Official translation




17 February 1994 No.I-399







Chapter 1. The Powers and Oath of the Seimas Member



Article 1.  The main  rights and  duties of  a member of the

Seimas of  the Republic  of Lithuania  shall be  defined  by  the

Constitution of  the Republic  of Lithuania  and by this Statute,

and other  rights and  duties of  a Seimas  member shall  also be

established by other laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

In carrying  out his  duties, a  Seimas member  shall act in

compliance with  the Constitution  of the  Republic of Lithuania,

the interests  of the State, and his own consciences, and may not

be restricted by any mandates.


Article 2.  The term  of office  of a  Seimas  member  shall

commence from  the day that the newly-elected Seimas convenes for

the first  sitting. The  powers of  the previously elected Seimas

member shall expire upon commencement of said sitting.

Elected Seimas  member shall  only acquire all of the rights

of a  representative of  the nation  upon taking  an oath  in the

Seimas to  be loyal to the Republic of Lithuania. A Seimas member

who has  not taken  an oath  shall not  be entitled to the rights

provided for  in Chapter 2 of this Statute, shall not be provided

with maintenance  and guarantees  of his activities under Chapter

3, and shall not receive the salary of a Seimas member.


Article 3.  The text of the oath of the Seimas member of the

Republic of Lithuania shall read as follows:


"I (full name)

swear to be faithful to the Republic of Lithuania;

swear to  respect and observe its Constitution and laws, and

to protect the integrity of its territory,

swear  to  the  best  of  my  ability  to  strengthen  the

independence  of  Lithuania,  and  to  conscientiously  serve  my

Homeland,  democracy,   and  the  well-being  of  the  people  of


So help me God!


The oath may be taken omitting the last sentence.


Article  4.   The  oath   of  the  Seimas  member  shall  be

administered by  the Chairperson  of the  Constitutional Court of

the Republic  of Lithuania, or, in the absence of the Chairperson

or in  the event  that the  Chairperson is  temporarily unable to

discharge  his  or  her  duties,  by  the  acting  judge  of  the

Constitutional Court.

Each Seimas  member shall  take the  oath while  standing in

front of the person who is administering the oath and reading the

oath, holding his or her hand on the Constitution of the Republic

of Lithuania.


Upon reading the entire text of the oath, each Seimas member

shall sign the nominal oath sheet.



Nominal oath  sheets shall  be handed over to the officer of

the Constitutional Court who administered the oath. Upon checking

the nominal  oath sheets,  said officer  shall read  the list  of

those Seimas  members who  have acquired  all of  the rights of a                                          2

representative of the nation.


Article  5. The  Seimas member who does not take the oath in the

manner prescribed  by law,  or who take a conditional oath, shall

lose the  mandate of  the Seimas member. The Seimas shall adopt a

resolution thereon.

The text  of the oath may not be amended or changed with the

exception of the omission of the last sentence. The Seimas member

who do  not comply  with this  provision, who  refuse to sign the

nominal oath  sheet, or  who sign  the sheet  with a stipulation,

shall not  be considered  to have  taken the oath. In such cases,

the Seimas  member shall  lose the mandate pursuant to Article 59

of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Seimas  member whose  powers were terminated pursuant to

the Constitution  and laws  of the  Republic of Lithuania and who

has again become a Seimas member must take the oath again.


A Seimas  member must  take an  oath not later than within a

month from the first sitting attended by him.    


Article 6. The duties of a Seimas member, with the exception

of his/her  duties in  the Seimas, shall be incompatible with any

other duties  or jobs  in State institutions and organisations as

well as  in business,  commercial and  other private institutions

and enterprises. For the term of office, a Seimas member shall be

exempt from the duty to perform national defence service.


A Seimas  member may  be appointed only as Prime Minister or



Article 7.  A Seimas  member shall  have a certificate and a

Seimas member badge which shall be presented to him/her after the

oath and  which shall  be used  by him/her  during the  period of

his/her term of office.


Samples of  the Seimas member certificate and badge shall be

approved by the Seimas Board.


Article  8.   The  powers   of  a  Seimas  member  shall  be


1) upon  the expiration  of the  term of  his/her powers, or

when the  Seimas elected  in preterm  elections convenes  for its

first sitting;

2) upon his/ her death;

3) upon his or her resignation;

4) if he or she is declared legally incapable by the court;

5) if  the Seimas  revokes his  or her mandate in accordance

with impeachment proceedings;

6) if  the election  is recognised as invalid, or if the law

on election is grossly violated;

7) if  he or  she takes a job, or does not resign from a job

which is incompatible with the duties of a Seimas member within 3


8) if  he or  she is deprived of citizenship of the Republic

of Lithuania.



Chapter 2. The Activities of the Seimas Member



Article 9.  A member  of  the  Seimas  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall have the right to:

1) vote  on all  issues considered  at the  sittings of  the

Seimas or the committee of which he/she is a member;

2) elect  and be  elected to  any institution  of the Seimas

according to the procedure established by this Statute;                                          3

3) participate  in discussions  concerning all  issues under

consideration,  and   express  his/her  opinion,  vocally  or  in


4) submit  the texts  of their  speeches to the chair of the

sitting for inclusion into the shorthand record of the sitting;

5) propose the consideration of an issues to the Seimas;

6) prepare  and submit for consideration adequately prepared

drafts of laws and other legal acts as well as to propose motions

relative to the laws which are to be debated in the Seimas;

7)  pose,  during  sittings  of  the  Seimas,  questions  to

reporters and supplementary reporters; 

8) make  statements and  remarks, speak  on voting  motives,

propose motions  relative to  the conduct  of  the  sitting,  the

procedure, prejudicial questions.

9) obtain,  directly or through an assistant, copies of laws

and bills,  as well  as copies of laws and other documents passed

by the  Seimas, the  Seimas Speaker, the Board, or the meeting of


10) participate  in  the  sittings  of  all  committees  and

commissions of  the Seimas and as necessary to participate in the

sittings of  the state power and government institutions at which

issues submitted  by him/her  are  discussed,  as  well  as  upon

advance notice,  in the  sittings of  the Government  without the

right to vote, except the sittings associated with state secrets,

the procedure  for the consideration thereof shall be established

by laws;

11) submit  inquiries to  the members  of the Government and

the heads of other state institutions, and to submit questions to

them and to the Seimas officers;

12) no  more frequently  than once  in a  month make  use of

state radio  and television  on issues  of his activities free of


The procedure  for the  implementation of  these  and  other

rights shall be established by other Articles of this Statute.


Article 10.  The Seimas  member must  participate in  Seimas

sittings during  votings which  were planned in advance. A voting

which was  announced at  least two  days prior  to the day of the

voting shall be considered to have been planned in advance.

Each member of the Seimas, with the exception of the members

of the  Seimas Board  and the  Government, must  be a member of a

committee and must participate in the work thereof, and must also

be an  alternate member  of another committee. The Speaker of the

Seimas may  not be a member or alternate member of a committee. A

single Seimas member may be a member of only one committee.


Article 11.  While participating  in sittings  of the Seimas

and the committees, Seimas members must adhere to this Statute.

If a  Seimas member  cannot attend  a sitting  of the Seimas

during which  a voting  has been  planned for in advance, he/ she

must inform  the secretariat of the sittings thereof, stating the

reason for absence.

If a  Seimas member cannot attend a sitting of the committee

or  commission,   he/she  must  inform  the  chairperson  of  the

committee or  commission, and in the chairperson's absence -- the

deputy chairperson.

During a  session Seimas members must notify the chairperson

(in the  absence of the chairperson -- the deputy chairperson) of

the committee  of which  they are  members of  all of their trips

beyond the  boundaries of  the Republic  of Lithuania, and during

the sittings of the Seimas -- of their trips within the territory

of the Republic of Lithuania.

Upon returning  from a  business trip,  a Seimas member must

present a  report to  the Seimas  Board or the committee on which

he/she is a member concerning the fulfillment of assignments.


Article 12.  The Seimas  member must regularly hold meetings

with his/her  constituents. He/she shall have the right to invite

officials of  state institutions  and local government bodies and

deputies to participate in the meetings.

A  Seimas  member  shall  consider  proposals,  appeals  and

complaints and,  as necessary,  shall refer  them to  appropriate

state institutions for consideration.

Officials to  whom a  Seimas member's  appeal was  addressed

including proposals,  appeals and  complaints  of  citizens  must

consider said appeals within 20 days of the receipt thereof.


Chapter 3. Maintenance and Guarantees of the Activities of Seimas



Article 13. Local governments and their executive bodies, as

well  as   heads   of   state   enterprises,   institutions   and

organisations,  must   provide  Seimas  members  with  conditions

enabling them  to meet with constituents, must notify them of the

time and place of such meetings, and must provide them with other

necessary assistance and information.

Respective  local   governments  must   allot  and  maintain

permanent premises  for  Seimas  members  elected  in  a  single-

candidate areas  to receive  constituents.  As  necessary,  local

governments must  allot properly  arranged  premises  for  Seimas

members elected  in multi-candidate  electoral areas  to  receive

constituents and hold meetings

The Seimas  member shall  have the  right to  demand  to  be

received without  delay at  state enterprises,  institutions  and

organisations  concerning   issues  which   pertain  to   his/her

activities, as  well as  the right  to be provided with necessary


The Seimas  member shall  have  the  right  to  unrestricted

access of  all enterprises,  institutions and  organisations. The

visitation   procedure    for   enterprises,   institutions   and

organisations whose  activities are associated with state secrets

shall be established by laws.


Article 14.  Upon establishing  that civil  rights and  laws

have been  violated, a  Seimas member  shall have  the  right  to

directly demand  that the  violation be corrected, or may address

the appropriate  institutions and  officers. Violations  shall be

indicated in  the minutes taken together with the representatives

of law enforcement or control body.    

If the legitimate demands of a Seimas member are not carried

out, a  disciplinary punishment  may, according  to the procedure

established by law, be imposed on the officer who is responsible;


Article 15.  Compensation for the work of the Seimas member,

as well  as expenses related with their parliamentary activities,

shall be covered by the State Budget.

The salary  of Seimas  members and the procedure for payment

thereof shall  be established  by the  Seimas. Resolutions of the

Seimas concerning changes in the salaries of Seimas members shall

become effective  only from the day that the newly-elected Seimas

convenes for the first sitting.

Seimas members  who at  the same  time hold  office  at  the

Seimas shall  be paid  supplemental salaries, the amount of which

shall be  established by  the Seimas,  for their work. The Seimas

member may  not receive  any other  salary, with the exception of

payment for  creative activities. Payments made to Seimas members

for creative  activities shall include royalties for works of art

and literature,  for radio  and television  programmes as well as

hourly salaries for educational, scientific and consultative work

performed by  Seimas members  not  during  the  sittings  of  the

Seimas, its committees and commissions.


Article 16.  The Seimas  member shall  be entitled  to  have

personal secretary-assistants  or joint secretary-assistants with

other members  of their  respective parliamentary  groups,  whose

salaries shall  be paid  from the  State Budget;  they  are  also

entitled to have assistants who work on a voluntary basis.

Seimas members  shall be  allocated additional funds for the

reimbursement   of    office,   postal,   telephone,   telegraph,

transportation, and  other expenses  incurred from  parliamentary

activities --  the amount  and the  procedure for payment thereof

shall be established by the Seimas Board.

Seimas members  who do  not have  a place  of  residence  in

Vilnius  or   who  have  the  right  to  state  support  for  the

acquisition  of  a  place  of  residence  in  Vilnius,  shall  be

provided, free of charge and together with their families, with a

place of residence in Vilnius for the term of office. At the same

time said  members shall  retain the right to use rented quarters

in their permanent place of residence.

Seimas members  who have  the right to state support for the

acquisition of  a place  of residence shall retain this right and

may remain on the list to acquire state support.

Seimas members  shall have  the right  to use  all forms  of

state transportation  within the  territory of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania, with  the exception  of taxis,  free of  charge;  they

shall also have the right to acquire hotel rooms out of turn.

The Seimas  member shall  use diplomatic  passports on trips

abroad and Lithuanian diplomatic missions abroad must provide him

with necessary assistance.


Article 17. Upon expiration of the term of office and in the

cases specified  in paragraphs  1 and  3 of  Article  8  of  this

Statute, Seimas  members must  be provided with the job or office

which  they   held  in   state  institutions,   enterprises   and

organisations prior  to the  elections, except  to be  elected to

governmental institutions  and be a member of the Government, and

if such  is not possible due to the abolition of former office or

the liquidation  of the enterprise, institution, or organisation,

the Seimas  member shall  be provided with another equivalent job

or office  in the  same institution, enterprise, or organisation,

or,  if   the  Seimas  members  agrees,  in  another  enterprise,

institution, or organisation.

The period of parliamentary activity of Seimas members shall

be included in the total length of service. 

The  election   of  Seimas   members  shall   not  interrupt

membership in creative unions or in unions of free professions.


Article 18. Persons and officers who prevent a Seimas member

from carrying  out his  or her  powers, or  who encroach upon the

life  health,   honor,  or  dignity  of  a  Seimas  member  as  a

representative of the people, shall be liable according to laws.



Chapter 4. Discipline and Immunity of Seimas Members



Article 19. It shall be prohibited to use the mandate of the

Seimas member  for purposes  other  than  the  interests  of  the

Nation, State and the constituents.

This provision violating the activities of the Seimas member

must be  analysed by the Commission of Ethics and Procedures or a

special investigation  commission set up for this purpose and for

the preparation of findings.


Article 20.  The Commission  of Ethics  and Procedures shall

analise  the  reasons  for  which  the  Seimas  members  are  not

participating during  planned voting  or voting taking place at a

planned  time   and  shall   decide  whether   such  reasons  are                                          6

justifiable; The salaries of such Seimas members may be decreased

according to  the procedure  established by  the Seimas, and upon

the decision  of the  Commission of  Ethics and  procedure, their

names may be announced in the press.


Article 21.  If during  a sitting  a Seimas member begins to

argue with Seimas members or other participants in the sitting or

creates a  disturbance in  the hall,  he or  she may be called to

order by the officer presiding over the sitting.

If said  persons does  not heed  the warning  of the officer

presiding over  the sitting,  the warning  may be recorded in the

minutes of  the sitting.  Warnings recorded in the minutes of the

sitting may be immediately administered to the Seimas member as a

public threat  to colleagues,  as assault of a Seimas member or a

group thereof,  or as  dishonesty in  voting or  violation of the

principle of personal voting.

Such warnings shall be administered by the officer presiding

over the  Seimas sitting  or on  the motion  of the Commission of

Ethics and  Procedures without debate and by simple majority vote

of the  Seimas members  participating in  the sitting.  A  Seimas

member to  whom administration of such warning is proposed, shall

have the  right to explain his or her actions to the Seimas for a

maximum of 3 minutes prior to the voting.


