The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,

recognizing, that

the health  of the  population is  the greatest  social  and

economic value of


health is  not only  the absence  of diseases  and  physical

deficiencies, but  physical,  spiritual  and  social  welfare  of

people as well,

the potential  of health  and conditions  of its maintaining

are determined  by  stability  of  the  development  of  economic

system, guarantees  for social security and education of society,

employment and  sufficient income  of the  population,  provision

with dwellings,  accessible, acceptable and adequate health care,

proper  nutrition,   quality  of   work,   living   and   natural

environment, as  well as  by the  efforts of  the  population  to

promote health,

person's efforts  to stay  healthy may  only be  promoted by

social and  economic measures which are acceptable from the point

of view of human dignity and the current time,

the best  possible public health is a necessary prerequisite

for the  security and  prosperity of  the State  of Lithuania, as

well as  for creating  of an  open,  just  and  harmonious  civic


taking into  consideration  the  provisions  of  the  global

strategy "Health  to Everybody  - 2  000", adopted  at  the  30th

Session of  the World  Health Assembly in 1977, the Ottawa Health

Promotion Charter and the National Health Concept of Lithuania;

seeking to  ensure the in-born human right to enjoy the best

possible  health,   as  well   as  the   right  to  have  healthy

environment, acceptable, accessible and adequate health care;

acting in  compliance with  the Constitution of the Republic

of Lithuania,

enacts this Law on the Health System.



Part I


The Health System


Chapter 1


General Provisions


Article 1. The Purpose of the Law of the Republic of

Lithuania on the Health  System

The Law  of the  Republic of  Lithuania on the Health System

shall regulate  the national  health  system  of  Lithuania,  its

structure, limits  of legal  regulation of  health  care,  health

strengthening and  health recovery, fundamentals of establishment

of the scope of health activities, organization and management of

individual and  public health  care, health promotion, conclusion

of contracts  concerning health  activities, fundamentals  of the

liability for  violations of  legal norms  of health  activities,

rights and  duties  of  the  residents  and  subjects  of  health



Article 2. Legal Regulation of Health Relations

Health relations  arising from protection, strengthening and

assistance in recovering of individual and public health, as well

as relations  concerning the  implementation of  the individual's

rights to  have the  best possible  health, protection  of health

interests of  an individual  and society,  shall be  regulated by

this Law,  other laws  on health  activities, as well as laws, if

they do  not contradict  the meaning of the above mentioned laws,

concerning the  structure and  institutions of  state  power  and

government, local  self-government, public  organizations,  human

rights  and   other  social  affairs,  environmental  protection,

economy,  national   defense  and   internal  order,  subordinate

legislation acts,  contracts  and  agreements  concerning  health

activities and working conditions.


Article 3. The Scope of the Legal Regulation of Health


The following  shall only  be established by the laws of the

Republic of Lithuania on health activities:

1) the  sphere, tasks and principles of the effectiveness of

health law;

2) the  system of  types and  subjects of health activities,

the  competence   of  the  main  subjects  of  health  activities

management,  rights  and  duties  of  state  services  and  state

inspectorates of  health activities coordination and health care,

institutions of individual and public health care and subjects of

pharmaceutical activities  in the  individual and  public  health

care or  pharmaceutical activities,  legal  framework  for  their

establishment, activities and termination thereof;

3)  the   legal  framework   of  establishment,  activities,

reorganization of  the state hygiene inspectorate, conditions and

procedure for the state hygiene control;

4) the  structure of resources of the national health system

and basis for their management;

5) the  basis  for  organizing,  management  of  the  health

activities, as well as for health support and financing;

6) the  necessary conditions  of health  activities and  the

legal framework of their control;

7) the  rights  and  duties  of  the  population  in  health

activities, legal framework of participation of the population in

the management of health matters;

8) the  legal framework  of accrediting  of the  persons who

have the  higher or  special secondary medical or other education

for health  and  pharmaceutical  activities,  basic  professional

rights  and   duties  of   medical  specialists,   procedure  for

establishing  of   the  qualification   requirements,   for   the

improvement of  their qualification and the restrictions of their

practice, legal  framework of  the  restriction  of  health  care

advertising, for  establishing of  civil responsibility  for  the

damage done to the patients' health while carrying out the health

care of individuals;

9) the  procedure for making health activities contracts and

basic terms and conditions thereof;

10) the  legal framework of organizing and management of the

primary health care, of the control over the conditions thereof;

11) the system of public health care, legal framework of its

organizing,    management,    of    the    hygiene    regulation,

epidemiological protection  against contagious  diseases, hygiene

and epidemiology control, and hygiene expert examination;

12) the  legal framework  of labour  protection  and  labour

medicine, for  organizing and  management  of  consumers'  health


13) the  general requirements  for  food  products  quality;

procedure for  the conditions  of producing,  importing, trading,

advertising of  such products,  control over  the quality of food

products and their tare, marking thereof;

14) the  general requirements  for the  quality of  drinking

water, legal  framework of  water treatment,  rendering harmless,

and quality improvement;

15) the  procedure for  controlling  of  production,  trade,

import,  export,   licensing  and  consumption  of  narcotic  and

psychotropic  substances,   alcohol  products,  tobacco  and  its

products, the  system of  reducing the  consumption of  alcoholic

beverages and  tobacco products,  the procedure  for narcological

supervision, prohibition  of advertising  of alcoholic  beverages

and tobacco products;

16) the  conditions for  production, trade,  import, export,

transportation,  utilization   of   poison,   other   toxic   and

radioactive material,  requirements  for  working  with  ionizing

radiation sources,  conditions for  ensuring radiation safety and

the procedure for the control thereof;

17) the  system of  the prophylaxis  of contagious diseases,

legal framework  of organizing and management of the control over

said diseases;

18) the  conditions  of  public  health  monitoring,  expert

examination of public health, legal framework of their organizing

and management;

19) the  legal framework  of organizing  and  management  of

physical culture and sport, control over dope and sex;

20) the  rights of persons in the sphere of supervision over

the psychic  health; the conditions of psychic health supervision

and the legal framework of its organizing and management, as well

as of the control over the conditions thereof;

21) the  legal framework of organizing of medical and social

rehabilitation of the handicapped;

22)  the   conditions  of  stomatological  and  narcological

supervision and  the legal framework of organizing and management


23)  the   procedure  for   family  planning   and   genetic

consulting, the  legal  framework  of  birth-control,  artificial

insemination, foetus  protection, termination  of pregnancy,  and


24) the requirements for the ethics of biomedical tests, the

procedure for the control of observing said requirements, as well

as liability for violations of the requirements for the ethics of

biomedical tests;

25) the  conditions and  procedure for giving human blood by

donors, production  of blood products, transfusion of human blood

and its products;

26) the  basic  principles,  conditions  and  procedure  for

taking organs  or tissues  for  transplantation,  their  use  for

transplantation, medical research, diagnostics, and treatment;

27)  the   criterion  of   the  establishment   of  terminal

conditions and  the fact of death of an individual, conditions of

an individual's  refusal from  all or  part of  life prolongation

services, conditions  and procedure  for  postmortem  examination

(autopsy) of a corpse;

28) the  legal  framework  of  providing  of  pharmaceutical

services, organizing and management of pharmaceutical activities;

29) the conditions and procedure for granting of a permit to

dispense drugs  and medicinal  substances, for the control of the

quality thereof;

30)  the   health  insurance   system,  the   procedure  for

collecting funds for compulsory health insurance, legal framework

of voluntary  health insurance,  rights and duties of the insured

and insurers, procedure for establishing and activities of health

insurance institutions  as well  as rights  and duties  of  these

institutions; and

31) basic  principles of  liability for  violations  of  the

requirements of laws concerning health activities.

The Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania,  ministries,

state services  and state  inspectorates shall enjoy the right to

adopt within  their competence  legal acts  on the  issues of the

regulation of  health relations,  with  the  exception  of  those

issues  which   are  regulated  by  the  laws  concerning  health

activities. Provisions  of legal  acts of  the Government  of the

Republic of  Lithuania,  ministries,  state  services  and  state

inspectorates, which  worsen the  conditions of health activities

comparing to  those conditions  which are established by the laws

concerning health activities, shall be deemed invalid.

Within  their   competence,  enterprises,  institutions  and

organizations  shall   have  the   right  to   adopt  legal  acts

establishing,  in  comparison  to  laws  and  other  legal  acts,

additional economic  and social incentives for citizens to foster

their health,  for economic  entities -  to engage  in  economic-

commercial activities beneficial to health, additional support to

socially vulnerable  groups of the population by compensating the

expenses  of  their  health  care,  additional  requirements  for

implementing of  public health  care. Provisions of legal acts of

enterprises, institutions  and  organizations  which  worsen  the

level of  health activities  comparing  to  the  level  which  is

established by  laws  and  other  legal  acts  concerning  health

activities, shall be deemed invalid.


Article 4. Health Activities

The health activities shall comprise:

1) individual health care;

2) public health care;

3) pharmaceutical activities; and

4) traditional  medicine,  folk  medicine,  and  non-medical

methods of health recovery.


Article 5. The Purposes of Health Activities

The purposes of health activities shall be as follows:

1) to  reduce the  falling  behind  of  certain  social  and

professional groups  of society  from other  groups of society as

shown by  the health  condition indicators, without worsening the

general level of the population's health;

2) to  protect population  against diseases, avoidable death

or invalidity;

3) to  extend  the  length  of  life  without  diseases  and

traumas, and improve its quality; and

4) to increase economic and social efficiency of life.


Article 6. Principles of Regulating of the Health


The following  principles shall be applied to the regulation

of the relations specified in Article 1 of this Law:

1) the  all-round protection  of the  individual and  public


2) the  coordination of  individual, public health and state


3) the  equality of  individual's rights  to have  the  best

possible health  regardless of his or her sex, race, nationality,

citizenship, social status and profession;

4)  the   individual's  freedom  to  chose  as  good  health

conditions as possible;

5) the  acceptability, accessibility  and  adequacy  of  the

individual health care;

6) the  persons' freedom to unite into public organizations,

defending the  interests of public and individual health, and the

State  support   of  the   programmes  of   activities  of  these


7) the  all-round, rightful  and  timely  informing  of  the

population about  the conditions  of promoting  the best possible

health and advertising of these conditions;



8) the  participation of  public organizations in the health

activities  management   directly  as   well   as   through   the

democratically elected representatives;

9) the  State support  of persons  in protecting, recovering

and improving their health;

10) the partial or full compensation, which is guaranteed by

the State, of health care costs which might worsen the quality of


11)  the  all-round  prevention  of  threat  and  damage  to

individual and  public health  exercised by  all subjects  of the

health activities; and

12) the  promotion by  the State  of  economic  efforts  and

initiatives beneficial to health.

If the  relations specified in Article 1 of this Law are not

regulated by  laws and  provisions of legal norms, which regulate

similar relations,  cannot be applied thereto, the principles set

forth in  Par.  1  of  this  Article  shall  be  applied  in  the

settlement of any disputes that may arise.


Chapter 2

The Lithuanian National Health System


Article 7. The Foundations of Forming of the Lithuanian

National Health System

The foundations of forming of the Lithuanian National Health

System shall be as follows:

1) ensuring of social justice in health activities;

2) integration  of all resources of health activities into a

unified system,  their planning and use according to the national

priorities of health activities;

3) integration  of individual  health care and public health

care into a unified system;

4) introducing  of the elements of the social market economy

into health  activities without violating the national priorities

of health activities;

5) ensuring  of the  implementation of the Lithuanian health

programme, and the programmes of the health system reform;

6)  ensuring  of  intersector  coordination  of  the  health

activities; and

7) ensuring  of participation  of the  public in  the health

activities management.


Article 8. The Structure of the Lithuanian National

Health System

The Lithuanian  National Health System (hereinafter referred

to as the LNHS) shall consist of:

1) the executive bodies of the LNHS;

2) the managing bodies of the LNHS;

3) the resources of the LNHS; and

4) the  activities and  a range  of services rendered by the



Article 9. The Executive Bodies of the LNHS

The executive bodies of the LNHS shall be:

1) state  and municipal individual and/or public health care

institutions; and

2) enterprises,  accredited  for  certain  types  of  health

activities and  having concluded health activities contracts with

the customers  of activities  and a range of services by the LNHS

in accordance with the procedure established by this Law.


Article 10. The Managing Bodies of the LNHS

The managing bodies of the LNHS shall be:

1) bodies of state management of the LNHS activities;

2) municipalities and their institutions;

3) institutions coordinating the LNHS activities;

4) special managing bodies of the LNHS; and

5) institutions  exercising control  over the  conditions of

the LNHS activities.

The  managing   bodies  of   the  LNHS  shall  within  their

competence supervise  and coordinate  the  health  activities  of

other health  activities bodies  which do  not belong to the LNHS

system, according  to the procedure established by this and other

laws and legal acts.


Article 11. The Resources of the LNHS

The LNHS resources shall comprise:

1) the land, which belongs to the State or municipalities by

the public  ownership right  and  it  intended  for  recreational

purposes and organizing of health resorts;

2) natural  resources (mineral  water, curative  mud,  etc.)

intended for medical rehabilitation activities carried out by the


3) material  resources intended  for ensuring  of  the  LNHS


4) the property of the LNHS executive and managing bodies;

5) financial  resources from the State and municipal budgets

intended for ensuring of the LNHS activities;

6) funds of compulsory health insurance;

7) any  other property, assigned by laws for ensuring of the

LNHS activities;

8) specialists  and other  employees of  state and municipal

institutions  of   individual  and   public  health  care,  state

enterprises which  are accredited for individual or public health

care and pharmaceutical activities; and

9) databases of information concerning individual and public


The LNHS resources shall be regulated by this and other laws

and legal acts.

A claim  to property  cannot be  made to  state or municipal

institutions of individual or public health care.


Article 12. The LNHS Activities and Services

The activities  and a range of services rendered by the LNHS

shall comprise:

1) individual health care;

2) public health care;

3) pharmaceutical activities; and

4) paid  services specified  in Chapter  4 of Part 1 of this



Article 13. Levels of Organizing of the LNHS Activities

The levels  of organizing of the LNHS activities shall be as


1) primary  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  "primary  health


2) secondary  (hereinafter referred  to as "secondary health

activities"); and

3) tertiary  (hereinafter referred  to as  "tertiary  health


The primary  health activities shall comprise administrative

units of  municipal territories.  It shall  be carried out by the

LNHS bodies  subordinate to  municipalities. Other LNHS executive

bodies  belonging  to  the  levels  of  organizing  of  the  LNHS

activities may  within their  competence perform  this work  on a

contractual basis.

The secondary  health activities shall comprise higher-level

administrative units.  It shall be carried out by the LNHS bodies

of higher-level  administrative units.  The LNHS executive bodies

belonging to  the  tertiary  level  of  organizing  of  the  LNHS

activities may  within their  competence perform  this work  on a

contractual basis.

The tertiary  health activities  shall be carried out within

their competence  by university  and academic  clinics and  other

medical treatment  centers, which  provide specialized  and  very

specialized medical  treatment to  persons  without  taking  into

consideration their  places of  residence. These  LNHS  executive

bodies may  within their  competence carry  out the  primary  and

secondary health activities on a contractual basis.

The  procedure  and  conditions  of  implementation  of  the

primary health  activities shall be established by laws and other

legal acts.

The list  of types  of the  primary, secondary  and tertiary

health  activities  and  the  LNHS  executive  bodies  of  health

activities which  implement them, their competence, procedure and

conditions of  the secondary and tertiary health activities shall

be established by laws and other legal acts.



Article 14.    The Exclusive Rights of Health

Activities of the LNHS Executive Bodies

The LNHS  executive bodies  shall have  the right to provide

and carry out:

1) individual  health care (free of charge) supported by the

State and local authorities;

2)  medical   and  social   examination,  forensic   medical

examination, forensic  psychiatric and  narcological examination,

and pathologoanatomical examination;

3)  public   health  care   measures  entered  in  the  list

established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania; and

4) state  monitoring  of  public  health  and  state  expert

examination of public health.


Article 15. Customers of the LNHS Activities and

Rendered Services

The main  customers of  the  LNHS  activities  and  rendered

services shall  be the  Government of  the Republic of Lithuania,

its  institutions,   local  authorities,  state  and  territorial

patients' funds, other legal and natural persons.

The limits  of  the  orders  for  the  LNHS  activities  and

rendered services  which  can  be  established  by  the  relevant

customers of  the LNHS activities, shall be regulated by the laws

and other legal acts.



