws.

10. The  Republic of  Lithuania shall  develop  and  promote

international  cooperation   for  the   solution  of   disability



Chapter 2



Article 3. Disability


1.  Disability   is  the  condition  of  an  individual,  as

established by  competent institutions, which due to a congenital

or acquired  physical or  mental  defect,  totally  or  partially

incapacitates the  individual from  taking care of his private or

social life,  from enjoying  his rights  and from  fulfilling his


2. According  to the  degree  of  manifestation,  disability

shall be  divided into  three groups (I, II and III). The loss of

general or  vocational capability  to work  shall be expressed in


3. Medical  and  social  criteria  of  disability  shall  be

regulated by  the Ministry  of Health  and the Ministry of Social

Security of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 4. Establishment of Disability


1. Disability shall be established :

a) for  children  who  are  under  16  years  of  age  -  by

commissions of medical and social experts from State institutions

of  treatment   and  prevention   as  well  as  from  specialized

institutions whose  bylaws shall  be approved  by the Ministry of

Health of the Republic of Lithuania; and

b) for  individuals who  are 16  years of age and older - by

state commissions  of medical  and social  expertise whose bylaws

shall be approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Hereinafter, the commissions indicated in subparagraphs a) and b)

shall be referred to as commissions establishing disability.

2. Commissions establishing disability shall adopt decisions

concerning the following questions:

a) the  fact of  disability, its  character, cause,  time of

origin, group,  term, and  degree of the person's loss of general

or vocational capacity to work;

b)  the   means  for  the  medical,  vocational  and  social

rehabilitation of the disabled person;

c) the conditions and character of the development, training

and work of the disabled person;

d) the  necessity of  permanent  nursing  for  the  disabled

person; and

e) special compensational means for the disabled person.

3. The  decisions  of  commissions  establishing  disability

shall be  obligatory for  institutions (boarding homes), services

of social  security of local governments, employers, institutions

of development,  training, and  special institutions  of medical,

vocational  and   social  rehabilitation  of  the  disabled,  the

disabled themselves, and their parents and guardians.


Article 5. Participation of Concerned Persons during the

Establishment of Disability


During  the   establishment  of  disability,  the  following

individuals may participate with the right of a consultant:

the physician  treating the  individual, the  representatives  of

employers, institutions of development and training, institutions

of social  care and  welfare (boarding homes), services of social

security of  local governments  and public  organizations of  the

disabled.  The   procedure  for   their  participation  shall  be


regulated  by   the  bylaws   of  the   commissions  establishing



Article 6. Certificates of Disability


1. The  certificate of  disability  shall  be  the  document

confirming disability  and providing the possibility to enjoy the

rights, guarantees and privileges secured in this Law, other laws

and executive acts.

2. The  form of  a disability  certificate and the procedure

for its  issuance or  confiscation  shall  be  regulated  by  the

Ministry of Social Security of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 7. Disability Statistics


1. Disability  statistics shall  be compiled  regularly. The

forms and  procedure of statistical computation shall be approved

by the  Department of  Statistics under  the  Government  of  the

Republic of  Lithuania on  the recommendation  of the Ministry of

Social Security.

2. Public  organizations of  disabled persons  may conduct a

public calculation  of disablement.  They shall have the right to

receive information according to the procedure established by law

from  state  statistical  institutions  as  well  as  from  other


3. Statistics  of disablement  shall be  made public  if the

laws do not provide otherwise.


Chapter 3





Article 8. The Objective and Means of Medical, Vocational

and Social Rehabilitation for Disabled Persons


1.  The   objective  of  medical,  professional  and  social

rehabilitation for  disabled persons is the removal, alleviation,

or stabilization of disability, the development of their physical

and mental  abilities, their  integration into work, professional

and public life.

2. Medical  means of  rehabilitation for  the disabled shall

include:  medical  care,  treatment  at  hospitals,  sanatoriums,

special institutions  and at  home,  the  supply  of  medication,

recreational therapy  of motion,  speech, and hearing, as well as

occupational and other kinds of therapy.

3. Vocational  and social  means of  rehabilitation for  the

disabled  shall  include:  assistance  in  acquiring  profession,

speciality and  trade, the  creation and  protection  of  a  work

place, retraining,  qualification  improvement,  prosthetic  aid,

provision  of   orthopaedical  means   and  deaf-mute  and  blind

facilities as  well as  other compensational  facilities, aid for

the disabled to adapt to life, as well as psychological and other

aid,  and   adaptation  of   conditions  for  both  specific  and

additional needs of disabled persons.


