Law on Elections to Local Government Councils


7 July  1994 No. I-532


I. General Provisions



Article 1. Principles of Elections of Members to Local

Government Councils of the Republic of  Lithuania


Members of   local government Councils (hereinafter referred

to as  Councils) shall  be elected   for  a  term of two years in

multi-member  electoral areas on the basis of universal and equal

suffrage by  secret ballot  by direct  voting  according  to  the

electoral system of proportional representation.

Elections  of   members  to   all  Councils  shall  be  held

concurrently. They  shall be  announced  by  the  Seimas  of  the

Republic of  Lithuania at  least three months prior to the day of



Article 2. Universal Suffrage


Citizens of  the Republic  of Lithuania  who, on  the day of

election, are  18 years  of age or  over, shall have the right to

vote. Persons who have been declared incapable by court shall not

participate in the elections.

Any citizen  of the  Republic of Lithuania who on the day of

election is  21 years  of age  or over  shall be  eligible to  be

elected as a  Council member.

Persons who,  on the  day of  election, are  in the national

defence service  or alternative  service, as  well  as  officers,

non-commissioned  officers,  and  re-enlistees  of  the  national

defence system,  the police and the internal affairs service, and

other paid  officers of  the military  and security  services who

have not  retired from  service by  the  day  of  appointment  of

election day,  shall not  be eligible  to be  elected as  Council


Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shall not

be eligible  to be  elected as  Council members  if their term of

office expires after more than three months.

Persons who  have not  served a  court-imposed sentence,  as

well as  persons who have been declared incapable by court, shall

not be eligible to be elected as Council members.

Other direct  or indirect  abridgements of the right to vote

of citizens  of the Republic of Lithuania on the grounds of their

sex, nationality,  language, descent, social status, religion, or

convictions or attitudes shall be prohibited.


Article 3. Equal Suffrage


Every citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who has the right

to vote  shall have  one vote in  one electoral area; the vote of

each citizen having the right to vote shall be of  equal value.

All citizens  shall be  represented in  the Councils  on  an

equal basis according to the representation quota.


Article 4. Direct Elections


There shall be no voting by proxy in the election of Council



Article 5. Secret Ballot



Voters shall  vote in  person and by secret ballot. It shall

be prohibited to control the will of the voters during elections.


Article 6. Publicity of the Preparation and Conduct of



Electoral committees  shall prepare  and  conduct  elections

publicly. Public  notice must  be given  of all events (meetings,

sittings) related  to the  organisation of  elections at least 24

hours prior to the beginning of said event.

The electoral  committees shall  inform the  citizens  about

their work,  the formation  of electoral areas and districts, the

membership of the electoral committees, the addresses and working

hours of  their offices,  the  lists  of  voters,  the  lists  of

candidates to  Council  members,  and  the  voting  and  election


Representatives of  the mass  media  shall have the right to

participate without  hindrance in  all the  events  organised  by

electoral committees,  as well  as to  obtain information  on the

preparation and conduct of elections.


Article 7. Expenses Related to the Preparation and Conduct

of Elections


Expenses related to the preparation and conduct of elections

of  Council members shall be reimbursed by the State.


II. Electoral Areas and Districts


Article 8. Formation of Electoral Areas


For the  organisation and  conduct of  elections, one multi-

member electoral  area shall  be formed  in the  territory of the

local government;  all citizens  of the Republic of Lithuania who

have the right to vote and permanently reside in the territory of

that local government shall vote in that electoral area.

According to  the proportionate  system  of  election    the

following number  of Council  members   shall be  elected in  the

electoral area:


over 500,000 people                - 51 Council members;

from 300,000 to 500,000 people     - 41 Council members;

from 100,000 to 300,000 people     - 31 Council members;

from  50,000 to 100,000 people     - 27 Council members;

from  20,000 to 50,000 people      - 25 Council members;

up to 20,000 people                - 21 Council members.


Electoral areas  and the  number of  Council members  to  be

elected shall  be announced by the Central Electoral Committee at

least 85 days prior to the elections.


Article 9. Formation of Electoral Districts


Electoral  areas   shall  be   subdivided   into   electoral

districts. The  subdivision of each electoral area into electoral

districts and   the  number and size of electoral districts shall

be established by a local government electoral committee at least

70 days prior to the elections.

No more  than 5,000 voters may reside in the territory of an

electoral district.  The local  government  electoral  committees

shall, within  7 days  of the  approval of  the list of electoral

districts, inform  the voters of the boundaries of each electoral

district, as well as its headquarters and polling place thereof.


III. Organisation of Elections


Article 10. Electoral Committees


Elections to the local government Council shall be organised

and conducted by:

1) the Central Electoral Committee;

2) the electoral committees of  electoral areas; and

3) the electoral committee of electoral districts.

Members of  electoral committees  may not  be  nominated  as

candidates to Council members.

Citizens of  the Republic  of Lithuania  may be nominated as

candidates to  the electoral committee members provided that they

are eligible to be elected as Council members and have never been

removed  from  the  electoral  committee  for  the  violation  of

election laws.


Article 11.  Powers of the Central Electoral Committee


The Central  Electoral Committee  is the supreme institution

for the organisation of elections.

The Central Electoral Committee shall:

1) monitor  the implementation  of this  Law,  ensure  equal

application  thereof,   on  the   basis  of   this  Law   publish

instructions  and   comments  concerning   the  organisation   of


2) form  local government  electoral committees  and appoint

their chairpersons;

3)  upon   the  recommendation   of  political  parties  and

political  organisations   which  take  part  in  the  elections,

register  their   representatives  under  the  Central  Electoral

Committee and issue them certificates;

4) establish  the samples  and model forms of ballot-papers,

voter certificates,   certificates  of Council  members,  voucher

envelopes and  outer envelopes for voting by mail, other official

envelopes, packages,  documents, seals  used  in  the  elections,

voting boxes,  the  samples  for  the  filling  thereof  and  the

procedure for sealing ballot-papers;

5)  collect   information  on  the  formation  of  electoral

committees of  electoral areas and districts, calculate the total

number thereof,  distribute the  funds among the local government

electoral committees,  allocated for  the elections by the State,

and consider  issues concerning  the material-technical supply of

the elections;

6) approve  the results  of the  elections of members to all

local government  Councils  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  and

publish reports thereon in the press;

7) consider  complaints and  pass decisions thereon in cases

established by this Law;

8) revoke  decisions of  electoral committees if they are in

conflict with this Law;

9) declare  elections  invalid  if  in  the  course  thereof

election documents  were falsified  or other illegal actions were

performed which affected materially  the election results; and

10) exercise other powers provided by this Law.


Article 12. Formation of Electoral Committees of Electoral



Electoral committees  of electoral areas shall be formed and

their chairpersons  shall be  appointed by  the Central Electoral

Committee at least 80 days prior to the election day.

Electoral committees of electoral areas  shall be formed for

the term of  the elections to the Councils and shall consist of:

two persons  who permanently reside or work in the territory

of the  electoral area and who have been trained as lawyers; said

persons shall be nominated by the Minister of Justice; and


two  persons who permanently reside or work in the territory

of the  electoral area and who have been trained as lawyers; said

persons shall be nominated by the Lithuanian Society of Lawyers.

The Minister  of  Justice  and  the  Lithuanian  Society  of

Lawyers may nominate more than two candidates.