Chapter 3


Levels of Health Activities



Section 1


The Required Level of Health Activities


Article 16. The Indicators of the Required Level of

Health Activities

The required  level of health activities shall establish the

scope of  health activities  which are  supported by the State or

local authorities,  necessary conditions  for health  activities,

the list  of measures  and institutions  which are  necessary for

retaining or  maintaining of the already achieved level of public


The required level of health activities shall be defined by:

1) the  lists of  necessary diagnostic  measures approved by

the Ministry of Health;

2) the  necessary assortment  of medicines and other medical

articles approved by the Ministry of Health;


3) the  list of individual health care measures supported by

the State and local authorities free of charge;

4) the list of state institutions and services of individual

and public  health care,  and pharmacies  according to  the  type


5) the list of necessary measures of public health care;

6) the  established necessary  conditions of  individual and

public health care;

7) obligatory State and municipal health programmes; and

8) the  basic volume,  established by this Law, of financing

of health  activities which  are carried  out by  the  Lithuanian

National Health  System, from  the State,  municipal budgets  and

compulsory health insurance funds.

The required level of health activities shall be established

taking   into   consideration   the   demographic,   health   and

environmental  quality   indicators  and  tendencies  of  changes


The required  level of health activities, with the exception

of the indicators of acceptability and adequacy of individual and

public health  care established in items 1 and 2 of Par.2 of this

Article, shall  be established  by the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania  on the  joint recommendation  of  the  Ministry  of

Health and the National Health Council.


Article 17.The Structure of Individual Health Care

Supported (Free of Charge) by the State and

Local Authorities

The individual health care supported (free of charge) by the

State and local authorities shall comprise:

1) the preventative medical treatment;

2) restorative medical treatment;

3) medical rehabilitation;

4) nursing;

5)  social   services  and   social  assistance  in  medical

treatment; and

6) services  which are  attributed to  medical treatment  in

accordance with the manner prescribed by this Law.


Article 18. Individual Health Care Supported (Free of

Charge) by the State

The following  shall be  attributed to the individual health

care supported (free of charge) by the State:

1) necessary medical treatment on the secondary and tertiary

levels of health activities;

2) individual health care provided to servicemen, cadets and

law and order and law-enforcement officers and volunteers;

3) individual  health care  provided to  persons detained by

the police,  put into  places of  detention, prisoners  (with the

exception of  medical rehabilitation  in  sanatorium  and  resort


4) individual  health care  provided  to  persons  who  have

suffered from violations of law, provided that they are witnesses

in criminal cases according to the procedure established by legal


5) individual  health care  in accordance  with the  list of

categories of civil servants established by the law;

6) individual  health care  provided to  persons who are ill

for an uninterrupted period of more than four months;

7) provision  of persons ill with diseases, the list thereof

is approved  by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, with

prostheses of teeth, limbs, joints and other organs;

8) individual  health care  provided to  persons who are ill

with   tuberculosis,   sexually   transmitted   diseases,   AIDS,

infectious  and   endocrinal  diseases   entered  in   the   list

established by  the Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania, as


well as  mental diseases,  oncogenic diseases,  alcoholism,  drug

dependence, and toxic substance addiction; and

9)  blood   donorship,  haemodialysis,   organ  and   tissue


The scope  of individual  health care  (types of  individual

health care  and the list of measures thereof) which is supported

by the  State, with the exception of the case specified in item 5

of Par.1  of this Article, shall be established by the Government

of the  Republic of  Lithuania on the joint recommendation of the

Ministry of Health and the National Health Council.


Article 19. Individual Health Care Supported (Free of

Charge) by Local Authorities

The following  shall be  attributed to the individual health

care supported (free of charge) by local authorities:

1) necessary medical treatment provided on the primary level

of health activities;

2) individual health care of pregnant women;

3) individual health care provided to mothers until the baby

is one year of age;

4) individual  health care provided to the family members of

unemployed and disabled persons;

5) individual health care provided to persons under 16 years

of age;

6) individual  health care  provided to persons whose income

is less  than the level of income supported by the State, as well

as orphans under 18 years of age;

7) individual  health care  provided to invalids of group I;


8) provision  of  persons  of  established  categories  with

prostheses of teeth.

The scope  of individual  health care  (types of  individual

health care  and the list of measures thereof) which is supported

by local  authorities shall  be established  by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania  on the  joint recommendation  of  the

Ministry of Health and the National Health Council.

Local authorities  shall have  the right,  when possible, to

establish an additional scope, comparing to the scope established

by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, of individual and

public health  care supported  by local authorities, on the joint

recommendation  of   a  physician   of  the   town  or   district

municipality and the community health council.


Article 20. Necessary Conditions of Health Activities

The  necessary   conditions  of  health  activities  in  the

Republic of Lithuania shall be as follows:

1) accrediting for individual, public health care activities

or pharmaceutical activities; and

2) accessibility,  acceptability and  adequacy of individual

and public health care.

Health activities  shall comprise  only the territory of the

State  of   Lithuania,   unless   otherwise   provided   for   in

international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania.

The procedure  and conditions of accrediting for individual,

public  health   care  or   pharmaceutical  activities  shall  be

established by this Law and other legal acts.

The indicators  of accessibility  of individual  health care

shall be  established  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania on  the joint  recommendation of the Ministry of Health

and  the  National  Health  Council.  The  requirements  for  the

acceptability of  individual health  care shall be established by

laws and other legal acts.

The requirements  and norms of adequacy of individual health

care   shall    be   regulated    by   normative   documents   of

standardization,  which  are  prepared  by  university,  academic

clinics and centres. Normative documents of standardization which

regulate the  requirements for  adequacy of  public  health  care

shall be  within their  competence prepared  by the  State Public

Health Care  Service in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of

Lithuania, institutions  of control  over the  health  activities

conditions in  other governmental  institutions. These  normative

documents shall  within  their  competence  be  approved  by  the

Ministry of  Health or  the Lithuanian  Standardization Agency in

the Ministry of Economics.

The  necessary  conditions  of  health  activities  must  be

ensured by  all subjects  of health activities. Health activities

subjects which do not ensure the established necessary conditions

of health activities, shall be liable under laws.



Section II


Contractual Level of Health Activities


Article 21. Conditions of Establishing of the

Contractual Level of Health Activities

The health  activities which  do not  belong to the required

level of health activities shall be attributed to the contractual

level of health activities.

The scope  and conditions of the contractual level of health

activities  shall  be  established  by  the  contract  of  health

activities provided  by this Law. The scope and conditions of the

contractual level of health activities, determined by the parties

to those  contracts, must not worsen the required level of health



Article 22. A Health Activities Contract and the

Procedure for Concluding It

A health activities contract shall be an agreement between a

subject  or   subjects  of   health  activities   (contractor  or

contractors) who  have the right to engage into health activities

or  carry  out  them  and  a  customer  of  customers  of  health

activities, by  which the subject (subjects) of health activities

shall undertake  an obligation  to carry out health activities of

certain scope  and types,  render a  range of  services  of  this

field, and  the customer  (customers) of  health activities shall

undertake an  obligation  to  pay  for  the  performed  work  and

rendered services.


Article 23. The Parties to Health Activities Contracts

Governmental institutions, bodies of administration of local

authorities,   health    insurance   institutions,   enterprises,

institutions, organizations, legal and natural persons may be the

parties to  the health  activities contracts  on the one part and

legal persons,  enterprises without  a status  of a legal person,

accredited for health activities - on the other part.


Article 24. Conclusion of a Health Activities Contract

The health activities contract must normally be concluded in

writing. It  shall be considered concluded, if the parties to the

contract agree  upon the basic terms and conditions of the health

activities contract.


Article 25. The Structure, Text and Validity of the

Health Activities Contract

The parties  to health  activities contracts shall establish

the structure, chapters and appendices of the contracts.

The text  of the  health activities  contract shall  be  the

terms and  conditions of the contract specified by the parties to

it, defining  the rights and duties of the parties, the procedure

for carrying  out thereof  and the responsibility of the parties,


as well  as basic  terms  and  conditions  of  health  activities

contracts established by this Law.

The parties to the contract cannot establish in the contract

such  conditions   of  health   activities  which   would  worsen

conditions of  health activities  comparing them with those which

are established  in this  Law, other  laws and legal acts. In the

case of  a  dispute  concerning  application  of  the  terms  and

conditions of the health activities contract, it shall be settled

in the court.

The health activities contract shall become effective on the

moment of  its signing. Terms of the duration of a contract shall

be established upon mutual agreement of the parties.


Article 26. Basic Terms and Conditions of the Health

Activities Contract

In each  contract of  health activities,  its  parties  must

agree on the following basic terms and conditions:

1) the types of health activities, scope of these activities

and terms of implementation;

2)  prices  of  health  activities  and  the  procedure  for

financing of  the scope  of health  activities agreed upon by the

parties,  as   well  as  compensation  for  general,  particular,

additional expenses;

3)  the   procedure  for   compensation   of   expenses   of

transportation of patients, medicines and medicinal substances;

4) the  provision of  time for  engaging in  private  health


5) procedures  for amendment,  supplement and termination of

the health activities contract;

6) an additional, comparing to this Law, material liability,

which is  established by  the parties  to the  contract,  for  an

improper  fulfillment   of  the   contract  obligations  and  the

unilateral termination thereof; and

7) the  procedure and  terms of  fulfillment of the contract

obligations and the control over them.

Item 4  of Par.1  of this  Article shall  be applied only to

private health activities subjects, who have concluded a contract

with the  LNHS customers  concerning performance  of work  on the

required level of health activities.


Article 27. Control over the Execution of the Health

Care Contract

Control  over   the  fulfilment  of  obligations  of  health

activities contract  shall be  carried out  by the  parties which

have entered  into such  contract. The  procedure and time limits

for reporting  on the  fulfilment  of  obligations  under  health

activities contract,  by representative  of the  parties  to  the

contract shall be set forth in the contract.


Article 28. Liability for Failure to Perform the Health

Activities Contract

Both parties  to the contract shall be liable for performing

of health activities contracts.

The  grounds   for  the  unilateral  termination  of  health

activities contract shall be established by the Civil Code of the

Republic of Lithuania.

If the obligations of the health activities contract are not

fulfilled or  the contract is terminated unilaterally through the

fault of  the subject  of health  activities (contractor), losses

incurred by  health activities customer shall be compensated with

the funds  of the  health activities subject (contractor). If the

obligations of  the health  activities contract  are failed to be

fulfilled or  the contract is unilaterally terminated through the

fault of  the health  activities customer, the losses incurred by

the health  activities subject  (contractor) shall be compensated

with the funds of the health activities customer.



Chapter 4


Paid Services in Health Activities Rendered by State

and Municipal Institutions of Individual and Public

Health Care and Subjects of Pharmaceutical Activities


Article 29. Paid Individual Health Care Services

Paid individual  health care  services  shall  comprise  the


1) individual health care measures entered in the list drawn

up by  the Ministry of Health and the National Health Council and

approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania;

2) services  (bed linen,  hospital clothing,  telephone,  TV

set, etc.),  entered in  the list  established by the Ministry of

Health, which  are rendered  in in-patient individual health care


3)  sending   of  individuals   to   foreign   health   care

institutions in the established procedure;

4) provision  with medicines  which are  more expensive, but

possessing  analogous  effect  in  in-patient  medical  treatment

institutions; and

5) services  entered in the list established by the Ministry

of  Health,   which  are   rendered  in  individual  health  care

institutions upon the death of a patient.

The procedure  for rendering  of paid individual health care

services, rates,  procedure for  paying and reduced charges shall

be established  by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on

the basis  of this  Law, Law  on State Social Insurance and other



Article 30. Paid Pharmaceutical Services

Paid pharmaceutical services shall comprise:

1) registration of medicines;

2) expert  examination of  the quality  of medicines  on the

order of legal and natural persons;

3) sale  without a  prescription of  medicines  (except  for

medicines possessing narcotic and psychotropic effects, which are

entered in the established list) to the population in pharmacies;

4) accepting  of orders  by telephone from medical treatment

institutions and  legal persons  accredited for individual health

care for compounding of extempore medicines (except for medicines

possessing narcotic and psychotropic effects which are entered in

the established list);

5) delivery of medicines to customers; and

6) other services.

The procedure for rendering of paid pharmaceutical services,

rates,  procedure   for  paying  and  reduced  charges  shall  be

established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the

basis of this Law and other legal acts.


Article 31. Paid Public Health Care Services

Paid public health care services shall comprise:

1) health training of workers of professions, jobs, branches

of production  established by  the  Ministry  of  Health  of  the

Republic of Lithuania;

2)  public   health   monitoring,   public   health   expert

examination conducted  on  the  order  of  interested  legal  and

natural persons;

3) preventive  vaccination of  adults, with the exception of

the  vaccination   carried  out   in  the  centers  of  dangerous

infections and for the purpose of treatment;

4) disinfection,  disinsection, deratization of premises and

territories, except  for works,  carried out  in the  centers  of

dangerous and extremely dangerous infections;

5)  issue   and  distribution   of  normative  documents  of

standardization and  other publications concerning the matters of

public health care;

6)  drawing   up  of  health  programmes  on  the  order  of

interested legal and natural persons; and

7) other public health care services.

The procedure  for rendering  of  paid  public  health  care

services, rates, procedure for paying shall be established by the

Government of  the Republic of Lithuania on basis of this Law and

other legal acts.


Part II


Health Activities


Chapter 1


Engaging in Health Activities


Article 32. The Right to Engage in Health Activities in

the Republic of Lithuania

The right  to engage  in individual or public health care or

to apply  its measures  shall be  enjoyed  by  persons  who  have

received education and special training in institutions preparing

these  specialists  and  authorized  by  the  Government  of  the

Republic of  Lithuania to  issue documents certifying an adequate

qualification of  an individual or public health care specialist,

as well  as who  are accredited  in the manner prescribed by this

Law and other legal acts for individual or public health care and

who possess the license to engage in these types of activities in

the Republic of Lithuania.

The conditions  and procedure for accrediting of persons for

other types of health activities shall be established by this Law

and other laws.

In the  procedure established  by the  Ministry  of  Health,

individual or  public health  care services  may be  rendered  by

foreign individual  or public  health care  specialists only  for

charity purposes  or for  the purposes  of  specialist  training,

unless otherwise  provided for  in international  treaties of the

Republic of Lithuania.

Upon obtaining  in the  established procedure  a license  to

engage in  private practice,  specialists of  state or  municipal

institutions of  individual or  public health care shall have the

right  to   engage  in   private  practice   only  outside  these


The Ministry of Health shall determine the qualification and

the procedure for recognizing of the qualification of persons who

have received  individual or public health care education, but do

not have a special training.

The right  to engage  in health activities may be taken away

only on the basis and in the procedure established by laws.


Article 33. Professional Duties, Rights, Professional

Training and Responsibility of Individual and

Public Health Care Specialists

Laws and  other legal acts shall establish main professional

duties, rights  of individual and public health care specialists,

text of  the Hippocratic  oath and  the conditions  and manner in

which it  is taken,  procedure for restriction of their practice,

as well  as the  responsibility for the health damage done in the

process of health care.


Article 34. The Duty of Health Care Specialists to Keep

the Secret of  Individual's Health (Medical



Individual  or  public  health  care  specialists  shall  be

restricted from  violating of  confidentiality of the information

about  individual's   health,  which  they  have  acquired  while

performing professional  duties. The  medical ethics requirements

for   keeping   the   information   about   individual's   health

confidential shall be established by the Ministry of Health.



Chapter 2


Individual Health Care


Section 1


Preventive Medical Aid



Article 36. Information Services Regarding Prophylaxis


All those  involved in  individual health care shall provide

information  services  on  issues  of  disease  prophylaxis.  The

Ministry of  Health shall  determine the  conditions and order of

provision of such services.


Article 37. Selective Individual Health Examinations

Selective individual  health examinations  are conducted  in

accordance with  the decision of and the order established by the

Ministry of Health.

The Health  Information Services  shall determine the number

of  respondents,   who  shall  be  subject  to  selective  health

examinations, and  the methods  of collection,  accumulation  and

processing of the statistical information.


Article 38. Immuno-prophylaxis and Chemical Prophylaxis

of Communicable Diseases

The Ministry of Health shall establish the list of those who

must carry out the immuno-prophylaxis and chemical prophylaxis of

communicable diseases,  as well  as the  contents, conditions and

order of the immuno-prophylaxis and chemical prophylaxis of these


Compulsory  measures   of  immuno-prophylaxis  and  chemical

prophylaxis may  only be  applied on the grounds and according to

the procedure  provided by laws, in the event of an actual threat

that they  may succumb  to particularly  dangerous  or  dangerous

communicable diseases.