Article 9. Implementation of Medical, Vocational and Social

Rehabilitation for the Disabled


1. The  implementation of  medical,  vocational  and  social

rehabilitation for  the disabled shall be carried out by: medical

institutions, social  security  services  of  local  governments,

institutions  of   social  care  and  welfare  (boarding  homes),

institutions of  development and  education, the Labour Exchange,

employers,  public   organizations  of   disabled   persons   and

enterprises belonging  to them,  special institutions of medical,

professional and  social rehabilitation  of the disabled, as well

as other institutions and organizations.

2. Individuals  who  carry  out  medical,  professional  and

social rehabilitation  of the  disabled shall  collaborate in the

organization and  implementation of an individual program for the

rehabilitation of  the disabled,  shall inform the public as well

as disabled  persons themselves  about the means which aid in the

integration of  the disabled  into work, professional, and public

life,  and   shall  effectively  use  the  experiences  of  other

countries and engage in international cooperation.

3.  The  activities  of  medical,  professional  and  social

rehabilitation  of   disabled  persons  shall  be  organized  and

coordinated   by    the   physician    treating   the    disabled

(rehabilitation  specialist)   as  well  as  by  social  security

services of local governments.


Article 10. Provision of Medical and Social Services to the



1. Medical and social aid for the disabled shall be provided

in general  and special  treatment institutions,  institutions of

development, education, social care and welfare (boarding homes),

as well as at home.

2. Health  institutions shall provide aid to the disabled on

a priority basis.

3. Upon  the wish  of disabled  persons,  their  parents  or

guardians, medical  and social  aid shall  be provided in special

public social  care and  welfare institutions (boarding homes) or

in private  institutions of  social care  and  welfare  (boarding

homes) belonging to religious and other public organizations.

4. Disabled  persons for  whom the  necessity  of  permanent

nursing has been established shall be provided medical and social

aid at  home, with the exception of cases when it is necessary to

provide such aid in special institutions.

5. Provision  of medical  and social  aid for  the  disabled

shall be  organized by the physician treating the disabled and by

social security services of local governments.


Article 11. Prosthetic Aid for the Disabled, their Provision

with Orthopaedical Means, and Deaf-mute, Blind,

and other Compensational Facilities


1. The  procedure and  terms for the provision of prosthetic

aid and  the supply  of orthopaedical  means, deaf-mute and blind

facilities and  other compensational  facilities to  the disabled

shall be  established  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of


2. The Ministry of Social Security shall organize prosthetic

aid,  provision  of  orthopaedical  means,  deaf-mute  and  blind

facilities, as  well as  other compensational  facilities for the



Article 12. Requirements for the Planning, Construction and

Reconstruction of Towns, Settlements, Public

Buildings and Dwelling Houses


1. Upon  the planning,  construction, and  reconstruction of

streets, squares,  parks, parking  lots, lines  of communication,

public buildings, institutions of treatment, dwelling houses, and

cultural or sporting facilities situated in towns or settlements,

it is  necessary to  adapt them  for the  specific needs  of  the

disabled.  Such   requirements  shall   be  established   by  the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.  The   aforementioned  objects  which  have  been  built,

reconstructed or  expanded shall be adopted for exploitation only


upon the  fulfillment of adaptation requirements for the specific

needs of the disabled.

3. The  Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania as well as

local  governments   shall  ensure   the  implementation  of  the

aforementioned requirements.


Article 13. Programs for the Medical, Vocational and Social

Rehabilitation  of the Disabled Incentive for

Providing the Disabled with Compensational



1. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall prepare

and implement  the governmental  programs and  local  governments

shall prepare and implement territorial programs for the medical,

vocational and social rehabilitation of the disabled.

2. Privileges  prescribed by laws and acts of the Government

of the  Republic of  Lithuania and  local  governments  shall  be

applicable   for   enterprises   which   produce   compensational

facilities for the disabled.


Chapter 4




Article 14. Development, Education and Vocational Guidance

for the Disabled


1. Disabled  persons shall  be  developed  and  educated  in

institutions of development and education situated in their place

of residence,  at home,  or in  special institutions taking their

abilities, interests,  and physical  and mental  conditions  into


2. If  the commissions  establishing disability  do not hold

otherwise, institutions  of development  and  education  may  not

refuse to  accept a disabled person on the basis of that person's


3. In  accordance with  the  procedure  established  by  the

Ministry of  Culture and  Education of the Republic of Lithuania,

disabled  persons   shall  be  provided  with  special  means  of

development and  education; they shall have places designated for

studying adapted to them.

