Chapter 1




Article 1. Composition of the Government of the  

Republic of Lithuania


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall consist of

the Prime Minister and Ministers.


Article 2. The Powers of the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania

The Government  of the Republic of Lithuania shall implement

the executive power in Lithuania.

The powers  of  the  Government  shall  be  defined  by  the

Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 3. The Legal Ground of the Activity of the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania


In  its   activities  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall  be bound  by the Constitution of the Republic of

Lithuania, laws  of the  Republic of  Lithuania, other legal acts

adopted by  the Seimas  and the  decrees of  the President of the

Republic, as well as by this Law.


Article 4. Basic Principles of Activity of the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania


In  its   activities  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania  shall   proceed  from  the  principles  of  democracy,

lawfulness and openness.


Article 5. Responsibility and Accountability of the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall be jointly

responsible to  the Seimas  for the  general  activities  of  the

Government.  The   Government  shall   present  an   account   of

implementation of  the programme  of the Government to the Seimas

at least once a year.

The  Ministers   of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall  be

responsible to  the Seimas,  the President  of the  Republic  and

directly subordinate to the Prime Minister.

Upon the request of the Seimas, the Government or individual

Ministers shall  account to  the Seimas  for their  activities in

accordance with  the procedure  established by the Statute of the




Chapter 2





Article 6. The Prime Minister of the Republic of

Lithuania shall, with the approval of the

Seimas, be appointed and dismissed by the

President of the Republic.



The Ministers  shall  be  appointed  and  dismissed  by  the

President  of  the  Republic  on  the  nomination  of  the  Prime

Minister. While  temporarily acting  for  the  President  of  the

Republic, The  Seimas Speaker  may not  dismiss  or  appoint  the

Ministers without the approval of the Seimas.

Upon refusal of the President of the Republic to appoint the

recommended candidate  to the  post  of  a  minister,  the  Prime

Minister shall  within 10  days present  a  new  candidate  of  a


The Prime Minister, within 15 days of being appointed, shall

present the  Government which  he or she has formed and which has

been approved  by the President of the Republic to the Seimas and

shall submit  the programme  of its  activities to the Seimas for

consideration. In  the event  that this programme is not approved

by the motivated decision of the Seimas, the Prime Minister shall

present a new programme for consideration within 15 days from the

date on  which it  has not  been approved.  Upon  their  request,

ministries  and   other  state   institutions  must  provide  the

material,  which   is  necessary   for  the  preparation  of  the

Government  programme,  to  the  newly  appointed  Ministers  and

contribute to the preparation of the said programme.

The new  Government shall  be granted  authorization to  act

after the  Seimas approves  its programme by majority vote of the

Seimas members present at the sitting. During the drafting of the

Budget  Law,   the  Government  programme  shall  be  accordingly



Article 7. Swearing in of the Prim% MInister and

Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania


On entering  upon  their  duties,  the  Prime  Minister  and

Ministers shall  take an  oath during  the sitting of the Seimas.

The text of the oath shall read as follows:


"I (full name),


swear to be faithful to the Republic of Lithuania;


swear to  respect and  observe its Constitution and laws, to

protect the integrity of its territories;


swear  to   the  best   of  my  ability  to  strengthen  the

independence of  Lithuania, conscientiously  serve  my  Homeland,

Democracy, and the well-being of the people of Lithuania.


So help me God!"


The oath may be taken omitting the last sentence.

The Prime  Minister and Ministers shall take the oath during

the Seimas  sitting, in  President's presence.  The oath shall be

administered by the Seimas Speaker, or, in his or her absence, by

the Deputy Seimas Speaker, substituting for the Seimas Speaker.

The Prime  Minister and  each Minister  shall take  the oath

while standing  in front  of the  Seimas Speaker or Deputy Seimas

Speaker and  reading the  oath, holding  his or  her hand  on the

Constitution of  the Republic  of  Lithuania.  Upon  reading  the

entire text  of  the  oath,  the  Prime  Minister  or  individual

Minister shall sign the nominal oath sheet.