Article 22.  The Seimas  may temporarily  dismiss  a  Seimas

member from the chamber if he or she:

1) continues,  after being called to order, to interrupt the

work of the Seimas;

2) during  a sitting,  calls for the use coercion or uses it


3) publicly  assaults or  threatens  the  President  of  the

Republic, the  Seimas, the Speaker of the Seimas, Seimas members,

the Government, or the Prime Minister during a sitting.

Decisions concerning  the expulsion  of a Seimas member from

the chamber  shall  be  adopted  without  debate  and  by  simple

majority vote  of the  members of the Seimas participating in the

sitting on the proposal of the officer presiding over the sitting

or of the Commission of Ethics and Procedures.

The term  of temporary  expulsion from  the chamber shall be

established by  the Seimas in each case, but may not be more than

2 day  of a  sitting. If  the term  is not indicated, it shall be

assumed that  the Seimas  member is expelled until the end of the


During  the  period  of  expulsion  from  the  chamber,  the

expelled Seimas member may not participate in voting.

If a  Seimas member  who has been dismissed from the chamber

refuses to  heed the  order, the  sitting  shall  be  temporarily

interrupted and security officers shall escort said Seimas member

to the  chamber door.  In such a case, the term of expulsion from

the chamber may be extended for the period of 5 sittings.


Article  23.   The  person  of  a  Seimas  member  shall  be


A Seimas  member may not be persecuted for his or her voting

or  speeches  in  the  Seimas,  however,  legal  actions  may  be

instituted  against  Seimas  members  according  to  the  general

procedure if they are guilty of personal insult or slander.

A Seimas member may not be found criminally responsible, may

not  be   arrested,  and  may  not  be  subjected  to  any  other

restrictions of  personal freedom  without  the  consent  of  the

Seimas, except  in cases  when he  or she is caught in the act of


committing a  crime (in  flagranti). In such cases the Prosecutor

General must immediately notify the Seimas thereof.

A Seimas  member who  refuses to give evidence in a criminal

case, shall,  on the  decision of the Seimas, be brought to court                                          7

to give evidence.


Article  24.   For  the  consideration  of  motions  of  the

Prosecutor   General    concerning   the   deprivation   of   the

inviolability of  the person of a Seimas member, an investigatory

commission shall  be formed  according to  the procedure provided

for in  Article 77  of this  Statute. When  investigating  issues

concerning the  deprivation of the inviolability of the person of

a Seimas  member, the  commission must hear said Seimas member or

other Seimas  member authorised thereby and a representative from

the Prosecutor's Office.

After  the   investigatory  commission   has  prepared   and

announced its  note and  the draft  resolution, issues concerning

the deprivation  of the  inviolability of  the person of a Seimas

member shall  be included  on  the  agenda  of  the  next  Seimas


Consideration of  this issue,  as well  as of  the submitted

resolution,  shall   be  limited   only  to  the  interpretation,

assessment or definition of facts provided for in the motion.

Discussions concerning draft resolutions shall be attended by the

reporter of  the  commission,  the  concerned  Seimas  member  or

another Seimas  member representing  him, and  no more  than  two

Seimas members  who speak  out "in  favour" and  two members  who

speak out "against" the draft resolution. If the draft resolution

provides for  the satisfaction  of the  motion of  the Prosecutor

General, it  may be  adopted if  more than  half  of  the  Seimas

members vote in favour of the draft.

Upon the  receipt of  the consent of the Seimas to institute

criminal proceedings  against a Seimas member, said Seimas member

may not be arrested within the house of the Seimas.




Chapter 5. General Issues of Structure


Article 25. Sittings of the Seimas shall be presided over by

the Speaker  of the  Seimas or  a Deputy  Speaker. There shall be

three Deputy  Speakers. The  competence of the Seimas Speaker and

Deputy Speakers  shall be  defined by  the Constitution  and this

Statute. The  drafting of  the Seimas documents and consideration

of drafts shall be monitored by the Chancellor of the Seimas.

If a  member of  the Seimas  who is  elected Speaker  or  is

serving  as   acting  Speaker   he  or   she  must   suspend  all

parliamentary group activities.


Article 26.  The Seimas shall form committees from among its

members for  the consideration  of draft  laws and  other  issues

assigned to  its competence  by the Constitution. The list of the

committees shall be established by this Statute.

A Commission  of Ethics  and Procedure and an Administrative

Commission shall  be formed  in the  Seimas. For resolving short-

term issues  or issues  of narrower  scope and  for carrying  out

concrete assignments,  the Seimas  may, from  among its  members,

form investigative,  control, auditing, preparatory, drafting and

other ad hoc commissions.

The work of the committees and commissions shall be directed

by the respective chairpersons thereof.


Article 27.  Members of  the Seimas  may form  parliamentary

groups according to the procedure established by this Statute for

implementing their political goals. Parliamentary groups shall be

headed and  represented in  the Seimas by Spokespersons or deputy

Spokespersons;  every  member  of  the  Seimas  authorised  by  a

parliamentary group  may speak  out on  behalf of  the group. The

rights of  parliamentary group  members shall  be established  by

this Statute.                             8

Seimas members who have not been registered in parliamentary

groups shall  be considered  as members  of one  mixed  group  of

Seimas members.  The mixed  group  of  Seimas  members  shall  be

granted all  of the  rights of a parliamentary group provided for

in this Statute.


Article 28.  The Seimas  shall have  a Board,  the principle

task whereof shall be to settle organisational issues of the work

of the Seimas.

The Board  of the Seimas shall consist of the Speaker, three

Deputy Speakers, and the Chancellor of the Seimas.


Article 29.  An Assembly of Spokespersons, comprising of the

members  of   the  Seimas   Board  and   representatives  of  the

parliamentary  groups,  shall  be  formed  in  the  Seimas.  Each

parliamentary group  shall appoint  one representative  for every

ten members  of the  group. Groups  consisting of  less than  ten

members shall  each appoint one representative to the Assembly of


The principle task of the Assembly of Spokespersons shall be

to consider and approve the work programmes of the Seimas session

and the  agendas of sittings, to coordinate issues concerning the

organisation of the work of the Seimas Committees and groups, and

to submit  drafts of  the decisions  of said issues to the Seimas

and the Board.


Chapter 6. The Seimas Speaker, Deputy Speakers, Chancellor,

and Board



Article 30.  The Speaker  of the  Seimas of  the Republic of

Lithuania shall:

1) direct the work of the Seimas and represent the Seimas;

2) certify  with his  or her  signature the  authenticity of

laws passed  by the  Seimas and  referred to the President of the

Republic; sign  the resolutions of the Seimas, the Statute of the

Seimas and  amendments thereto,  the minutes  of sittings  of the

Seimas, the  resolutions of  the Seimas  Board, other acts of the

Seimas, as  well as  laws of  the Republic of Lithuania which are

not signed  by the  President of the Republic and not returned to

the Seimas  for repeat consideration within 10 days from the date

on which they were submitted to the President of the Republic;

3) temporarily  carry out the duties of the President of the

Republic and  temporarily  fill  in  for  the  President  of  the

Republic  in   the  cases   specified  in   Article  89   of  the


4) propose  candidates to  the posts  of Deputy Speakers and

the Chancellor of the Seimas to the Seimas;

5) propose  candidates to Constitutional Court judges to the

Seimas in  accordance  with  the  procedure  established  by  the


6) nominate  to the  Seimas the  candidatures of  the Seimas

ombudsmen and  the head  of the  Seimas  ombudsmen's  office  for


7) submit  candidates for  appointment to the posts of heads

of State  institutions to the Seimas, unless the Constitution and

laws provide otherwise;

8) preside  over the  sittings of  the Seimas and the Seimas


9) submit  drafts of  the work  programmes of  a session and

draft agendas  of week-  or day-long  sittings to the Assembly of

Spokespersons; and

10) submit  draft agendas  of the  sittings  of  the  Seimas



Article 31.  In carrying  out his or her duties, the Speaker                                          9

of the Seimas shall issue decrees.

The Speaker  of the  Seimas,  or,  in  the  absence  of  the

Speaker, the  Deputy Speaker, may voice his or her opinion or the

opinion of  the Seimas Board on the issue under consideration out

of turn,  provided that  he or  she is  not  presiding  over  the


The Speaker  of the  Seimas, the  Deputy  Speakers  and  the

Chancellor of  the Seimas shall, during a session at least once a

month,  answer  questions  submitted  in  writing  beforehand  by

members of the Seimas concerning the performance of their duties.


Article 32.  At the  behest of  the Speaker  of the  Seimas,

Deputy Speakers  shall perform  certain functions of the Speaker.

The Seimas  Speaker may  charge the  Deputy  Speaker  to  perform

certain functions of the Seimas Chancellor in his or her absence,

but for  no longer  than one week. The Seimas Board may determine

the guidelines of the activities of the Deputy Speakers.

In the  event that  the Speaker of the Seimas is temporarily

absent or  has fallen  ill and  by reason  thereof is  unable  to

fulfill his or her duties of office, the duties of the Speaker of

the Seimas,  at the  behest of  the Seimas, shall be performed by

one of the Deputy Speakers for a specified period.

If,  in   the  cases   specified  in   Article  89   of  the

Constitution, the  Speaker of  the Seimas is temporarily carrying

out the  duties of the President of the Republic, and as a result

thereof has  lost his  or her powers in the Seimas, the duties of

the Speaker  of the  Seimas shall be temporarily carried out by a

Deputy Speaker at the behest of the Seimas.

Resolutions (preliminary  or adopted  for a  concrete  case)

concerning the temporary performance of the duties of the Speaker

of the  Seimas or substituting the Speaker of the Seimas shall be

adopted by the Seimas on the motion of the Seimas Speaker.


Article 33. The Seimas Chancellor shall:

1) supervise  the consideration  of draft  laws submitted to

the Seimas  and the  drafting of  the documents of the Seimas and

the Board thereof;

2) supervise  the consideration  of  issues,  inquiries  and

interpellations submitted  to the  Government and  the  heads  of

other State institutions;

3) consider  the issues  raised by  members  of  the  Seimas

concerning the functioning of the Seimas apparatus; supervise the

implementation of  the decisions  of  the  Seimas  Board  by  the

divisions of  the Seimas  apparatus as  well as  their compliance

with  the  provisions  and  internal  rules  which  regulate  the

functioning thereof;

4) assist  the Speaker  of the Seimas in preparing the draft

of the  session work programme as well as draft agendas for week-

and day-long sittings;

5) assist  the Speaker  of the  Seimas  in  preparing  draft

agendas for  sittings of the Seimas Board as well as the material

on issues subject to consideration;

6) work out draft agendas for the Assembly of Spokespersons;

7) visa official documents prior to their being submitted to

the Speaker  of the  Seimas for signing and, within the limits of

his or her competence, sign official documents;

8) be responsible for the use and keeping of the Seimas Seal

bearing the State Emblem;

9) propose  members to the tellers' group in accordance with

the procedure provided for in this Statute;

10) regularly  submit information  summaries to  the  Seimas

concerning proposals, wishes and letters received from voters;

11) in conjunction with representatives of the parliamentary

groups, arrange  the seats  in the chamber for the members of the

parliamentary groups  and for  those members of the Seimas who do

not belong  to any  parliamentary group and allocate premises for                                          10

the sittings of the parliamentary groups; and

12) consider  issues concerning  the employment or dismissal

of assistants/secretaries of Seimas members.


Article 34.  The sittings  of  the  Seimas  Board  shall  be

convened and presided over by the Speaker of the Seimas.

Other  members   of  the   Seimas,  as   well  as  permanent

representatives  of   the  President  of  the  Republic  and  the

Government, may  participate in  the sittings  of  the  Board  as

observers. Other  individuals may  also be invited to sittings of

the Board.

Issues for  consideration may  be submitted  to  the  Seimas

Board by  the Board  members, committees,  parliamentary  groups,

Administrative commission, Commission of Ethics and Procedure and

the Head of Seimas Personnel.

Draft documents  of the Seimas Board which are submitted for

consideration shall be signed by their initiators and handed over

to the  Chancellor of  the Seimas who shall prepare the agenda of

the sitting based thereon.


Article 35.  Decisions of  the Seimas Board shall be adopted

by ordinary  vote and  simple majority  of those  in  attendance,

provided that  the sitting  of the Seimas Board is attended by at

least three  Board members.  A tie  vote shall  be decided by the

vote of  the Speaker  or, in  the absence  of the Speaker, of the

Deputy Speaker who is presiding over the sitting.

The members of the Seimas shall be informed of the decisions

of the  Seimas Board  through the  committees  and  parliamentary

groups within  three working  days from  the  day  on  which  the

decision was  adopted during  a session  or within  a week of the

beginning of the next session.

Committees and  parliamentary groups may submit proposals to

the Seimas concerning the consideration of resolutions adopted by

the Seimas Board which they disapprove of.


Article 36. The Seimas Board shall:

1) distribute  funds; discuss and approve estimated expenses

of the Seimas;

2) on  the motion  of the  committees, consider and send the

Seimas members  on business  trips with  tasks of the Seimas, the

Board, and committees;

3) on  the motion  of parliamentary  committees and  groups,

consider and  either approve  or disapprove  of trips  of  Seimas

members during  session which  are not financed from the funds of

the Seimas;

4) when  necessary, consider  draft work  programmes of  the

Seimas session  and draft  agendas for  forthcoming week- or day-

long sessions,  and submit  recommendations to  the  Assembly  of

Spokespersons or the Seimas;

5) when necessary, form working groups for drafting laws and

carrying out the instructions of the Seimas or the Seimas Board;

6) submit  draft laws  and other draft acts of the Seimas to

committees for  consideration and  presentation of  findings  and

proposals thereon;

7) assist  in organising  the joint  work of  committees  on

issues which fall within the competence of several committees;

8) appoint  and dismiss  the Head  of Seimas  Personnel, who

shall be responsible and accountable to the Board;

9) approve  the structure of the Seimas apparatus, draw up a

list of  the staff  of the Seimas apparatus, and fix the salaries



10) on  the motion  of the Head of Seimas Personnel, appoint

and dismiss  the heads  and deputy  heads of  all the  structural

units of the Seimas;

11) approve  the bylaws  of  the  structural  units  of  the                                          11

Seimas,  the   regulations  of   internal  activities   and   the

instructions for office-work; and

12) settle  other issues  related to the organisation of the

activities  of  the  Seimas  which  are  not  ascribed  to  other

institutions or  officials  of  the  Seimas  by  virtue  of  this



Chapter 4. Assembly of Seimas Spokespersons


Article 37.  During session, the sittings of the Assembly of

Spokespersons shall  be organised regularly, usually twice a week

at a  time specially  allocated for  this purpose.  Extraordinary

sittings of  the Assembly  of Spokespersons shall be organised at

the request  of  the  Speaker  of  the  Seimas,  the  Board,  the

Chairperson of  the Assembly of Spokespersons, or at least 1/3 of

the members  of the Assembly of Spokespersons. The members of the

Assembly of  Spokespersons shall  be given notice of the time and

agenda of  extraordinary sittings  at least  6 hours prior to the

beginning thereof.