Medical specialists who are in violation of the requirements

of this Article, are held responsible under the laws.


Article 39. Prophylactic Examinations

Workers of  certain professions  and individuals, working in

certain fields  and lines  of production, must submit to a health

examination prior to engaging in professional activity and during

the course  of such  activity. The  Government of the Republic of

Lithuania compiles the list of workers in these professions, jobs

and production branches and sectors, as well as the procedure for

individuals' prophylactic examinations.

The  health   of  workers   of  the  professions,  jobs  and

production branches  and  sectors,  listed  by  the  Ministry  of

Health, as  well as  of those individuals who had associated with

those who  had contracted  the diseases  specified on the list of

communicable diseases,  established by  the Ministry  of  Health,

shall be subject to required health examinations.

Medical aid  institutions shall  within the  prescribed time

limit, examine the health of:

1) pregnant women, and children under 16 years of age;

2) mothers, until the infant reaches the age of one.

3) individuals  who had  associated with  patients, who  had

contracted  communicable   diseases,   included   on   the   list

established by the Ministry of Health.

Workers of  the professions,  jobs, production  branches and

sectors, listed  and other  individuals, who  had associated with

patients, who  had contracted  communicable diseases, included on

the list  of communicable  diseases, provided  by the Ministry of

Health, shall  be quarantined and held under observation, for the

purpose of  having their  health monitored,  over the  period  of

time, specified  by this  Law or  other laws.  In the event these

individuals, the persons close to them, or their representatives,

do not  agree with  the doctor's decision regarding isolation and

health status  observation, these individuals must, in accordance

with the established order, be placed under compulsory quarantine

and compulsory  health  observation.  The  police  must,  at  the

request of  the institutions  of  health  protection,  assist  in

placing such persons under quarantine.

Individuals working in the professions, branches and sectors

of  production   established  by   the  Government,  as  well  as

individuals who have associated with those who had contracted the

communicable diseases  included  on  the  list  provided  by  the

Ministry of  Health, who  refuse to have their health examined in

the prescribed  time period,  shall be held responsible under the




Section 2


Medical Recovery Aid


Article 40. Vital Medical Aid

The following shall be attributed to vital medical aid:

1) first medical aid;

2) institutional  (in-patient or out-patient) urgent medical


For those  individuals, who must be rendered medical aid, in

order to  save their  lives,  because  of  accidents,  accidental

emergencies, ecological  or natural  disasters, or  due to sudden

onset of  illness, medical  and pharmaceutical  specialists,  who

were present together with the victims or patients at the site of

an accident  or sudden  acute and  life-threatening illness, must

render first medical aid.

Out-patient medical aid must be provided by:

1) mobile, urgent first aid services; and

2) the nearest individual health-care institutions.

Urgent  in-patient   medical  aid   must  be   rendered   in

specialised in-patient  medical care  institutions or specialised

sections of  medical aid institutions, for rendering this type of


In the  event the  life  of  this  individual  is  seriously

endangered, urgent in-patient medical aid may be rendered without

the consent  of the  individual, following a decision by at least

two consultant  physicians, and  having informed the patient, his

family members  or his representative, and in instances where the

victim or  suddenly taken  ill individual, happens to be a minor,

his parents  or guardians  must be  notified of  the medical  aid

rendered to him.

The Ministry of Health shall determine the content of urgent

medical care,  the basis,  conditions, and  order of rendering it

and the  competence of  institutions of personal health care, and

medical/pharmaceutical  specialists  on  questions  of  rendering

urgent medical  aid, in  keeping within the allotted fund limits.

The  Ministry   of  Health   shall   determine   the   structure,

establishment and  order of  financing, and  competence of mobile

urgent medical aid services.

Individuals, who are bound by this Law and other legal acts,

to furnish  vital medical  aid, who  have by  their  inaction  or

actions,  contributed   to  the   health  damage  of  victims  or

individuals  experiencing   sudden  illness,   shall  be  applied

disciplinary,    administrative,     material,    and    criminal

responsibility, as prescribed by laws.


Article 41. Application of Diagnostic and Treatment


The scope of diagnostic measures, applied at the medical aid

institutions of  the Republic  of Lithuania,  must not be smaller

than those  prescribed by  the lists  of obligatory  measures  in

disease diagnostics.

Medical aid  specialists shall  have  the  right  to  choose

treatment technologies,  in the  order prescribed by this Law and

other legal  acts. The  order of  application  of  the  treatment

technologies shall  be established  by the normative documents of

health care standardisation.

Medication shall  be apportioned to diagnostic and treatment

measures, provided that it is:

1) prescribed by a physician or another individual, entitled

to prescribe it;

2) they  are registered in the Republic of Lithuania, in the

prescribed order;

A  medical   specialist  may   employ   all   scientifically

substantiated, but  not yet  registered, in  the prescribed order

medicines,  prophylactics,   diagnostic  and  treatment  methods,

medical equipment  and instruments  only in  trying to  cure  the

patient and,  to save  or prolong  his life. In this instance, he

must obtain  permission of  the patient,  and if  the patient  is

unconscious, or  is  a  minor,  of  his/her  parents,  relatives,

guardians, or  his  representative's  permission  and  also,  the

consent of  the ethics commission, of the health aid institution,

regarding the  use of  such individual  health care  technologies

use. This  consent must  be executed in writing. When the patient

is in  an unconscious state and there is no information available

regarding  his   relatives,   parents,   guardians   or   his/her

representatives, these  technologies shall  only  be  applied  by

written  consent   and  with  the  approval,  by  at  least,  two

physicians in  consultation,  as  well  as  that  of  the  ethics

commission of the medical aid institution.

The application  of compulsory  hospitalisation,  compulsory

diagnostic, and  compulsory treatment  measures  to  individuals,

shall only  be allowed in accordance with the order prescribed by

law, in  the presence of a genuine threat, that these individuals

by actions,  or because  of the  state of  their health may cause

substantial harm  to their own health or life or to that of other

persons. Medical  experts, who  violate these requirements, shall

be held  responsible in  accordance with  the order prescribed by



Article 42. Transfusions of Human Blood and its Products

Human blood  for transfusion  purposes  or  blood  products'

production, may  be taken  from a  donor solely, of the free will

and by the consent of the donor. Human blood and its products may

only be  imported in  and transported  out  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania,  for  donor  purposes,  on  the  basis  of  agreements

concluded with  legal persons of foreign countries, by individual

health care facilities accredited for this purpose.

The conditions  and order  of importing into the Republic of

Lithuania and  exporting from it of human blood and its products,

the quantity  of donor's  blood and  its products,  intended  for

individual treatment  use, to  be imported  into the  Republic by

Lithuanians and  foreign nationals,  and the conditions and order

of conducting  tests of  human blood and its products in order to


ascertain their  harmlessness to  human health,  to be  used  for

transfusion, shall be established by the Ministry of Health.

The conditions  and order  of  taking  of  human  blood  for

donorship, production  of blood  products and use of human organs

and tissue  for transplants,  medical research,  diagnostics  and

treatment, order and conditions shall be established by laws.

Individuals in  violation of  this  Article  shall  be  held

responsible in accordance with laws.


Article 43. Transplantation of Human Tissue and Organs

Human tissues and/or organs may not be objects of commercial

transactions and  must  be  used  only  for  transplants  or  for

biomedical research  purposes. The  purchase  or  sale  of  human

tissue and/or  organs of  the human body and the advertisement of

such activities, shall be punishable in accordance with the laws.

Conditions and  order of the use of human tissues and organs

taken from  a body, for use in transplantation, medical research,

diagnostics and  treatment and  tissue and/or organ donor rights,

are established by laws.



Section 3


Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing , Social Services, Care and

Assistance Attributed to Individual Health Care


Article 44. Medical Rehabilitation

The  conditions  and  order  of  Medical  rehabilitation  of

patients, in  medical assistance  and nursing facilities, patient

selection and  their dispatching  to rehabilitation hospitals and

sanatoriums shall be established by the Ministry of Health.

The fundamentals  of the  invalids'  medical  rehabilitation

organising system  shall be  established by  the  Law  on  Social

Integration of  Invalids. The  conditions and  order  of  medical

rehabilitation of  invalids is  established by  the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania.

The order  of  identification  of  localities  suitable  for

medical (and  social) rehabilitation,  as resorts, as well as the

conditions of  resort organisation,  shall be  established by the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 45. Nursing

Individuals shall  be nursed at home, as well as, in medical

aid, nursing and social care institutions.

The content, conditions and order of nursing of disabled and

senior individuals  shall be established by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 46. Social Services and Social Care Provided

under Individual Medical Care

Provision of  social  services  and  social  care  shall  be

organised within  the auspices  of individual health care for the

purpose of  reducing the  psycho-emotional stress  level  and  to

assist them  in fighting stress and ensure their social security.

The social  services and  social care  are managed  by the social

workers of medical aid institutions.

The order  and conditions  of the  social services kinds and

the scope  of supplying  them, the  content of  social care of an

individuals in  health care,  as well  as the regulations guiding

health care  social workers, are established by the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania.

The order  of social  workers preparation and the raising of

their qualifications  is  established  by  Ministries  of  Social

Protection and Labour.


Article 47. Services and Other Assistance, Attributed

to Medical Aid

The following  services and  other types  of assistance  are

attributed to medical aid:

1) pharmaceutical aid (prescription acceptance and checking,

selection of  medicine of  equivalent  effect,  oral  or  written

information of  the individual  regarding  administering  of  the

medicine, informing  about the  safe use of the medicine, issuing

of non-prescription  medicine, issuing  for self-administering of

medicines, or  other means  of medicinal  purpose, in  accordance

with the  health condition  problems, indicated by the individual

and in  the order  established  for  issuance  of  the  medicine,

provision of information regarding its availability);

2)   patient    transportation,   prosthesis,    orthopaedic

appliances, provision with compensational equipment, articles and

products (including  food products),  used in  medical  aid,  and


The services,  as well as other assistance, specified in the

first part  of this  article, shall be attributed to medical aid,

provided they:

1) prescribed  by a  doctor, or  another person,  having the

right to prescribe them;

2) they  are included  in the  list of  prescribed services,

compiled by  the medical  aid subject  and the  customer  of  his

activities, the  Ministry of  Health, or  municipal  governments,

when these  services  belong  to  an  individual's  health  care,

supported by state or municipalities.

The medical  aid shall  not comprise  services and  products

intended for  cosmetic or  hygienic use,  even if  they are  also

beneficial for individual health purposes.



Section 4


Expert Examination of Individual's Health



Article 48. Expert Examination of the Health Potential

of an Individual

Individual health  potential expert  examinations  shall  be

performed  by  health  centres.  The  Ministry  of  Health  shall

establish the  order of  the performance and organisation of this

expert examination.


Article 49. Medical Expert Examination of Ability To


Temporary individual  expert  examination  of  work  ability

shall be  performed by medical aid institution doctor or doctors'

commission. The  order of  organisation and  performance of  this

expert examination  shall  be  established  by  the  Ministry  of



Article 50. Medical and Social Expert Examination

In instances of long-term or permanent disability, a medical

and social  expert examination  shall be  performed  by  a  state

medical aid  institution social and medical commissions and State

medical-social expert  commissions.  The  order  of  approval  of

regulations  and   competence  of  these  commissions  and  their

competence is  regulated by  the Law  on  Social  Integration  of

Invalids. The medical and social criteria, regarding long-term or

permanent work  disability, shall  be established by the Ministry

of Health  along with  the Ministry  of Social Protection and the

Ministry of Labour.


Article 51. Forensic Expert Medical Examination

The forensic  medical expert  examination shall be performed

based  upon   the   decision   of   the   interrogation   bodies,

investigation bodies, or per decision by the prosecutor, or court

decision, as  well. Expert examinations shall be performed by the

State  Forensic   Medicine  Service.  The  order  of  the  expert

examination and  performance is  established by the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 52. Forensic Psychiatric and Forensic

Narcological Expert Examination

Forensic  psychiatric   and   forensic   narcologic   expert

examinations  shall  be  conducted  based  on  the  decisions  by

interrogation bodies, investigation bodies, or the prosecutor, as

well as court decision. Expert examinations shall be performed by

the State Forensic Psychiatric and Forensic Narcological Service.

The  order   of  organisation   and  performance  of  the  expert

examination  shall  be  established  by  the  Government  of  the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 53. Pathoanatomical Expert Examination

Pathoanatomical  expert   examination  shall  be  performed,

following the death of an individual. The conditions and order of

the pathoanatomical  examination (autopsy)  shall be regulated by

laws and other legal acts.



Chapter 3

Public Health Care


Article 54. Universal Character of Public Health Care

The duty  of all  natural and legal persons shall be to take

care of  public health, the aim of which consists in promoting of

health,  preventing  of  the  deterioration  of  the  quality  of

consumer goods,  food products,  drinking water  and residential,

work,  and   natural  environment,  preventing  of  diseases  and

traumas, and  decreasing the  morbidity rate.  Legal and  natural

persons who  are in  violation of this requirement, shall be held

responsible, in accordance with the order established by this and

other laws.


Article 55. Promotion of Public Health

The promotion of public health shall consist of:

1) health propaganda in the mass media;

2) popularisation of health knowledge;

3) health education;

4) family planning consultation.

Health propaganda,  supporting initiatives  of health policy

shall be  organised through  the mass  media by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania or municipalities, from the Government

or  municipality   funds.  The  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall determine the order and conditions with reference

to the  health propaganda  disseminated through  mass information


Health knowledge  promoting a  healthy lifestyle  among  the

population,  shall   be  popularised,   consultations  on  family

planning  shall   be  organised  in  accordance  with  state  and

municipality health programs.

Health instruction  shall be  comprised of  the totality  of

voluntary and  compulsory health  education measures,  as well as

physical training and physical culture measures.

The conditions  and  order  of  health  promotion  shall  be

regulated by this and other laws and legal acts.


Article 56. Protection of Public Health

The basis  of public health protection shall be comprised of

a system  of measures limiting harm and danger in living, working

and natural environment.


Prevention and limitation of danger and harm to health shall

be implemented:

by applying:

1) hygienic  regulation of  indicators and  requirements  of

non-dangerousness and harmlessness of economic or another type of

activity,  to   health  of   the  working,   living  and  natural

environment, foodstuffs  and drinking  water and  raw  materials,

machinery and equipment, as well as other goods;

2) licensing of economic and commercial, as well as of other


3) accrediting  of legal and natural persons for individuals

and public health care activities;

by establishing:

4) sanitary protection zones;

5) quotas for production of goods detrimental to health;

by  suspending   economic-commercial  and  other  activities

detrimental or dangerous to health;

by  applying   individual  excise   duties  to   the   goods

detrimental to  health, included  in the Law on Excise Duties and

other methods of economic regulation;

by  applying   responsibility,  established   by   law   for

violations of legal acts on health activities.

Raw materials,  equipment,  machinery,  building  materials,

elements  of   residential  dwelling   interiors,  food  and  its

packaging, tare, other goods, and drinking water should not incur

any risk  to health,  or else  this risk  may  only  be  minimal.

Standardisation normative documents of the Republic of Lithuania,

which are  being prepared  by the  Ministry of  Health, determine

requirements   for   and   indices   of   non-dangerousness   and

harmlessness  to   health,  working,   residential  and   natural


The  types   of  economic-commercial   activities  that  are

detrimental  to   human  health,   and  their   work  and  living

environment, for  which  a  permit  must  be  obtained  from  the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania, or from the State Public

Health Care  Service, authorised  by it, shall be limited through

refusals to  issue licenses  for such  activities, in  accordance

with decisions by the Law on Enterprises.

Economic-commercial activities  by enterprises, that have an

adverse effect upon people's health, and their working and health

environment,  must  be  limited  in  accordance  with  the  order

established by  the Law  on  Enterprises,  shall  be  limited  by

refusing of revoking the permit (license) for this activity.

The criteria  for such  revocation and suspension or banning

of the  above-mentioned activities  and  the  order  of  granting

authorisation to legal persons, shall be established by this Law,

the Law on Enterprises and other laws and legal acts.

State agencies and state inspectorates, which are exercising

control over  public health,  shall decide  on the harmfulness of

the economic-commercial and other activities.