The text  of the  oath shall not be amended and changed with

the exception  of the  omission of  the last  sentence. The Prime

Minister or  individual Minister  who does  not comply  with this

provision, who  refuses to  sign the  nominal oath  sheet, or who

signs the  sheet with  a stipulation,  shall not be considered to

have taken the oath and cannot hold his or her office.

Nominal oath  sheets shall  be handed  over  to  the  Seimas




Chapter 3







Article 8. Returning of the Powers of the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania


Upon the  election of  a new  Seimas, the  Government of the

Republic of  Lithuania shall  within 3  days return its powers to

the President  of the  Republic.  Upon  the  election  of  a  new

President, the Government shall within 5 days return its powers.

The President  of  the  Republic  shall  accept  the  powers

returned by  the Government  and charge it to continue exercising

its functions until a new Government is formed.


Article 9. Resignation of the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania


The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right to  announce  its  resignation  to  the  President  of  the

Republic. Such an application shall be presented in writing.

When more  than half  of the  Ministers, including those who

have resigned  and those  who have  been removed  from office, as

well as the Ministers of newly founded or reorganized Ministries,

are changed, the Government must be re-invested with authority by

the Seimas. Otherwise, the Government must resign.

The Government must also resign if:


1) the  Seimas disapproves  two times  in succession  of the

programme of the newly-formed Government;

2) the  majority of all the Seimas members express a lack of

confidence in the Government or in the Prime Minister in a secret

ballot vote;

3) the Prime Minister resigns or dies;

4) after  the Seimas  elections, when  a new  Government  is

formed; or

5) upon  approval  of  the  Seimas,  the  President  of  the

Republic removes the Prime Minister from office.

The President  of the  Republic shall accept resignations of

the  Government   and,  as   necessary,  charge  it  to  continue

exercising its  functions or  charge  one  of  the  Ministers  to

exercise  the  functions  of  the  Prime  Minister  until  a  new

Government is formed.


Article 10. Resignation of the Minister of the Republic

of Lithuania


Every Minister  shall have  the right  to resign. A Minister

shall inform  the President  of the  Republic about  his  or  her

resignation in writing.

A Minister  must resign  if more than half of all the Seimas

members express, in a secret ballot vote, a lack of confidence in

him or her.

The President  of the  Republic shall accept the resignation

of a  Minister and  commission him  or her  to continue in office

until a new Minister is appointed.


Article 11. Submitting an Interpellation to the Prime

Minister or an Individual Minister or

Submitting a Draft of a Resolution concerning

Non-Confidence in the Government.


During a  session, a  group of  at least  1/5 of  the Seimas

members may  submit an interpellation to the Prime Minister or an

individual Minister,  as well  as, submit a draft of a resolution

wherein non-confidence in the Government is declared.

Upon considering  the response  of the  Prime Minister or an

individual Minister  to the  interpellation, or  the reply of the

Government  to  the  draft  of  the  resolution  concerning  non-

confidence, the  Seimas may  decide  that  the  response  is  not

satisfactory and  by a  majority vote  of half  of all the Seimas

members, express  non-confidence in  the  Prime  Minister  or  an

individual Minister, or the Government; said voting shall be done

by secret ballot.

Upon the declaration of non-confidence in the Prime Minister

or  an   individual  Minister,   or  the  Government,  they  must

immediately resign.

When  the   Seimas  declares  non-confidence  in  the  Prime

Minister, the  President of  the Republic shall charge one of the

Government  members  to  exercise  the  functions  of  the  Prime

Minister until  a new  Government  is  formed.  When  the  Seimas

declares non-confidence  in an individual Minister, the President

of the  Republic shall  charge one  of  the  other  Ministers  to

exercise temporarily  the said  functions until a new Minister is

approved and  sworn in.  In this  case, the  Prime Minister shall

within 15  days present  to the  President of  the Republic a new

candidate for minister.



Chapter 4





Article 12. Guarantees for Inviolability of the Prime

Minister and the Ministers


The Prime  Minister and  the  Ministers  may  not  be  found

criminally responsible,  may not  be arrested,  and  may  not  be

subjected to  any restrictions  of personal  freedom without  the

preliminary consent  of the  Seimas, or,  if the Seimas is not in

session, of the President of the Republic.