Upon receiving   mandates  of the Seimas members in a multi-

member  electoral   area  according  to  the  list  of  nominated

candidates  (joint   list),  political   parties  and   political

organisations shall  have the  right to nominate to the electoral

committee of  the electoral  area their   two representatives for

every list  of candidates nominated in the multi-member electoral

area (joint  list). The  Central  Electoral  Committees  may  not

reject these  candidatures. If no candidatures are proposed,  the

Central Electoral   Committee  may   in their  place additionally

approve as  committee members  the candidates  nominated  by  the

Ministry of Justice or the Lithuanian Society of Lawyers.

At  its   first  sitting,  the  electoral  committee  of  an

electoral area shall elect its  chairperson,  deputy chairperson,

and secretary.


Article 13. Powers of Electoral Area Electoral Committees


Electoral area electoral committees shall:

1) monitor  the implementation  of this Law in the territory

of the electoral area;

2) divide the territory of the electoral area into electoral

districts, establish  their boundaries,  centres,  their  working

hours, and  polling stations, form  electoral district committees

and appoint their chairpersons;

3)  co-ordinate   the  activities   of  district   electoral


4) distribute  State funds allocated for the elections among

the district   electoral  committees and  consider the  issues of

material-technical supply of elections;

5) hear the reports of  district electoral committees on the

organisation and conduct of elections;

6) approve the wording of the ballot papers and deliver them

to the Central Electoral Committee according to the procedure and

by the  date established  by the Committee, organise the delivery

of ballot papers to the district electoral committees;

7) on  the nomination  of political  parties  and  political

organisations taking  part in  the elections,  register and issue

certificates to  their  representatives  in  the  area  electoral

committees and election observers;

8) establish  the results  of the elections in the electoral

area, and draw up vote calculation records in the electoral area;

9) establish  the results  of the  elections of  the Council

members and  the elected  Council members,  deliver the  election

material to  the Central  Electoral Committee  for approving  the

final  results   of  the  elections;  upon  the  passing  of  the

resolution by  the Central  Electoral Committee shall publish the

list of  the elected  local government  Council  members  in  the


10) consider  petitions and  appeals against  the actions of

district electoral committees and pass decision thereon; and

11) carry out other powers under this Law.


Article 14. Formation of  District Electoral Committees


District  electoral committees  shall be  formed and  their

chairpersons shall  be appointed  by the area electoral committee

at least 60 days prior to the election day.

District  electoral committees  shall be  formed  from  the

candidates  nominated   by  the   political  parties,   political

organisations that  have received  mandates of the Seimas members

in the  multi-member electoral  area according  to  the  list  of

nominated candidates  (joint   list). The above political parties

and political  organisations shall  have the right to nominate up

to three  representatives of  said parties  and  organisation  as

candidates to  district electoral committee. If no candidates are

nominated,  the  area  electoral  committee  may  proportionately

increase the representation quota of political parties, political


District  electoral  committees  shall  elect  their  deputy

chairperson and secretary at the first sitting.


Article 15. Powers of the  District Electoral Committee


The district electoral  committee shall:

1) obtain   lists  of voters  from the  executive bodies  of

local governments,  review and approve them;

2) consider  complaints concerning  errors made in the lists

of voters;

3) deliver  the list   of voters of the district to the area

electoral committee at least 30 days prior to the election day;

4) hand  in or deliver in any other way,  voter certificates

to the voters;

5) ensure  that polling  places and  ballot-boxes  meet  the

requirements established by this Law;

6) on the election day organise voting in the district;

7) calculate  votes of  the district  and  draw  up  a  vote

calculation record of the district;

8) consider  the appeals  of    voters,  representatives  of

political parties  and political  organisations in  the electoral

committees   and election  observers  on  issues  concerning  the

preparation of  elections, organisation of voting, calculation of

votes, and the compilation of vote calculation records, and  pass

decisions relative thereto; and

9) exercise other powers provided by this Law.


Article 16. Organisation of Electoral Committee Work


The sittings of electoral committees shall be valid if they

are attended by at least 3/5 of the committee members. Committee

decisions shall  be adopted  by an  open majority   vote  of  the

committee members  attending the  sitting. In  the event of a tie

vote, the  vote of  the chairperson  of the  committee  shall  be

decisive. Committee  members who disagree with the decision shall

have the  right to  voice their  individual opinion  in  writing,

which   shall be  attached to  the minutes  of the  sitting. Upon

termination of  voting, district  electoral committees  may  only

adopt decisions  which are  relative to  the compilation  of vote

calculation records.

Sittings of electoral  committees shall be open. They may be

attended by  the representatives  of political parties, political

organisations in the electoral committees, and election observers

and representatives of all mass media.

Upon the formation of electoral committees, the chairpersons

and members  thereof shall  be prohibited from campaigning in any

form and  from  exerting,  in any manner, influence upon the will

of the  voters. Persons who violate this provision may be removed

from the electoral committee.


Article 17. Appeals against the Decisions of Electoral

Committees Passed prior to the Termination of



The  representatives  of  political  parties  and  political

organisations in the electoral committees, election observers and

voters  may appeal to a superior electoral committee  against the


decisions ofelectoral  committees passed prior to the termination

of voting as follows:

1)  against   decisions   passed   by   district   electoral

committees -- to the area electoral committee ;

2) against  decisions passed by area electoral committees --

to the Central Electoral Committee; and

3)  against   decisions  passed  by  the  Central  Electoral

Committee -- to the Supreme Court of Lithuania.

Appeals must  be investigated   within  48 hours  from   the

filing thereof.  Days off  shall also  be included  in this  time

limit. The decision of the Supreme Court shall be final.


Article 18. Assistance for Electoral Committees


Heads  and   officers  of   State   and   local   government

institutions, enterprises,  offices and organisations must assist

electoral committees  in exercising their powers and must furnish

them with necessary information.

State  and   local  government   institutions,  enterprises,

offices, and  organisations as  well as  their heads and officers

must, no  later than within 3 days, consider  requests  submitted

by electoral committees and give justified responses.

Electoral committees  may  employ  the  required  number  of

personnel for auxiliary work.

Local governments, State institutions and organisations must

provide electoral  committees with premises and equipment for the

preparation and conduct of elections.


Article 19. Remuneration of Electoral Committee Members


For their  work in  electoral committees,  the  chairpersons

and members  thereof  shall receive remuneration according to the

rates submitted  by the  Central Electoral  Committee,approved by

the Government.     Article  20.   Changing  the  Composition  of

Electoral Committees

Chairpersons  and members  of electoral  committees may  be

dismissed from  their posts  in the committees by the institution

which approved the composition of the committee.  As necessary, a

new chairperson  or a  member of  electoral committees  shall  be

appointed according to the procedure established by this Law.


IV. Lists of Voters



Article 21. Compiling  the Lists of Voters


For  the  conduct  of  elections,  voters'  lists  of  every

electoral  district  shall  be  compiled.  Said  lists  shall  be

compiled by  the executive  bodies of relevant local governments,

signed by  their chief executives, and delivered to the  district

electoral committees  at least 40 days prior to the election day.

The approved  lists of  voters shall be signed by the chairperson

and secretary of the district electoral committee.



Article 22. General Procedure for Placing Citizens in

Voters' Lists


Citizens of  the Republic  of Lithuania  who are entitled to

vote and  who, at  the moment  of compiling the voters' list, are

permanently residing  in the  territory of  the  given  electoral

district shall be placed  in the voters' list.