4. Disabled  persons shall  be  developed  and  educated  in

special  institutions   pursuant  to   the  findings  of  special

commissions as  well as  commissions establishing  disability, by

the consent of their parents or guardians.

5. By  the consent  of their  parents or guardians, disabled

persons shall be developed and educated at home in the event that

their development  and education  in special  institutions is not


6. Disabled  persons shall  be advised  in the selection and

acquisition of  a profession  in general and special institutions

of development  and  training  in  accordance  with  the  program

prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic

of  Lithuania  and  taking  into  consideration  the  capability,

interests, and  physical and  mental condition  of  the  disabled



Article 15. Promotion of the Development, Education and

Vocational Guidance for the Disabled


1. In  accordance with  the  procedure  established  by  the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania  and local governments,

specialists who  work with the disabled shall be granted material


2. Allocations  shall be  paid from  the State Budget of the

Republic of  Lithuania for  the preparation  of special  means of

development and  education, text-books  for the disabled, special

programs of  development, educational and vocational guidance, as

well as for the training of specialists.

3. In  cases when  admission to colleges and institutions of

higher education is based on equal conditions, the disabled shall

be admitted on a priority basis. Colleges, institutions of higher

education, and  public  organizations  of  disabled  persons  may

establish additional  favourable terms  and  procedures  for  the

admission of disabled persons to their respective institutions.


Article 16. Cultural Activities, Sports and Recreation for



1.  National   and  international   sports,   cultural   and

recreational events  for the  disabled shall  be organized by the

Ministry of  Culture and  Education, the  Department of  Physical

Training and  Sports under  the Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania, and  other institutions  and  organizations,  together

with public organizations of disabled persons.

2. Local  sports, cultural,  and recreational events for the

disabled shall  be organized  by local  governments together with

public and other organizations.

3.  Organizers   of  sports,   cultural   and   recreational

programmes and  events must  adapt them for the specific needs of

the disabled,  taking into  consideration economic  and technical


4. Medical requirements for sports for the disabled shall be

established  by  the  Ministry  of  Health  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania. Recommendations  concerning sporting  methods for  the

disabled shall be prepared by the Department of Physical Training

and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

5. Profit (income) tax reliefs provided for in laws shall be

applicable to  enterprises having  the status  of a  legal person

which allocate  part of  their profit (income) for the social and

medical rehabilitation  of  the  disabled,  for  the  design  and

manufacturing of technical means provided to the disabled free of

charge, or  for the  satisfaction of  their cultural and sporting



Chapter 5



Article 17. Employment of the Disabled


1. Disabled  persons shall choose jobs taking their physical

and mental  condition, professional  skills  and  interests  into

account,  or  shall  take  up  other  activities  which  are  not

prohibited by  laws. If  a  disabled  person  has  the  necessary

qualifications, an  employer may  not refuse to employ him or her

or discriminate  against him or her in any other way for the sole

reason of invalidity.

2.   Competent    governmental   services,    taking    into

consideration the findings of commissions establishing disability

concerning the  conditions and  character of  work  for  disabled

persons, shall  issue permits  (licenses)  on  a  priority  basis

enabling them  to engage  in  economic-commercial  activities  or

other types of activities and business which is not prohibited by

law, in  cases when  such permits  (licenses) are  necessary.  In

accordance with  the procedure  established by  the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania,  disabled  persons  may  be  provided

credits on  favourable terms for engagement in the aforementioned

activities or organization of business.


Article 18. Hiring Disabled Persons



1. Disabled  persons shall  either be  employed in  ordinary

working places or in working places furnished specially for them.

Requirements for  the working places of disabled persons shall be

established by  the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social

Security of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.  For   the  employment   of  the   disabled  and  on  the

recommendation of  the Labour  exchange, local governments shall,

on a  yearly  basis,  establish  for  employers  quotas  for  the

employment of the disabled or for the establishment of additional

working places which shall comprise no less than 2 percent of the

total number of employees if the latter is not less than 50.

3. The  Labour exchange  may equate  the employment  of  one

disabled person  whose integration  into work requires particular

efforts of the employer with the employment of no more than three

disabled persons.