Article 13. Social Guarantees of the Prime Minister and

the Ministers


Health and  life insurances  of the  Prime Minister  and the

Ministers shall be provided from the state funds.

Upon expiration  of the term of office of the Prime Minister

or  the  Ministers,  their  resignation  or  dismissal  from  the

respective office  due to  the reorganization  of the Government,

they shall be provided with the following social guarantees:

1) upon  the completion  of transfer  of their duties, their

severance pay to be equal to 6 average monthly work payments; and

2) whenever  possible, to  return to  their previously  held

position or job, or, provided with an equivalent job or office in

state institutions and organizations.

The family  of the  Prime Minister or an individual Minister

shall receive a lump-sum compensation equal to five years salary,

according to  the respective  office, in the event that the Prime

Minister or  individual Minister  accidentally loses  his or  her

life while  discharging his  or her  duties. Burial costs for the

Prime Minister  or an individual Minister shall be covered by the

State. In  the event  that the  Prime Minister  or an  individual

Minister has  been injured  while discharging  his or her duties,

they shall be paid the compensation equal to his or her salary of


one to  five years,  taking  into  consideration  the  degree  of


The social  guarantees specified  in part  2 of this Article

shall be applied to the persons who have worked in the Government

for more  than one year. They shall not be applied to the persons

who have  resigned due  to non-confidence in them declared in the

procedure established in Article 11 of this Law.

Funds for social guarantees shall be provided from the state


The Government  members shall  not  be  entitled  to  social



Article 14. Prohibition for the Prime Minister and the

Ministers to Hold Office Subject to

Nomination or Election and to Engage in any

other Labour Activities


The Prime  Minister and the Ministers may not hold any other

office subject  to nomination  or election,  except the duties of

the Seimas  members; may  not be employed in business, commercial

and other  private  institutions  or  enterprises,  and  may  not

receive any  remuneration other  than the  salary established for

their respective  Government offices  and payments  for  creative

activities. Payments  made to  the member  of the  Government for

creative activities  shall include royalties for works of art and

their performance, for radio and television programmes as well as

hourly salaries for educational, scientific and consultative work

performed by the member of the Government not during the sittings

of the Government or the Government committees.


Chapter 5






Article 15. The Right of the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania to Present a Proposal for Pre-

Term Elections to the Seimas


The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right to  present to  the President of the Republic a proposal to

announce  pre-term   elections  to  the  Seimas,  if  the  Seimas

expresses direct non-confidence in the Government.


Article 16. The Right of the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania to Announce Elections of the

President of the Republic


In the  cases specified  in part  1 of  Article  89  of  the

Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, when the Seimas cannot

convene and  announce elections of the President of the Republic,

the elections shall be announced by the Government.

The Electoral  Committee for  Elections of  the President of

the Seimas  shall be  commissioned with  implementation  of  this



Article 17. Participation of the Prime Minister and the

Ministers in the Work of the Seimas


In the  manner established  by the Seimas Statute, the Prime

Minister and  the Ministers shall be entitled to take part in the

sittings  of   the  Seimas,   its  Committees,   Commissions  and

parliamentary groups  and to convey their opinion on issues under



Article 18. Procedure for Replying by the Government

members of the Republic of Lithuania to Inquiries

of the Seimas Members


The Prime  Minister or  an individual  Minister to  whom  an

inquiry about  the activities  of the  Government, Ministries  or

other  governmental  institutions  is  addressed  by  the  Seimas

member,  must  reply  orally  or  in  writing  in  the  procedure

established by the Seimas Statute.

At the  Seimas session,  in the  established  procedure  the

Prime Minister and the Ministers shall answer the questions posed

by the Seimas members.

On the invitation of the Seimas Committee or Commission, the

Ministers or  an officer  authorized by  the individual  Minister

must  participate   in  the  sitting  of  the  committee  or  the

commission  and   provide  explanations   on  the   issues  under

consideration by the committee.


Article 19. The Duty of the Prime Minister and the

Ministers to Countersign the Decrees of the

President of the Republic


The Prime Minister or an appropriate Minister shall within 3

days sign the Decrees of the President of the Republic concerning

the issues  specified in  Article 85  of the  Constitution of the

Republic of  Lithuania. Responsibility  for such decree shall lie

with the Prime Minister or Minister who signed it.