In the event that a voter changes his or her permanent place

of residence after the compilation of these lists, said voter may

be placed  in the  voters' list  of the  new place  of residence,

provided that  he or  she has  submitted an  application  to  the

electoral committee  of this  district concerning registration in

the voters'  list at  least 25  days prior  to the elections. The

district electoral committee must see to it that the name of said

voter is  struck from  the voters' list of the electoral district

of his or her former permanent place of residence.


Article 23. Registration of National Defence Servicemen  in

Voters' Lists


Persons performing  military or alternative service shall be

placed in  the voters'  lists of the electoral districts on whose

territory they resided permanently before conscription.

Officers  of   the  national  defence  system  and  internal

service,   non-commissioned officers,  and re-enlistees  shall be

placed   in the  voters' lists of the electoral district on whose

territory they permanently reside.


Article 24. Registration  of Persons who are in the Places

of Confinement  in Voters' Lists


Persons who  are in   places  of confinement shall be placed

in the voters' lists of the electoral district in whose territory

they resided permanently prior to their confinement.


Article 25. Registration of Voters  in  One List Only 


Every  voter may  only be  registered in  one voters' list.

Compliance with  this requirement shall be checked by the Central

Electoral Committee.  Upon establishing  that a  voter's name  is

placed in  the voters' lists of more than one electoral district,

the Committee  shall notify   the voter at least 20 days prior to

the election,  so that said voter could , within 10 days,  inform

in which   voters'  list  he or she wishes  to be registered.  If

said voter  fails to make a choice within the established period,

the area  electoral committee   shall  register him or her in the

voters' list  of  the  electoral  district  in  which,  in  their

opinion, it  would be  more convenient for the voter to vote, and

shall, within  3 days,   inform  the voter  thereof.      Such  a

decision of  the area  electoral committee  may not  be  appealed



Article 26. Public Announcement of Voters' Lists


The electoral district committee shall, at least 30 days

prior to the elections, announce publicly that the voters' lists

have  been   completed  and  shall  provide  the  voters  with  a

possibility   to get  acquainted with  the lists,  informing  the

voters of the time and place for doing this.



Article 27. Reviewing Voters' Lists


Any  voter   or  representative  of  a  political  party  or

political organisation  in the  electoral  committee  may  submit

comments     to  the   district  electoral  committee  concerning

inaccuracies in  a voters'  list at  least 10  days prior  to the

elections. The  district electoral   committee must consider such

comments and  pass   a decision  thereon within  48 hours  of the

receipt  thereof.     The  decision  of  the  district  electoral

committee may be appealed against to the area electoral committee

within 48  hours.  The  area  electoral  committee  must  pass  a

decision within  48 hours of the receipt of the appeal.  Decision

of the area electoral committee shall be final.


Article 28. Appeals Concerning Restoration of the Right to



Voters, representatives  of a  political party  or political

organisation in  the electoral  committee or  election  observers

shall submit   to  the  district  electoral    committee  appeals

concerning  errors in a voters' list by reason of which the voter

may not  implement  his  or  her  right  to  vote.  The  district

electoral committee must consider  the appeal and pass a decision

thereon at least within 24 hours of the receipt thereof.

The decision  of the  district  electoral    committee  may,

within 48  hours,   be appealed  against to  the district  court,

which shall  consider the appeal within 24 hours; the decision of

the district court shall be final.

District electoral  committees shall  inform area  electoral

committees of  the   appeals received  and changes  made  in  the

voters' lists   as  soon as possible, but no later than within 24


Comments and  appeals filed  less than  24  hours  from  the

beginning of the elections shall not be considered.



Article 29. Voters' Lists of Electoral Areas


Electoral area  voters' lists  shall be compiled by the area

electoral committee  according to the electoral district  voters'

lists submitted  by the district electoral committees at least 20

days prior to the elections. 


V. Nomination of Candidates for Council Members



Article 30. Nomination of Candidates for Council Members in

Electoral Areas


The following political parties, political organisations and

public organisations  (hereinafter referred  to as  organisations

nominating candidates of lists)  shall have the right to nominate

candidates for Council members:

1)   political parties,  political organisations  registered

with the  Ministry of  Justice under the Law on Political Parties

at least 35 days prior to the elections;

2) public  organisations registered  with  the  Ministry  of

Justice at  least 3  months prior to the elections and  for which

at least  200 signatures  of  electoral  area  voters  have  been

collected,   supporting   the   participation   of   the   public

organisation in  the elections  at electoral  area  in  which  21

Council members  are being  elected, at least 1,000 signatures in

which   from 25  to 41 Council members are being elected, and  at

least 2,000  signatures   in which  51 Council  members are being

elected. Voters'  signatures shall  be  collected  on  a  special

signature collection  sheet.

Signatures of voters of electoral area shall be collected on

the sheet bearing the following text:


I, the  citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, confirm that I

support the participation of


( the  name of  the public  organisation nominating  the list  of


in the elections of----------------------------------------------

members in          ( name of the local government Council)


(date of the elections)



No.  Full      Number of      Date      Permanent Date Signature

name      Passport       of birth  place or

of a person              residence

of the RL                    



All data  shall be entered in the signature collection sheet

by the  voter himself/herself. He or she may support every public

organisation only  once. At  the end of the sheet there must be a

person's name  who has   collected   signatures;  full name , the

number of RL passport, their address and his/her  signature .

An  organisation  nominating  lists  of  candidates    shall

nominate   candidates for  Council members in the electoral areas

by presenting  lists of  candidates. The  number of candidates on

the list  may not be less than 5 and may not exceed the number of

mandates plus 5 more candidates.


The candidates  must meet  the  requirements  prescribed  by

Article 2 of this Law.


Every candidate  may be  registered  only  in  the  list  of

candidates nominated  by one  organisation nominating the list of

candidates and  only in  one electoral area.  In the event that a

person is  placed in   more  than one  list, the  area  electoral

committee shall  request that  the person choose in which list of

candidates he  or she would like to run for the election.  If the

candidate fails  to notify  of his or her choice 30 days prior to

the election  day, he  or she  shall be removed from all lists of



Article 31. Application Documents for the Nomination of

Candidates for Council Members


For the  nomination of candidates,  organisations nominating

lists  of   candidates  must   file  the   following  application

documentation with the Central Electoral Committee:

1) statutes and registration documentation;

2) a petition for the participation in the elections,

3) the  list of  areas   in which   organisations nominating

lists of candidates intend to nominate their candidates;

4) documents  evidencing   the  payment  of  electoral  roll

deposit in the amount of minimum monthly wage (MMW) multiplied by

the number of areas in which candidates will be nominated;

5) the  lists of   representatives  in the Central Electoral

Committee and  representatives in the area electoral committee of

the organisation nominating lists of candidates.

Organisations nominating lists of candidates must file with

the  area   electoral   committee   the   following   application


1) the  list of nominated candidates in which candidates are

placed in  a numerical  order, signed  by a representative of the

organisation  nominating   lists  of   candidates,  in  the  area

electoral committee;

2)   the written  consent of  the nominated  candidates  for

being nominated in that electoral area;

3)  the   certificate  issued   by  the   Central  Electoral

Committee,  concerning  the  registration  of  the  organisation,

nominating lists  of candidates,   for  the participation  in the

elections to the Council of that  local government.

The list  of nominated candidates must state the candidate's

full name,  date of  birth, and  address; attached must also be a

document evidencing   that  the candidate  is a  citizen  of  the

Republic of Lithuania.

The filing  of application  documents shall commence 65 days

before the election and shall end 35 days before the election.