Sittings of  the Assembly  of Spokespersons shall be chaired

by the  chairperson; the  duties of the chairperson, according to

the schedule  approved by the Assembly of Spokespersons, shall be

discharged in  turn by  the spokespersons  of each  parliamentary

group for  one week.  The opening  sitting  of  the  Assembly  of

Spokespersons held  during the first session shall be presided by

the eldest parliamentary group spokesperson.


Article  38.   During  its   sittings,   the   Assembly   of

Spokespersons shall:

1) consider  and coordinate rising contradictions related to

the work programme of a session;

2) consider and approve the agendas of the forthcoming week-

or day-long sittings;

3) consider  and coordinate  contradictions concerning other

organizational issues of the work of the Seimas;

4) hear  the proposals of the chairpersons of committees and

Spokespersons of  the parliamentary  groups on  mutual  relations

between committees  and parliamentary groups and submit proposals

thereon to the Seimas or the Board;

5) submit recommendations to the Seimas Board concerning the

resolution of issues which are ascribed to its competence; and

6) perform  the function  of a  coordinative  (conciliatory)

committee in  the event of principal disagreements concerning top

priorities considered in the Seimas.


Article 39. With the exception of resolutions concerning the

agendas of  the  forthcoming  week-  or  day-long  sittings,  the

resolutions  of   the  Assembly   of   Spokespersons   shall   be

consultative with regard to the Seimas and the Seimas Board.    

Consultative resolutions of the Assembly of Spokespersons as

well as  resolutions concerning  the organisation  of the work of

the Assembly  itself shall  be adopted by simple majority vote of

the members of the Seimas taking part in the sitting. Resolutions

concerning the  draft work  programme of  the Seimas  session, as

well as  draft agendas  of the  forthcoming week-  or  day-  long

sittings shall  be adopted  provided that  they are opposed by no

more than  1/3 of  the member  of the  Assembly of  Spokespersons

participating in the sitting of the Assembly of Spokespersons. If

any item  of the  agenda is  adopted by  majority  vote,  but  is

opposed by  more than  1/3 of  the members  of  the  Assembly  of

Spokespersons,  they   shall  be   submitted  to  the  Seimas  as


Resolutions of the sittings of the Assembly of Spokespersons

shall be  recorded in  the minutes of the sitting, which shall be

signed by  the chairperson  of the  sitting of  the  Assembly  of

Spokespersons.                            12

Questions for  consideration ascribed  to the  competence of

the Assembly  of Spokespersons  may be  proposed and submitted to

the  Seimas   Chancellor  by  the  members  of  the  Assembly  of

Spokespersons, the  Government, as  well as  other members of the

Seimas who submit draft laws. The draft agenda of sittings of the

Assembly of  Spokespersons shall be drawn up by the Chancellor of

the Seimas according to such proposals.

Other  members   of  the   Seimas  as   well  as   permanent

representatives  of  the  President  and  Government  may  attend

sittings of  the Assembly  of Spokespersons  with  the  right  of

observers. Other  individuals may  also be invited to sittings of

the Assembly of Spokespersons.


Chapter 8. Parliamentary Groups of the Seimas


Article 40.  Seimas members  shall form parliamentary groups

voluntarily, not restricted by any mandates. Parliamentary groups

may not  be established  on the basis of professional or internal


A parliamentary group shall consist of at least three Seimas

members. A  member of  the Seimas  may be  a member  of only  one

parliamentary group.

The  spokesperson   of  the   parliamentary  group,   deputy

spokesperson or  the member of the parliamentary group authorized

by it shall have the right to represent in the Seimas such a part

of the  Seimas members,  established by this Statute, which their

parliamentary group forms in the Seimas.

Parliamentary  groups  shall  establish  their  own  working

procedure, provided that it does not contradict this Statute.

Parliamentary groups  may join into coalitions which may act

as one parliamentary group.


Article 41.  Seimas members who wish to form a parliamentary

group shall  present an  application signed by them to the Seimas

Speaker during  the session. The name of the parliamentary group,

as well as the names of the spokesperson and deputy spokespersons

must be stated in this application.

If a  parliamentary group  formed by Seimas members complies

with the  requirements of  this Statute,  the Seimas Speaker must

within one  week announce the establishment of this parliamentary

group at the Seimas sitting.

The Seimas  Speaker shall  be notified  in  writing  of  any

changes  in   the  composition,   leadership,  or   name   of   a

parliamentary group,  of the  termination of  the activities of a

parliamentary group or of its breakts

-up,  as   well  as   of  formation   of  the  coalition  of  the

parliamentary groups  no later than on the following working day;

the Seimas  Speaker shall  announce such  information at the next

Seimas sitting.


Article 42.  Parliamentary groups  or their coalitions which

disagree with  the Governmental  programme may declare themselves

opposition parliamentary groups.

To this  effect, opposition  parliamentary groups  or  their

coalitions shall  proclaim in  the Seimas  political declarations

where the  provisions distinguishing  them from the parliamentary

majority shall  be set  forth. Opposition parliamentary groups or

their  coalitions   shall   announce   alternative   Governmental


Opposition parliamentary groups or their coalitions shall be

guaranteed all  the rights  of parliamentary groups or coalitions


which are provided for in this Statute. No reason may provide for

the restriction of such rights.

The spokesperson  of one  parliamentary group constituting a

part of  an opposition coalition may be elected the leader of the                                          13

opposition coalition;  the Seimas  shall be given a public notice

of such election.





Chapter 9. Seimas Committees and the Procedure for

the Establishment thereof


Article 43.  Committees of  the Seimas  of the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall be formed during the first session.

At the  beginning of  each regular  session, reports  on the

work of  the committee shall be heard, and, as necessary, changes

in the  membership of  the committee shall be made by adhering to

the principle  of proportional representation of the majority and

the minority  ( opposition  and other  parliamentary groups other

than the  Seimas majority  and  mixed  parliamentary  groups)  or

committees shall be formed anew.


Article 44.  Committees shall  be made  up of no less than 7

and no  more than  17 members  of the  Seimas  according  to  the

proportional principle  of representation.  The exact  number  of

members of  each committee  shall be  determined by a decision of

the Seimas.  Seats in  the committees  shall be distributed among

parliamentary groups during the Assembly of the Spokespersons.

The minority ( the opposition and parliamentary groups other than

the  Seimas   majority  and  mixed  parliamentary  groups)  shall

distribute among themselves seats in the committees, according to

the number of seats approved by Assembly of the Spokespersons.

Parliamentary groups, taking into consideration the requests

and  competence   of  their   members,  shall  recommend  to  the

committees as  many members as they are accorded seats as well as

the same  number of  alternate committee members. Applications of

parliamentary groups bearing the signatures of recommended Seimas

members shall be submitted to the Seimas Chancellor.

Each parliamentary  group shall submit its candidates to the

alternate members  of the  committees having  registered them  in

numerical order.

The members  and alternate  members of  committees shall  be

approved by  the Seimas  by voting  for the  entire list  of  the

members and  alternate members  of the  committee. If the list is

not approved, the entire procedure shall begin anew.


Article  45.   When  a   member  of  a  committee  does  not

participate in  a sitting  of the  committee,  all  of  the  said

member's rights  shall be  given to  the alternate  member of the

committee of the same parliamentary group who is the first in the

list of alternate members.

The Seimas  member who  is substituting  for a member of his

parliamentary group  in a  given committee  may not  serve as the

chairperson or vice-chairperson of that committee while doing so.


Article 46.  Committees shall  elect their  chairpersons and

deputy   chairpersons.    Committee   chairpersons   and   deputy

chairpersons shall be approved by the Seimas.

In the  event that  the Seimas does not approve the proposed

candidate, the  committee must  select another candidate. Usually

the committee chairperson and deputy chairperson are elected from

the representatives  of different  parliamentary groups,  and the

total number  of chairpersons  and  deputy  chairpersons  of  the

committees accorded  to the  majority and the minority must be in

proportion to the number of Seimas members belonging to them.

Members of  the Seimas  Board, members of the Seimas and the

Government, and  commission chairpersons  and deputy chairpersons

may not serve as a committee chairpersons or deputy chairpersons.

When a  committee is  being reorganised, the chairperson and                                          14

deputy  chairperson  of  the  committee  shall  be  reelected.  A

committee may  reelect the  chairperson or  deputy chairperson at

any other  time by applying to the Seimas for approval of the new

chairperson or  deputy chairperson.  In the event that the Seimas

does not  approve the  new chairperson or deputy chairperson, the

former chairperson shall remain, and the committee may only apply

to the  Seimas concerning  the same issue during the next regular



Article  47.   For  the  execution  of  their  main  duties,

committees may form subcommittees from their members.

Subcommittee must  comprise at least 5 members. Subcommittee

chairpersons shall be elected by the committee.

The regulations  of the  subcommittees shall  be approved by

the committees.


Article 48.  The following  committees shall be appointed in

the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania:

1) Agriculture;

2) Budget and Finance;

3) Economics;

4) Environmental Protection;

5) National Security;

6) Municipal Government

7) Health, Social Affairs and Labour

8) Education, Science and Culture

9)Foreign Affairs

10) State and Law

11) Human and Civil Rights and Nationality Affairs.



Chapter 10. Powers and Procedure of the Seimas Committees


Article 49.  The trends  of activities  of committees of the

Seimas of  the Republic of Lithuania, as well as their powers and

procedure shall  be established by this Statute and other laws of

the Republic of Lithuania.

Seimas committees  shall report  and be  accountable to  the


During the  time established to discuss and present findings

on matters  given to  them  for  consideration,  committees  must

perform other tasks assigned to them by the Seimas.

The activities of the committees shall be coordinated by the

Chairperson and  Chancellor of  the Seimas in accordance with the

session work programmes and committee work plans.


Article 50.  The main  powers of the committees with respect

to issues within their competence are:

1) to debate bills, prepare conclusions, and consider issues

referred to the committee;

2) on  its own initiative or at the behest of the Seimas, to

prepare drafts  of the  Laws of  the Republic of Lithuania and of

other legal  acts, and  to establish in due time the necessity of

new laws or the amendments to laws in effect;

3) seeking  to improve  the laws,  to prepare  and  consider

issues related  to state,  economic, social and cultural matters,

and to present proposals subject to debate in the Seimas;

4) to consider the Government Programme;

5) to  discuss candidates  for heads  of state  institutions

which are appointed by the Seimas or for the appointment of which

the approval  of the  Seimas is necessary, as well as to consider

their dismissal from office;

7) to  preliminarily discuss the chapters of the State draft

budget of  the Republic  of  Lithuania  and  accounts  on  budget


8)  while  performing  parliamentary  supervision,  to  hear                                          15

information and  reports furnished  by ministries and other state

institutions  on   the  manner   by  which  the  laws  are  being


9) to  consider proposals  of individual  persons and public

organisations and,  as necessary,  to refer  them alongside  with

recommendations to state institutions;

10) to  prepare work plans of the committee coordinated with

the session work programme;

11) prepare  the  estimate  of  the  committee  expenditures

within the amount appropriated for the committee;

12) to take part in the inter-parliamentary relations of the



Article 51.  In discussing  issues  that  are  within  their

competence,  the   committees  shall   have  equal   rights   and

responsibilities,  and   shall  be  responsible  for  the  timely

discussion of certain laws, for the initiation of the preparation

of  these  laws,  and  the  commission  of  detailed  conclusions

relative to draft laws.

Issues which are within the competence of several committees

may be  prepared and  discussed by  these committees  jointly  on

their own initiative or at the behest of the Seimas or its Board.

For this purpose they may set up joint working groups, hold joint

committee  sittings   which  shall   be  presided   over  by  the

chairpersons of these committees in succession.

Committees shall  have the  right to submit proposals to the

Seimas or  its Board  concerning the  passing over  of the issues

under discussion to another committee for consideration.

Committees shall have the right to present their comments on

issues discussed  by another committee, as well as to ask another

committee to  present its  conclusions, which  must be  submitted

within 15 days.


Article 52.  The committees of the Seimas of the Republic of

Lithuania shall  work according to committee-approved plans which

must be  coordinated with  the work program of the session of the

Seimas. Responsible  executers and  the terms  of  implementation

shall be  indicated in these work plans. Committee work plans and

the agenda  of the  sittings  shall  be  publicly  announced  and

distributed to the Chairperson of the Seimas, the Chancellor, and

the subdivisions of the Seimas apparatus.

Committees may confirm the rules of their procedure provided

that they do not contradict this statute.


Article 53.  Committee members  shall have  the right  of  a

decisive vote on all issues within the committee's jurisdiction.

Committee members  shall also  have  the  right  to  propose

issues for  consideration, and  to participate in the preparation

and consideration thereof; to propose to invite necessary persons

to  committee   sittings;  to  submit  proposals  concerning  the

inspection  of  state  institutions  and  the  hearing  of  their

information. Committee  members  shall  have  the  right  to  get

acquainted with  all documents  and  material  belonging  to  the

committee and, as necessary, to make use of them in their work.


Article 54. The chairperson of the committee shall:

1) convene  sittings of the committee and see that necessary

documents and other material be prepared for them;

2)  assign,   according  to  the  approved  work  plans  and

decisions of  the committee,  tasks to the committee members, and

provide  them   with  material  and  documents  relating  to  the

activities of the committee;

3) for  the execution  of the  work plan  of the  committee,

organise  members   of  the  committee  to  work  in  preparatory

commissions and  working groups,  and to discharge other tasks of

the committee;                            16

4) invite  necessary persons  to participate in the sittings

of the committee;

5) preside over sittings of the committee;


6) sign  the resolutions  of the committee, the findings and

minutes of  the sittings,  as well  as the draft laws prepared by

the committee which are submitted to the Seimas or the public for

consideration, and  shall visa  adopted laws and other legal acts

of the Seimas prepared by the committee;


7) represent  the committee  in its  work with  other  state

institutions and public organisations;


8)  organise   the   implementation   of   the   committee's



9) regularly notify members of the committee of received law

drafts, new  assignments for  the committee, the execution of the

resolutions   of    the   committee,   consideration   of   their

recommendations, and work in representing the committee.


10) notify the Commission of Ethics and Procedure of members

who do  not attend  sittings of  the committee  and who  are  not

fulfilling the  assignments set  forth in  paragraph  2  of  this



11) coordinate  the activities  of the  subcommittees of the



At  the behest of the chairperson of the committee, a vice-

chairperson shall discharge certain functions of the chairperson.