The conditions  and order  of expert  examinations regarding

the  harmfulness  or  dangerousness  to  health  of  services  of

economic and commercial and other activities, living, working, or

studying   conditions,   various   structures,   their   designs,

technological processes, drinking water, raw materials, machinery

and equipment  and other  goods and services laws and other state

acts shall  be established  by the laws and other legal acts. The

lists of  goods detrimental or dangerous to health the production

and sale  of which  and supplying  of  services  detrimental  and

dangerous to health, must be prohibited and limited in accordance

with the  order established  by this  Law, and the lists shall be

confirmed by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Production quotas  of  harmful  or  dangerous  goods,  whose

manufacture must  be limited,  shall be established by Government

agencies, which  issue permits (licenses), for the manufacture of

such goods.

The  order   of  accreditation   in  health  supervision  or

pharmaceutical  activity   and  taxation   of  harmful  goods  by

individual excise  amounts, shall be determined by the Government

of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 57. Prophylaxis and Control of Contagious


Those individuals  engaged in  health activities shall carry

out the  first, second  and tertiary  prophylaxis of and exercise

control over infectious diseases, within their competence.

The Government  of the Republic of Lithuania, ministries and

other Government  agencies shall  guarantee the protection of the

territory of the Republic of Lithuania and its population members

from the  importation and  spread of  particularly dangerous  and

dangerous contagious  diseases.  The  Ministry  of  Health  shall

approve  and   update  lists  of  such  diseases.  The  order  of

application of  a system  of sanitary-antiepidemic and quarantine

measures intended  to protect  the population  from  particularly

dangerous and  dangerous diseases  shall be  established  by  the

Government of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania.  Veterinary-sanitary

requirements for  the  prophylaxis  of  the  previously-mentioned

diseases shall be established by the Veterinary Law.

In the  event of  the existence of a threat of appearance or

spread of infectious diseases and after the appearance and spread

of  such,  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania,  or

municipal governments  may, in  the  order  prescribed  by  laws,

introduce within  appropriate  territories,  state  of  emergency

measures  and   regimes  regarding   work,  study,   travel   and

transportation,  in   order  to   provide  protection  from  such


Legal and natural persons, who have violated the established

requirements   regarding   the   prophylaxis   and   control   of

communicable diseases,  shall be  held responsible  in accordance

with the laws.


Article 58. Extraordinary Situations Affecting Public


Situations that  are extraordinary  with respect  to  public

health, shall  be the circumstances which arise in development of

public health,  under which  the effect  of environmental factors

cause a sudden:

1) arising  danger that  group and mass damage to health may


2) occurrence  of group  or mass damage to the health of the


The territory  where the  danger of  group  or  mass  health

damage suddenly  arises, is  declared a  region dangerous  to the

health of  the population, shall be declared by the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania a region dangerous to public health.

The territory  on which  damage is  caused to  the health of

groups of  the population,  or the  health of  a large population

mass is  harmed, is declared by the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania an area harmful to public health.

The criterion for determining extraordinary to public health

situations, the  administration, control,  and removal of effects

negative to  public health  and economy,  and also  the order  of

their financing,  shall be  approved by  the  Government  of  the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 59. Prophylaxis and Control of Non-Infectious

Diseases and Traumas

Enterprises, establishments,  organisations, medical aid and

social rehabilitation  and  nursing  institutions  shall  control

within their  competence cases of non-infectious illness, as well

as prophylaxis of traumas, morbidity and traumatization.


The conditions  and order  of  prophylaxis  and  control  of

occupational diseases  and poisoning  shall be established by the

Law on Safety at Work, other laws and legal acts.

Prophylactic  measures   and   content   of   traumatization

resulting from  transport-connected circumstances are established

by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

The  application  of  measures  of  secondary  and  tertiary

prophylaxis of  non-infectious diseases  shall be  established by

this Law and other legal acts.


Article 60. Public Health Control

Public health  control shall  be exercised  by the State and


1) state control of alcohol;

2) state control of tobacco;

3) state narcotic substance control;

4) state hygienic control;

5) state environmental protection control;

6) state control of organisation of safety at work;

7) state  control of  radiation safety  within  the  nuclear

power system;

8) state veterinary control;

9) state medical audit.

Municipalities shall  maintain sanitary  control of  healthy

living environment within their respective territories.

The  content   of  public   health  control,  order  of  its

implementation and  the competence  of control institutions shall

be regulated  by this Law, the Law on Veterinary Medicine, Law on

Environmental Protection,  Law on  Labour Protection,  other laws

and legal acts.

The content  and order  of sanitary  control, which  must be

conducted   by    municipalities   within    their    territorial

administrative units  shall be  established by  the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania  on the  proposal of  the Ministry  of



Article 61. Suspension of Economic and Commercial

Activities Detrimental to Health

State  inspections   and  municipal   sanitary  inspections,

exercising public  health control  shall have the right to demand

that the  employer (individual  authorised by  him) would suspend

the work if:

1) the  employer does  not fulfil  the legal requirements of

public health care state inspectorates;

2) it  becomes evident  that raw materials, manufactured and

sold production,  sold goods  and means  of work  are harmful  to


3) due  to violation  of normative  documents of health care

standardisation, the  health  environment  becomes  dangerous  to

health or damage to health is done;

4) other grounds established by the laws.

The order  of suspension  of work  due to danger and harm to

health causes,  is established by this law, Labour Protection Law

and other laws.

State inspectorates, controlling public health care, and the

municipality sanitary  inspectorates,  who  determine  legal  act

violations  of  public  health  care,  may  apply  penalties  and

economic sanctions,  whose order  of application  and exaction is

established by  the Code of Violations of Administrative Law, and

other laws and legal acts.


Article 62. The Functions of Health Activity

Management, Attributed to Public Health Care

The functions  of health  activity, described  in  Part  IV,

Chapter 2,  Articles 86,87,88,89,90,  and 94  are  attributed  to

public health care.


Chapter 4


Pharmaceutical Activities, Traditional Medicine,

Folk Medicine and Non-Medical Measures

of Health Recovery


Article 63. Pharmaceutical Activities

Only legal  individuals, enterprises, not holding the status

of legal person, natural individuals, who are accredited for this

activity, shall  have  the  right  to  engage  in  pharmaceutical


The structure of pharmaceutical activity, the legal bases of

its  organisation   and  the   order  and   the   conditions   of

accreditation of  this activity shall be established by this Law,

the Law on Pharmaceutical Activity and other laws and legal acts.


Article 64. Traditional medicine, Folk Medicine, Non

-Medical Health Recovery Measures


Traditional  medicine,  folk  medicine,  non-medical  health

recovery measures  shall be  supplied  solely  by  juridical  and

natural individuals,  accredited in the order prescribed by legal

acts, for  this activity. The order and conditions of traditional

medicine, folk  medicine services  and  non-medical  measures  of

health recovery application are established by this Law and other

legal acts.


Part III


Executive Bodies of Health Activities,

the Content of their Rights and Duties



Chapter 1


Executive Bodies of Health Activities,

Public Health Care Pharmaceutical Activity Subjects

and their Founding


Article 65. Individual Health Care, Public Health Care

and Pharmaceutical Activity Entity Founding

Founding of  individual health  care, public health care and

pharmaceutical activity  shall be  regulated by  laws  and  other

legal acts.

The  public  individual  health  care,  public  health  care

institutions,  and  public  pharmacies  shall  be  founded  by  a

decision of  the Government  of the Republic of Lithuania or upon

its order, by the Ministry of Health.

Municipality individual  health care  and public health care

institutions, or  pharmacies shall  be founded  per decision of a

municipal council.

Subjects of  individual health  care, public health care, or

pharmaceutical activity, functioning in accordance with the right

of private  ownership, shall  be founded  by the  decision of the

founders themselves,  upon obtaining  a permit (license) from the

Ministry of Health.


Article 66. Founding Documents of Individual Health

Care, Public Health Care and Pharmaceutical

Activity Subjects

Individual health  care, public  health  care,  as  well  as

pharmaceutical activity founding documents shall be:


1) documents  issued by  State accrediting  service or State

pharmaceutical control  service in  accordance with  its area  of

competence, attesting  to  the  projected  possibilities  of  the

subject to ensure the required conditions of health activity;

2) individual  health care,  public health  care, as well as

pharmaceutical activity subjects' regulations (bylaws);

3) documents  established by  the Law  on Enterprises  or by

other laws.

The regulations  (bylaws) of  individual health care, public

health care  and pharmaceutical activity subjects are established

in accordance  with model  regulations (bylaws)  approved by  the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 67. Forms of Ownership and Subjects of Property

Right within Individual Health Care, Public

Health Care and Pharmaceutical Activity

Forms of  ownership, as  well  as  property  right  subjects

within individual  health care  and pharmaceutical  activity, are

regulated by the Civil Code.

The property right objects, which are necessary to implement

primary health  activity, within  a municipal territory, shall be

assigned in accordance with municipal property laws.


Article 68. Types and Range of Economic Activity of

Subjects of Individual Health Care, Public

Health Care and Pharmaceutical Activity and

Their Nomenclature

The type  of economic  activity  conducted  by  subjects  of

individual and public health care and pharmaceutical activity, as

well as  their competence, shall be established by their founders

and the laws.

Subjects of  individual health  care, public health care, as

well as  pharmaceutical activity,  which are  being  set  up  and

function as  State or  municipal institutions, and also the types

of health  activity, that can be carried on solely by them, shall

be established by this and other laws.

The range  of subjects  of individual  health  care,  public

health  care,  as  well  as  pharmaceutical  activity,  shall  be

regulated by  this Law  and other  legal acts, in accordance with

the health activity carried out by them.


Article 69. Registration and Reregistration of State

and Municipal Individual and Public Health


Every state  or municipal  individual or  public health care

institution, prior  to beginning  of its health activity, must be

registered in  the register  whose founder  and senior  registrar

shall be  the Ministry  of Health.  This register  shall also  be

administered by the managerial bodies of municipalities.

The Ministry of Health shall register only individual health

care and  public health  care institutions,  founded  from  state

funds, and  shall collect  and process all data on all individual

health care  and public  health care institutions registered with

the municipalities of the Republic of Lithuania.

Municipal administrative  bodies shall  register, accumulate

and  process   data  of   individual  and   public  health   care

institutions, founded on the basis of municipal funds.

In the event, state or municipal individual or public health

care institution  founding document  shall be changed or amended,

they must  be reregistered  in accordance  with  the  established


The order  of the  registration and  reregistration  of  the

above, as  well as  the grounds for refusal to register State and

municipal individual  or  public  health  care  registration  and

reregistration shall  be established  by the  Government  of  the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 70. Liquidation of State and Municipal

Individual or Public Health Care Institutions

and Enterprises Engaged in Health Activities

The grounds for liquidation of State or municipal individual

or public health care institutions may be:

1) decision of the founder to terminate its activities;

2) the  decision of  the Ministry of Health or the municipal

council to  revoke the registration of the institution founded by

the Ministry  of Health or the municipal board, when they fail to

obtain accreditation for individual or public health care.

Grounds for  liquidation of  enterprises, engaging in health

activity, shall be established by the Law on Enterprises.



Chapter 2


Individual Health Care, Public Health Care

and Pharmaceutical Activity Entity Rights

and Obligations



Article 71. The Rights of the Entities of Individual

Health Care, Public Health Care and

Pharmaceutical Activities

Individual   health    care,   public    health   care   and

pharmaceutical activity entities shall have the right to:

1) conclude  agreements on  health activities  in accordance

with this  Law and other laws, as well as agreements provided for

in the Civil Code;

2) hold  accounts in  one of  the Republic  of Lithuania, as

well as  one foreign-registry  banks, and use the funds contained


3) to  establish ways  and means  of utilising  of  all  the

capital on hand, to the extent this does not contradict this Law,

other laws and individual health care, public health care, or the

pharmaceutical activity entity's regulations (bylaws);

4) conclude  agreements on  short-term interest  free  loans

from non  budgetary  income  to  state  (municipal)  health  care

institutions, or on obtaining such loans;

5) establish, to the extent it does not contradict this Law,

individual or  public health care subject's regulations (bylaws),

internal organisational  structure, as  well as its branches, for

the purpose of servicing the primary activities of the subject of

the individual  health care, public health care or pharmaceutical

activity and to receive additional income for its development and

to define the legal status of divisions;

6) independently  establish health  activity relations  with

local and foreign partners;

7) establish  personal health  care activities and services,

medicines and  other  medicinal  article  prices,  tariffs,  work

compensation systems,  excepting those  instances when, according

to this, or other laws, the prices of individual or public health

care and  service,  medicine,  and  other  medicinal  designation

article prices  and other  normatives, shall  be regulated by the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania and municipalities;

8) submit  legal claims  for  damages  inflicted  upon  them

through illegal acts of state authority bodies, municipal boards,

health insurance  institutions, and  also by  officials,  in  the

performance  of   their  job-related  duties  and  administrative

management actions.

Individual or  public health  care subjects  may  also  have

other rights, provided they do not contradict this or other laws,

as  well  as  individual  health  care,  public  health  care  of

pharmaceutical activity founding documents of the subjects.

Article 72. The Duties of Individual Health Care,

Public Health Care and Pharmaceutical

Activity Entities

The duties of individual health care, public health care and

pharmaceutical activity entities shall be as follows:

1) to  observe the requirements of this Law and other health

activity laws, as well as those of legal acts;

2) to  provide healthy  and safe work environment conditions

for medical personnel;

3) to  attempt to  prevent danger  and damage  to health  or

environment in  health activity,  and to also, limit the possible

health danger and damage effects of this activity;

4) to  ensure the  compliance of  their health activity with

the provisions set forth in accreditation documents;

5) to  ensure in  keeping with  one's  own  competence,  the

mandatory health activity conditions;

6) to  supply the  population  with  information  concerning

individual health  care,  public  health  care  institutions  and

services, pharmacies,  their activities and the services rendered

by them;

7)  to   ensure  individuals  right  to  obtain  information

regarding one's  own health,  as well  as the  confidentiality of

such information;

8)  to   organise  public   health  monitoring  and  provide

statistical health information, in the established order;

9) to provide timely information to State public health care

service concerning identified contagious disease cases;

10) to  organise in the order, prescribed by this Law, other

laws and  legal acts,  the  individual  health  care  of  medical


11) to  organise, on the basis and order established by laws

and  other  legal  acts,  liability  insurance  for  subjects  of

individual health  care, public  health care  and  pharmaceutical

activity, for  health  damage  caused  while  performing  health-

related activities.

Individual or  public health  care subjects  may  also  have

other duties,  provided they  do not  contradict this  and  other

laws, as well as their founding documents.



Part IV


Fundamentals of Health Activity Management



Chapter 1


Ways and Means of Health Support


Article 73. The Use of State Regulatory Subsidies for

Health Activity Regulation

Health relations  shall be  regulated through application of

economic means regulated by laws and other legal acts:

1) taxes;

2) mandatory health insurance funds;

3) voluntary health insurance funds;

4) accident and occupational disease insurance funds;

5) other types of insurance fees;

6) special-purpose budget subsidies;

7) soft loans;

8) pricing policy;

9) licenses;

10)  economic   sanctions  for   violations  against  health

activity laws and other legal acts;

11) other economic measures.


Article 74. The use of Special-Purpose Budgetary

Subsidies for the Support of  Health


The priorities  of distribution of special-purpose budgetary

subsidies for support of health activities shall be as follows:

1) ensuring of mandatory level of health activities;

2)  acquisition   of  expensive   medical  technologies  and

equipment, and  its introduction into state individual and public

health care institutions and state pharmacies;

3) elimination  of negative  consequences for public health,

resulting  from   extraordinary  situations  (epidemics,  natural

disasters, ecological catastrophes);

4) other  individual and  public health needs established by

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall set the

specific objects of subsidies.


Article 75. Application of Soft Loans

Interest on  obtained loans  shall be  paid out  of state or

municipal budgets,  in accordance  with the  order established by

the Government,  to legal  and natural persons who are clients of

required state  or municipal  health programs  and have  approved

them in  accordance with  the  established  order  and  to  state

medicine supply enterprises that have received bank loans for the

implementation of such programs or the supply of medicines of the

indispensable assortment  and other articles of medicinal purpose

to Lithuania.