Upon receipt  of application  documents from an organisation

nominating   lists of candidates, the Central Electoral Committee

shall, within  2 days,  apply to  the  Ministry  of  Justice  for

confirmation  of   the  fact  that  said  organisation  has  been

registered, its activities have not been suspended or terminated,

and its   filed  statutes are valid. The Ministry of Justice must

give a  written reply  within 2  days. Upon  receipt of  a notice

concerning improper  registration or  any other deficiencies, the

Central  Electoral   Committee  must   immediately   notify   the

representative  of   the  organisation,   nominating   lists   of

candidates,   in the  Central Electoral  Committee.   The Central

Electoral Committee  shall, within  7 days  after the  receipt of

application  documents,     issue   the   certificate   to   said

representative, concerning  the registration  of the organisation

for the  participation in  the elections  to the local government



Article 32. Joining of Lists of Candidates


Several   organisations nominating  lists of  candidates may

join these   lists   no  later than  35 days  before the  day  of

elections.  For  this  purpose  they  must  submit  to  the  area

electoral committee  applications concerning the joining of lists

of   candidates,   signed   by   the   representatives   of   the

organisations,   nominating candidates,  in  the  area  electoral

committee,    which  are forming  the coalition.  The joint  list

shall be  considered as  one list.  One  organisation  nominating

lists of  candidates may  participate in  only one  joint list of



Article 33. A Representative of an Organisation , Nominating

Lists of Candidates, in the Electoral Committee


When   presenting   application   documents,   organisations

nominating lists  of candidates must indicate  the full names and

addresses of  their respective  representatives in  the electoral

committees.  Organisations   may  at   any  time   replace  their

respective representative  in the electoral committee in the same

manner in which he or she was appointed.


Article 34. The Right to Withdraw Application Documents


Through their  respective   representatives in the electoral

committee,  organisations nominating lists of candidates  as well

as a  person placed  in the list of nominated candidates, may, at

any time,  but no  later than  17 days  prior to  the  elections,

withdraw the  candidacy application.  In order to do so, the area

electoral committee  must be  applied  to,  whereas  the  person,

nominated by  an organisation nominating lists of candidates must

also notify its representative.

In the  event that application documents are withdrawn by an

organisation,  nominating   lists  of   candidates,  which  is  a

coalition member,  the candidates shall be removed from the joint

list of  candidates and the name of the coalition may be changed.

In the latter case notification in writing of the representatives

of the  coalition members  shall  be  mandatory.  If,  after  the

withdrawal of  application  documents,  candidates  of  only  one

organisation remain on the joint list of candidates, said persons

shall run  for election  only as  candidates of  the organisation

nominating lists of candidates.


Article 35. Announcement of the List of  Candidates


At least 32 days before the elections, the Central Electoral

Committee shall establish by drawing lots the election numbers of

organisations nominating  lists of  candidates and shall announce

said numbers in all electoral areas.



At least  30 days  before the  election, the  area electoral

committees shall  announce the  lists of  candidates nominated by

organisations or coalitions  as well as their election numbers. 

At least  15 days  before the  election, the  area electoral

committee shall  deliver the  final lists of candidates nominated

by  organisations or coalitions.



VI. Guarantees of the Activities of Candidates for Council



Article 36. The Right of Candidates for Council Members to

Speak at Meetings and Make Use of  Mass Media


Upon the  commencement of  the election campaign, candidates

for Council  members shall have the equal right to speak at voter

meetings and other meetings, gatherings, and sittings, as well as

through local  mass media  and to  publicise the programme of the

organisation that has nominated them.  

Local government  authorities  must  provide  assistance  to

candidates for  local government  Councils in organising meetings

with  voters   and  obtaining  necessary  information,  with  the

exception of  confidential information,  in accordance  with  the

laws of the Republic of Lithuania or decrees of the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 37. Liability for Violation of the Law of the

Republic of Lithuania on  Elections to Local

Government Councils


Persons who by force, fraud, threats or otherwise hinder the

implementation of  the right  to  vote,  to  be  elected  to  the

Council, or to organise election campaigns, as well as members of

electoral committees  and other  officers  who  falsify  election

documents, calculate  votes fraudulently, violate voting secrecy,

or otherwise  violate this  Law, shall be liable according to the

laws of  the Republic  of Lithuania.  Legal actions shall also be

instituted against  persons who publish or otherwise spread false

statements about  a candidate for Council members or prevent said

candidate from meeting with voters.


Article 38. The Inviolability of a Candidate for Council



During the  election campaign  and after the election, until

the first  sitting of  the local  government Council, a candidate

for Council  member may  not, without  the consent  of  the  area

electoral committee, be found criminally responsible or arrested,

nor may  administrative penalties  be imposed  on him  or her for

actions committed during the election campaign.


Article 39. Election Observers


An election observer of an  organisation nominating lists of

candidates shall  be a person bearing the certificate in the form

established by the Central Electoral Committee.

Election observers  shall have  the right to demand that the

chairperson and  members of  an   electoral committee, as well as

persons who  are in  the polling  place, adhere to this and other

laws of the Republic of Lithuania.



VII. Campaigning


Article 40. Principles of Campaigning


The opening  of the  election campaign shall be announced by

the Central  Electoral Committee  at least  30 days  prior to the


Organisations  nominating   lists  of  candidates  or  their

coalitions may  start  campaigning  from  the  day  the  election

campaign starts; provisions set forth in this Chapter shall apply

to the election campaign.

Campaigning may  be conducted in any form or manner provided

that the  Constitution and  the laws of the Republic of Lithuania

are not violated thereby.

Commanders of  national defence  and interior  service units

and chief  officers of  the places  of confinement  shall provide

conditions for  the representatives of  organisations, nominating

lists of candidates, in the Central Electoral Committee to visit,

upon presenting  their certificates, military units and places of

confinement for the election purposes.


Article 41. Conditions and Procedure for the Utilisation of

the Mass Media


Organisations   nominating   candidates for  Council members

shall be  entitled to  make use  of national and local government

mass media  free of  charge. The  scope and  time of the national

radio and  television programs  shall be specified by the Central

Electoral Committee  on co-ordination  with the chief officers of

the Lithuanian  Radio and  Television, and  shall be allocated in

the  manner   ensuring  the   principle  of   equality  of   said


Each   organisation nominating lists of candidates  shall be

allocated  equal   time    on  the  local  government  radio  and

television programmes.

Campaigning over  the commercial mass media shall be limited

only by the amount of funds on the election accounts.

In the  event that  mass media  makes public   the  material

discrediting a  candidate for  Council members (such material may

be publicised  10 days  before the  elections at  the latest), it

must itself  announce the  candidate's   response at least 3 days

prior to the election.

All  disputes  related  to  election  campaigning  shall  be

settled by   electoral  committee according  to the  principle of

equal rights of candidates nominated by  organisations nominating

lists of candidates.


Article 42. Prohibition for the Officers of State and Local

Government Institutions  to Exert  Influence upon the Will of the


During election  campaigns,  officers  of  State  and  local

government institutions  as well  as employees  of the  State and

local government  mass media shall be prohibited from using their

official  duties   for  any  form  of  campaigning  or  otherwise

attempting to exert influence upon the will of the voters.

If such persons are candidates for Council members, they may

use the  mass media  only according to the procedure set forth in

Par.1 hereof.  In the  event that  the fulfilment of their duties

requires that  they announce  important news  to the  mass media,

they may do so only at a press conference.