The vice-chairperson  shall fill  in for the chairperson when the

chairperson cannot  discharge his  or her  functions  because  of

temporary absence or illness.



Article  55.   Committee  sittings  shall  be  organized  as

necessary during  sessions, but at least once a week and normally

on Wednesdays.  Committee sittings  shall not be organized during

sittings of  the Seimas. Between ordinary sessions of the Seimas,

there shall normally be one-month adjournments in the work of the

committees, although committees may have sitting between sessions

as necessary.


Committee sittings  shall be called on the initiative of the

committee chairperson  or of more than one third of the committee

members, or upon the instruction of the Seimas or the Board.


Committees may have closed sittings.


Article 56. Committee sittings shall be presided over by the

chairperson of  the committee or by a deputy chairperson upon the

instruction of the chairperson. Prior to the Seimas's approval of

a committee  chairperson, sittings  shall be presided over by the

eldest member  of the committee. In committee sittings, including

closed sittings, members of the Seimas who are not members of the

committee may participate with the right of deliberative vote.


The committees may invite to their sittings other members of

the  Seimas,   as  well   as  members   of  municipal   councils,

representatives of  ministries, other  state institutions, public


organisations and  other necessary  persons having coordinated it

with heads of these institutions.


Article 57.  The sittings  of the  Committee shall be deemed                                          17

lawful when  more than  half of the committee members are present

at the sitting.

Committee  decisions   shall  be  adopted  by  open,  simple

majority vote  of the  committee  members  participating  in  the

sitting. In  the event of a tie vote, the vote of the chairperson

of the committee shall be decisive.

If the  committee minority, which consists of at least three

Seimas members,  expresses a separate opinion concerning an issue

discussed by  the  committee,  this  opinion  must  be  announced

together with the decision of the committee.

Decisions shall  be adopted  in joint  sittings  of  several

committees if  each committee  expresses their  support  for  the


Committee decisions  and conclusions  shall be  presented to

the Seimas in writing.


Article 58.  For state  institutions, decisions  adopted  by

Committees  shall   be   recommendatory.   When   sending   their

recommendations and  proposals to  state institutions, Committees

shall inform  the Seimas Board about this and, if necessary - the


Upon receipt  of recommendations  and  proposals  of  Seimas

Committees, state  institutions, except  courts,  shall  have  to

consider them.  The Committees must be informed about the results

of such  consideration and  measures which have been taken within

15 days  from the receipt of the proposals or within other period

of time established by the Committees.


Article 59.  The Committees  shall have the right to control

due to their competence how laws of the Republic of Lithuania are

observed and  recommendations and proposals of the Committees are

taken into consideration.

They  shall   also  have   the  right  to  invite  heads  or

representatives of  state institutions,  except courts,  to their

sittings at  a time  coordinated with  them  and  to  hear  their


If a  Committee decides  that it  is necessary  to hear  the

information of  a Government representative, it shall address the

Seimas Speaker  who informs  the Prime Minister about it. In this

event, a  Government representative  shall have to participate in

the Committee sitting.

The Committees  shall have the right due to their competence

to demand  and obtain from state institutions, except courts, and

officers documents,  conclusions in  writing, as  well as reports

and other necessary material.


Article 60. The Committee shall make reports during sittings

of the  Seimas on  issues which  it prepared or was the principal

Committee  while  examining  them  and  shall  make  supplemental

reports on  issues which  were  referred  to  the  Committee  for

examination. For  this purpose, the Committee shall appoint, from

among  their   members,  speakers   or  supplementary   speakers.

Committee members  shall participate  in discussions on all other

issues according to general procedure.

Concerning issues  which were  jointly prepared and examined

by several  committees, committees  may either make joint reports

and  supplementary   reports  or  may  present  observations  and

proposals separately.


Article  61.   For   the   preparation   of   issues   under

consideration  committees   may,   from   their   members,   form

preparatory working  groups. Included in these working groups may

be other  Seimas members,  representatives of  state institutions

and public  organizations, experts and scholars, upon the consent

thereof. Funds  for  the  activities  of  such  groups  shall  be

allotted  from   an  approved  estimate  of  expenditure  of  the                                          18

committee. If funds are not sufficient, the committee shall apply

to the Seimas Board.

The Committees  shall have  the right  to  propose  to  make

contracts with  employees who assist in Committee activities, but

not exceeding the estimate of expenditure allotted to them.


Chapter 11. Trends of Activities of the Seimas Committees


Article 62.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Agriculture shall be:

1) to prepare draft laws and other legal acts regulating the

activities of  the agricultural  and food industry and to present

findings on  drafts referred  to the committee for preliminary or

additional consideration;

2)  to  prepare  and  consider  proposals  relative  to  the

formation of the agrarian policy, the determination of the trends

of agricultural science and training, and the drawing up of legal

acts necessary for that purpose;

3) to discuss and present findings relative to the drafts of

laws and  programmes presented  by the  Government,  as  well  as

chapters of  the State draft budget pertaining to the agriculture

and food  industry, their  material- technical  supply,  and  the

development of social basis in the countryside;

4) to carry out the examination of draft laws regulating the

Lithuanian economy from the standpoint of the agrarian policy and

to submit recommendations and findings;

5)  to   carry  out   parliamentary  control   of   agrarian

institutions and the food industry;

6)  to   coordinate  the  work  of  state  institutions  and

organisations concerned  in preparing  draft laws  regulating the

activities of agricultural and food industry.


Article 63.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Budget and Finance shall be:

1) to consider the draft budget of the Republic submitted by

the Government  to the  Seimas for  its approval  and to  present

summarised findings of all the committees relative thereto;

2) to  carry out general and continuous review of the budget


3) together  with  other  committees,  to  prepare  findings

relative to the State budget performance accounts;

4) to  prepare drafts  of laws and other legal acts relative

to budget and finance;

5) to  prepare and submit findings concerning the draft laws

which have an effect on the State budget revenue and expenditure;


6) to  discuss and  prepare findings  as well  as to present

proposals concerning  the draft  laws on taxes and special funds,

the  review  of  the  State  budget  performance,  the  financing

procedure of  institutions and  organisations maintained from the

budget,  the  norms  of  their  expenditure,  the  norms  of  the

formation of the local government budgets, the budget allocations

for the  implementation of various programmes, as well as for the

financing of the Seimas and its staff;

7) to  carry out  parliamentary control  of the use of state

property and  the activities  of the  Bank of  Lithuania, and  to

present proposals and recommendations relative thereto.


Article 64.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Economics shall be:

1) to  consider and submit findings related to draft laws of

economic reform, other legal acts, and Government's programmes;

2)  to   prepare  and   consider  proposals  concerning  the

formation of  a policy  for the  development  of  the  Lithuanian

economy and technical progress;

3)  to  prepare  drafts  of  laws,  other  legal  acts,  and                                          19

proposals  concerning   the  planning   of  economic  and  social


4) to  consider draft  programs for  anti-monopoly  actions,

improvement of  the economic  mechanism, and  the development  of

foreign relations, and submit findings to the Seimas; and

5)  to   perform  parliamentary  control  of  administrative

institutions of  energy, communications  and transport; to submit

proposals  and  recommendations  concerning  improvement  of  the

activities of  said institutions,;  and  to  participate  in  the

preparation of draft laws relative thereto.


Article 65.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Environmental Protection shall be:

1) to prepare drafts of laws and other legal acts and submit

proposals on  issues concerning environmental protection, the use

of resources, forestry, fisheries, and wildlife;

2) to  coordinate the  work of interested state institutions

and other  organizations in  preparing draft  laws on issues that

are in the capacity of the committee;

3) to consider, from an environmental protection standpoint,

draft laws  and other  legal  acts  which  are  referred  to  the


4)  to   prepare  and   consider  proposals  concerning  the

formation of an environmental protection policy in Lithuania; and

5)  to   carry  out   parliamentary  control  of  the  state

institutions  of   environmental  protection,   and  to   present

proposals  and   recommendations  for   the  improvement  of  the

activities of  theses institutions  and organisations  which  are

related to environmental protection and the use of resources.


Article 66.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

National Security shall be:

1) to  consider and  prepare drafts  of laws and other legal

acts on  issues of  national defense, State security and internal


2) to  coordinate the  work of interested state institutions

in preparing draft laws on issues that are in the capacity of the


3)  to   consider  and   present  proposals  concerning  the

formation of  a national  defense policy  and  the  creation  and

improvement of appropriate structures;

4) to prepare proposals concerning the implementation of the

reform of the system of internal affairs;

5) to carry out parliamentary control of the institutions of

national defense,  State security,  and internal  affairs, and to

present proposals  and recommendations concerning the improvement

of their activities.


Article 67.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Local Governments shall be:

1) to  prepare and  consider draft laws and other legal acts

on  issues   concerning  the   organization  of   work  of  local

governments, and to present findings thereon;

2) to  prepare recommendations concerning the administrative

and territorial division of the Republic of Lithuania;

3) to  submit proposals  concerning the dissolution of local

government councils and the organisation of elections thereto;

4) in  conjunction with  other committees, to resolve issues

of  economic,  social  and  organisational  activities  of  local

governments; and

5) to  provide methodological assistance to local government



Article 68.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Health, Social Affairs and Labor shall be:

1) to  prepare drafts  of laws  and other  legal acts  which                                          20

regulate individual  health  protection,  sanitary  environmental

condition, employment, labor relations, social care and provision

of living  space, and to present findings relative to these draft

laws and other legal acts which are referred to the committee;

2) to  coordinate the  work of  interested institutions  and

organizations in  preparing draft  laws on issues that are in the

capacity of the committee;

3) to  consider and  present proposals  concerning  the

formation of the health protection policy; and

4) to  carry out  parliamentary control  of institutions  of

health care  and social  security, and  to submit  proposals  and

recommendations for the improvement of the activities thereof.


Article 69.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Education, Science and Culture shall be:

1) to  prepare and  consider drafts  of laws, directives and

other legislation which regulates education, science, culture and

public information, and to present proposals relative thereto;

2) to  consider and  present findings  on draft  legislation

related to  education, science,  culture and  public  information

which are  referred to  the committee, as well as other projects,

while keeping  the compliance  thereof with the government policy

related to these issues in mind;

3)  to   prepare  proposals   and  recommendations  for  the

Government and  local governments  concerning education, science,

culture and public information; and

4)  to   provide  support   to  persons,  organisations  and

institutions engaged in cultural activities.


Article 70.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Foreign Affairs shall be:

1) to  prepare conclusions  concerning the  ratification and

denouncement of  international  agreements  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania as  well as  other issues  of foreign  policy which are

considered in the Seimas;

2)  to  prepare  and  consider  drafts  of  laws  and  other

legislative acts  related to  foreign affairs,  to consider  them

from the  standpoint of  the foreign  policy of  the Republic  of

Lithuania and  international law,  and to  submit the conclusions


3) to  review the  activities of  the  Ministry  of  Foreign

Affairs of  the Republic  of Lithuania,  as well  as of state and

public  organizations   which  maintain  relations  with  foreign

countries, to submit proposals and recommendations, and to notify

the Seimas thereof;

4)  to   coordinate  and   discuss  the  activities  of  the

delegations of  the Seimas  in  international  organizations  and

forums  and   the  activities  of  inter-parliamentary  relations

groups, and to submit recommendations and proposals thereto;

5) to  analyse and  submit proposals relative to information

and  propaganda   activities  of   mass  media  and  other  state

organizations meant for foreign countries;

6) in  conjunction with government and public organizations,

to maintain  and develop  relations with Lithuanian emigrants and

their organisations,  as well  as with the Lithuanians autochtons

residing beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Lithuania;

7)  together   with  other   committees,  to   consider  the

regulation of  migration problems  and to  submit  proposals  and

conclusions thereon;

8) to  consider and  submit recommendations and proposals to

the  Government   concerning  the   establishment  of  diplomatic


relations of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  and  the  opening  of

Lithuanian embassies abroad;

9) to  consider proposals  and submit conclusions related to

the appointment of diplomatic representatives in foreign states.                                          21


Article 71. The trends of the activities of the Committee on

State and Law shall be:

1) to  consider and  make proposals concerning the formation

of state legal policy;

2) to prepare and help carry out reform of the legal system;

3) to  consider and  present conclusions  concerning project

proposals  for   the  supplementation   and  amendment   of   the

Constitution  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  as  well  as  the

compliance of  drafts of laws which are under discussion with the


4) to prepare proposals and drafts of laws which are related

to  issues   concerning  the   realization  of  justice  and  the

strengthening of legality and law and order;

5) to  consider  and  present  conclusions  and  suggestions

concerning institutional reforms;

6) to  present legal  findings  concerning  drafts  of  laws

prepared by other committees and other legal acts;

7) to  coordinate the  preparation of  draft laws  which are

related to  the realization  of justice  and the strengthening of

legality and law and order;

8) to consider candidacies to judges and chairpersons of the

Constitutional Court,  the Supreme  Court, and other courts which

are appointed  by the  Seimas or  whose nomination  requires  the

approval  of  the  Seimas,  as  well  as  issues  concerning  the

dismissal of said judges;

9) to  carry out  parliamentary control of the activities of

law enforcement  institutions, with  the exception of the courts,

and to prepare conclusions and proposals related thereto;

10) to  prepare and  present conclusions and recommendations

to the  Seimas concerning  the  activities  of  the  Ministry  of

Justice,  General   Office  of   the  Prosecutor  and  other  law

enforcement bodies;

11) to  prepare draft  laws and  suggestions concerning  the

improvement of the system of state control; and

12)  to   supervise,  without   interfering  in  operational

activities, the work of the State Control Department.


Article 72.  The trends  of activities  of the  Committee on

Human and Citizens' Rights and Nationalities Affairs shall be:

1) to  prepare and  consider drafts  of laws and other legal

acts as  well as proposals which are related to the guarantees of

civil rights  and the  regulation of  ethnic relations  among the

nationalities living in Lithuania;

2) to  present recommendations  and proposals to ministries,

government  institutions,   other   organizations,   and   Seimas

committees on  issues concerning  the protection  of civil rights

and the improvement of ethnic relations;

3) to  submit proposals in the established manner concerning

the  structure,   staff  and  funding  of  the  Seimas  ombudsmen


4) to  consider complaints  and proposals  referred  to  the

Seimas concerning the work of the Seimas ombudsmen;

5) as  necessary, to prepare draft resolution on the vote of

non-confidence in  the Seimas  ombudsmen and  to submit it to the

Seimas for consideration as well as to submit findings concerning

such resolutions to the Seimas when such resolutions are prepared

by other committees; and

6)  to   consider  the  material  submitted  by  the  Seimas

ombudsmen concerning  the breach  of law  by ministers  and other

officers answerable  to the Seimas and submit its findings to the

Seimas for consideration.