Article 76. Order of Fixing the Prices and Tariffs on

the Measures and Services of Required Level

of Health Activities

The basic  prices and  tariffs on  measures and  services of

required level  of health  activities shall  be approved  by  the

Government  of   the  Republic   of  Lithuania   or,   upon   its

authorisation, the  Ministry of  Health. It  shall fix them to be

uniform throughout  the country, upon co-ordinating them with the

State Price  and Competition  Service, the  State Patients  Fund,

State Public  Health Care  Services, as  well as other interested

subjects of  health activities.  In case  the Ministry  of Health

does not agree with the established prices, in the month prior to

the end  of the  current budgetary year, they shall be indexed by

the Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania, at  least once  a

quarter, should the quarterly inflation rate exceed 10 per cent.


Article 77. Compensation of Costs of Measures and

Services of Required Level of Health

Activities to the Population

Individual health  care and  services shall be provided free

of charge  to the  citizens  of  Lithuania  and  persons  without

citizenship permanently residing in Lithuania, according to basic

prices  fixed  for  the  indispensable  diagnostic  measures  and

medicines  and   other   articles   of   medicinal   purpose   of

indispensable assortment.

The differences between the basic costs of individual health

care, supported  by the state or municipalities, shall be covered

in accordance  with  the  order  established  by  Law,  from  the

required health insurance funds.


Article 78. Compensation of Costs of Other Means and

Services of Health Activities Required from

Required Health Insurance Funds

The order  of compensation of costs from the required health

insurance funds,  to persons to whom the health care and services

supported by  the state,  are not  applied,  in  accordance  with

Articles 18  and 19  of the  present law, shall be established by

the laws and other legal acts.


Article 79. Encouragement of Professional Improvement

of Health Care Specialists

The costs  of raising  qualifications or  requalification of

medical  specialists   in  individual   and  public  health  care

institution and  services  of  State  or  municipality  shall  be

compensated from  the state  and municipal budgets, in accordance

with the  order and  conditions established  by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania,  provided other laws do not establish

compensation for these costs from other sources.

The costs  of qualification  improvement and requalification

of pharmaceutical  enterprise specialists  shall be  covered from

the funds of these enterprises.


Article 80. Liability Insurance of Enterprises and

Institutions Accredited for Individual Health

Care for the Damage Caused to Individuals'

Health in the Course of Individual Health


Enterprises   and   institutions   accredited   to   provide

individual  health  care  must  obtain  liability  insurance  for

damages  caused   to  individuals',   health  in  the  course  of

individual health care treatment.

The  provisions   and  order   of  concluding  the  required

insurance agreements,  the sources  of required insurance and the

order  of   utilisation  of   these  funds   by  enterprises  and

institutions  accredited   to  provide  individual  health  care,

liability for  damages caused, shall be established by the Law on

Insurance, other laws and legal acts.


Article 81. Support to Health Care Establishments, for

Health Care Program Implementation and Public

Health Care

The order  of support  to individual  and public health care

institutions shall  be established  by the  Law  on  Charity  and


The costs  of individual and public health care with respect

to groups  of the  population whose health is strongly influenced

by the  health risk  factors, except  in  cases  where  the  risk

factors arise from the individual's harmful habits may be covered

from state  or municipal  health program  funds. Such  population

groups shall be identified by the Ministry of Health.


Article 82. Support of Programs of Public Organisations

Protecting Public Health Interests

The resources  of the State Health Fund and the health funds

of   municipal    state   funds,   enterprises,   establishments,

organisations,  religious   establishments  and  other  legal  or

natural persons  may  be  utilised  for  the  support  of  action

programs of  public  organisations,  who  protect  public  health

interests, in  the established order. The conditions and order of

the support of these funds shall be established by the Government

of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 83. Restrictions on Advertising of Goods and

Services Harmful to Health

The advertising of alcohol and tobacco products and of other

goods and  services having  a negative  effect on health shall be

prohibited in  the Republic  of Lithuania.  The procedure for the

prohibition or  restriction of  the advertising of such goods and

services shall be prescribed by the laws and other legal acts.


Article 84. Application of Economic Sanctions

Economic  sanctions  may  be  applied  to  enterprises  upon

disclosing violations  of legal acts regulating health activities

or when  legitimate instructions  of state  inspectorates,  state

agencies   controlling   public   health   care,   pharmaceutical

activities, quality control of medicines and medicinal substances

are not  complied with. economic sanctions may also be applied to

enterprises when  there are  cases of concealment of accidents at

work, occupational  diseases, occupational  poisonings,  hospital

infections or contagious diseases.

The procedure  for the  application of  sanctions  in  cases

referred to  in this  Article,  their  collection  and  appealing

against as well as the rate of sanctions shall be set by laws.




Chapter 2


Management Functions of Individual Health Care,

Public Health Care, Pharmaceutical Activities

and other Health Activities



Article 85. Restrictions on Making Available to the

Public of Information Concerning the Health

of an Individual

The  availability   of  information  on  the  health  of  an

individual may  be restricted only in cases provided by laws when

such information  represents a  secret of  individual's health  (

medical secret).  The criteria of a secret of individual's health

(medical secret) shall be established by laws.

It shall  be prohibited  to announce  information concerning

individual's health  through the  mass  media  without  his/  her

written consent.  Protection of  information on  the health of an

individual stored  in computers  must ensure its confidentiality.

The  requirements   for  the  protection  of  confidentiality  of

information concerning  individuals' health,  which is  stored in

computers belonging to subjects of health activities shall be set

by the Ministry of Health.

Persons who  violate  confidentiality  of  such  information

shall be liable under the laws.


Article 86. Public Health Information and its


Information concerning  public health  must be  available to

the public  without restrictions and it may not be considered the

State secret.

The system  of public health monitoring shall be established

in the  Republic of  Lithuania  for  the  observation  of  public

health, physical,  chemical and  biological  factors  of  health,

health  care   requirements  and   resources,  accessibility  and

adequacy of health care , and registering of information on these


The monitoring  of public  health shall  be conducted by the

ministries,   other   state-run   institutions,   municipalities,

enterprises and  health care facilities within the scope of their


The public monitoring of public health shall be conducted by

the State Public Health Care Service.

The  content,   structure,   charges   for   public   health

monitoring, the  procedure for  its conducting  and the procedure

for making  the monitoring data available to the public , as well

as the  scope of  competence of  the subjects  of  public  health

monitoring shall be established by the laws and regulations.


Article 87. Expert Examination of Public Health

Public health  expert examination  shall be  carried out for

the purpose  of assessment  of the  data  of  the  public  health


Such  expert   examination  shall  be  carried  out  by  the

ministries  ,   other  governmental  institutions,municipalities,

enterprises and  health care  institutions within  the  scope  of

their competence.

The state  public health expert examination shall be carried

out and  the conclusions  shall be  presented by  the Ministry of

Health and  the State Public Health Care Service as well as other

legal persons authorised by the Government.

The  fundamentals   and  content  of  public  health  expert

examination, the  procedure for its financing, conduct and making

available to  the public of its findings, charges, and competence

of the  subjects of  public health  expert examination  shall  be

established by the laws and other legal acts.


Article 88. Planning of Health Activities

Programme planning  shall form the basis for the planning of

health activities in the Republic of Lithuania.

The Seimas  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall approve, on

the  proposal   of  the  Government,  the  objectives  of  health

activities, the  indices of  health level  to be  achieved on the

national scale  and the  Health Programme  of Lithuania  for  the

period of  at least  10 years.  The structure  of the  Lithuanian

Health Programme  as well  as the  procedure for its preparation,

financing, implementation,  and control  shall be governed by the

regulations  approved  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of


For the  fulfilment of  the  tasks  defined  in  the  Health

Programme,   the   Government,   ministries,   other   government

institutions,   and   municipalities   shall   prepare   relevant

government, sector  or municipal comprehensive or special-purpose

programmes,  or   shall  provide   for  the   measures  for   the

implementation of  these  tasks  in  other  social  and  economic

development programmes.

The procedure  for  the  preparation,  approval,  financing,

implementation and  supervision of the health programmes shall be

governed by  the regulations  approved by  the Government  of the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 89. Standardisation of Health Care and

Pharmaceutical Activities

Conditions for  the implementation  of individual and public

health care  and the  quality of  medicines must be in conformity

with  the  requirements  set  by  the  standardisation  normative

documents of the Republic of Lithuania.

Such documents  shall be prepared by the institutions of the

health care  system and  shall be  approved by  the  Ministry  of

Health  or  the  Lithuanian  standardisation  service  under  the

Ministry of Economics.

In such  cases where  the quality  of  health  care  is  not

regulated by  standardisation documents, the requirements set for

the health care conditions may be legalised by the acts issued by

the Ministry of Health.

Legal and  natural persons  who do not meet the requirements

set by  the standardisation  normative documents  shall be liable

under the laws.


Article 90. Accrediting of Legal and Natural Persons

for Health Activities

The right to engage in health activities shall be granted to

persons who  have  received  special  training  and  licences  in

accordance with  the procedure prescribed by this Law, other laws

and legal  acts.  The  right  to  provide  specific  health  care

services shall  be  granted  to  persons  who  have  been  issued

certificate (  a document confirming the right to render specific

services) in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Republic of


The right to engage in health activities shall be granted to

legal persons and enterprises without the right of a legal person

that have  received permit  to engage  in such  activities in the

manner prescribed by this Law, other laws and legal acts.

Individual or  public health care licences, certificates and

permits shall  be issued  or revoked  by  the  State  Service  of

Accrediting for Health Care under the Ministry of Health.

The procedure  for the issue, registration and revocation of

licences, certificates  and permits  shall be  regulated by  this

Law, other  laws and  legal cats.  A licence  to engage in health

activities shall  state the  type of  an  institution,  financing

sources, profit  distribution, and  the procedure  for furnishing

information  about   its  activities   to  the   public.  Permits

(licences) and  certificates shall  be issued on the basis of the

structure of  the types  of health activities established by this


The  disputes   concerning  the  issuing,  registration  and

revocation of licences, certificates and permits shall be settled

in court.

Health  activities   carried  out  by  unaccredited  natural

persons and  enterprises without  the rights  of a  legal  person

shall be illegal. Natural and legal persons who engage in illegal

health activities shall be liable under the laws.

Professional organisations  of  medical  and  pharmaceutical

employees may participate in the accrediting activities of health

care  facilities   and  pharmaceutical   enterprises,  and  their

employees according  to the procedure established by this Law and

other legal acts.


Article 91. Control over the Implementation of

Necessary Conditions of  Individual Health


Administration of  every facility  of individual health care

must  conduct   a  local   medical  audit  of  the  adequacy  and

accessibility of  individual health  care. The  procedure for the

local medical  audit shall  be established  by  the  Ministry  of


A patient  willing to  be sure  in the  adequacy of  medical

service rendered  to him,  with the  exception of  cases of first

aid, shall  have the  right to  apply to  a physician selected by

him, who,  at the  written request  of the  patient, may agree to

carry out  individual medical  audit. The conditions, content and

procedure of  the individual  medical audit,  as  well  as  other

conditions shall be established by laws and other legal acts.

State medical  audit shall be conducted by the State Medical

Audit Inspectorate  under the  Ministry of  Health and  the State

Patients' Fund.  The content  of the  state medical audit and the

procedure thereof  shall be  established by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 92. Organising of Scientific Research into

Health Activities

The criteria  for the  applied and  fundamental  bio-medical

research shall  be  determined  by  the  Ministry  of  Health  in

conjunction with the Lithuanian Scientific Board.

The priorities  of the applied bio-medical and public health

research shall be identified, ordered, financed and controlled by

the Ministry of Health.

The priorities  of the  fundamental bio-medical  and  public

health  research  shall  be  identified,  ordered,  financed  and

controlled by the Lithuanian Scientific Board.

It shall  be  prohibited  to  conduct  bio-medical  research

without the  approval of  the Lithuanian  Committee  for  Medical

Ethics.  The  requirements  set  for  the  ethics  of  biomedical

research and the procedure for their control shall be established

by the Law on Ethics of Bio-medical Research.



Research into  health activities shall be conducted pursuant

to the agreements concluded in the manner prescribed by the Civil



Article 93. Organising of Training and Qualifications

Improvement of Health Care and Pharmaceutical


The Ministry  of Health  and professional  organisations  of

health care  specialists shall  be concerned  within the scope of

their competence with the training and qualifications improvement

of health care and pharmaceutical specialists.

A register  of health  care and  pharmaceutical  specialists

shall be  established for  the registration  of health  care  and

pharmaceutical specialists,  the manager  of which  shall be  the

Ministry of Health.

The  procedure   for  the   qualifications  improvement   of

individual  and   public   health   care   specialists   and   of

pharmaceutical specialists  shall be  established by the Ministry

of Health  upon co-ordination with the professional organisations

of health care and pharmaceutical specialists.


Article 94. Evaluation of Health Care Technologies

The subjects  of individual  and public health care shall be

prohibited  from   applying  the   unevaluated  technologies   of

individual and  public health  care, with  the exception of cases

provided by this Law.

The procedure  for such  evaluation shall  be established by

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

So that  the acquisition  of expensive  individual or public

health care  technologies out  of the  state budget  or municipal

budgets would  be justified,  the state-run  or municipal  health

care institutions  must provide  economic and  social grounds for

the acquisition  of such  technologies to the State Medical Audit

Inspectorate under  the Ministry  of Health.  The cost  limits of

such technologies shall be set by the Ministry of Health.


Article 95. Procedure for the Application of Individual

and Public Health Care Technologies

Only the  medicines, prophylactic,  diagnostic and treatment

methods,  medical   equipment  and   instruments  that  are  duly

registered in  the Republic  of  Lithuania  may  be  applied  for

individual  or   public  health  care.  Medicines  that  are  not

registered in the Republic of Lithuania may be used only if there

are documents evidencing their registration in foreign countries,

as well as on other grounds provided by this and other laws. Such

medicines shall be used as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

The  procedure   for  the  evaluation  and  registration  of

individual  and   public  health   care  technologies   shall  be

established by this and other laws and legal acts.


Chapter 3


Financing of Health Activities



Article 96. The Base Amount of Financing of the LNHS


The base  amount of  the financing  of the  LNHS  activities

including the funds of state budget and municipal budgets and the

funds of the compulsory health insurance funds must, according to

the calculation methods prescribed by the Government, account for

5 % of the value of the GDP each year.


Article 97. The Grounds for the Financing of Executive

Bodies of the LNHS  Activities


The  executive  bodies  of  the  LNHS  activities  shall  be

financed on the following bases:

1) documents  certifying the accrediting of legal persons or

enterprises without  the rights  of legal persons, for individual

or public health care activities;

2) conclusion of contracts concerning health activities;

3) compulsory liability insurance contract for damage caused

to individual's  health while  providing individual  health care,

entered into  between the enterprises and institutions accredited

for individual health care.

The basis  for the  financing  of  works  performed  on  the

compulsory public  health care  level  shall  be  the  conditions

referred to in items 1 and 2 of part 1 of this Article.


Article 98. Sources of Financing of the Facilities

Engaged in Health Activities

The state-run  or municipal  facilities  of  individual  and

public  health  care  accredited  for  certain  types  of  health

activities shall be financed from the following sources:

1) funds  of the  state budget  of the Republic of Lithuania

and municipal budgets;

2) health insurance funds;

3) funds of the insurance against accidents;

4) resources of Health Funds;

5) income received from paid health care and paid services;

6) interest  on the  non-budgetary funds  of individual  and

public health care facilities, kept in banks.

The procedure  for the  financing of state-run and municipal

facilities of  individual and  public health  care ,  state-owned

enterprises accredited  for certain  types of  health  activities

from the  funds of  state budget  and municipal  budgets shall be

established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

The private  subjects accredited for health activities shall

be financed from the following sources:

1) health insurance funds;

2) funds of the insurance against accidents;

3) income received from paid health care and paid services;

4) interest on the funds of these facilities kept in banks;

5) resources  of health  funds of enterprises, institutions,

organisations,  confessions,  and  of  other  legal  and  natural


Subsidies from the state budget and municipal budgets may be

allocated to  private persons  and facilities  accredited for the

individual and  public health  care, for  the purpose of ensuring

required  level  of  works  and  services,  accordance  with  the

procedure established  by the  Government or  a local  authority.

Resources of the State Health Fund and Municipal Health Funds may

be allocated for the implementation of health programmes.


Article 99. Financial Activities of State-run and

Municipal Health Care Facilities

State-run  and   municipal  health   care  facilities  shall

independently determine  their cost  structure other  than labour

costs. The  rates of  labour  costs  shall  be  approved  by  the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

The terms  of the  payment of  salaries  for  state-run  and

municipal individual  and public  health care  facilities without

exceeding the  established norms shall be set forth in the Law on

Collective Disputes and Collective Agreements.