Article 43. Provision of Finances for Campaigning


Campaigning shall  be financed  from State  funds as well as

from the  funds raised  by   organisations, nominating  lists  of

candidates which shall be deposited in special election accounts.

The  maximum  sum  allowed  for  campaigning  shall  be  the

equivalent of  20 AMW for each  electoral roll and 200 AMW for an

organisation nominating  lists of  candidates.   If the amount of

money  transferred   into  an  appropriate  account  exceeds  the

established sum, the bank shall transfer the surplus to the State

Budget. It  shall be  prohibited to  use other funds for covering

the expenses  of the   election  campaign. Upon establishing that

campaigning was  financed with  funds other  than those withdrawn

from the  election account,  the paid sum shall be recovered from

the payee  without suit  and shall  be transferred into the State


State funds  shall be  used to  pay for time on the national

and local  government radio  and television  allotted  under this

Law   and for  printing the election programme for each electoral


The utilisation  of funds allocated for campaigning shall be

controlled  by  financial  institutions,  the  Central  Electoral

Committee  and   area  electoral   committees.      Organisations

nominating lists of voters must publish in the press consolidated

reports concerning  the sources  of  funds  and  the  utilisation

thereof for  campaigning    no  later  than  30  days  after  the

elections.  The   amount  of   funds  received   for  each  roll,

organisation nominating  the list  of candidates  and the balance

must also be specified in the report. The election accounts shall

be  closed   no  later   than  25   days  after   the  elections.

Organisations nominating  lists of  candidates shall use at their

discretion the  funds which  have not  been used for campaigning.

The bank  shall transfer  into the  State Budget  sums  from  the

accounts which have not been closed by the fixed date.


Article 44. Prohibition of Campaigning


Campaigning shall  be prohibited  during the 24 hours period

before the  beginning of  elections and  on the election day.  No

campaign posters  shall be allowed in or within a 50 metre radius

of the voting place.    




VIII. Preparatory Activities for the Organisation of Elections



Article 45. Ballot-papers


During  elections  to  the  Council,  each  voter  shall  be

presented with one ballot-paper whereon the election number of an

organisation nominating lists of voters or coalition, the name of

said organisation, or coalition, and the full names  of the first

five candidates in the list of candidates shall be specified.

The names  of organisations  shall be  placed on the ballot-

papers   according to  the number  assigned to  them and  in  the

increasing order. Coalitions shall be registered according to the

smallest election  number of the organisation nominating lists of

candidates ,which is a member of the coalition.


Article 46. Delivery of Ballot-papers


Ballot-papers and  envelopes shall be delivered to electoral

districts  and  post  offices  at  least  7  days  prior  to  the


On ships,   voters  must be  provided with  free  access  to

ballot-papers and  envelopes for  postal voting  at least 10 days

prior to the day of elections.

The Central Electoral Committee shall be responsible for the

printing of  ballot-papers and  envelopes for  postal voting,  as

well as the delivery thereof by the specified date.


Article 47. Voter Certificate


Voter certificates  shall be delivered to voters at least 10

days prior  to the  election day.  If voter  certificate  is  not

delivered through  the fault  of the electoral committee, it must

be issued immediately upon the voter's request.

In the  event that  a voter  is presented with an inaccurate

voter certificate, or, due to an error in the list of voters, the

voter  certificate   is  not  issued  at  all,  a  correct  voter

certificate shall  be issued  immediately after  rectification of

the mistake.

Upon written  application, a voter may be issued a duplicate

voter certificate.

Each voter certificate shall include the following:   

1) the name of the electoral area;

2) the number of the district electoral committee;

3) the voter's number in the district voters' list;

4) the voter's name and surname;

5) the voter's permanent place of residence; and

6) the address of the polling place.        



IX. Voting



Article 48. Time and Place of Voting


Voting shall  take place on the day of elections from 7 a.m.

to 9  p.m. in  the  polling  place  designated  by  the  district

electoral committee.  Voters shall vote in the electoral district

in whose  list of  voters their names have been placed. A voter's

vote received  by mail  shall be valid only in the electoral area

in whose list of voters his or her name has been included.


Article 49. Preparation of Polling Places


The requirements for the preparation of polling places shall

be established by the Central Electoral Committee.

Voting booths  must be  set up  so that the voter inside the

booth is not visible to anyone.

The text   of  this Law  must be accessible in all electoral

districts. Lists  of candidates  nominated by organisations  must

be posted in the polling place.

No  other events,  except the  elections and voting, may be

conducted in the polling place and in the 50- metre radius around



Article 50. Commencement of Voting


On the  day of  elections, the polling place shall be opened

only when  at least 3/5 of the electoral committee members of the

electoral district  are present.  Then, the  chairperson  of  the

district electoral  committee, together with other members of the

electoral committee,  shall  ascertain  that  the  ballot-box  is

empty, and  shall seal  it up.  Having checked  that the  polling

place  has  been  furnished  without  violating  the  established

requirements, the chairperson of the district electoral committee

shall register in the vote calculation record the total number of

ballot-papers received  at the  district,  distribute the ballot-

papers and  lists of  voters among  the members  of the electoral

committee, record in the vote calculation record of the electoral

district the  number of  ballot-papers distributed to each member

of the  electoral committee,  and open  the polling  place,  thus

proclaiming the commencement of the elections.


51. Article. Voter Identification



Upon arriving  at the polling place, voters shall present to

a member  of the  electoral committee  of the  electoral district

their voter  certificates as  well as  their passports  or  other

documents certifying  their identity, and shall sign  in the list

of voters.  Voter certificates  shall  not  be  returned  to  the

voters. In  the event  that a  voter has  not been issued a voter

certificate, it  may be issued upon presentation of a passport or

any other  document certifying  his or  her identity.  After  the

voter signs  in he  or she  shall be  issued a  ballot-paper.  If

voting by  mail, a  note concerning the issue of the ballot-paper

shall be  recorded on  the voter  certificate which shall then be

returned to the voter.

A voter shall be issued only one ballot-paper. Any electoral

committee member  who  violates  the  above  requirement  may  be

removed from issuing ballot-papers or expelled from the committee



Article 52. Voting Procedure


Upon being  issued a  ballot-paper, the  voter shall go into

the voting booth where he or she shall mark the ballot.    

On a ballot-paper, the voter shall mark the name of the list

of that  organisation or  coalition   for which   he  or  she  is


Voters shall personally cast their marked ballot-papers into

the ballot-box.

At the  voter's request,  a  faulty  ballot-paper  shall  be

exchanged for  a new  one. Faulty  ballot-papers  shall  be  kept

separately after the member of the electoral committee who issued

the new  ballot-paper crosses  out and  signs the  faulty ballot-


Voters who are physically incapable of marking their ballot-

papers  or  casting  them  into  the  ballot-box  themselves  may

designate another  person (with  the exception of the chairperson

or members  of the  electoral committee)  to carry  out the above

actions in their place.


Article 53. Voting by Mail


Voting by  mail shall  be possible  at post  offices  during

business hours beginning 7 days before the elections and ending 1

day before  the elections  if the  voter is  voting in his or her

territory of  electoral  area,  and  ending  2  days  before  the

elections if  the voter is voting in the central post office or a

special post  office that  is located in the territory of another

electoral area.  Expenses related  to voting  by  mail  shall  be

covered by the State.

The head  of the  post office  shall be  responsible for the

organisation  of  voting  by  mail.  He  or  she  shall  also  be

responsible for  the issue  and collection  of voucher  envelopes

during voting by mail.