Article 20. The Right of Legislative Initiative of the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania


The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right of legislative initiative in the Seimas.

The Government  shall enact  a resolution  concerning  draft

laws submitted to the Seimas.


Chapter 6






Article 21. Basic Powers of the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall:

1) protect the constitutional order and inviolability of the

territory of the Republic of Lithuania, administer the affairs of

the country, ensure State security and public order;

2) implement  laws and  resolution of  the Seimas concerning

the implementation  of laws,  as  well  as  the  decrees  of  the

President of the Republic;

3) coordinate  the activities  of the  ministries and  other

governmental institutions;

4) prepare  the draft  budget of  the State and submit it to

the  Seimas;   execute  the   State  budget  and  report  on  the

fulfillment of the budget to the Seimas;

5) hold,  use and dispose of the State property according to

the procedures and situations established by law;

6) draft  bills and  other legal acts and submit them to the

Seimas for consideration;

7) submit  proposals to  the Seimas to establish and abolish


8)  if   necessary,  establish   and  abolish   governmental



9)  approve   regulations  of  ministries  and  governmental


10) establish  diplomatic relations  and maintain  relations

with foreign  countries and  international organizations,  submit

proposals to  the President  of the Republic to appoint or recall

diplomatic  representatives  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  in

foreign states and international organizations;

11) organize governing in upper administrative units;

12) propose  to the Seimas to establish the direct governing

on the territory of a local government in cases provided by law;

13) discharge  other duties  prescribed to the Government by

the Constitution, this and other laws; and

14) have  the right to address the Constitutional Court with

a request  to investigate  the conformity of laws of the Republic

of Lithuania  and other  acts adopted  by  the  Seimas  with  the

Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 22. Relations of the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania with Local Governments


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall:

1) through  its appointed  representatives monitor the local

governments' adherence  to  the  Constitution  and  laws  of  the

Republic of  Lithuania and implementation of the decisions of the

Government; and

2)  together   with  local   governments  establish  general

directions  of   the  development  of  social  security,  health,

education and culture.



Chapter 7





Article 23. The Prime Minister of the Republic of



The Prime  Minister  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall

represent the  Government of the Republic of Lithuania and direct

its activities.

The Prime Minister shall:

1) form  the Government  and submit  its composition for the

approval of the President of the Government;

2) submit  proposals to the President of the Republic on the

appointment and dismissal of the individual Ministers;

3) appoint and dismiss the Government secretary;

4) convene the Government sittings and preside over them;

5) appoint and dismiss from office the heads of governmental

institutions, upon the recommendation of the individual Ministers

appoint and  dismiss under secretaries of appropriate Ministries,

as well as impose disciplinary penalties on heads of governmental

institutions  and  upon  the  recommendation  of  the  individual

Ministers impose  disciplinary penalties on the under secretaries

of appropriate Ministries;

6)  provide   material  inducements   for   the   heads   of

governmental institutions;

7) form  working groups  for drafting  laws and  other legal


8) in  the  cases  specified  by  the  Constitution  of  the

Republic of  Lithuania submit  to the  President of  the Republic

proposals to  commission one  of the  Ministers to substitute for

the Prime Minister; and

9) discharge  other duties  prescribed to the Prime Minister

by the  Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, this and other


In the  event of  a disagreement  between the Prime Minister

and the  Ministers on  fundamental questions  pertaining  to  the

activity of  the Government,  the Prime  Minister shall  have the

right to  submit to  the  President  of  the  Republic  proposals

concerning dismissal of certain Ministers.


Article 24. Powers of the Minister who Exercises the

Functions of the Prime Minister or

Substitutes for the Prime Minister


The Minister  who  exercises  the  functions  of  the  Prime

Minister shall  be entitled  to the  same  powers  as  the  Prime


The Minister who substitutes for the Prime Minister shall be

entitled to  the same  powers as  the Prime  Minister,  with  the

exception of the powers provided for in Article 9 and items 1 and

2 of Article 23.

The Minister  who  exercises  the  functions  of  the  Prime

Minister or substitutes for the Prime Minister shall indicate his

or her  own duties  and make  an entry "acting Prime Minister" or

"substituting for the Prime Minister".