Chapter 12. Seimas Commissions


Article 73.  A standing  Commission on  Ethics and Procedure

shall be  formed in  the Seimas  to which  at least  1/10 of  the

Seimas  members   may  recommend  one  representative.  Proposals

relative to  the candidates to that commission shall be submitted

in writing  to the  Chancellor of  the Seimas. Upon rejecting the

first and  second candidate  proposed by the same Seimas members,

the third  shall become a commission member without approval from

the Seimas.

The  Seimas   shall  approve   the  chairperson  and  deputy

chairperson of  the Commission on Ethics and Procedure from among

its members.


Article 74.  The trend  of activities  of the  Commission on

Ethics and Procedure shall be:

1) to prepare drafts of legal acts and proposals which

are related to the activities and ethics of Seimas members;

2) in  observance of ethic norms, to help the Seimas, Seimas

divisions, and  Seimas members  foster democracy,  to  coordinate

various points  of view  and convictions,  to  strive  for  moral

harmony, and to humanize relations between Seimas members;

3) to  supervise the observance of the Statute of the Seimas

of the  Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts which regulate

the activities  of Seimas  members.  Upon  the  proposal  of  the

Speaker  of   the  Seimas,   deputy  Speakers   of  the   Seimas,

chairpersons  of  committees  or  commissions,  or  other  Seimas

members, or on its own initiative, to examine violations of these

legal acts  or ethics,  to consider conflicts which arise between

Seimas members,  and, if necessary, to present conclusions to the

Seimas, the Seimas Speaker, or the Seimas Board;

4) to  examine and present conclusions concerning procedural

disagreements upon  the instruction  of the  Seimas,  the  Seimas

Speaker, or the Seimas Board;

5) to  examine information  presented by the law enforcement

bodies  of   the  Republic   of  Lithuania   concerning  personal

activities of  Seimas members  which contradict  the laws  of the

Republic of  Lithuania, and  to present conclusions to the Seimas


6) to  analyse the  reasons for which Seimas members are not

participating in sittings of the Seimas and the Seimas committees

and  commissions   and  to   provide  information  to  the  press

concerning  Seimas  members  who  have  missed  sittings  without

justified reason,  who did  not participate  in voting  which was

announced beforehand, or who did not carry out instructions; and

7)  to  examine  the  letters  and  proposals  of  citizens,

government  institutions,  and  social  organizations  on  issues

concerning the activities of Seimas members.


Article  75.   In  the   Seimas  a  standing  administrative

commission shall  be  formed  dealing  with  working  and  living

conditions of  the Seimas  members  and  other  matters  relative


Administrative commission  shall be  formed according to the

provisions set forth in Article 77 of this Statute.

The Seimas  Chancellor shall be on this commission and shall

head it ex officio.


Article 76.  The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, having

acknowledged the  necessity to do so, may form research, control,

auditing, preparatory,  editing, and  other temporary commissions

to investigate  or prepare  any given issue or to carry out other

assignments of the Seimas.


If  a  commission's  authorization  period  is  not  clearly

defined during  the time  of formation,  the  activities  of  the

commission shall  be discontinued  by a  resolution of the Seimas

once the given tasks have been carried out.                                          23

The Seimas  shall also  form  inter-parliamentary  relations

groups   and    parliamentary   delegations    in   international

organizations  and  forums  which  shall  have  the  same  rights



Article 77.  In forming  an ad  hoc  commission,  first  the

number  of  members  of  the  commission  shall  be  established.

Thereafter,  the   norms  for   proportional  representation   of

parliamentary groups  shall be  established, as  well as the term

for candidacy  proposals of  commissions  members.  The  minority

shall distribute among themselves the number of seats assigned to

them.  If   the  compiled   list  of  committee  members  is  not

sufficient, committees  may each  orally propose  one  additional

candidate during  the sitting,  and after them each Seimas member

may do so until the number of candidates is sufficient.

Each of  the proposed  candidates must  give oral consent to

participate in  the work of the commission. The Seimas shall vote

for the  entire list  of commission members formed in such a way.

If the list is not approved, the procedure shall be repeated.

When candidates  are nominated  to  a  commission  during  a

Seimas  sitting   not  according   to  the   norms  allocated  to

parliamentary group,  those for  whom at least two Seimas members

express doubt  shall be  voted for individually. If the number of

candidates nominated  to a commission during a sitting is greater

than the  established number of commission members and all of the

nominated candidates agree to work in the commission, there shall

be an open-ballot vote with the list of candidates.   

In certain cases, the Seimas may establish another procedure

for the  formation of commissions, although commissions may never

be formed  by representatives  of one  parliamentary group or one



Article 78.  If the  term of  office of a commission is more

than six  months, a commission chairperson and deputy chairperson

shall  be   elected  and  approved  according  to  the  procedure

established  for  the  committees.  The  chairperson  and  deputy

chairperson of  a commission  may not  be members  of the  Seimas

Board, members  of the  Government,  or  chairpersons  or  deputy

chairpersons  of   any  other   commission  or   committee.  This

restriction is  not applicable  to inter-parliamentary  relations

groups or parliamentary delegations.   

As a  rule, the Seimas Board shall o approve the estimate of

expenditure of a commission and to resolve other issues which are

related to its activities.

If the  Seimas  does  not  resolve  otherwise,  commissions,

during their  period of authorization, shall observe the rules of

committee procedure.  If the authorization period of a commission

is longer  than six  months, it  shall have all of the rights and

duties of  a committee,  with  the  exception  of  the  right  to

consider candidatures of Seimas officials or propose that they be






Chapter 13. The First Session of the Seimas


Article 79.  The Seimas  shall be  deemed elected  after the

Central Electoral  Commission announces  that  at  least  3/5  of

Seimas members  have been  elected. The  opening sitting  of  the

newly-elected Seimas must be held no later than 15 days after the

election of  the Seimas and shall be convened by the President of

the Republic.  If the  opening  sitting  of  the  Seimas  is  not

convened by  the President  of the  Republic, the  Seimas members

shall themselves  convene on the next day after the expiration of

the 15-day period.                        24

As a  rule, the  opening sitting of the newly-elected Seimas

shall open at 12 o'clock noon in the building of the Seimas.


Article 80.  The opening  sitting of  the  Seimas  shall  be

commenced by  the eldest  member of the Seimas. In the event that

he or  she is  unable or refuses to open the sitting, it shall be

opened by  the next  eldest member of the Seimas. He or she shall

preside over the meeting until the Speaker is elected.

Three Deputy Speakers and the Chancellor of the Seimas shall

thereafter be elected.


Article 81.  Upon the  commencement of  the first session of

the  Seimas,   time  shall  be  assigned  for  the  formation  of

parliamentary  groups   and  the   Assembly   of   Spokespersons.

Thereafter, as a rule, the Seimas, in the following order, shall:

1) approve  or reject  the candidature  for  Prime  Minister

nominated by the President of the Republic;

2) form  the Committees  of the  Seimas  and  approve  their

respective Chairpersons;

3) consider the Programme of the Government submitted by the

Prime Minister and decide whether or not to approve it; and

4) draw  up a  work programme  for the session in accordance

with the procedure established by the Statute of the Seimas.


Chapter 14. General Issues of Session Organisation


Article 82.  The Seimas shall meet biannually in two regular

sessions (spring  and autumn).  The spring  session shall open on

March 10  and shall  close on  June 30.  The autumn session shall

open on  September 10  and close  on December  23. The Seimas may

resolve to  prolong a  session. If  the day  of the  opening of a

session is a non-working day, the session shall open on the first

working day  following the scheduled commencement. The members of

the  Seimas  shall  convene  into  ordinary  sessions  without  a

separate invitation.


Article 83.  Extraordinary sessions shall be convened by the

Speaker of  the Seimas on the written proposal of at least 1/3 of

all members  of the Seimas, or, in cases provided for in Articles

142 and  144  of  the  Constitution,  by  the  President  of  the

Republic. The  Seimas Board must notify all of the Seimas members

of extraordinary  sessions at  least 2 days before the opening of

the session. Only issues submitted by the Seimas members on whose

initiative  the  extraordinary  session  was  convened  shall  be

considered at  the session.  The work  programme of extraordinary

sessions shall  be  approved  by  the  Seimas.  The  duration  of

extraordinary  sessions   may  not   exceed  15   days.   Between

extraordinary sessions  the Seimas  shall adjourn for at least 10



Article 84.  Sessions of  the  Seimas  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall be held in the Seimas building in Vilnius. In the

event that  the Seimas  cannot convene  in the  building  of  the

Seimas, the Seimas Board may temporarily assign another place for

sittings to  be held.  All members of the Seimas must be notified

of such  a decision. Having convened in a place designated by the

Seimas Board for a sitting, the Seimas shall hear the information

of the  Seimas Board  concerning the reasons which compelled them

to change the place of the sitting.

In sittings,  sessions shall  open and  close with the State



Article 85. The Secretariat of Seimas sittings shall provide

technical services  during sittings  and shall fulfil the related

assignments of  the Seimas  Speaker, his  or her deputies and the

Chancellor. The  Secretariat shall  be  formed  of  Seimas  staff                                          25


The Secretariat of Seimas sittings shall:

1) attend  to adequate technical preparation of the sittings

and provide assistance to Seimas members during sittings;

2) be  responsible that  material required  for a sitting be

presented to  Seimas members  and the  officer presiding over the

sitting in adequate time;

3) register  all of  the Seimas  members participating  in a

sitting, receive  applications of Seimas members concerning their

inability to  take part  in a  sitting during  voting planned  in

advance and  held according to schedule, and inform the presiding

officer and the Seimas Speaker thereof;

4) accept  written requests  of Seimas  members asking to be

given  the  floor  and  deliver  said  requests  to  the  officer

presiding over the sitting;

5) accept  and register  questions  and  interpellations  of

Seimas members  addressed to  heads of  State institutions,  hand

them over,  as required,  either to  the Seimas  Speaker  or  the


6) during  a  session,  accept  from  Seimas  members  other

written statements,  proposals, protests  or requests and deliver

them to the addressees;

7) see  that translations  of the  work of  the  sitting  be


8)  provide   divisions  of   the  Seimas   apparatus   with

information concerning the sitting;

9) register drafts of laws which are submitted; and

10) carry out other assignments of the Seimas Speaker or the

presiding officer.


Chapter 15. Session Work Programmes and Sitting Agendas



Article 86.  The preparation of sessions, with the exception

of the  first session,  shall be organised by the Seimas Speaker.

Together with  the Seimas  Chancellor, the  Speaker shall prepare

drafts of  the work programme of the session and of the agenda of

sittings held  during the  first week.  Seimas members may obtain

said drafts  at the Secretariat of Seimas sittings 2 working days

before  the   opening  of  the  session.  The  Seimas  Committees

responsible for the issues included in the programme and the date

on which  an issue is planned to be presented at a Seimas sitting

must be specified in the draft work programme of the session. The

draft work  programme shall  be delivered to the President of the

Republic and the Government.

The draft  of the session work programme shall be considered

by the  Assembly of  Spokespersons  upon  receiving  the  written

proposals of  the Government  and the  President of the Republic.

The Assembly  may amend  and supplement  the draft  in the manner

established in  Part 2  of Article 39 of this Statute. The draft,

along with the amendments and supplements and the recommendations

made by  the Assembly of Spokespersons, shall be submitted to the

Seimas for debate.

At the  first session  after the election, the Seimas shall,

as a  rule, consider  and approve  the work programme at the time

specified in  Article 81  of this  Statute. Other  sessions shall

open with  the discussion and approval of the work programme. The

Seimas may later revise the work programme in accordance with the

procedure established in this Statute.

Individual items  of the  work programme  shall be discussed

and put  to vote at the Seimas according to the same procedure as

the articles of laws during their passing.


Article 87.  In accordance  with the approved work programme

of the session, the Seimas Speaker, together with the Chancellor,

shall prepare  a detailed draft agenda of the week's sittings and                                          26

submit it  to the Assembly of Spokespersons for debate. Proposals

shall be  submitted by  members of  the  Board,  members  of  the

Assembly of  Spokespersons,  committees,  other  members  of  the

Seimas, and  the Government. The time of the sittings, the issues

under discussion,  the draft  registration number,  the stage  of

debate, and  the speakers and extra speakers must be specified in

the agenda.  The Seimas  must also be informed of proposals which

were not  accepted. If  the time  limit proves  insufficient  for

analysing any of the issues during a week's sittings, said issues

shall be included without voting in the agenda of the next week.

With the  exception of cases specified in this Statute, only

issues which are on the session work programme and with regard to

which, in  accordance with  the requirements set forth in Chapter

19 of  this Statute,  drafts of  laws, resolutions  or other acts

have been  adequately drawn  up shall  be included  in the week's


The Assembly  of Spokespersons  shall decide  at its sitting

whether or  not to  approve each  item of the presented agenda in

accordance with the procedure established in Part 2 of Article 39

of this  Statute. In  the event that any of the items are adopted

only by  majority vote,  they shall be presented to the Seimas as


If a decision is passed to work one day a week, the Assembly

of Spokespersons  may simultaneously  present the  agenda of  the

next day  of sittings. In such a case, requirements applicable to

the agenda's  preparation, adoption  and amendment  shall be  the

same as  those which  apply  to  the  preparation,  adoption  and

amendment of an agenda of a week's sitting.


Article 88.  Draft agenda  of a  week's sittings approved at

the Assembly  of Spokespersons  shall be  put to  the vote at the

Seimas sitting without preliminary discussion thereon.

The items  of the agenda presented as recommendations by the

Assembly of  Spokespersons as  well as  the entire  draft agenda,

provided that  it was  not approved by vote at the Seimas, may be

discussed at  sittings of  the Seimas.  In such a case, proposals

may  be  submitted  by  the  Seimas  Board  members,  committees,

parliamentary groups, and the Government.

If, for some reason, the Assembly of Spokespersons could not

approve the draft agenda of a week's sittings, the Seimas Speaker

may submit  it to  a sitting of the Seimas. In such an event, the

procedure established in Part 2 hereof shall be applied.


Article 89.  At the  written request  of a group of at least

1/3 of  the Seimas  members, inclusion of an issue in the session

work programme or in the agenda of the week or the next day shall

be mandatory,  provided that  the issue  has  been  prepared  and

adequate  provisions   for  its  discussion  have  been  made  in

accordance with  the procedure  established in  this Statute.  No

more than  1.5 hours  shall be  assigned for debating such issues

unless the Seimas decides to prolong the discussion period.


Article 90.  In conjunction  with the Seimas Chancellor, the

Seimas Speaker shall prepare, on the basis of the approved agenda

of the  week's sittings,  a detailed draft agenda of every day of

the sitting in which the speaker and the time of debate or voting

on every issue must be provided separately.