A responsible  officer (officers) shall be appointed for the

issue and collection of ballot-papers and envelopes.

Post offices  must provide a place where voters can, without

interference, mark  their ballot-papers and put them into voucher


Voting by  mail shall  be conducted  in accordance  with the

procedure set  forth in  Articles 51 and 52 of this Law, with the

exception of  casting ballot-papers into the ballot-box. Together

with ballot-papers, voters shall be given envelopes for voting by


The voter  shall put  marked ballot-papers  into the voucher

envelope, seal  it, put  the envelope  and the  voter certificate

into the  outer envelope and seal it. The outer envelope shall be

stamped with the post office seal.


Envelope for  voting by  mail  shall  be  addressed  to  the

electoral committee  of the  electoral district  in the  list  of

voters of which  the voter is registered.

At least  2 days  prior to  the elections,  a postal  worker

shall bring outer envelopes, voucher envelopes, and ballot-papers

to the  homes of  voters who  cannot move. The district electoral

committees shall,  no later  than 7  days before  the  elections,

draw up the list of voters who are unable to move on the basis of

the data  presented to  them in  writing by  the social  care and

assistance institutions  of the local government.  Voters who are

not in  the list  of voters  who are  unable to move shall not be

permitted to vote at home by mail.

The voter may:


1)  hand   the  sealed   outer  envelope   (with  the  voter

certificate, voucher  envelope  and  ballot-paper  inside)  to  a

postal officer;

2) hand  the sealed  outer envelope to the postal worker who

delivered the election documents; or

3) put the sealed outer envelope into a post-box.


Article 54. Voting on Ships


Voting shall  take place  on board a ship if the ship leaves

the   port of  the Republic of Lithuania at least 6 days prior to

the elections  and will  not return  to a port of the Republic of

Lithuania  prior   to  the   election  day,   or  if   there  are

circumstances preventing  a crew  member or a board passenger who

are entitled to vote from voting in his or her electoral district

or by mail.

The Central  Electoral Committee,  in co-ordination with the

Ministry of  Foreign Affairs,  shall compile  a list  of ships on

which voting shall take place and shall fix the time of voting on

every ship  in such  a manner that each voter  on board a ship is

provided with the possibility to vote. The captain of the ship or

the mate  shall be  responsible for the organisation of voting on



Article 55. The Procedure for Voting at Diplomatic Missions

and on Ships


The procedure for voting at diplomatic missions and on ships

shall be established by the Central Electoral Committee.


Article 56. Voting at Medical Facilities and Institutions of

Social Care and Assistance


Special  post   offices  designated   for  voting  shall  be

established in medical facilities and institutions of social care

and assistance.

Patients of such facilities and institutions who are able to

move shall  vote themselves  in accordance with the procedure set

forth in Article 54 of this Law.

Inmates of  health care  facilities and institutions of care

who are  unable to  move shall  be visited by officers of special

post offices  who are  approved by district electoral committees.

The voting person must, in conditions of privacy, personally mark

the ballot-paper  and  put  it  into  the  voucher  envelope.  If

necessary, the person may be assisted by an individual whom he or

she trusts.

On the  instructions of  the head  of a  health facility  or

institution of social care or assistance, it may be prohibited to

disturb a  person who  is in  bad condition  for the  purpose  of

voting. Such  instructions shall  be obligatory  to special  post



It shall  be  prohibited  to  disturb  individuals  for  the

purpose of  voting if a commission of doctors concludes, pursuant

to the  procedure established  by the  Ministry of  Health  Care,

that, during  the voting,  the individual,  by reason of  chronic

mental disease,  imbecility or  short-time  mental  disorder,  is

incapable of  understanding the essence of his or her actions and

controlling them.


Article 57. Voting in Military Units


Special  post   offices  designated   for  voting  shall  be

established in military units of the national defence system.   

If possible,  chief officers of military units shall provide

conditions for  servicemen to  vote in the electoral districts of

their permanent place of residence.


Article 58.  Voting in Places of Imprisonment


Special  post   offices  designated   for  voting  shall  be

established in places of imprisonment.



X. Calculation of  Votes and Establishment of Voting  Results


Article 59. Records of Voucher Envelopes and Ballot-papers

in Post Offices


The post  office head  shall deliver  unused  envelopes  and

ballot-papers to  the electoral  committee of  the electoral area

one day before the elections.

The records of voucher envelopes and ballot-papers shall be

kept in the manner established by the Central Electoral Committee

by the  post office  head in  the  journal  designated  for  that


The  envelopes with the ballot-papers marked by the voters

shall be  delivered to  the district  electoral committees on the

election day   no  later than  2 hours  before  the  end  of  the


The records  of voucher envelopes and ballot-papers shall be

kept by the Central Electoral Committee.


Article 60. Records of Ballot-papers in Electoral Districts


Upon the  closing of a polling place, the chairperson of the

district electoral  committee, in the presence of at least 3/5 of

the electoral  committee members,   shall  seal up  and stamp the

slit of  the ballot-box,  collect the  unused ballot-papers  from

each member  of the  district electoral  committee  individually,

publicly count  said ballot-papers,  record their  number in  the

vote counting  record, and  check against  the signatures  on the

voter lists   and  voter certificates  that no ballot-papers have

been issued unlawfully.

The electoral  committee shall publicly count the unused and

faulty ballot-papers,  annul them by cutting off the upper right-

hand corner, place them in envelopes designated for that purpose,

and seal  the envelopes.  The number of unused and faulty ballot-

papers shall be recorded in the vote calculation record.


Article 61. Calculation of Votes in the Electoral District

and Records of Voters who have Voted


The district  electoral committee,  with at least 3/5 of its

members participating,  shall inspect  the  district  ballot-box:

they shall  confirm that  the seals have not been broken and that

there is  no other  evidence which  indicates that the ballot-box

could have  been opened  or that  ballot-papers could  have  been

removed.  The  committee,  with  at  least  3/5  of  its  members

participating, shall  decide whether  or not  the ballot-box  has

been tampered  with. If  the committee comes to the decision that

the ballot-box  has  been  tampered  with,  a  written  statement

thereon shall be made, and the votes shall not be tallied.

Having ascertained that the ballot-box has not been tampered

with, the ballot-box shall be opened in the presence of a t least

3/5 of  the committee  members, all  the ballot-papers  shall  be

placed on  tables which  are clear  of any  other  documents  and

writing instruments, and the calculation of votes shall begin.

Votes shall be calculated so that all persons present during

the procedure are able to observe all of the ballot-papers marked

by the  voters. The  specific vote calculation procedure shall be

established by the Central Electoral Committee.

The number  of voters  shall be  determined according to the

district voter  list. The  number of  voters who have been issued

ballot-papers shall be established according to the signatures of

voters evidencing  that the ballot-papers have been received. The

number of  voters who  have voted in the electoral district shall

be established  according to the number of ballot-papers found in

the ballot-box.  The number  of voters who have taken part in the

election shall  be established according to the number of ballot-

papers found  in the  ballot-boxes of electoral districts and the

number of ballot-papers received by mail.

Upon finding  more ballot-papers in the ballot-box than were

issued  to   the  voters,  the  electoral  committee  shall  take

appropriate measures to determine the reasons therefor.

The results  of the vote calculation shall be entered in the

vote calculation record.