Article 25. The Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania


The  Ministers   of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall  be

personally  responsible   for  the   spheres  of   administration

entrusted to them.

A Minister  may be  temporarily substituted  only by another

member of the Government appointed by the Prime Minister.

A Minister shall:

1) be  responsible for  the fulfillment of tasks assigned to

the respective Ministry;

2) ensure  the enforcement of laws, decrees of the President

of the Republic, directives of the Prime Minister and other legal


3) submit  to the  Government drafts of laws and other legal

acts  in   the  procedure  established  by  the  Government  work


4) carry  out instructions  of the  Government and the Prime


5) issue  orders and  other legal  acts approved  by orders,

exercise control  over the  enforcement of them. Orders and other

legal acts  issued by  a Minister  shall  be  registered  in  the

procedure established by the Government work regulations.

As needed  several Ministers may issue joint orders or other

legal acts approved by the order;

6) submit  to the  Government or the Prime Minister a report

on the  activities of  a Ministry  and render  an account  of his

activities upon the request of the Prime Minister;

7) submit  to the  Prime Minister  his proposals  concerning

appointment and dismissal from office of the under secretaries of

Ministries and imposing disciplinary penalties on them;

8) approve the structure of a Ministry and the roll of staff

not exceeding the established annual wage fund;

9) approve  regulations (rules)  of structural  units of the

Ministry,  departments,   services  and   inspectorates  in   the

Ministry,  other   institutions  and   organizations  under   its

jurisdiction, as  well as  of state  enterprises assigned  to the

sphere of its regulation;

10) appoint  and dismiss  heads of  structural units  of the

Ministry,  departments,   services  and   inspectorates  in   the

Ministry,  other   institutions  and   organizations  under   its

jurisdiction, as  well as  of state  enterprises assigned  to the

sphere of its regulation; and

11) exercise other powers prescribed to him by laws.


Article 26. Government Committees of the Republic of



The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right to  appoint, when  it is  deemed necessary, standing and ad

hoc committees.

The work  of the  committees shall  be presided  over by the

Prime Minister,  a Minister  or other  persons appointed  by  the


The Government  of the Republic of Lithuania shall establish

objectives, functions,  procedure of  activities and financing of

the committees.  Funds for purpose-oriented financing of standing

committees must  be provided for in the draft of the State Budget




Chapter 8





Article 27. The Ministries of the Republic of Lithuania


The Ministries  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall  be  as


Ministry of Environmental Protection;

Ministry of Economics;

Ministry of Energy;

Ministry of Finance;

Ministry of National Defence;

Ministry of Culture;

Ministry of Forestry;

Ministry of Industry and Trade;

Ministry of Communications and Informatics;

Ministry of Social Security and Labour;

Ministry of Construction and Urban Planning;

Ministry of Transport;

Ministry of Health;

Ministry of Education and Science;

Ministry of Justice;

Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Ministry  of   Public  Administration   Reforms  and   Local

Government Affairs;

Ministry of Internal Affairs; and

Ministry of Agriculture.


On the  recommendation of  the  Government,  the  Ministries

shall be  founded and  abolished by the Seimas of the Republic of

Lithuania by enacting a law.


Article 28. Objectives, Functions and Rights of the

Ministries of the Republic of Lithuania


The  Ministries  shall  resolve  issues  assigned  to  their

competence, and  shall also  discharge other functions prescribed

by laws.

Objectives, functions  and rights of the Ministries shall be

established in laws, and regulations of the Ministries.


Article 29. Under Secretaries of the Ministries of the

Republic of Lithuania


Internal organization  of the Ministry shall be administered

by  the  under  secretary  of  the  appropriate  Ministry  (under



The under  secretary (under  secretaries) of  the Ministries

shall be  directly responsible  to the  appropriate Minister.  If

there are several under secretaries in the Ministry, the scope of

their  competence   shall  be   established  by  the  appropriate


The Minister shall head the structural units of the Ministry

directly or  through the under secretary (under secretaries), and

the departments,  services and  inspectorates  in  the  Ministry,

other institutions  and organizations  under the  jurisdiction of

the Ministry - through the heads of these institutions.