The above  draft agenda  shall be  considered and adopted at

the Seimas  on the  day preceding  the sitting. In the event that

the draft  agenda of  a day's sitting is approved at the Assembly

of Spokespersons,  the agenda  shall be  considered in accordance

with the  procedure established  in Article  88. In  the contrary

case, members  of the  Seimas  Board,  committees,  parliamentary

groups and the Government may present additional proposals but on

condition  they  adhere  to  the  approved  agenda  of  a  week's

sittings.                                 27


Article 91.  The Seimas Board, the Assembly of Spokespersons

and the  Government shall  have the  right to  propose to include

additional issues  in the  adopted agenda  of a week's or a day's

sittings. Such  a proposal  may be  adopted provided  that it  is

voted for  by the  majority of  the Seimas members present at the

sitting. In  the event  that such  a proposal is not approved, it

may be repeatedly presented only the next day.


Article 92. At the request of the President of the Republic,

the issues  and reports presented by him shall be included in the

agenda of a sitting in the mandatory manner (without voting).

The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right to  request that the Government's report on an urgent issue

be included in the agenda of the week's sittings. On the decision

of the Seimas, a discussion may follow such a report.


Chapter 16. Sittings of the Seimas


Article 93.  The sittings  of the  Seimas and its committees

shall be  held in  the Lithuanian  language. Guests,  experts  or

witnesses who  do not  know the  language shall have the right to

speak in  another language,  provided they notify the Secretariat

of Seimas  sittings thereof  no later  than before  6 hours;  the

Secretariat must see to it that translation is provided.


Article 94. As a rule, 4 sittings a week -- 2 on Tuesday and

2 on Thursday -- shall be held during the Seimas session, whereas

every 3  weeks plenary  sittings of the Seimas shall be adjourned

for a week.

On Thursday,  the evening  sitting shall  be assigned to the

Government,  interpellations,  as  well  as  to  replies  to  the

questions of  Seimas members  given by  Seimas officers, heads of

State institutions,  with the  exception  of  the  Constitutional

Court and the Supreme Court.

On other  days of  the week  and in the week when no plenary

sittings are  held, sittings of the Seimas Board, the Assembly of

Spokespersons, parliamentary  groups, committees  and commissions

as well  as meetings  of members  of the  Seimas with electors or

representatives of  local governments  shall be  held; members of

the Seimas may also go on business trips.


Article 95.  The last  half  hour  of  every  day's  evening

sitting shall  be assigned  for  the  statements  of  the  Seimas

members  on   urgent  issues  of  electoral  areas  or  state  or

international problems. Persons desiring to speak shall submit to

the Seimas Chancellor a written request during the sitting of the

previous days  giving a  brief characterisation of the issue they

would like  to speak  about. The  Secretariat of  Seimas sittings

shall generalise the requests and present them to the Chancellor.

The Chancellor  shall prepare  a supplement  to the agenda of the

sitting specifying  those wishing  to speak  and the problems put

forward by  them. No  discussion shall be held on the statements.

The Seimas  may without discussion approve the speaker's proposal

to charge  an  appropriate  Seimas  committee  or  commission  to

investigate the problem.

The agendas of every third Thursday evening sitting shall be

drawn up  by the  parliamentary groups  of the opposition. A week

before the  opening of such sitting the Seimas Board, taking into

consideration the principle of proportional representation of the

parliamentary  groups   of  the   opposition,  shall   appoint  a

parliamentary group  or a  coalition of  parliamentary groups who

shall be  responsible for  the agenda of such sitting. In such an

event, the agenda shall not be approved at the Seimas sitting.


Article 96.  The morning  sitting of  the Seimas  shall as a                                          28

rule be  held from  10.00 a.m.  and the afternoon sitting -- from

3.00 p.m..

The Seimas  members shall  be registered at the beginning of

every sitting and before the voting planned in advance.


Article 97.  A sitting  which is  not provided  for  in  the

week's work programme must be held provided that its is requested

by the  President of the Republic or 1/3 of the Seimas members or

the Seimas Board.

The issues  submitted by the persons on whose initiative the

meeting is  held shall  be considered  at such  a  sitting.  Said

persons shall  no later  than 6  hours before  the opening of the

sitting inform  the Seimas  members in  the manner established by

the Seimas  Board of  the sitting  and the  issues  proposed  for



Article 98. Sittings of the Seimas shall be presided over by

the Seimas Speaker or a Deputy Speaker.

The person presiding over the Seimas sitting:

1) shall,  by word and by the banging of the gavel, announce

the opening and closing of a sitting, as necessary, he or she may

also announce a recess not provided for in the agenda;

2) shall attend to the order of work of the Seimas sittings,

supervise that  this Statute  be  adhered  to  at  the  sittings,

control the  performance of  their respective duties by the group

of tellers and the Secretariat of sittings;

3) shall  not take  part in  discussions and  may not in any

other way  influence the  Seimas members as regards the decisions

which are being adopted;

4) shall  grant the  floor to the Seimas members, direct the

discussions, when  specifying the  essence of  proposals may pose

questions to the Seimas members;

5) shall  watch over  the duration  of speeches, and, if the

time limit  is exceeded,  shall warn the speaker, and may cut him

or her off after the second warning;

6) may  prolong the  time of a speech delivered on an urgent

issue provided that the Seimas does not object;

7) may  warn the  speaker or  cut him  or her  off after the

second warning  in the  event that the speaker is speaking not to

the point;

8) may  also grant  the floor to other persons provided that

the Seimas doe not object;

9) on  the basis  of  discussion  results,  shall  formulate

questions to  be put  to the vote; pursuant to this Statute shall

establish the voting procedure; by word and by the banging of the

gavel shall  announce the beginning of voting, and, in accordance

with the  information  presented  by  the  group  of  tellers  or

electronic voting  machines, shall  announce the  results of  the


10) shall  call to  order the  Seimas members if they do not

adhere to  the Statute,  make noise  in the  chamber, insult  the

President of  the Republic,  the Seimas,  the Speaker, the Seimas

members, the Government, the Prime Minister or ministers, and may

submit proposals  concerning the recording of the warnings in the

minutes or  examination thereof  in the  Commission on Ethics and

Procedures or elimination of the Seimas member from the hall;

11) shall  take a  decision to  expel from  the chamber  the

invited persons  or the correspondents if they interfere with the


12) when  adopting decisions,  at the  request of the Seimas

members, shall  announce the  article of the Statute he or she is

acting in pursuance of; and

13) shall  sign the  minutes of  the Seimas  sitting and the

official report  on the sitting, and shall also visa the laws and

other acts passed at the sitting.


Article 99.  As a  rule, the sittings of the Seimas shall be

public. The President of the Republic, members of the Government,

the Chairperson  of the  Constitutional Court, the Chairperson of

the Supreme  Court and  heads of State institutions formed by the

Seimas may  attend the  sittings without a special invitation and

state their  opinion during  discussions where  issues  connected

with their  work are  considered. Signatories  of the Act "On the

Re-establishment of  the State  of Lithuania"  of 11  March 1990,

permanent representatives  of the  President of  the Republic and

the  Government   may   attend   the   sittings   as   observers.

Participation of  other persons in the sittings is established in

Articles 100 and 101 of this Statute.       

On the  decision of  the Seimas as well as at the request of

Seimas Speaker,  the President  of  the  Republic  or  the  Prime

Minister, a closed sitting may be held by way of exception which,

in addition  to Seimas  members, may  be attended only by persons

specially invited  to the  sitting  and,  as  necessary,  by  the

personnel of  the Secretariat  of sittings. The Seimas Board, the

Government, parliamentary  groups and  committees shall  have the

right to  propose to  hold a  closed sitting; a substantiation of

the proposal shall be requisite.


Article 100.  The Seimas  Speaker or  the Seimas  Board  may

invite the  most prominent  guests of the Republic of Lithuania -

heads  of  foreign  states,  members  of  governments,  heads  of

parliamentary delegations,  chairpersons of  Lithuanian  emigrant

organisations -  to speak  at the  sittings. Other  distinguished

guests may invited as observers of the sittings of a session.


Article 101.  Open sittings  of the  Seimas shall be public.

They may  be attended  by the  assistants secretaries  of  Seimas

members, employees  of the  Seimas apparatus,  representatives of

public organisations  who have  received invitations,  as well as

radio, television and press journalists accredited to the Seimas.

The procedure  for issuing  invitations and  accrediting shall be

established by the Seimas Board.

Only members  of the Seimas, employees of the Secretariat of

sittings and  persons who  have been  granted the  floor  may  be

present in the front of the chamber.   


Article 102.  The Seimas  may convene  a meeting  of all the

Seimas members for preliminary discussion of issues; the rules of

this Statute  shall not  be valid  at such meetings. No decisions

shall be  adopted by  the Seimas  at such  meetings.  The  Seimas

members shall  elect the  chairperson  of  the  meeting  and  may

establish provisional rules of procedure of the meeting.


Article 103.  All reports  shall be  read at Seimas sittings

from the  dais. In the cases set forth in Par. 2 of Article 93 of

this Statute,  Seimas members  may speak from their seats or into

the microphones installed in the chamber.

Speaking during  sittings  shall  be  allowed  only  on  the

permission of the presiding officer.


Article 104.  As  a  rule,  one  principal  report  and  one

additional report shall be made on every issue on the agenda. The

duration of  a report  shall be fixed by the presiding officer in

coordination with  the person  delivering the report. Ordinarily,

reports should not exceed 30 minutes. Additional reports shall be

allotted a  duration  of  up  to  15  minutes;  final  words  and

commentary on  behalf of  the Government  or a committee shall be

granted up  to 10  minutes; speaking on behalf on a parliamentary

group -  up to  7 minutes,  and speeches  said on  behalf of  the

speaker himself shall be given up to 5 minutes.

After reports,  during the  presentation of  the draft, time

for  answering   questions  shall  be  allocated  in  the  manner                                          30

established in  this Statute.  An answer to a single question may

not exceed  3 minutes,  whereas the  question itself may not take

longer than  1 minute.  Only one question shall be permitted at a

time. A  person shall  be allowed  to ask  a second question only

once it  is again  his or her turn to ask. On the decision of the

Seimas, question and answer sessions may be terminated before the

fixed time, provided that at least one other member of the Seimas

supports such a proposal.


Article 105.  Registration of persons wishing to speak shall

begin an  hour before  the first  sitting of the day the issue is

planned to  be discussed  and shall  close by the commencement of

discussion of  the issue.  Upon completion  of registration,  the

officer presiding  over the  sitting must  announce the  list  of

persons  participating   in  the   discussion.  Registration  for

speaking shall  be carried  out by submitting applications to the

Secretariat of sittings.


Article 106.  Time allotted  for discussion on each issue on

the agenda shall be, as a rule, divided in half to the members of

the majority  and minority.  In the  event  that  representatives

either of  the majority  or the  minority do  not use up the time

allotted to them, the discussion shall be shortened.

Speakers shall  be  granted  the  floor  during  discussions

according to  the order  in which  they registered  to speak. The

presiding officer  may change  the order  for reason  of ensuring

proportional   representation   of   parliamentary   groups   and

Committees, and for presenting arguments "for" and "against". The

Seimas members may change the order of speaking.

A speaker  may waive  his or her right to take the floor. If

the speaker leaves the chamber without giving prior notice to the

presiding officer  and is  not present when called upon to speak,

he or she shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to take

the floor.


Article 107.  The President  of  the  Republic,  the  Seimas

Speaker, and  the Prime Minister shall have the right to take the

floor out of turn one time in a discussion.

If members  of the  Government or  no less  than 1/5  of the

Seimas members  or a  representative named  by a Committee notify

the Secretariat  of the  sittings of their wish to be granted the

floor prior to the termination of a discussion, they shall retain

the right  to take  the floor even if it is resolved to terminate

the debate.


Article 108.  During debates,  the Seimas members shall have

the right  to take the floor not more than once for every item on

the agenda.

Questions, remarks,  and speeches  concerning the motives or

procedure of  voting, prejudicial issues or issues related to the

termination of  debate, and  proposals to  reject or postpone the

issue under  consideration shall constitute an exception. In said

cases no  advance registration  shall be required. However, every

member of  the Seimas  shall have  the right  to make an inquiry,

speech, or  remark only  once on  each given issue on the agenda,

and concerning  the motives of voting - once before every voting.

Speaking on  issues concerning  procedure, termination of debate,

or postponement  or rejection  of an  issue shall have precedence

over the  issue under consideration. In said cases, members shall

be granted  the floor  for no  longer than  2 minutes  after  the

speaker has finished his or her speech. In the cases specified in

the Statute,  a vote  must be  taken after  such speeches. If the

speaker speaks on an issue other than the one for which he or she

was granted  the floor,  the presiding  officer may revoke his or

her right to speak.


Article 109.  Debates shall be terminated on the decision of

the Seimas,  with  the  exception  of  cases  where  the  Statute

provides for  a different  procedure for  the  termination  of  a

debate. Proposals to terminate a debate may be submitted after at

least two  speakers have  been given  the floor and may be put to

the vote  without holding  a discussion  thereon provided that at

least one other member of the Seimas supports the proposal. Prior

to that, the presiding officer must announce how many persons are

registered to speak and how many have already spoken.

Upon resolving  to terminate a debate, the presiding officer

must grant  the floor, according to the order, to one more member

of the  Seimas as  well as to everyone who still has the right to

be granted  the floor pursuant to Article 107 of this Statute. In

addition, the  speaker may  be granted  the floor  for concluding


The Seimas may in advance limit both the general duration of

debates on  each issue and the number of speakers. In such cases,

proposals to terminate a debate shall not be accepted.


Article 110. In discussing each issue, the Seimas shall take

an unscheduled  recess of  no less  than half an hour and no more

than  an  hour  prior  to  the  commencement  of  voting  or  the

discussion of  the issue  may be postponed to the next sitting if

the  presiding   officer,   the   principal   committee,   or   a

parliamentary group  so requests  and the request is supported by

no less  than 1/3  Seimas members  present  at  the  sitting.  In

discussing an  issue, such  recesses and debate postponements may

only be  done twice.  Only one unscheduled recess may be taken in

the same sitting.

If the Statute has been expressly violated during discussion

of an issue, the committee which prepared the draft of the law or

other legal  act, a  parliamentary group,  or the  Commission  on

Ethics and  Procedure shall  have the  right to  request that the

discussion of  the issue be postponed, but for no longer than one



Article 111.  If the conduct or words of a Seimas member are

presented in  a distorted  manner by  other speakers,  he or  she

shall have  the right to request that the presiding officer grant

him or  her the  floor to  speak on  a personal issue for up to 2

minutes. If  the presiding  officer does  not oblige the request,

the Seimas  member shall have the right to request that the issue

of whether  or not he or she should be granted the floor to speak

on a personal question be put to the vote.