4. Employers who do not fulfil the quotas for the employment

of the  disabled or  for the  establishment of additional working

places for the disabled shall pay additional contributions to the

Employment Fund  in the  manner prescribed  by  the  Law  of  the

Republic of Lithuania on the Employment of Residents. The payment

of additional  contributions shall  not exempt employers from the

obligation to employ disabled persons.

5. If  the Labour  Exchange or  disabled  persons  have  not

applied for  employment, employers  may employ  other persons  in

working places  reserved for  disabled persons under fixed period

employment contracts  which shall  be terminated when the need to

employ a disabled person turns up.

6. Employers  who fill  the quotas for the employment of the

disabled or  for the  establishment of  additional working places

may  receive   subsidies  from   the  Employment   Fund  for  the

establishment, furnishing  and adaptation  of working  places for

disabled persons.

7. Pursuant  to the  decision  of  commissions  establishing

disability,  employers   must  either  hire  persons  who  become

disabled due  to occupational  injury or vocational disease while

working in  the enterprise,  institution, or organization of said

employers,  or   transfer  such  persons  to  another  job  which

corresponds to the condition of their health.


Article 19. Restrictions on Dismissing Disabled Persons from



Employers may  only dismiss inculpable disabled employees on

their own  initiative  upon  receiving  consent  from  the  local

government social  security  service  and  sending  the  disabled

employee a  4-month written  notice of the anticipated dismissal.

Consent from  the local  government social maintenance service is

not necessary  if the  enterprise is being liquidated by the will

of the employer.


Article 20. Working Conditions, Work Time and Vacation Time

for the Disabled


1. Working  conditions shall be created for disabled persons

pursuant  to   the  findings   of  the  commissions  establishing


2.  If   the  findings   of  the   commissions  establishing

disability do  not provide  otherwise, disabled  persons may,  on

their own  wish, be  exempt from  working overtime,  on holidays,

rest days and at night.

3. Disabled  persons shall  be granted  35 calendar  days of

annual vacation.  Disabled persons,  parents of disabled persons,

and  guardians   caring  for   disabled  persons  who  have  been

determined to be in need of permanent nursing shall be granted 30

calendar days of unpaid vacation at any desirable time.


4. If  the parents  or guardians caring for disabled persons

who have  been determined  to be  in need of permanent nursing so

wish, they shall be provided by employers with work at home, work

according to a flexible schedule, or short working days (weeks).


Article 21. Incentive for Enterprises Belonging to Public

Organizations of Disabled Persons


1. Tax  reliefs as  well as  privileges prescribed  by other

laws shall  be applicable  to  enterprises  belonging  to  public

organizations of disabled persons.

2. Privileges  and preference rendered in State orders shall

be applied  to enterprises  belonging to  public organizations of

disabled persons.

3. The  Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania  may grant

enterprises belonging to public organizations of disabled persons

the exclusive right to produce certain types of production.


Chapter 6



Article 22. Pensions, Benefits and other Payments for the

Disabled and their Parents and Guardians


1. The  amount of  pensions and  benefits, the procedure for

their payment,  and other  terms shall be established by the Laws

of the  Republic of Lithuania on the Improvement of the Provision

of Pensions  to Residents,  on State  Social  Insurance,  and  on

Income Security of Residents, as well as by other laws.

2.    Local    governments,    enterprises,    institutions,

organizations and  public organizations  of disabled  persons may

pay disabled  individuals, as well as their parents or guardians,

supplementary regular  or lump-sum  benefits  as  well  as  other



Article 23. Housing Provisions for Disabled Persons


1. The  Government shall  assist families in which there are

Group I  or Group  II invalids,  as well as disabled children who

have been  determined to  be in need of permanent nursing, in the

provision of  housing on  favourable terms  and pursuant  to  the

procedure established by law.

2. Requirements  for the  design and construction of invalid

housing shall be established by the Government of the Republic of



Article 24. Privileges for the Disabled and their Parents

and Guardians


1.  Disabled   persons  who  have  been  recognized  by  the

commissions establishing  disability as  incapable  of  work  and

whose  family  members  are  also  incapable  of  work  shall  be

compensated for  public utilities  as  well  as  usage  of  fuel,

electric  power   and  telephone  in  the  amount  and  procedure

established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. Laws,  directives of  the Government  of the  Republic of

Lithuania, and  decisions of  local governments  shall  establish

transportation, trade, service, and other privileges for disabled

persons and their parents and guardians.