Upon counting all the ballot-papers found in the ballot-box,

the calculation  of the  ballot-papers  received  by  mail  shall


1) the chairperson of the district electoral committee shall

present, unopened,  all outer  envelopes received  by mail. Their

number shall be entered in the vote calculation record;

2) outer envelopes shall be opened one at a time;

3) voter  certificates shall  be  taken  out  of  the  outer

envelopes and  checked against  the voter  list of  the electoral

district, and  the voucher  envelopes shall  be stamped  with the

seal  of   the  electoral  area.  If  the  person  on  the  voter

certificate is  not on the voter list, or voter's signature is on

the voter   list indicating that he/she  has already voted in the

electoral district,  or another  envelope of  voting by  mail has

been received  already from the same voter, or  there is no voter

certificate in  the outer  envelope, or   there  is more than one

voter certificate  in the  outer envelope,  the seal shall not be

affixed and the ballot-papers in the envelope shall be considered

invalid. The fact must be noted  on the  voucher envelope;

4) in  the voter  list of  the electoral district, a special

record "voted by mail" shall be made by the surname of the  voter

whose vote was received by mail;

5) the  sealed voucher envelope shall be cast into a ballot-

box installed according to the established requirements;

6) when all envelopes received by mail are gone over in this

way, the ballot-box shall be opened, the sealed voucher envelopes

shall be  unsealed, and  the votes  received  by  mail  shall  be

counted according  to the requirements set forth in this Article.

If there is more than one ballot-paper in a voucher envelope, all

ballot-papers in the envelope shall be declared invalid.

If  there  is  only  one  stamped  voucher  envelope  in  an

electoral district, in order not to violate the secrecy of voting

it shall  not be  unsealed but  shall  be  referred  to  an  area

electoral committee, which shall enter the results of voting into

its vote calculation record.


Article 62. Vote Calculation Records of the Electoral



One   vote calculation  record shall  be drawn  up  in  each

electoral district.

The vote  calculation record  of the  electoral  area  shall


1) the number of voters in the electoral district;

2) the  number of  ballot-papers received  from the district

electoral committee;

3) the  number of ballot-papers issued to each member of the

electoral committee,  the number  of ballot-papers  issued to the

voters, the  number of  voter signatures,  the  number  of  voter

certificates, and the number of unused or faulty ballot-papers;

4) the number of annulled ballot-papers;

5) the  number of  voters who  voted in the polling place of

the electoral district;                

6) the time at which the ballot-box was opened;

7) the  number of invalid ballot-papers found in the ballot-


8) the  number of  valid ballot-papers  found in the ballot-


9) the number of votes cast separately for the  each list of

candidates nominated by a political party, political organisation

or coalition;

10) the  number of envelopes received by mail and the number

of sealed voucher envelopes;

11) the number of invalid ballot-papers received by mail;

12) the number of valid ballot-papers received by mail;

13) the  number of  votes received  by mail,  cast   for the

list of  candidates nominated  by  political  parties,  political

organisation or coalition;

14) the  total number  of voters  who voted in the electoral


15)  the  total  number  of  invalid  ballot-papers  in  the

electoral district; and

16) the  total  number  of  votes  cast  for  each  list  of

candidates nominated by  organisations or coalitions .

If the  number of  ballot-papers  found  in  the  ballot-box

exceeds the  number of  ballot-papers issued  to the  voters,  an

entry to  that effect  shall be  made  in  the  vote  calculation

record, specifying the number of ballot-papers found in excess.

The vote calculation records of the electoral district shall

be  signed  by  the  chairperson  and  members  of  the  district

electoral committee.  After that  the observers  shall  sign  the

records. Comments  of the  observers  and  the  opinions  of  the

committee members  shall be  appended to  the records  and  shall

constitute an inseparable part thereof.


Article 63. Invalid Ballot-papers


The following ballot-papers shall be deemed invalid:

1) ballot-papers of an unestablished sample;

2) ballot-papers  bearing no  stamp or sealed with the stamp

of the wrong electoral district;

3) ballot-papers of the wrong electoral area; and

4) ballot-papers  on which  more than one list of candidates

nominated by  an  organisation  or  coalition    or  no  list  of

candidates is  marked.

The decision  to declare  a ballot-paper  invalid  shall  be

adopted by the district electoral committee.


Article 64. Presentation of Vote Calculation Documents of

Electoral District  to the Area  Electoral




The district  electoral  committee  shall  put  all  ballot-

papers, including  invalid  and  faulty  ones,  vote  calculation

records, voter list  and other election documents  into a package

and seal  according to  the procedure  established by the Central

Electoral Committee.  The  package  shall  be  delivered  to  the

Central Electoral  Committee not  later than  within 6 hours from

the end of the voting.

The Central Electoral Committee and the Ministry of Internal

Affairs must  ensure the  safety of the  delivery of the election

documents and  of persons who are delivering said documents.


Article 65. Summing-up of Vote Calculation Results by the

Area Electoral Committee


The area  electoral committee  shall commence the summing-up

of  the  vote  calculation  results  upon  receipt  of  all  vote

calculation documents from electoral districts.


Article 66. Vote Calculation Records of the Area Electoral



In accordance  with vote  calculation records  of  electoral

districts, ballot-papers  and other  election documents, the area

electoral committee shall establish:

1) the  number of  voters   in the area who took part in the

election, which  equals the  number of voters who cast their vote

in the electoral districts of the area;

2) the  number of  invalid ballot-papers  in the area  which

equals the  total number  of invalid  ballot-papers in  electoral

districts of the area;

3) the  number of  ballot-papers valid  in  the  area  which

corresponds  to  the  total  number  of  valid  ballot-papers  in

electoral districts of the area; and

4) the  number of  votes cast  for each  list of  candidates

nominated by an organisation or coalition,  which is equal to the

number of  votes cast  in electoral  districts   for each list of

candidates nominated by an organisation or coalition.


Article 67. Establishment of Election Results in Electoral



An  organisation   nominating  lists   of  candidates  or  a

coalition may receive mandates of Council members only if no less

than 4%  of the  voters who  took part in the elections voted for

the list of candidates nominated by them.

Mandates shall be distributed among organisations nominating

lists of  candidates or coalitions in proportion to the number of

votes received by each list, by applying the method of quotas and


First of  all the  quota shall  be calculated, i.e. how much

votes are needed in order to receive 1 mandate. It shall be equal

to the  number of  all votes  cast in  the electoral area for the

lists participating  in the  distribution of mandates, divided by

the number  of members  being elected  to  the  local  government

Council. If  the obtained  quotient is  with the  remainder,  the

remainder shall  be subtracted  and  1  shall  be  added  to  the


After that  the number of votes cast for every list shall be

divided by  the quota. The obtained integer quotient shall be the

number of mandates due to each list, whereas the remainder of the

division shall  be used  for distributing the remaining mandates.

For this purpose all organisations nominating lists of candidates

or coalitions  are recorded in the numerical order - according to

the amount  of the  remainder assigned  to them starting from the

highest. In  the event  that the  remainders of  organisations or

coalitions are  of equal  size, the   organisation  or  coalition

which received  the greatest  number of  votes shall  be recorded

first. Should  they, in  addition, receive  an  equal  number  of

votes, the   organisation or coalition with the smallest election

number shall be recorded first.

If any  of the  organisations nominating lists of candidates

or coalitions  would receive  more mandates  than the  number  of

candidates in its list, the remaining number of mandates shall be

distributed among  the other  lists by  applying  the  method  of


Candidates who are on one list shall receive the mandates in

the order of succession specified in the application documents of

the  organisation nominating lists of candidates or coalition.