Article 100. Procedure for Financing of Public Health

Monitoring and Public Health Expert


The enterprises  whose business  or other  activities make a

harmful effect on health and have an adverse effect on living and

working environment  must incur  the costs  of monitoring of such

impact  (health   care  monitoring)   and  public  health  expert

examination, which  are carried  out by  the  State  Health  Care

Service under the Ministry of Health and its subdivisions.

The enterprises  the business  activities of  which  or  any

other activities  cause harm  to human  health and the quality of

living and  working environment  shall be determined by the State

Hygiene Inspectorate at the State Public Health Care Service.


Article 101. Financing of Scientific Research into

Health Activities

The funds  of the state budget allocated for health care may

also be applied for the financing of applied research into health

activities. Budgetary  funds allocated  for science and technical

progress  shall  be  applied  for  the  financing  of  scientific

fundamental research into health activities.


Article 102. The State Health Fund

The  State   Health  Fund   shall  be  established  for  the

accumulation of  resources for the financing of government health

programmes and for the support of the programmes of activities of

non-government   organisations   that   protect   public   health

interests. The  State Health  Fund shall  be established  by  the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

The sources  of the  funds of  the State  Health Fund  shall

consist of:

1) the share of state budget subsidies, set by the Seimas of

the  Republic   of  Lithuania,   allocated  for   the  government

programmes of social and economic development;

2) the  share of  allocations of  insurance agencies  to the

preventive fund, established by the Council of Insurance Affairs;

3) share of excise duties on alcoholic beverages and tobacco

products as  well as on ethyl petrol transferred to the Fund from

the cumulative  account of the State Tax Inspectorate, prescribed

by the laws;

4) set  portion of  the return on utilisation of temporarily

idle funds  of  the  insurers  who  pay  state  social  insurance


5)  voluntary   contributions  made  by  natural  and  legal


6) interest on the resources of the Fund deposited in banks;

7) 50  % of  funds received  from  the  fines  and  economic

sanctions imposed  for the violation of laws and other legal acts

regulating health activities; and

8) miscellaneous funds received by lawful means.


Article 103. Municipal Health Funds

Municipal Health  Funds shall be established for the purpose

of accumulation  of resources  for the financing of public health

care  programmes  and  for  the  support  of  the  programmes  of

activities of  non-government organisations protecting the public

health interests. Municipal Health Funds shall be established and

their budget  of expenditures  shall be  approved by Municipality


Model statutes  of  the  Municipal  Health  Funds  shall  be

approved by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

The sources of the funds of the Municipal Health Funds shall


1) subsidies from local budgets;

2)  voluntary   contributions  made  by  legal  and  natural


3) interest on funds kept in the banks;

4) 20  % allocations  from the resources of Municipal Nature

Protection Funds;

5) part  of allocations  from  compulsory  health  insurance

contributions into  Municipal Health Funds, prescribed by the Law

on Health Insurance; and

6) other funds received by lawful means.


Article 104. Health Funds of Enterprises,

Institutions, Organisations, Confessions, and

other Legal and Natural Persons

Enterprises, institutions, organisations, confessions, other

legal and  natural persons  shall have  the  right  to  establish

Health Funds  for the  financing of health programmes and support

of health  institutions. The  procedure  for  the  formation  and

liquidation of  these Health  Funds as well as the application of

their resources  shall be  set forth in their statutes that shall

be approved  by the  Government of the Republic of Lithuania. The

budget of  expenditures of  this Fund  shall be  approved by  its

founder (founders).

The  resources   of  the   Health  Funds   of   enterprises,

institutions, organisations,  confessions  and  other  legal  and

natural persons shall consist of:

1)  funds   of  legal  and  natural  persons  and  voluntary

contributions made by them;

2) interest on funds kept in the banks; and

3) other funds received by lawful means;


Article 105. Financing of Pharmaceutical Activities

The sources  of financing of pharmaceutical activities shall


1) proceeds from medicines and other goods meant for medical

purposes sold in the Republic of Lithuania;

2) proceeds  from the  medicines and  other goods  meant for

medical purposes  produced in  the Republic of Lithuania and sold


3)  proceeds   from   the   paid   pharmaceutical   services

established by this law; and

4) other funds established by laws.



Part V


Competence of the Managing Bodies of the LNHS


Chapter 1


Competence of the State Managing Bodies of the LNHS



Article 106. Basic Powers of the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania in Managing Health


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall manage and

regulate health activities by:

1)  approving   and  ensuring   required  level   of  health


2) approving  and ensuring  the implementation of government

health programmes;

3) determining  the competence  of ministries and government

institutions in matters of health activities;

4) ensuring  co-ordination of  intersector health activities

on government level;

5) preparing  and submitting  draft  legislation  and  other

regulations to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;

6) preparing and adopting legal acts concerning other issues

of regulation  of health  activities that are within the scope of

their competence;

7) establishing  government agencies and state inspectorates

carrying out  health activities  and discharging the functions of

their founder;


8) taking  care that  the Lithuanian  state borders  and its

territory be  protected from  the bringing  in and  spreading  of

contagious diseases; and

9) discharging  other functions  of the management of health

activities assigned  to the  Government by the Constitution, this

Law and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 107. Basic Powers of the Ministry of Health in

Managing Health Activities

The Ministry of Health shall:

- determine the scope of required level of health activities

and submit  it to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania for


-study the  state of health of the population and its future

perspectives, contribute  to the  identification of objectives of

health activities  and the indicators of health level aimed at by

the government  and the  Lithuanian health  programme  for  their


-  contribute   to  the  preparation  of  government  health


- on  the instructions  of the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania and  in conjunction  with the  municipalities, identify

the basic trends of development of primary health care;

- take part in the activities of accrediting for health care

and supervise  the activities of private and public facilities of

individual and  public health  care  and  the  establishments  of

pharmaceutical activities;

- administer  other matters  pertaining  to  individual  and

public health care and pharmaceutical activities;

- prepare and adopt, within their scope of competence, legal

acts concerning  the issues of the implementation of all types of

health activities specified in this Article.

The Ministry of Health shall manage other matters pertaining

to health  activities in  conjunction with  other  ministries  in

compliance with  to Articles 108 and 109, and shall perform other

regulatory functions provided for in this Law, other laws and the

regulations of the Ministry.


Article 108. General Competence of the Ministries and

Government Institutions in Health Matters

The ministries and government institutions shall:

1) suspend  and restrict the activities of economic entities

that cause  harm to  health and  environment if  the requirements

prescribed by legal acts regulating health care and environmental

protection are being violated;

2)  make   available  to  the  public  projects,  plans  and

programmes of  business and other activities which may cause harm

to health;

3) inform  in reasonable  time the population on health risk

level in the living and working environment;

4) restrict work activities that constitute potential danger

to health;

5) support the improvement of educational and cultural level

of the population and its supply with information with the aim to

promote healthy way of life;

6) organise promotion of health through the mass media;

7) prohibit  or restrict  the advertising  of  products  and

consumer goods detrimental to health;

8) prohibit or restrict production of goods and rendering of

services that are detrimental to health, as well as import, sale,

and consumption of such goods;

9) contribute  to the  restoration and  maintaining  of  the

quality of the environment;

10) organise  the implementation  of measures  meant for the

restoration and  maintenance of  the set  established quality  of

food products and drinking water;

11) organise  activities for the elimination of consequences

of emergency  situations that  pose a  threat to human health and


12) develop  and optimise  the network  of state-run  public

health care  facilities, services  and state-owned pharmaceutical


13) control  how legal  and natural  persons observe laws on

health care  and comply  with  the  health  care  standardisation


14) submit  proposals to  the Government  of the Republic of

Lithuania on  how to  establish liability  of legal  and  natural

persons for  the violations  of health  care regulations  and for

damage caused  to  human  health  and  environment  by  means  of


15)  develop  scientific  research  and  studies  of  health

activities; and

16) develop  international co-operation  in  the  sphere  of

health activities.


Article 109. Special Competence of other Ministries

when Dealing with Issues of Health Activities

The matters  pertaining to  the policy  of the protection of

patients' rights,  liability for  hazard and harm to health shall

be administered  by the  Ministry of  Health and  the Ministry of

Justice within the scope of their competence.

The matters  pertaining to  foreign humanitarian  relief and

technical assistance  to health  system shall  be managed  by the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

The  matters   pertaining  to   the  prevention  of  traffic

accidents  and   harm  done  to  health  by  reason  of  criminal

activities shall  be managed by the Ministry of Transport and the

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The matters  pertaining to  individual health  care  in  the

penitentiary sphere  shall be managed by the Ministry of Internal

Affairs and  the Ministry  of Health  within the  scope of  their


The matters  pertaining to  individual health  care  of  the

officers of internal affairs and police, as well as other persons

equated with  them shall  be managed  by the Ministry of National

Defence, the  Ministry of  Internal Affairs  and the  Ministry of

Health within the scope of their competence.

The matters  concerning health  insurance policy, assessment

of harm to health, medical and social examination, integration of

social services  and social  care into the health care system and

safety at  work shall  be  managed  by  the  Ministry  of  Social

Security and  Labour and  the Ministry of Health within the scope

of their competence.

The  matters   concerning   the   liability   insurance   of

institutions and enterprises accredited for the individual health

care, for  harm done  to health when providing health care, shall

be managed  by the  Ministry of  Finances  and  the  Ministry  of


The matters  concerning the  maintenance of  the environment

suitable for  human health  shall be  managed by  the Ministry of

Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Health.

The matters  concerning the  supply of  the population  with

food  products   of  good   nutritional  and   biological  value,

veterinary  control  and  supply  of  consumers  with  veterinary

medicines shall be managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and the

Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The matters  concerning transport  and road ecology shall be

managed by the Ministry of Transport.

The matters  concerning the  improvement of  the quality  of

goods shall be managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The matters  concerning the  supply of  the population  with

good quality drinking water and the matters concerning the policy

of healthy  dwelling space  shall be  managed by  the Ministry of

Construction and Urban Planning.

The  matters   concerning  the   promotion  of   health   at

educational   establishments   and   improvement   of   teachers'

qualifications in  health  promotion  shall  be  managed  by  the

Ministry  of  Education  and  Science  in  conjunction  with  the

Ministry of Health, within the scope of their competence.

The  matters   of  state  registers  of  health  activities,

preparation of  classifiers, the  policy  of  computerisation  of

health system  shall be managed by the Ministry of Communications

and Informatics  and the  Ministry of  Health within the scope of

their competence.

State statistics about health activities shall be managed by

the Department of Statistics under the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania and the Ministry of Health.



Chapter 2


Competence of Municipalities and their Institutions

in Matters of Health Activities



Article 110. Competence of the Municipal Council in

Matters of Health Activities

The Municipal Council shall:

1) approve  the primary  health care  development programme,

other comprehensive  and purpose  -oriented programmes of a local

authority and control their implementation;

2) approve  the municipal  budget for  health activities and

the accounts of its performance;

3)  approve   the  contracts  concerning  health  activities

concluded by the local authority;

4) establish  the methods and measures of health support and

the procedure for their application;

5) form  the Municipal  Health Fund, approve the accounts of

the funds utilised and control their application;

6) form  health council  of the local community, appoint its

chairperson and its regulations;

7) establish,  reorganise or  liquidate local primary health

care institutions,  pharmaceutical enterprises  and  perform  the

functions of their founders;

8) establish  the powers  of enterprises,  institutions  and

organisations that are under their jurisdiction, in the sphere of

individual and public health care;

9) revoke  the decisions  and directives  of  the  municipal

board, the  mayor, and  the elders,  as well  as the decisions of

committees, commissions, health board of a local community and of

other  institutions  formed  by  the  Council  that  are  not  in

compliance with the laws on health activities or the decisions of

municipal Council concerning the issues of health activities; and

10) exercise other powers in the sphere of health activaties

established by the laws and other legal acts.


Article 111. Competence of the Mayor of a Municipality

or the Municipal Board in Matters of Health


The Mayor of the municipality or the Municipal Board shall:

1) organise  the implementation  of  the  Lithuanian  Health

Programme, state  health programmes  and other health programmes,

the  programme  of  the  primary  health  care  development,  the

preparation of  municipal  comprehensive  and  purpose-  oriented

draft programmes, as well as the implementation of the programmes

approved by  the Municipal Council, the laws on health activities

and other legal acts in the territory of a municipality;


2) ensure, within the scope of its competence , the required

level of  health activities  in the territory of the municipality

and organise the supervision of the maintenance of such level;

3) organise primary health activities;

4)  organise   the  implementation  of  the  health  support

established by the Municipal Council;

5) conclude  contracts concerning  health care  pursuant  to

this Law  and other  legal acts,  submit them  to  the  Municipal

Council for  approval, and  control how  they are  being complied


6)  perform  the  functions  of  a  customer  of  designing,

construction, and major repairs of primary health care facilities

belonging to the municipality by the right of ownership;

7)  organise  the  medical  audit  of  primary  health  care

establishments belonging  to the  municipality by  the  right  of


8) organise  supervision of  the implementation of patients'

rights at  the individual  health care  establishments of primary


9) on  basis provided  by laws,  prohibit  enterprises  from

engaging in  business activities,  revoke licences  issued in the

prescribed manner  to legal and natural persons to engage in such

activities; and

10) exercise other powers in the sphere of health activities

established by laws and other legal acts.


Article 112. Competence of a City/ District Physician

in the Matters of Health Activities

The city/district physician shall be appointed and dismissed

from office by the Municipal Council.

Medical specialists  who have  passed examinations in health

economy,  health   law,  management   and  organising  of  health

activities may  be appointed  to the  post of  a city or district

municipality physician.  The board  of examiners  shall be formed

and the programme shall be drawn by the Minister of Health.

The city/  district municipality  physician  shall  run  the

subdivision of  health activities  of the municipality the number

of the  employees of  which shall  be  determined  by  the  local


The city /district municipality physician shall:

1) perform the functions of the mayor of the municipality or

the Municipal  Board, referred  to in items 1, 2, 3, 5,7 and 8 of

Article 111 of this Law; and

2) exercise  other powers in the sphere of health activities

provided for  in the  regulations of  the subdivision  of  health

activities of  the municipality,  approved by  the mayor  of  the

municipality or Municipal Board.


Article 113. Competence of the Physician of the Higher

Level Administrative Unit of the Territory

when Dealing with Health Matters

The physician of the higher level administrative unit of the

territory shall  be appointed  and dismissed by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania  on the recommendation of the Minister

of Health.  The physician of the higher level administrative unit

of the  territory shall  be  concurrently  the  director  of  the

Regional Public  Health Centre  of the  State Public  Health Care


The physician of the higher level administrative unit of the

territory shall:

1) supervise  the implementation  of health  activity  laws,

other legal  acts, Lithuanian  Health  Programme  and  government

health programmes, and facilitate the implementation of municipal

health programmes  in the higher level administrative unit of the



2)  generalise   the  application   practice  of  government

regulatory  measures  of  health  relations  in  a  higher  level

administrative unit of the territory and prepare proposals to the

State  Committee   on  Health   Affairs  with   regard  to  their

preparation and improvement;

3) co-ordinate  the  issues  concerning  the  establishment,

reorganisation, or  liquidation  of  the  secondary  health  care

establishments  with  the  Administration  of  the  higher  level

administrative unit of the territory and the Ministry of Health;

4) supervise  how the Administration of the county discharge

the functions  of the  customer of construction and major repairs

of secondary health care facilities;

5) supervise  the activities  of the  individual health care

establishments of the secondary level and arrange their audit;

6)  organise   the  supervision  of  the  implementation  of

patients' rights  at an  individual's health care institutions of

the secondary level; and

7) exercise other powers of health activities established by

laws and other legal acts.

For the  discharge of  his functions,  the physician  of the

higher level  administrative unit  of the territory shall have at

his disposal  specialists and  auxiliary personnel  the structure

and number  of which shall be determined by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania.