The under  secretary of  the Ministry shall issue directions

concerning work  organization of  the personnel  and  office-work

management of the respective Ministry.


Article 30. The Structure of the Ministries of the

Republic of Lithuania


Ministries shall consist of departments, divisions and other

structural units.

Departments, services and inspectorates may be set up in the



Article 31. Collegia of the Ministries of the Republic

of Lithuania


A collegium  may be  founded in the Ministry of the Republic

of Lithuania  which is  an advisory  body of  the  Minister.  The

collegium shall  comprise the  Minister (head  of the collegium),

under secretary of the Ministry, other employees of the Ministry,

as well  as heads of the department, service, inspectorate in the

Ministry. Upon  their consent,  delegates of other Ministries and

state institutions  as well  as  scientists  may  be  invited  to

participate in meetings of the collegium.

The Minister  shall affix  the  number  of  members  of  the

collegium and approve its personal composition.

The collegium  of the Ministry shall consider most important

issues concerning  the activity  of the  Ministry, drafts of most

important orders  of the  Minister and other legal acts, hear the

reports of  the heads  of the  structural units  of the Ministry,

departments, services  and inspectorates  in the Ministry as well

as other institutions under its jurisdiction, consider how proper

employees are  chosen  and  trained  and  how  execution  of  the

decisions is checked.


Article 32. Government Institutions of the Republic of



For the  solution of issues not assigned to the functions of

ministries, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania may found

Government    institutions     (departments,     services     and


Government  institutions   shall  be   headed  by  the  head

(departments, services  - by the director, inspectorates - by the

chief). He shall be directly subordinate to the Prime Minister.

The head  of the Government institution shall resolve issues

assigned to  the sphere of competence of the institution, as well

as perform  other functions  prescribed by  laws  and  Government

resolutions. The  head of  the Government  institution  shall  be

personally responsible  that the institution would resolve issues

assigned to it.

The head of the Government institution may have an assistant


The head  of the  Government institution  shall issue orders

and other  legal acts  approved by the order, and supervise their



Article 33. Control Exercised by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania over Ministries and

other Government Institutions and the

Procedure for Coming into Force of their

Legal Acts


The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall coordinate

the activities  of the  Ministries  through  the  Ministers.  The

Government shall  have the  right to  repeal legal  acts  of  the

Ministers  and   institutions  under   the  jurisdiction  of  the

Ministries,  as  well  as  of  Government  institutions  if  they

contradict the  Constitution of  the Republic of Lithuania, laws,

other legal  acts adopted by the Seimas, decrees of the President

of the Republic, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania and directives of the Prime Minister.

Legal acts  of the Ministries and Government institutions in

which legal  rules are  established, amended or declared invalid,

shall come  into force  on the  day following  the publication of

said acts in the "Valstybes zinios", unless a later date of their

enforcement is set in the said legal acts.


Chapter 9






Article 34. The Work Regulations of the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania


The work  procedure of  the Government  of the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall  be established  by the  work regulations  of the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 35. Meetings of the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania


The Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall resolve

the affairs of state administration at its meetings by a majority

vote of all Government members.

Officials whose  right  to  participate  in  the  Government

meetings is  provided by  the Constitution  and other laws of the

Republic  of   Lithuania,  may   participate  in  the  Government


Other persons may be invited to the Government meetings.


Article 36. The Procedure for Submitting Documents to

the Government of the Republic of Lithuania


Drafts  of  resolutions  and  other  legal  acts  which  are

submitted to  the Government of the Republic of Lithuania must be

signed by a minister.

In cases  when an  issue belonging  to the competence of the

minister covers the sphere of administration of another minister,

the minister  shall coordinate  the issue  with another  minister

before  presenting   it  to  the  Government.  In  the  event  of

disagreement, the  minister shall  address the Prime Minister who

makes a decision.


Article 37. The Procedure for Drawing up the Agenda of

Meetings of the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania and Consideration of Issues


Drafts of resolutions and other legal acts of the Government

of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall  be prepared, considered and


adopted at  the Government  meetings in the procedure established

by the Government work regulations.