Seimas members  shall be  granted  the  floor  to  speak  on

personal issues at the end of the sitting.



Chapter 17. Voting and Vote Calculation



Article 112. Voting on issues under debate shall be open, by

raising voting cards, with the exception of cases provided for in

this Statute.

On the  decision of  the Seimas  or the presiding officer, a

vote may be taken either by standing up or by using an electronic

vote tallying  system rather  than by  raising a card. As a rule,

the electronic  vote tallying  system shall be used when taking a

vote on  separate  provisions  of  the  issue  under  debate,  on

separate articles  or statements  of a law, and on resolutions of

the sitting  and  issues  concerning  the  work  procedure  of  a

session. A  separate instruction  approved by  the  Seimas  Board

shall establish  the procedure  for  using  the  electronic  vote

tallying system.

Seimas members  shall vote personally. The right to vote may

not be delegated to other persons.        32


Article 113.  After the  discussion, the  presiding  officer

shall announce  the commencement  of the voting procedure by word

and while  adopting a law or other act of the Seimas - by banging

the gavel  as well.  The presiding  officer must  also inform the

Seimas members  of the  number of votes required for the decision

to be adopted.

Walking in the chamber during voting shall be prohibited. No

issues  shall   be  discussed   until  the  voting  procedure  is

completed, the  floor shall  be granted  only on  the motives and

methods of  voting, except  for the  time that the results of the

voting by roll call or by ballot are being counted.


Article 114.  Laws of the Republic of Lithuania, resolutions

of the Seimas, and other decisions of the Seimas shall be adopted

at sittings of the Seimas by simple majority vote (i.e. more than

half) of  the Seimas  members participating  in the sitting, with

the exception  of special  cases provided for in the Constitution

and this Statute.

In voting  on the  resolutions  of  the  Seimas  (which  are

recorded in  the minutes), separate provisions of the issue under

debate, separate  articles or  statements of  a law, or questions

concerning the  work procedure of the session, decisions shall be

adopted by majority vote of all the voting Seimas members, or may

also be passed without voting (by unanimous consent), i.e., if no

member responds to the presiding officer's question "Is there any

objection  to...?",   the  presiding   officer   shall   announce


Prior to  the first  voting of  every sitting, the presiding

officer must  check the  number of  Seimas members  present.  If,

prior to  a voting,  the presiding  officer or  any parliamentary

group has not requested to check the number of the Seimas members

present at  the sitting, no doubts may later be raised concerning

this. The  last number  of Seimas members determined at a sitting

shall be  considered the  number of Seimas members present at the



Article 115.  In adopting laws of the Republic of Lithuania,

resolutions of  the Seimas,  or other acts, with the exception of

personnel issues,  roll call  voting is  permitted if  it  is  so

requested by  a  parliamentary  group  and  this  requirement  is

supported by  no less  than 1/3  of all Seimas members present at

the  sitting.   Such  a   request  may   be  submitted   by   the

representative of  a parliamentary group only upon the closing up

of a debate on the issue and prior to voting on the entire draft.

In such  a case,  ballot papers  shall be distributed to the

Seimas members  prior to the commencement of voting for roll call

voting; upon  receipt of  said ballot  papers, the Seimas members

shall sign  the record of issued ballot papers. Upon announcement

of the  commencement of voting, every Seimas member shall fill in

the ballot  paper, sign  it, and  hand it  over to  the  tellers'

group. Upon  tallying the  votes,  the  presiding  officer  shall

announce the vote of every Seimas member.


Article 116.  Issues concerning  the election  of the Seimas

Speaker, deputy  Speakers, Seimas  Chancellor, non-confidence  in

the Government,  the Prime  Minister or  an individual  minister,

non-confidence in  any officer  of the Seimas or dismissal of the

head of  a state  institution appointed  by the  Seimas shall  be

voted on  only by  secret ballot.  On the decision of the Seimas,

other personnel issues may also be voted on by secret ballot.


In this  manner, voting  shall be done during recess. Ballot

papers shall  be stamped  and distributed  by the tellers' group.

Upon receiving their ballot papers, Seimas members shall sign the

record of issued ballot papers.           33

There must  be a  secret voting  booth and ballot box in the

voting place. The ballot box must be put in such a way that, upon

approaching it,  the members  casting their  votes can  cross the

secret voting booth.


Article 117. Voting shall be done by open ballots when it is

necessary to elect several candidates to some posts from a larger

number of candidates and when it has not been resolved to vote by

secret ballot.

In open  voting, the  procedure for  voting and establishing

the results  shall be  the same  as in  voting by  secret  ballot

except that  secret ballot  voting booths  shall not  be used and

ballot papers  shall be  filled out  in the  chamber. It  is  not

necessary to sign the ballot papers.


Article 118.  A standard  ballot paper  for secret  and open

voting shall be approved by the Seimas prior to voting.

Issues concerning the dismissal of an officer or declaration

of non-confidence  in an  officer shall  be voted  on with ballot

papers on  which the  propositions "Dismiss" and "Not dismiss" or

"Confidence" and  "Non-confidence" shall  be inscribed.  With one

ballot paper  it is only possible to vote on either the dismissal

of  an   officer  or  the  declaration  of  non-confidence  in  a

collective institution or one of its members, or the removal from

his post of an officer.

On one  ballot paper  it  is  only  possible  to  write  the

surnames, in  alphabetical order, of candidates to the same post.

In all  cases, ballot  papers must  have a  heading which clearly

indicates the  issue being  voted on.  On the  ballot paper,  the

member casting his or her vote shall cross out the surname of the

candidates against  which he  or she is voting or the proposition

which he or she does not accept.

Ballot papers  which are not of the approved sample, as well

as ballot  papers on  which more  surnames  than  the  number  of

officers being  elected or  more than  one proposition  given for

election is  left, shall  be deemed  invalid. Additional surnames

and propositions which are written in shall not be counted.

The record of calculation of votes by ballot papers shall be

signed by the chairperson of the tellers' group and the presiding


Voting ballot  papers  shall  be  preserved  in  the  Seimas

archives until the end of the term of office of the Seimas.


Article 119.  One or  two alternative  propositions  may  be

presented to  be voted  upon. If one proposition is presented, it

shall be voted "for", "against" or "abstain". If two propositions

are presented,  voting shall  be "for  the first  proposition" or

"for the second proposition".     

Alternative propositions  shall be  voted for  in the  order

that they  were presented  for discussion. If there are more than

two propositions, the presiding officer must group them according

to purport  so that they are all decided upon after several votes

for one  or two  propositions. The proposition which collects the

most  votes  shall  be  adopted  if  the  necessary  majority  is

collected; otherwise, it shall be presented for additional voting

to confirm  the decision.  If this  fails to  be done, the Seimas

members may either propose a compromise or postpone the issue.

At his  or her  own initiative or at the request of at least

two Seimas  members, the presiding officer shall divide the issue

being put to the vote into two.



Article 120.  The decision  of whether to postpone or reject

an issue shall be voted on before voting on the main point of the

issue.  Numbers  shall  be  voted  on  in  increasing  order.  If

necessary, the  presiding officer  may change the order of voting                                          34

if those who made the proposals do not object.


Article 121.  Votes may  be explained  after  the  presiding

officer announces what is being voted on and asks if anyone would

like to explain his or her vote.

In voting for an entire issue or the passing of a draft law,

no more  than four  Seimas members  may explain their votes "for"

and no  more than four -- "against". In other cases, no more than

one Seimas members may explain their votes "for" and no more than

one -- "against".


Article 122.  When the  electronic tallying  system  is  not

being used,  the tellers'  group shall  organise the  voting  and

count the  votes.  The  tellers'  group  shall  also  assist  the

presiding officer in checking how many Seimas members are present

in the chamber and in revising their registration.    

Members of  the tellers'  group shall  vote according to the

general procedure.


Article 123.  The Seimas  shall alphabetically  appoint  the

tellers' group  for the  period of one month upon the proposal of

the Seimas  Chancellor. The  group may  not be  made up solely of

members of  one parliamentary group. Members of the Seimas Board,

chairpersons of  Committees  and  commissions,  Spokespersons  of

parliamentary groups,  and members of the Government shall not be

assigned to  the tellers' group. The tellers' group shall elect a

chairperson from its members.

The Seimas  may he  declare non-confidence  in the  tellers'

group or  one of  its members  by majority  vote  of  the  Seimas

members present  at the sitting. In such an event, a new group or

group member  shall  be  appointed.  Upon  the  decision  of  the

presiding officer  or the  request of a parliamentary group which

is supported by no less than 1/3 of Seimas members present at the

sitting, the  voting which  took place  before the declaration of

non-confidence may be repeated.


Article 124. The results of voting shall be announced by the

presiding officer  based  on  the  information  provided  by  the

tellers' group  or by  the indicators  of the electronic tallying



Article 125.  Before another item on the agenda has begun to

be discussed, voting carried out by raising cards or by using the

electronic system  may be  repeated once  if so  requested by the

presiding officer  or  a  parliamentary  group  and  the  request

thereof is  supported by  no less  than  1/3  of  Seimas  members

present at the sitting. This may be requested if the issue put up

to vote was not properly and clearly formulated.


Chapter 18. Official Registration and Announcement of Seimas



Article 126.  Minutes of  Seimas sittings  shall be compiled

and announced  by the  Documentation Department of the Seimas and

shall be  signed by  the  presiding  officer.  Issues  which  are

discussed, speakers,  adopted  resolutions,  and  voting  results

shall be  recorded in  the minutes. The full texts of resolutions

adopted  during  sittings  shall  be  recorded  in  the  minutes.

Supplementary materials  (data  concerning  the  registration  of

Seimas members,  results of  voting by  roll call,  statements of

Seimas members, etc.) shall be appended to the minutes.


Minutes shall be distributed to Committees and parliamentary

groups no later than the next workday after the sitting.

Seimas members may state their claims concerning the minutes

at the  end of the first Seimas sitting of the next day. If there                                          35

are disputable  questions, the  Seimas  shall  adopt  a  decision

thereon by  simple majority  vote of  the voting  members after a

short explanation has been given by the officer who presided over

the previous sitting.


Article  127.  The  Seimas  Documentation  Department  shall

compile and  publish verbatim  records of  the  Seimas  sittings.

Their originals shall not be edited and shall be preserved in the

Documentation Department.  Tape-recordings of the Seimas sittings

shall be  preserved in  the Documentation Department for a period

of at least one month.

Members of the Seimas and other persons who were granted the

floor during  a sitting  shall have  the right to check, within a

fortnight after the Seimas sitting, the verbatim records of their

speeches edited  for publication.  Upon checking the text against

the tape-recording,  they may  revise the  edited version  of the

verbatim record  of their speech provided that they do not change

the essence  of the  speech. If  the speaker does not present any

claims concerning  the text  of the  verbatim record, it shall be

assumed that he or she agrees with the text.

In the event of disputes or misunderstandings concerning the

edited text  of a  verbatim record,  a decision  thereon shall be

adopted by the presiding officer of the respective sitting.


Article 128.  Verbatim records  of closed sittings shall not

be published;  only members  of  the  Seimas  shall  have  access

thereto.  The  Seimas  Chancellor  shall  preserve  the  verbatim

records of closed sittings and shall create conditions for Seimas

members to  familiarize themselves with said records. A speech of

a Seimas  member may  be publicly  quoted or  comment on from the

verbatim record of a closed sitting only with his or her consent.


Article 129.  Minutes shall  be taken  at  sittings  of  the

Seimas Board  and Assembly  of Spokespersons; no verbatim records

shall be  taken  of  the  above  sittings.  Participants  in  the

sitting,  issues   which   are   discussed,   speakers,   adopted

resolutions, and  voting results  shall be listed in the minutes.

The minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of that sitting.

Seimas  members   shall  familiarize  themselves  with  said

minutes through Committees and parliamentary groups.


Article 130.  Seimas Committees  and commissions shall takes

minutes  at   their  own   sittings.  Committee   and  commission

resolutions, conclusions, and minutes of sittings shall be signed

by the respective chairperson.

The minutes  of sittings  of committees  and commissions are

official internal  documents which may only be used by members of

the Seimas.  Other persons  may use  these minutes  only with the

consent of  the chairperson  of the Committee or commission. Upon

the completion  of the calendar year, the minutes of sittings and

other documents  of Committees and commissions shall be preserved

in the  Committees or  commission  for  the  period  of  a  year;

thereafter they shall be transferred to the Seimas archives.

All documents  of ad  hoc commissions must be transferred to

the Seimas  archives within  10 days  of the  expiration  of  the

authorized period of said commission.


Article  131.  Draft  laws  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania

submitted for  public consideration  shall be  published  in  the

press using  State funds. In publishing such drafts, the names of

the persons who prepared and initiated them must be indicated.


Draft laws  given over to be published must be signed by the

chairperson of  the Committee  to which  the draft  was given for

preparation as well as by the Seimas Chancellor.


Article 132.  Before being  given to  the President  of  the

Republic to  be signed, adopted laws of the Republic of Lithuania

and other  acts of  the Seimas  shall, together with the visas of

the chairperson  of the Committee which prepared the draft and of

the Seimas  Chancellor, as  well as  of the  officer who presided

over the  sitting whereat  the act was adopted if the sitting was

not presided  over by  the Seimas  Speaker, be  presented to  the

Seimas Speaker to be given a visa or to be signed.

Adopted laws which have a visa from the Seimas Speaker shall

immediately be  given to  the President  of the  Republic  to  be


The Seimas  Speaker shall  sign acts  adopted by  the Seimas

Board after they have been given a visa by the Seimas Chancellor.

Upon signing  an act, the Seimas Speaker shall transfer said

act to the Seimas Chancellor to be promulgated.


Article 133.  Laws of  the Republic  of Lithuania  and other

documents of  the Seimas  shall be  promulgated and  shall become

effective pursuant  to the Law "On the Procedure for Promulgating

and Enforcing  the Laws  of the  Republic of  Lithuania and other

Legal Acts."

Laws of the Republic of Lithuania signed by the President of

the Republic  as well  as resolutions of the Seimas shall be sent

to the  Government, the  Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court,

the State  Controller, and, as necessary, to heads of other State

institutions as  well as  to local  governments within  3 working

days after their signing.


Article 134.  The Seimas  of the Republic of Lithuania shall

have two  seals with the Lithuanian State emblem - the great seal

which is  38 mm in diameter, and the small seal which is 27 mm in

diameter. The  Seimas Chancellor shall be responsible for the use

and preservation of the Seimas seals.