Chapter 3


Institutions Co-ordinating the LNHS Activities



Article 114. The National Health Board

The  National   Health  Board   shall   be   self-regulating

institution co-ordinating  health  policy.  The  National  Health

Board shall  be formed  and shall  operate in compliance with the

regulations approved  by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

The National  Health Board  shall consist of: 1/3 representatives

of the  community health  boards,  1/3  representatives  of  non-

government organisations  that defend  the  interests  of  public

health, 1/3  specialists of public health care. The activities of

the National  Health Board  shall be  financed out  of the  state


The National Health Board shall:

co-ordinate on the state level:

1) health promotion policy;

2) alcohol control policy;

3) tobacco control policy;

4) drug control policy;

5) public health protection policy;

6) disease prophylaxis and control policy;

approve draft  government health programmes within the scope

of their competence;

approve the  scope of  health activities  of required level,

draft indicators  of the health level targeted by the government,

the drafts of the Lithuanian Health Programme;

prepare and  each year  submit to the Seimas of the Republic

of Lithuania  the report on the state of public health and health

policy implementation;

discharge other  functions assigned  to it  under  this  and

other laws and regulations of the Board.

The National Health Board shall have the right:

1)  to  obtain  from  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania, ministries,  other governmental institutions, managing

bodies  of   municipalities,   enterprises,   institutions,   and

organisations draft  legal  acts,  draft  programmes,  and  other


information necessary  for the discharge of functions established

by this Law and the Statute of the Board;

2) to  conduct, within its competence, expert examination of

laws, other  legal acts,  draft programmes of social and economic

development and  submit its  findings to  those who  prepared the


3) to  provide, within  its competence, consultations to the

Seimas of  the Republic of Lithuania, the Government, ministries,

other governmental institutions;

4) to  form expert  commissions for  the  discharge  of  the

functions of the Board.


Article 115. The State Health Commission

The State  Health Commission  under the  Government  of  the

Republic  of   Lithuania  is  an  institution  co-ordinating  the

planning of  health support  and implementation at the ministries

and other governmental institutions as well as enforcement of the

laws on health activities and other legal acts.

The  State   Health  Commission  shall  be  formed  and  its

regulations shall  be approved  by the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania. The activities of the State Health Commission shall

be financed out of the state budget.

The State  Health Commission  shall co-ordinate the planning

and implementation of the following spheres of health support:

1) health promotion of the population;

2) environmental  protection, environmental  hygiene, safety

at work, labour hygiene, and labour medicine;

3) nutrition hygiene and labour medicine;

4) alcohol, tobacco and drug control;

5) prevention of traumas;

6) control and prophylaxis of infectious diseases;

co-ordinate the enforcement of laws on health activities and

other legal  acts, generalise  their  application  practice,  co-

ordinate their preparation at the ministries and other government

institutions, submit  proposals to the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania  concerning their  preparation and  improvement,  as

well as  submit  draft  regulations  to  the  Government  of  the

Republic of Lithuania;

conduct expert  examination  of  government  programmes  for

social  and   economic  development,   of  government  investment

programmes, conceptions,  laws, and  other legal  acts and submit

proposals to  the authors  of these  projects on  issues that are

within their competence;

on the  instructions  of  the  Government,  conclude  health

support contracts  between the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania and local authorities.

The State Health Commission shall have the right:

1)  to  obtain  draft  laws  and  other  legal  acts,  draft

programmes, and  other information  from the  Government  of  the

Republic of Lithuania, ministries, other government institutions,

managing bodies of municipalities, enterprises, institutions, and

organisations  ,necessary   for  the   discharge   of   functions

established by this Law and the regulations of the Commission;

2) to  conduct, within its competence, expert examination of

laws, other  legal acts,  draft programmes of social and economic

development and  submit their  findings to those who prepared the

programme ;

3) to  provide, within  its competence, consultations to the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania, ministries, government

institutions, managing bodies of municipalities;

4) to  take part  in the  considerations of  health  support

issues  when   they  are   discussed  at   managing   bodies   of

municipalities,  interested   ministries,  and  other  government

institutions and to submit proposals concerning the resolution of

these issues;


5) to form temporary or permanent expert or other specialist

groups for the resolution of issues assigned to the competence of

the commission.


Article 116. Community Health Board

Community Health  Board is  an independent  institution  co-

ordinating health  activities under  the Municipal  Council. This

Board shall  be formed  and its  regulations shall be approved by

the Municipal  Council. Community  Health Board shall consist of:

1/3 of  health care  specialists, 1/3  of the  representatives of

enterprises, institutions,  organisations of  a municipality, 1/3

of the  representatives of  the NGO  that  defend  public  health

interests. The  activities of the Community Health Board shall be

financed out of the municipal budget.

Community Health Board shall :

coordinate in the territory of municipality:

1) health promotion policy;

2) alcohol control policy;

3) tobacco control policy;

4) drug control policy;

5) public health protection policy; and

6) infectious diseases prophylaxis and control policy;

approve municipal  primary health care development and other

municipal programmes;

examine, submit,  in accordance  with its competence, issues

to  the   municipal  council,  municipal  board,  and  the  chief

executive (the mayor);

perform other  functions assigned  to it  in accordance with

this Law, other laws and the regulations of the Council.

The municipal  community health council shall have the right


1) receive  from the managing institutions, and enterprises,

institutions  and  organisations  within  the  territory  of  the

municipality information  necessary for  the performance  of  the

functions provided  for by  this Law  and the  regulations of the


2) carry  out, in  accordance with  its  competence,  expert

examinations of  managerial decisions  adopted by  the  municipal

council and  municipal managerial  bodies as  well  as  to  draft

municipal socio-economic  development programmes  and to  present

its conclusions to the bodies preparing such programmes;

3) provide consulting, in accordance with its competence, to

the municipal  council, municipal managerial bodies, and economic


4) form  expert  commissions  for  the  performance  of  the

functions of the Council; and

5) delegate  its  representatives  to  the  National  Health





Chapter 4


Special Managing Bodies of the LNHS



Article 117. State Tobacco and Alcohol Control Agency

under the Government

The State  Tobacco and  Alcohol  Control  Agency  under  the

Government shall  be established  and its  regulations  shall  be

approved by  the Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania.  The

Agency shall  be a legal person. Its activities shall be financed

from the State Budget.

The State Tobacco and Alcohol Control Agency shall:

1) licence  the production,  sale and  import of alcohol and


2) control  the compliance  with the  laws  on  tobacco  and

alcohol control by economic entities; and

3) perform  other functions prescribed by other laws and the

regulations of the Agency.


Article 118. State Public Health Care Service under the

Ministry of Health

The State  Public Health  Care Service under the Ministry of

Health shall be established and its regulations shall be approved

by the Ministry of Health.

The State  Public Health  Care Service under the Ministry of

Health shall:

1) perform  the  functions  of  regional  divisions  of  the

Ministry of  Health for  the management  of public health care in

the higher-level administrative units of the territory;

2) on  the instruction of the Ministry of Health, establish,

in conjunction  with municipalities,  priority development trends

of primary health care;

3) carry  out public  health monitoring  and  public  health

expert examination;

4) on  the instruction  of the  Ministry of  Health  prepare

standardisation normative  documents for the regulation of public

health care;

5) in  accordance with  the procedure  and  on  the  grounds

established by laws and other legal acts, issue permits to engage

in economic-commercial activities; and

6) perform  other functions prescribed by other laws and the

regulations of the Service.


Article 119. State Medicines Control Agency under the

Ministry of Health

The State  Medicines Control  Agency under  the Ministry  of

Health shall be established and its regulations shall be approved

by the  Ministry of  Health. The  Agency shall be a legal person.

The Agency activities shall be financed from the State Budget.

The State  Medicines Control  Agency under  the Ministry  of

Health shall:

1) accredit  legal and  natural persons  for  pharmaceutical


2) licence the production, sale and import of medicines;

3) register medicines;

4)  control   the  quality   of  medicines   and   medicinal


5) exercise control over pharmaceutical activities;

6)  carry   out  monitoring   of  pharmaceutical  activities

(collecting,   accumulating,    processing   and    disseminating

information concerning  medicines and  their production,  import,

sale and export); and

7) perform other functions established by other laws and the

regulations of the Service.


Article 120. State Legal Medicine Service under the

Ministry of Health

The State  Legal Medicine  Service  under  the  Ministry  of

Health shall be established and its regulations shall be approved

by the  Ministry of  Health. The Service shall be a legal person.

The activities  of the  Service shall  be financed from the State


The State  Legal Medicine  Service  under  the  Ministry  of

Health shall:

1) on  the instruction of bodies of inquiry or interrogation

and court, carry out expert examinations and investigation in the

area of legal and forensic medicine;

2)  perform   other  functions  provided  for  by  laws  and

regulations of the Service.


Article 121. State Legal Psychiatry and Narcological

Service under the Ministry of Health

The State  Legal Psychiatry  and Narcological  Service under

the Ministry  of Health  shall be established and its regulations

shall be approved by the Ministry of Health. The Service shall be

a legal  person. The  activities of the Service shall be financed

from the State Budget.

The State  Legal Psychiatry  and Narcological  Service under

the Ministry of Health shall:

1) on  the instruction of bodies of inquiry or interrogation

and court,  carry out expert examinations in the area of forensic

medicine, legal psychiatry and narcology;

2)  perform   other  functions  provided  for  by  laws  and

regulations of the Service.


Article 122. State Service of Accrediting for Health

Care Activities under the Ministry of Health

The State  Service of Accrediting for Health Care Activities

under the  Ministry  of  Health  shall  be  established  and  the

regulations of  the Service  shall be approved by the Ministry of

Health. The  Service shall  be a  legal person. The activities of

the Service shall be financed from the State Budget.

The State  Service of Accrediting for Health Care Activities

under the Ministry of Health shall:

1) control  whether health  care institutions, the areas and

equipment  of   enterprises  comply   with  the  requirements  of

standardisation normative acts;

2) carry  out monitoring  of medical  audit  data  and  data

concerning the control of health care acceptability;

3)  issue   legal  and   natural  persons   with   licences,

certificates or  permits to  engage in  health care activities or

revoke  said   documents  in   accordance  with  the  established

procedure; and

4) perform other functions established by the regulations of

the Service.

The State  Service of Accrediting for Health Care Activities

under the Ministry of Health shall have the right to demand:

1) that natural and legal persons should present information

and documents necessary for the performance of its functions;

2) that the unaccredited health care institutions, services,

agencies, enterprises,  their structural  subdivisions should  be

reorganised in  compliance with  the requirements  prescribed  by

standardisation normative  documents of  health  care  activities

into health  care  institutions,  pharmaceutical  enterprises  of

another type  in accordance  with the nomenclature as approved by

the Ministry of Health; and

3) that  legal persons  who  issued  permits  (licences)  to

enterprises  to  conduct  economic-commercial  activities  should

revoke said  permits in accordance with the established procedure

if the  enterprises are  not accredited  for public  health  care



Article 123. State and Territorial Patients Funds

State and  territorial patients  funds shall  accumulate, in

accordance  with  the  established  procedure,  health  insurance

contributions and  other legally  acquired funds,  ensure payment

for (purchase  of) individual  health care  services, control the

costs and  quality thereof,  provide means for the implementation

of municipal  health programmes, perform other functions provided

by law and regulations of the funds.


Article 124. Professional Organisations of Individual

and Public Health Care and Pharmaceutical


Professional organisations  of individual  and public health

care and  pharmaceutical workers shall participate, in accordance

with the  procedure established by this Law, other laws and other

legal acts,  in the  activities of  the National Health Board and

municipal  community  health  councils,  in  the  accrediting  of

natural  and   legal  persons   for  health  activities,  in  the

management of  enterprises and institutions accredited for health

activities, shall  take care of the improvement of their members'

qualifications and conclude collective agreements concerning work

and terms and conditions of payment for it.



Chapter 5


Institutions Exercising Control over the Conditions

of the LNHS Activities



Article 125. State Hygiene Inspectorate at the State

Public Health Care Service

The State  Hygiene Inspectorate  at the  State Public Health

Care Service  shall be  established and  its regulations shall be

approved by  the Ministry  of Health. The Inspectorate shall be a

legal person.  Its activities  shall be  financed from  the State


The State  Hygiene Inspectorate  at the  State Public Health

Care Service shall:

1) exercise state hygiene control;

2) control  compliance with the laws on health care and with

the standardisation normative documents;

3) grant  permits for  the carrying  out of  work related to

land  lot   utilisation,  construction  and  reconstruction,  for

introducing new raw materials, technologies, means of production,

recipes, for selling products and consumer goods;

4) impose  sanctions on natural and legal persons who do not

comply with  the requirements of legal acts on health activities;


5) perform  other functions  prescribed by laws, other legal

acts and regulations of the Inspectorate.


Article 126. State Medical Audit Inspectorate at the

Ministry of Health

The State  Medical Audit  Inspectorate at  the  Ministry  of

Health shall be established and the regulations of its activities

shall be  approved by  the Ministry  of Health.  The Inspectorate

shall be  a legal  person. Its  activities shall be financed from

the State Budget.

The State  Medical Audit  Inspectorate at  the  Ministry  of

Health shall:

1) control  and analyse economic efficiency of activities of

health care institutions;

2) control  the compliance by natural and legal persons with

the   health    care   quality    requirements   prescribed    by

standardisation normative documents;

3) control  the compliance by state-run and municipal health

care   institutions    with   the   health   care   accessibility

requirements; and

4) perform  other functions prescribed by the regulations of

the Inspectorate.


Article 127. Lithuanian Committee on Medical Ethics

The  Lithuanian   Committee  on   Medical  Ethics  shall  be

established and  the  regulations  of  its  activities  shall  be

approved by  the Ministry  of Health. The Lithuanian Committee on

Medical Ethics  shall be  a legal person. Its activities shall be

financed from the State Budget.

The Lithuanian Committee on Medical Ethics shall:


1) control  whether natural  and legal  persons  who  either

carry out  or are  engaged in  individual health care comply with

the medical  ethics requirements  set by laws and standardisation

normative documents;

2) issue permits for biomedical research; and

3) perform  other functions  established  by  the  Committee


The Lithuanian  Committee on  Medical Ethics  shall have its

regional divisions  in higher-level  administrative units  of the



Article 128. Medical Ethics Commissions of Health Care


Medical ethics commissions of health care institutions shall

supervise the  compliance with the requirements of medical ethics

by specialists of individual health care.

Medical ethics commissions of health care institutions shall

be formed  and shall  function in accordance with the regulations

approved by the Ministry of Health.


Article 129. Municipal Sanitary Inspectorate

Municipal sanitary inspectorate is a specialised division of

municipal  administration   which  controls  sanitary  conditions

within the territory of the municipality.

The tasks, competence and structure of the inspectorate, the

rights and duties of its officials, the contents and procedure of

sanitary control  shall be  regulated by  regulations approved by

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the recommendation

of the Ministry of Health

The   sanitary    requirements   shall   be   regulated   by

standardisation normative  documents prepared and approved by the

State Hygiene Isnpectorate.


Article 130. Patients' Rights Supervision Officials

Municipal boards,  chief executives  (mayors)  must  appoint

patients' rights  supervision officials  (controllers). The staff

norms with  respect to  such officials  shall be  approved by the

municipal Council,  however, their number must be not less than 2

per  municipal   territorial  administrative   subdivision.   The

patients' rights supervision controllers must explain to patients

their rights  regulated by this Law and other laws, help patients

when  they   apply  with   complaints  concerning  violations  of

necessary health  care conditions or infringement of their rights

in health activities, and must examine the patients' complaints.

The State  Service of Accrediting for Health Care Activities

shall appoint  controllers for  supervising the  patients' rights

who shall  supervise the manner in which health care institutions

of secondary  and  tertiary  health  care  levels  guarantee  the

patients' rights.

The procedure  for protecting  the patients'  rights and for

the supervision  thereof shall  be regulated  by this  Law, other

laws and legal acts.

The competence  of patients'  rights supervision controllers

shall be  regulated by the regulations approved by the Government

of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 131. Competence of other Health Activities

Control Institutions in the Issues Pertaining

to Health Activities

Competence of  other health  activities control institutions

(State Veterinary  Service, State  Labour Inspectorate,  etc.) in

the issues  pertaining to  health activities shall be established

by laws,  other legal  acts and the respective regulations of the

above institutions.


Part VI


The Contents of Rights and Duties of Individuals

and Economic Entities in Health Care Activities



Chapter 1

Rights and Duties of Individuals in Health Care Activities



Article 132. The Rights of the Population in Health


The residents  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall have the

right to:

1) have  a healthy  and safe physical and social environment

as  well   as  information  about  any  danger  existing  in  the


2) be  provided with safe raw materials, articles. goods and


3) have  information  about  health  care  institutions  and

services, and health care services provided by them;

4)  receive   information  concerning   their   health   and

guarantees concerning the confidentiality of said information;

5) have acceptable, accessible and adequate health care;

6) choose,  in accordance  with the established procedure, a

health care  specialist, health  care institution, type of health

care, or  refuse any  of  the  above,  unless  the  law  provides


7) have free medical care (state-supported health care);

8)  receive   state-established   support   in   protecting,

recovering and strengthening health; and

9) take  part, in  accordance with the procedure established

by this  Law, in  determining the  priority trends of health care

development, in  controlling the  accessibility and  adequacy  of

health care.