Article 68. Presentation of the Council Members Election

Results to the Central Electoral Committee


The area  electoral committees  shall present   the  Council

members election  results to  the Central  Electoral Committee in

the   manner established  and by  the date  fixed by  the Central

Electoral Committee.    


Article 69. Participation of  the  Representatives of

Oragnisations,Nominating Lists of Candidates, in

the Electoral Committees and Election Observers in

the Calculation of Votes and Establishment of

Election Results   

Representatives  of    organisations,  nominating  lists  of

candidates  in the electoral committees and election observers as

well as  representatives of the mass media may participate in the

calculation  of   votes  in   the  electoral  districts  and  the

establishment of election results in electoral areas.

The representatives  and observers  shall have  the right to

make comments  and claims  concerning violations  of this Law and

other   laws of the Republic of Lithuania, addressing them to the

appropriate electoral  committees, but  they may  not hinder  the

work of  electoral committees.  The representatives and observers

shall have  the right  to make  a written protest which, together

with  other  election  documents  of  the  district,    shall  be

delivered to the appropriate area electoral committee.


Article 70. Appeals against the Decisions of the Electoral

Committees Adopted after the Voting has been



The representatives  of organisations,  nominating lists  of

candidates, in  the electoral  committees, the election observers

may appeal  to the  area electoral committee the decisions of the

district electoral  committees concerning  the recording  of  the

vote calculation  records within  24 hours  after the adoption of

said decisions. The appeals must be examined no later than within

24 hours.

When  examining  appeals  against  the  decisions  of  the

district electoral  committees concerning  the recording  of vote

calculation records,  the ballot-papers delivered by the district

electoral committee  may, with  at least  3/5  of  the  committee

members participating, be counted anew, and, in the event that an

arithmetical error  has been made or erroneously counted valid or

invalid  ballot-papers   are  established   in  the  records,  an

additional district vote calculation record shall be drawn up and

appended to  the district vote calculation record. Area electoral

committees  shall   not  have  the  right  to  declare  the  vote

calculation records of the district electoral committees invalid.

The decision  of the  area electoral committee concerning an

appeal may  be appealed to the Central Electoral Committee within

24 hours from the adoption of said decision.


When  examining   appeals  against  the  decisions  of  area

electoral  committees   concerning  the   drawing  up   of   vote

calculation records  in an  electoral area, the Central Electoral

Committee may  calculate anew  the ballot-papers delivered by the

electoral committee  and, upon  establishing in  the  records  an

arithmetic   error or  an  erroneously counted number of valid or

invalid ballot-papers,  the Committee  shall draw  up  additional

vote calculation  records of  the area,  district and append said

records to the area vote calculation records.

The Central  Electoral Committee  may declare  the  election

results in  an electoral  area as  invalid if it establishes that

gross violations  of this  Law committed  during  the  voting  or

falsification of  documents  had  a  decisive  influence  on  the

election results.


Article 71. Declaration of  Elections as Invalid


Elections shall  be declared  invalid if in their course the

Republic of  Lithuania Law  on Elections  to the Local Government

Councils is  grossly violated,  election documents are falsified,

or any  other unlawful actions which have a decisive influence on

the election results are committed.

Organisations,  nominating lists  of candidates,  which ran

in the  elections may lodge appeals concerning the declaration of

elections as  invalid or  the erroneous establishment of election

results with  the Supreme  Court of  Lithuania within 5 days from

the day that the election results were announced.

The  Supreme   Court  of  Lithuania  shall  examine  appeals

concerning  the  declaration  of  the  elections  as  invalid  or

concerning the  erroneous  establishment  of    election  results

within 5 days. The decision of the Court shall be final.


Article 72. Approval and Announcement of Election Results


The Central  Electoral Committee  shall announce  the  final

results of  the elections  within 7 days after the elections. The

Central Electoral  Committee shall  approve without consideration

the decisions  of the  area electoral  committees in  respect  of

which no appeals concerning the violation of the Law on Elections

to the  Local Government  Councils which had a decisive influence

on the  election results  are received  from a  political  party,

political organisation  representative in the electoral committee

within 3 days after the elections. Upon  the   approval  of   the

decision  of  a  district  electoral  committee  by  the  Central

Electoral Committee,  the district  electoral committee  shall no

later than  within two  days after  the approval  of the decision

announce the  electoral area  election results. In the event that

the Central  Electoral Committee changes the decision of the area

electoral committee  or adopts  a decision concerning the seat of

the missing  member of the local government Council, the election

results shall be announced by the Central Electoral Committee and

the issuing of local government Council member certificates shall

commence no  earlier than after 7 days and shall be terminated no

later than 10 days after the announcement of the election results

or the decision.

The Central  Electoral Committee  shall refund  the deposits

for electoral  rolls   to the  organisations, nominating lists of

candidates, which  participated in  the distribution of mandates,

with  the   exception  of  the  number  of  areas  in  which  the

organisation nominating  lists of  candidates did not participate

in the  distribution of  mandates. The  deposit shall be refunded

within 15  days after  the announcement  of  the  final  election



Article 73. Certificate of the Local Government Council



After the  announcement of  election results,  the electoral

committee  shall  issue  certificates  of  the  local  government

Council member to the elected candidates. All disputes concerning

failure to  issue certificates  of the  Council member  shall  be

resolved within  3 days  of the  receipt of  the  appeal  by  the

district court, the decision of which shall be final.


Article 74. Repeat Elections


Repeat elections  shall be  held if  elections to  the local

government Council are declared invalid.

Repeat elections  shall be held no later than after 3 months

after the  elections have  been  declared  invalid.  The  Central

Electoral  Committee  shall  establish  the  actual  day  of  the

elections and  adopt the  decision concerning the prolongation of

powers of  the area electoral committee, changes in the committee

membership or  formation of  a new  committee. The area electoral

committee shall  form new  district electoral  committees.  After

that the  repeat elections  shall be  conducted according  to the

procedure established  by this  Law.  The  election  deposits  of

organisations, nominating  lists of  candidates, which  had  been

previously registered  for the  participation in the elections in

the area shall be held valid for the repeat elections.


Article 75. Filling in the Vacant Seats in the Council


If, upon  the termination  of powers of a Council member,  a

vacant seat  has to be filled in the local government Council, on

the decision  of the Central Electoral Committee adopted no later

than within 10 days after the seat in the Council is vacated, the

top unelected  candidate from  the   organisation or coalition in

whose list had been the candidate elected to the presently vacant

seat shall become a member of the Council.


Article 76. Loss of the Mandate of Council Member


Each candidate  for the post of Council member must publicly

announce about  his or her conscious cooperation with the special

services of  a foreign  state, provided  that he  or she  was not

thereby  carrying   out  the   assignments  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania,  whereas  the  election  posters  of    organisations,

nominating lists  of candidates  or  coalitions  must  contain  a

corresponding notice  if a  person who consciously and not on the

instruction of  the Republic  of Lithuania   co-operated with the

special services  of a  foreign state  is  in  the  list  of  its

nominated candidates.

If the  candidate fails to act in the prescribed manner, and

if after  the elections his or her co-operation with the  foreign

special services  which was  not  related  to  carrying  out  the

assignments of  the Republic of Lithuania is proved  according to

the procedure  established by  law, his  or  her  Council  member

powers shall be terminated from that day forward.


I promulgate  this Law  passed by  the Seimas  of the Republic of



President of the Republic               Algirdas Brazauskas