3. Disabled  children, Group  I invalids,  and persons  (one

person) accompanying them, as well as persons who became disabled

due to  the aggression which took place on January 11-13, 1991 or

the events  which followed,  shall use  all types  of  government

municipal (regional)  local  transport,  with  the  exception  of

taxis, free  of charge.  They shall  receive a  50%  discount  on

intercity transport, with the exception of taxis.



Chapter 7





Article 25. Public Organizations of Disabled Persons


1. The main goal of public organizations of disabled persons

shall be  to represent  and  defend  the  rights  and  legitimate

interests of  the disabled,  their parents  and guardians, and to

integrate disabled persons into work and public life.

2. Public  organizations of  disabled persons shall have the

rights of  a legal  person as  well as  the right  of legislative

initiative in the person of their national bodies.

3. Public organizations of disabled persons shall:

a) carry  out and  support medical,  vocational  and  social

rehabilitation, development  and training, as well as medical and

social services for the disabled;

b)  organize  sports,  tourism,  recreational  and  cultural

activities, and international cooperation of the disabled;

c) control  the implementation  of this  Law and  other laws

which regulate public relations of disabled persons; and

d) participate  during the  establishment of  disability and

control the establishment of disability.


Article 26. The Lithuanian Council of Invalid Affairs


1. The  Lithuanian Council  of Invalid  Affairs, functioning

under the  Government of  the Republic of Lithuania, shall strive

to provide assistance in the implementation of this Law and other

laws which  regulate public  relations of  the disabled,  and  to

secure the participation of disabled persons during consideration

of all  issues related  to their lives and activities. The bylaws

of the Lithuanian Council of Invalid Affairs shall be approved by

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. The  Lithuanian Council  of Invalid  Affairs shall assist

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the preparation of

the government  programme  for  medical,  vocational  and  social

rehabilitation of the disabled, shall control its implementation,

shall assist  in drafting laws and other standard acts related to

the life  and activities  of the  disabled, shall  dispose of the

Disabled Fund,  shall  organize  international  cooperation,  and

shall solve other issues.

3.  Territorial   councils  of   invalid  affairs   may   be

established in towns and regions.


Article 27. Financing of Social Security for the Disabled


1. The  main sources  of social  security for  the  disabled

shall be  the State  social insurance  funds, the State Budget of

the Republic of Lithuania, and local government budgets.

2. In  order to  finance social  security for  the disabled,

funds of  public organizations  of disabled persons, the Disabled

Fund, employers,  the Employment  Fund, charitable organizations,

individual persons and other funds may be used.


Article 28. The Invalid Fund


The Invalid  Fund shall  be an  additional  source  for  the

financing of  social security  for the  disabled which  shall  be

founded and managed by the Lithuanian Council of Invalid Affairs.

The procedure  for the founding and use of the Invalid Fund shall

be established  by the  Lithuanian Council of Invalid Affairs. In

order to  supplement the  Invalid Fund, the Lithuanian Council of

Invalid Affairs may organize lotteries and auctions in accordance

with the established procedure. It shall be prohibited to use the

capital of the Invalid Fund for purposes which are not related to

social security of the disabled.







Article 29. Control of the Implementation of this Law


According to  their competence,  the implementation  of this

Law shall  be controlled by the ministries and departments of the

Republic of Lithuania, as well as by local governments and public

organizations of disabled persons.


Article 30. Settlement of Disputes of Disabled Persons


1. Disputes  which arise  between  disabled  persons,  their

parents and  guardians and  employers,  local  government  social

security services, and other institutions and organizations shall

be settled in court if laws do not provide otherwise.

2.  Disputes   which  arise  between  disabled  persons  and

commissions of  medical and  social expertise shall be settled by

the Conflict Commission under the chief expert of the medical and

social examination  of the  Republic of Lithuania, which shall be

comprised   of    highly   qualified   expert-physicians,   other

specialists,  and  representatives  of  public  organizations  of

disabled persons. The activities of the Conflict Commission shall

be regulated  by the  bylaws of  state commissions  of the  State

Medical and Social Examination.


Article 31. Liability for Violations of the Law on the

Social Integration of the Disabled


Enterprises and institutions and their officials, as well as

citizens and  other persons  who have  violated the provisions of

the Law  on the  Social Integration  of  the  Disabled  shall  be

subject to  administrative, criminal,  disciplinary  or  material

liability under the laws applicable in the Republic of Lithuania.


Vytautas Landsbergis


Supreme Council

Republic of Lithuania


28 November 1991