Parents, adoptive  parents, guardians or tutors of minors or

legally incapable  persons shall  have the  right to  choose  for

their  children,   adopted  children,   or  wards   health   care

specialists, health  care institutions,  types of  health care or

refuse any of the above, unless the law provides otherwise.

Only citizens  of the  Republic of  Lithuania and  stateless

persons who are permanently residing in the Republic of Lithuania

shall have  the  right  to  free  medical  care  (state-supported

individual and public health care and services) state-established

assistance in  protecting,  recevering  and  strengthening  their


The  procedure  and  conditions  of  health  protection  for

foreigners shall  be specified  by  international  agreements  to

which the Republic of Lithuania is a party.


Article 133. Rights of the Population in the Health


The residents of the Republic of Lithuania must:

1) take  care of  the  health  of  their  children  (adopted

children, wards) who are under age, and their elderly parents;

2) refrain  from violating  health-related rights  of  other

persons; and

3) protect the environment from harmful effects.

Persons who  violate the  requirements of  this Law shall be

liable under law.


Article 134. The Duty of Individuals to Provide First

Aid in Case of Accidents and Acute Dangerous


Workers of  professions, places  of employment or spheres of

activities that  are on  the list determined by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania  as well  as amateur  drivers of motor

vehicles who  happen to  be present  at the sites of accidents or

acute dangerous  diseases  together  with  the  victims  or  sick

persons must  without delay  provide first aid to persons in need

of such  aid because  of an  accident or acute dangerous disease.

The qualification  requirements of  training the above persons to

provide first  aid and  the procedure  and conditions  of testing

first aid  skills shall  be established  by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania.

Persons who  are obligated  under this  Law and  other legal

acts to  provide first  aid and who by their failure to act or by

their actions increase the damage to the health of the victims or

persons who  have fallen  acutely ill  shall be held liable under




Chapter 2


The Rights and Duties of Enterprises, Institutions

and Organisations in the Sphere of Health Activities



Article 135. The Rights of Enterprises, Institutions

and Organisations in Health Activities

Enterprises, institutions  and organisations  shall have the

right to:

1) conclude  agreements on  health activities  in accordance

with the procedure established by this Law and other legal acts;

2) set  up, in  accordance with the procedure established by

this Law and other legal acts, funds for health activities

3) establish,  in accordance  with the procedure established

by  law,  subjects  of  individual  or  public  health  care,  or

pharmaceutical activities  and perform  the  functions  of  their

founder, establish  their own structural subdivisions which carry

out personal or public health care; and

4) organise the preparation of health programmes and finance

their  implementation   with  resources  from  the  health  funds

established by them or with other legally acquired resources.

Enterprises, institutions  and organisations  may also  have

other rights  provided that  they are in compliance with this Law

and other laws and founding documents.


Article 136. The Duties of Enterprises, Institutions

and Organisations in the Sphere of Health


In   their    economic-commercial   or    other   activities

enterprises, institutions and organisations must :

1) ensure, in accordance with their competence, the required

level of health care activities;

2) carry  out the  requirements set  in the  standardisation

normative documents of health care;

3) timely  notify health care institutions, services and the

population of the danger to their health which arises as a result

of the activities pursued, products manufactured or goods sold by


4) ensure healthy and safe conditions of work ;

5) prevent the imminent danger to the environment, limit the

scope of danger and harm to the environment;

6) protect people against contagious diseases spread by food

or drinking  water, or  invasions of  such diseases,  as well  as

against food  poisoning, and  implement measures  to restrict the

spreading of contagious diseases;

7) organise  and pay,  in accordance  with  the  established

procedure, public health monitoring and expert examination;

8) organise health care of their workers and employees; and

9) compensate  for the  damage  to  health  and  environment

caused by their actions.

Enterprises, institutions  and organisations  may also  have

other duties,  provided that they are in compliance with this Law

and other laws as well as their founding documents.

The implementation  of rights  and performance  of duties in

the sphere  of health activities by enterprises, institutions and

organisations must  not violate  the rights  of other natural and

legal persons.

Enterprises, institutions  and organisations  which  violate

the requirements of this Article shall be liable under law.



Part VII


Liability for the Violations of Legal Norms

Regulating Health Activities


Article 137. Liability for the Violation of Legal Norms

Regulating Health Activities

Natural and  legal  persons  who  do  not  comply  with  the

requirements of legal norms regulating health activities shall be

liable under law.


Article 138. Compensation for the Damage Caused to


Legal and natural persons who by their actions or failure to

act cause  damage to  human health must compensate for the losses

sustained by  reason of  the damage  caused to health, and in the

event of  the person's  death - must compensate for the losses to

his family  and other persons. Unless the law provides otherwise,

losses  resulting   from  health  damage  shall  be  assessed  in

accordance with  the amounts  and methods  applied  with  respect

thereto and  approved  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania; the  assessed sums  shall be  collected by  bringing a

suit.  The   procedure  for  compensating  for  damage  shall  be

determined by the Civil Code, other legal acts.

The procedure of compensating for the losses incurred due to

health damage  to persons  insured against accidents at work (and

in the  event of  death of  the victim  - to his family and other

persons) and the amount of such compensation shall be established

by the Law on Accident Insurance.

The terms  and procedure  for compensating  patients for the

losses sustained  while having their health cared for (and in the

event of  their death  - for  making said  compensation to  their

dependants) shall be regulated by laws and other legal acts.


Article 139. Liability to Compensate Health Care State

Services, State Inspectorates, Health Care

Institutions and Legal Persons for the 

Expenses Incurred due to Damage Caused to

Health Caused by Unlawful Actions

Legal and  natural persons  who by  their  unlawful  actions

cause damage  to human  health must compensate state services and

state inspectorates  of health  care, health  care  institutions,

other legal  persons for  the expenses incurred by them by reason

of unlawful  actions  of  said  legal  and  natural  persons  and

expenses which  are connected  with establishing  and  diagnosing

individual and group cases of contagious diseases included in the

list compiled  by the  Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania,

food poisoning,  occupational diseases  and poisoning  as well as

with the  treatment, nursing  and feeding of persons ill with the

above diseases  at health  care institutions,  their medical  and

social rehabilitation,  provision of  prosthetic  appliances  and

social assistance,  implementation of  measures to  restrict  the

spreading  of   the  above  diseases  and  liquidation  of  their

consequences for human health and economy, unless they prove that


the damage  to human  health was  due to vis majeur or deliberate

malice of the victims.

In the  cases specified  in part one hereof compensation for

the expenses  incurred by  state services and state inspectorates

of health  care, health care institutions and other legal persons

shall be collected either by mutual agreement between the parties

or by  filing a  suit, upon  prior assessment  of the  amount  of

claims in  accordance with the actual expenses of the claimant or

the party which submits material claims.


Article 140. Compensation of Moral Damage

Persons who  violate the  requirements of  acceptability  of

health care, confidentiality of information concerning individual

health (a person's medical secret) must compensate for the damage

caused to the person.

While determining  the amount of moral (non-property) damage

in terms of money, the court shall take into account the property

status of  the  person  guilty  of  the  damage,  the  degree  of

seriousness of  the offence  and other circumstances, however, in

any case the amount may never exceed 500 minimum monthly wages.


Article 141. Liability for Illegal Engagement in or

Carrying out of Health Care and

Pharmaceutical Activities

Illegal  engagement   in  health   care  and  pharmaceutical

activities or  unlawful performance  thereof shall incur economic

sanctions on  legal persons  and administrative responsibility on

officials or  citizens, or  responsibility provided  for  in  the

Civil Code.





Final Provisions



Article 142.   Basic Principles of International

Cooperation of the Republic of Lithuania

in the Sphere of Health Activities

While  cooperating   with  other  states  and  international

organisations in the sphere of health activities, the Republic of

Lithuania must guide itself by the following principles:

1) ensuring that by their economic-commercial activities the

enterprises of  the Republic  of Lithuania do not inflict harm on

the persons residing in the territories of other states;

2) providing  the  interested  parties  with  objective  and

reliable information on health;

3) endeavouring  to implement  the global  strategy  of  the

World Health Organisation "Health to Everybody"; and

4)  cooperating   in  the   liquidation  of   the   negative

consequences of  ecological catastrophes,  accidents and  natural

disasters on the health of the society.


Article 143. The Law on the Health System of the

Republic of Lithuania and International


In the  event that  an international  agreement to which the

Republic of  Lithuania is  a party  prescribes requirements other

than those  established  by  this  Law,  the  provisions  of  the

international agreement shall prevail.


Article 144. As Used in the Law on the Health System of

the Republic of Lithuania:

Health means physical, mental and social welfare of society.

Health protection  means observation  of factors  which  are

hazardous to  health,  timely  establishment  of  any  danger  to

health, prevention  or restriction  of the harmful effects of the

physical and social environment.

Health recovery  means restoration  of health  potential  by

applying medical aid, nursing, medical and social rehabilitation.

Health strengthening  means the  sum total  of  obligations,

measures and  actions undertaken  by state  power and  government

bodies, local  authorities and the public which helps to increase

and use  more rationally health care resources and to control the

people's health.

State targeted  health  level  means  indicators  of  public

health level  determined by  the state for a definite period, the

achievement of which level is guaranteed by the state.

Health system  means the  system of  management  of  matters

related to  health comprising  health activities,  executive  and

managing entities of health activities.

Required level  of health  activities means  basic scope  of

health  protection  of  the  population,  and  the  recovery  and

strengthening thereof, which provide the initial position for the

planning of health activities development.

Individual health  care means  the activities of natural and

legal persons  accredited by  the state  the aim  whereof  is  to

timely diagnose  and prevent  health disorders of individuals and

help them recover and strengthen health.

Public health  care means  protection  and  stregthening  of

health of the society or its individual groups.

Pharmaceutical activities  means the  activities of  natural

and legal persons regulated by the Law on Pharmacy.

Health  support  means  the  system  of  legal,  social  and

economic measures  established by  the state  and  programmes  of

activities of  non-government organisations  which support health

protection and  health recovery, and promote the strengthening of

individual and public health.

Primary  health   care   means   non-specialised   qualified

individual health  care, mental  health care, and non-specialised

public health care provided at the place of residence.

Secondary health  care means  specialised individual  health

care provided by the health care institutions of the higher-level

administrative units  of the territory, specialised public health

care provided  in the  higher-level administrative  units by  the

subdivisions  of  the  state  services  and  state  inspectorates

assigned by the state.

Tertiary  health  care  means  very  specialised  individual

health care,  very specialised  public health  care  provided  by

central individual and public health care institutions.

Acceptability of  health care  means health  care conditions

which ensure  the conformity  of  health  care  services  to  the

principles of  medical science and requirements of medical ethics

and which  have been  recognised in accordance with the procedure

established by the state.

Accessibility of  health care  means health  care conditions

which  ensure   economic,   communications   and   organisational

accessibility of individual health care services to an individual

or the  public and  which have been recognised in accordance with

the procedure established by the state.

Adequacy of  health care  means health care conditions which

ensure the  quality and effectiveness of health care services and

which have  been recognised  in  accordance  with  the  procedure

established by the state.

Health care  and services  supported by  the state and local

authorities means  individual and public health care of the types

and in the scope established by the state the conditions and full

coverage of  costs whereof  is guaranteed  by the  state or local


Standardisation of  health care  means regulation  of health

care quality requirements and indicators in normative documents.


Standardisation normative  documents of  health  care  means

legal acts  which establish the requirements, norms and standards

for health factors, health care and its quality.

Medical  audit  means  expert  examination  and  control  of

accessibility and adequacy of health care services.

Accrediting of  natural and  legal persons  and  enterprises

without  the  status  of  a  legal  person  for  health  care  or

pharmaceutical activities  means activities  established  by  the

state whereby  the right to engage in or carry out health care or

pharmaceutical activities is either granted or cancelled.

Health  programme  means  a  plan  for  the  development  of

priority health  relations the  purpose  whereof  is  to  approve

comparative  effectiveness  of  alternative  measures  of  health

activities, and applied and fundamental research, and to optimise

the use thereof.

Health promotion means the aggregate of state regulation and

civic initiative,  social marketing,  social advertising,  health

education and  propaganda, which  develops a  healthy life style,

informs the public about the conditions of health and health care


Health education  means the activities carried out by health

care institutions  the purpose  whereof is  to educate individual

groups of the population to protect and strengthen health.

Public  health   control  means  a  form  of  public  health

management,  either   established  by   the  state  or  developed

independently,  directed   at  identifying,   on  the   basis  of

indicators of  public health  monitoring, negative  shifts in the

health and  health care  levels which  are regulated  by standard

acts as  well as  in the  health care  quality indicators, and to

shape appropriate management decisions.

Control  of  health  care  resources  means  state-regulated

activities of  natural and  legal persons  directed  at  ensuring

optimum use of material and economic health care resources.

Public  health   monitoring  means  a  state-established  or

independent system  of observation and analysing of public health

requirements, health  care resources,  health development, health

care level, and the etsablished indicators of health care quality

and environmental conditions.

Public health expert examination means making an analysis of

public health  monitoring data  and forecasts  of  public  health

development trends,  interpreting the received data in the manner

established by  standard acts  and determining the damage done to

public health and public health care.

Individual health care technologies means medicines, methods

of prophylaxis,  diagnostics and treatment, medical equipment and



Article 145. Coming into Force of this Law

Article 3,  part 2  of Article 10, Article 11, parts 5 and 6

of Article 13, part 3 of Article 15, part 4 of Article 16, part 2

of Article  18, part  2 of  Article 19,  parts 4,  5, 6  and 7 of

Article 20, item 1 of part 1 of Article 29, part 2 of Article 30,

part 2  of Article  31, Articles 32, 33 and 34, part 2 of Article

35, Article  36, part 2 of Article 37, Article 38, parts 1, 2, 4,

and 5 of Article 39, parts 2, 6, and 7 of Article 40, parts 2, 3,

4, and  6 of  Article 41, parts 3, 4 and 5 of Article 42, Article

43, Article  44, part  2 of  Article 45, parts 2 and 3 of Article

46, Article  48, Article  49, Article 50, Article 51, Article 52,

Article 53, parts 2, 3, and 5 of Article 55, Article 56, parts 2,

3, and  4 of  Article 57,  part 2 of Article 58, parts 3 and 4 of

Article 59,  parts 3  and 4  of Article 60, Article 61, part 2 of

Article 63, Article 64, part 1 of Article 65, Article 66, parts 2

and 3  of Article 68, Article 69, Article 70, Article 73, Article

74, Chapter  1 of Part 4, part 3 of Article 85, part 5 of Article

86, part  4 of Article 87, parts 2, 3, and 4 of Article 88, parts

2, 3, and 4 of Article 89, Article 90, Article 91, parts 1, 2, 3,

and 4  of Article  92, parts  2 and  3 of Article 93, Article 94,

Article 95,  Article 96,  parts 2  and 4 of Article 98, part 1 of

Article 99,  part 1 of Article 102, part 2 of Article 103, part 1

of Article  104, Article  105, Article  108, Article 109, Article

112, Article  113, part  1 of Article 114, part 2 of Article 115,

part 1  of Article  116, part 1 of Article 117, part 1 of Article

118, part  1 of  Article 119,  part 1  of Article  120, part 1 of

Article 121,  part 1  of Article  122, Article  123,  part  1  of

Article 125, part 1 of Article 126, part 1 of Article 127, part 2

of Article  128, parts  2 and  3 of Article 129, parts 3 and 4 of

Article 130,  part 2 of Article 133, Article 134, parts 1, 2, and

3 of  Article 138,  Article 139,  and Article  141 of  the Law on

Health System  of the Republic of Lithuania shall come into force

in accordance with the procedure established by the Resolution of

the  Seimas   of  the   Republic  of   Lithuania  "Regarding  the

Implementation of Articles Specified in Article 145 of the Law on

Health System  of the  Republic of  Lithuania", and  prior to the

approval of  the legal  acts set forth in the above Articles, the

effective legal acts shall apply.


I promulgate  this Law  passed by the Seimas of the Republic

of Lithuania.


Algirdas Brazauskas

President of the Republic



19 July 1994