The Government  Secretary shall submit to the Prime Minister

proposals concerning  the discussion of a draft resolution of the

Government or other legal act at the Government meeting.

The Government  secretary shall  draw up the draft agenda of

the Government meeting, name speakers and present it to the Prime

Minister together with the appropriate material.

When the  Prime Minister approves the agenda of the meeting,

the Government  secretary shall  no later  than 3 days before the

meeting deliver  the meeting  material to  the Government members

and speakers.

The Prime  Minister shall have the right to propose that new

issues be included into the agenda during the Government meeting.

A report  and opinions  of the  Government members  shall be

heard at  the Government meeting. At the permission of the person

presiding over  the meeting,  other persons  participating in the

meeting may express their opinion.


Article 38. Resolutions of the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania


Resolutions and  decisions of the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania  shall be  passed at  the Government  meetings by  a

majority vote of all Government members.

Government resolutions shall be signed by the Prime Minister

and the  appropriate Minister.  In the  cases when  a  resolution

covers several  spheres of  administration, it shall be signed by

the prime  Minister and the Minister who has submitted the draft.

Government resolutions  shall be signed within three working days

after they  have been  passed, unless a different term of signing

is set by the Government.

Government resolutions in which legal rules are established,

amended or  declared invalid  shall become effective the next day

after they,  signed by  the Prime  Minister and  the  appropriate

Minister, have been published in the "Valstybes zinios", unless a

later date of their enforcement is set in the said resolutions.

Government  resolutions   in  which   legal  rules  are  not

established, amended  or declared invalid, shall come into effect

on the  day they  are  passed,  unless  a  later  date  of  their

enforcement is set in the said resolutions.


Article 39. Minutes of the Meetings of the Government

of the Republic of Lithuania


Minutes shall  be taken  at  the  Government  meetings.  The

number of  a meeting,  as well  as persons  participating at  the

meeting shall  be specified  in the minutes. The reporter who has

submitted the  issue for  consideration as well as speakers shall

be named  and the  adopted decision  shall be  specified  in  the

minutes. The minutes shall be signed by the Prime Minister.


Article 40. Directives of the Prime Minister of the

Republic of Lithuania


Within  his   competence  the  Prime  Minister  shall  issue

directives concerning the organization of the Government work and

personnel matters.

Directives of  the Prime  Minister shall become effective on

the day  of their  signing, unless a later date of enforcement is

set in the said directives.


Chapter 10





Article 41. The Prime Minister's Office of the Republic

of Lithuania


The Prime  Minister's office  of the  Republic of  Lithuania

shall serve the Prime Minister and the Government.

The structure  of  the  Prime  Minister's  office  shall  be

approved by  the Prime  Minister on  the  recommendation  of  the

Government secretary.

The  Prime   Minister's  office   shall  be  headed  by  the

Government secretary.

Heads and  advisers on  separate matters  of the  structural

units of  the Prime  Minister's office  shall  be  appointed  and

dismissed by  the Prime  Minister on  the recommendation  of  the

Government secretary.


Article 42. The Government Secretary of the Republic of



The Government  secretary shall arrange Government meetings,

participate in them and ensure recording of the meetings, as well

as publishing of the Government resolutions and directives of the

Prime Minister in the "Valstybes zinios".

The Government  secretary shall  be responsible  for the use

and preservation of the Government seal.

The Government secretary shall appoint and dismiss employees

of the  Prime Minister's  office and  heads of  the  institutions

which provide  services for the Government, with the exception of

the cases specified in Paragraph 4 of Article 41 of this Law.


Article 43. Procedure for Preservation of the Documents

of the Government of the Republic of



Laws of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania,  resolutions  of  the

Seimas, decrees  of the  President of  the Republic, decisions of

the Constitutional  Court, drafts and originals of resolutions of

the Government  and directives  of the Prime Minister, as well as

minutes of  the Government  meetings shall  be preserved  in  the

Prime Minister's office.

The Prime Minister's office shall ensure the translation and

authenticity  into   foreign  languages  of  resolutions  of  the

Government and directives of the Prime Minister.



I promulgate  this Law enacted by the Seimas of the Republic

of Lithuania.




President of the Republic               Algirdas Brazauskas


19 May 1994, No.I-464