The great  seal of  the Seimas  with  the  Lithuanian  State

emblem shall  be imprinted  on the  laws, resolutions  and  other

official documents  of the  Seimas,  as  well  as  on  documents,

international treaties  and other  documents signed by the Seimas

Speaker which  are  sent  to  institutions  of  State  power  and

government of foreign states.

The small  seal of  the Seimas  with  the  Lithuanian  State

emblem shall  be imprinted on the identification certificates and

other  documents  signed  by  the  Seimas  Speaker,  his  or  her

deputies, or the Seimas Chancellor.


Article 135.  The Seimas  Speaker, his  or her deputies, and

the Seimas  Chancellor shall have the right to speak on behalf of

the Seimas. The Seimas may also authorize heads of delegations to

the international  organizations who  are appointed by the Seimas

and a  Speaker's Spokesperson  for the  press  appointed  by  the

Seimas Board to speak on behalf of the Seimas.

Chairpersons  of   Seimas  Committee,  their  deputies,  and

authorised  Committee  members  may  speak  on  behalf  of  their

respective Committees.


Article 136.  The  Lithuanian  Radio  and  Television  shall

regularly prepare coverage of open sittings of the Seimas. On the

resolution of the Seimas, separate sittings shall be broadcast in

full on  the radio  and television  at a  time acceptable  by the

Lithuanian Radio  and Television.  In  disputable  cases,  issues

shall be  resolved by  the Seimas at the request of parliamentary



Accredited journalists  shall  be  supplied  with  documents

which are  necessary for  their job by the Seimas information and

analysis service.


Article 137. Official information concerning sittings of the

Seimas, the Seimas Board, and the Assembly of Spokespersons shall

be prepared  and announced by the Seimas information and analysis

service and shall be signed by the presiding officer.

The  state  mass  media,  when  publishing  or  broadcasting

coverage of  Seimas sittings,  shall also  announce  an  official

report on these sittings. (Amended 12 October 1993)


Article 138.  After important sittings, Committees shall, as

a rule,  prepare reports  for the  mass media  on  the  decisions

adopted by  the  respective  committee  and  shall  present  said

reports to the Seimas information and analysis service.     Broad

casting or coverage of sittings of the Seimas Board, the Assembly

of  Spokespersons,   Committees,  commissions  and  parliamentary

groups shall  be made  only with the consent of the chief officer

of the respective group.


Article 139.  Documents intended  for  all  members  of  the

Seimas, Committees  or parliamentary  groups shall be distributed

by the  Secretariat  of  the  sittings.  The  documents  must  be

registered at  the Secretariat of the sittings and must be signed

by  at  least  one  member  of  the  Seimas.  The  procedure  for

submitting, registering and distributing drafts of laws and other

standard acts shall be established in Chapter 19 of this Statute.

Information concerning the activities of the Seimas shall be

prepared and,  as necessary,  presented to  the Seimas members by

the Seimas information and analysis service.








Chapter 19. Registration of Drafts of Laws and other Standard



Article 140. Drafts of laws of the Republic of Lithuania and

of other  acts of the Seimas, as well as the proposals concerning

the enactment  thereof, shall  be submitted  to  the  Seimas  for

consideration by  the institutions  and persons  who, pursuant to

the Constitution  of the Republic of Lithuania, have the right of

legislative initiative.  Submitted drafts  and proposals  must be

signed by representatives of the initiators thereof.

A supporting  explanation shall  be submitted  together with

the draft  law wherein,  as a  rule, the  following shall  be set


1) the objectives and goals of the draft law;

2) the  current legal procedure in accordance with which the

issues considered in the draft law are being regulated;

3) what  new provisions of legal regulation are planned, the

positive  qualities  of  the  newly  regulated  issues,  and  the

positive results which are foreseen;

4) possible negative consequences of the enacted law and the

measures  which   should  be  applied  in  order  to  avoid  said


5) the incorporation of the draft law into the legal system,

which legal  acts in  said sphere  shall remain  valid (a list of

said acts  shall be presented), and which of the valid legal acts

must be amended or repealed upon adoption of the draft;



6) in  the event  that executive  acts are  required for the

implementation of  the draft  law -  who should  prepare them and

when, as well as the guidelines of said executive acts;

7) the  evaluation  and  findings  of  specialists  obtained                                          38

during the period that the law was drafted;

8) the author or group of authors of the draft law;

9) the  notional words  of the  draft law  required for  the

inclusion of the draft into the computerised search system; and

10) other substantiations and explanations which the authors

believe to be necessary.

If  the  initiators  of  the  draft  law  cannot  present  a

supporting explanation,  they may  apply to the Seimas Chancellor

with a request that the Legal Department assist in the drawing up

of the  explanation or that they be permitted to submit the draft

without a supporting explanation.

Findings  of   criminological  examinations  concerning  the

possible influence of the adoption of the law on the criminogenic

situation shall  be submitted  together with  the draft  law. The

preparation of  the findings  of criminological examination shall

be organised  by the  Ministry of  Justice at  the request of the

initiators of the draft.

As a  rule, draft laws concerning the amendment, supplement,

or repeal of other laws which are requisite upon the enactment of

the proposed  draft law  as well  as,  if  necessary,  the  draft

resolution regarding the procedure of implementing the law, shall

be submitted together with the draft law.

The  requirements  set  forth  in  this  Chapter,  with  the

exception  of   the   requirement   concerning   the   supporting

explanation, shall  apply to  the drafts of all laws and standard

acts of the Seimas (in this Chapter all of the above drafts shall

hereinafter be  referred to as draft laws), with the exception of

special cases provided for in this Statute.


Article 141. All submitted draft laws and proposals shall be

registered in  the register  of draft laws and proposals received

by the  Secretariat of  the Seimas  sittings. When registering, a

standard title  page of  the draft and a form shall be filled in,

all of  the persons  who prepared or initiated the draft shall be

specified, and  the  documentation  presented  thereby  shall  be

itemised. The  draft shall  be indexed  in  accordance  with  the

classifier of the areas of legislation.

During the consideration and further preparation of a draft,

all new  versions thereof  as well as the conclusions, amendments

and supplements  which have been put forward and the names of the

persons who  submitted them, shall be presented to and registered

by the  Secretariat of  the sittings.  All of  the above shall be

executed as  a cover letter of the draft and shall be distributed

together with the draft and the supporting explanation.

The  Legal  Department  shall  furnish  conclusions  on  the

registered draft  law, stating  whether or  not the  draft is  in

conformity with the laws which are already in effect, and whether

or not  it corresponds  to the  technical rules of law-making. If

the scope of the draft is broad, the Seimas Chancellor shall have

the  right   to  extend   this  term.  Together  with  the  above

conclusions, the registered draft law shall be handed over to the

Seimas Chancellor.

The Seimas  Chancellor shall, within 3 days, refer the draft

law together  with the  supporting explanation and conclusions of

the Legal Department to the committees, parliamentary groups, the

Government and  the Office  of the President of the Republic and,

as necessary,  to appropriate  local governments.  All members of

the Seimas  shall also  be notified  of the  draft by  a  special



Article 142.  In the  event that  a draft  law is  submitted

together with  amendments to the Constitution, both drafts may be

considered concurrently;  however, a vote shall first be taken on

the Constitutional  amendments in  accordance with  the procedure

for amending  the Constitution.  Drafts of laws on the amendment,

supplement or repeal of other laws requisite upon the adoption of                                          39

the proposed draft law shall also be discussed together with said

draft law.

If several alternative drafts of one law have been received,

they shall  be concurrently  considered prior  to and  during the

discussion at  the sitting  of the Seimas, and one of said drafts

shall be selected.


Article 143. As necessary, the Seimas Board may charge other

Committees to  make a preliminary analysis of the draft law or to

propose that  the Government  prepare its conclusions. The Seimas

Board may  also form  a special  working group of Seimas members,

representatives of State institutions, experts, and scientists to

prepare a draft law for consideration in the Seimas.


Article 144. The committee to which a draft law has been

referred for preliminary consideration and for presenting

conclusions, must establish:

1) whether  or not  the draft  is  in  conformity  with  the

Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania, and, if

it is  not in  conformity therewith, whether or not the committee

approves of the amendment of said laws;

2) the  approximate amount  of the  State  budget  resources

required for the implementation of the law;

3) the expediency of the draft from political, economic, and

social points of view;

4) whether  or not  the concept  of the draft corresponds to

the approved programme of the Government;

5) whether  or not  the draft  is  in  conformity  with  the

international obligations of the Republic of Lithuania;

6) whether  or not  the draft  is analogous  to other drafts

which have been rejected within the last 6 months; and

7) whether  or not  the draft corresponds to the criteria of

efficiency, specific  character, and  completion, and  whether or

not it is acceptable from the points of view of legal culture and

the technical rules of law-making.


Article 145.  The committee  to which  a draft  law has been

referred for  consideration and  which must  present  conclusions

shall present a written evaluation thereof in accordance with the

criteria set  forth in  Article 144  of this  Chapter. Refusal to

approve a draft must be substantiated.

Approval may  be expressed  in the  three ways:  without any

comments, with  specific  comments,  or  on  the  condition  that

certain amendments  shall be made to the draft. In the last case,

concretely formulated amendments may be proposed.

During a  session of the Seimas, the committees must prepare

their conclusions  within 10  days. The  initiators of  the draft

shall be notified of the conclusions.

The Committee  which is performing additional examination of

a draft  law may  also express  its opinion at the sitting of the

principal committee  which is  conducting the  examination of the

draft law upon delegating its representative to the sitting.


Article 146.  The Seimas  Chancellor shall not present draft

laws for  consideration in  the Seimas if the Seimas Committee on

State and  Law comes  to the  conclusion that the laws are not in

conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and

no draft  amendments to  the Constitution  have been presented in

the established  manner. In  the event that the same draft law or

another draft  law of  analogous content has been rejected by the

Seimas within  the last 6 months, the draft shall not be accepted

for repeat consideration.

Draft laws submitted by entities who are not vested with the

right of  legislative initiative  shall be  registered, but shall

not be forwarded for consideration; however, competent committees

shall be familiarized therewith.          40

In all  of the above cases, drafts with a corresponding visa

of the  Seimas Chancellor shall be returned to the Secretariat of

the sittings;  at the Secretariat, the draft shall be recorded in

the register  of rejected  draft laws  and  proposals  and  shall

thereafter be  sent to  the archives.  An  announcement  to  this

effect must  be made  at the  Seimas sitting,  and the person who

presented the draft must be notified thereof.


Article 147.  The initiators  of a  draft law shall have the

right to  recall said  draft before it is considered at a sitting

of the  Seimas. Said  persons must  immediately notify the Seimas

Chancellor of  the decision,  and the  Chancellor must notify the

Seimas. In  such an  case, a  copy of the draft law shall be left

with the principal Committee and the Legal Department.

However, in  the  event  that  the  recalled  draft  law  is

officially supported  and submitted no later than the next day by

another entity  vested with  the right of legislative initiative,

the consideration procedure of such draft shall be continued. The

above provision  shall not be applied to drafts of laws submitted

by the President or Government of the Republic.



Chapter 20. Presentation of Drafts of Laws and other Standard

Acts at Sittings of the Seimas


Article 148.   The   initiator    of   a    draft   law   or

representative thereof  shall be invited to attend the sitting of

the Seimas  where the  draft is  presented.  Said  representative

shall give  a brief  (maximum of  10 minutes) characterisation of

the draft  and shall  answer questions  of  the  Seimas  members.

Thereafter, the  presiding officer  shall familiarize the members

with the  conclusions of  the Legal  Department and  also of  the

Government, provided  that such  conclusions have  been received,

and shall propose that a vote be taken on the proposals.

The Seimas must decide whether or not to include in the work

programme of  the session  the draft laws which have not yet been

included therein  and to  commence the procedure of consideration

and commence  the procedure  of consideration,  whether or not to

reject the draft, and whether or not to postpone consideration.

If  the   Seimas  decides   to  commence  the  procedure  of

consideration, a  decision may  be taken  on whether to apply the

urgency procedure or the special urgency procedure.


Article  149.   All  decisions   on  the   presentation  and

consideration of  a draft  law at the sitting of the Seimas shall

be adopted by a simple majority vote of those present and voting,

with the exception of decisions to reject a draft, or to announce

a draft for public consideration, which shall be adopted provided

that at  least 1/3  of all  the Seimas  members  vote  in  favour


Application for  the urgency  or special  urgency procedures

shall be established in Chapter 24 of this Statute.


Article  150.   The  procedure   for  consideration  may  be

commenced only  concerning drafts  which are included in the work

programme of  the  session.  The  consideration  procedure  shall

consist of  the following  stages: consideration at the principal

Committee, consideration  at  the  sitting  of  the  Seimas,  and


Upon deciding  to commence the procedure of consideration of

a draft  law, the  Seimas must  at the  same sitting  appoint  an

approximate date  of consideration  at the  sitting of the Seimas

(no earlier  than after  a week,  and no later than by the end of

the  session),   and  the   principal   Committee   for   further

consideration or revision of the draft.

A decision  to propose that a draft law be made available to                                          41

the public may also be adopted at the sitting.


Article 151. In the event that State funding is required for

the implementation  of a  law, the proposals of the initiators of

the draft  and the  conclusions of  the Committee  on Budget  and

Finance and  the Government  concerning the  possible sources  of

funding must  be presented  during further  consideration of  the


If amending the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania is

required to enact the draft law, the conclusions of the Committee

on State  and Law  must be presented during further consideration

of the draft.


Article 152.  If an initiative group for the announcement of

a referendum on the draft law has been formed, the issue shall be

considered at  the next  Seimas sitting during the Seimas session

after  it   has  been  confirmed  that  the  required  number  of

signatures has  been collected. Representatives of the initiators

of the referendum shall be invited to attend the sitting.

Should  the Seimas establish that the draft of the provisions of

the law  presented for  the referendum  is not in conformity with

the Constitution  of the  Republic of  Lithuania,  the  issue  of

amending the Constitution must be considered first.

If the  Seimas decides  to discuss  and  enact  a  submitted

provisions of  the law, the announcement of the referendum may be

postponed; however,  the referendum  must  be  announced  at  the

sitting at  which the  Seimas rejects the submitted provisions of

the law.


Chapter 21. Consideration of Draft Laws in the Principal



Article 153.  The committee  which has been appointed by the

Seimas as  the principal  committee for  the examination  of  the

draft of  a law,  in respect  whereof the consideration procedure

has been  commenced, must,  within one week, discuss at a sitting

the preparedness  to examine  the draft in the committee. For the

above purpose,  responsible committee members and experts must be

assigned,  additional  conclusions  may  be  requested  of  other

committees  and   State  institutions,   and  other   preliminary

decisions may  be adopted.  If the committee is charged to revise

the draft,  a working  group may  be formed  for said purpose. As

necessary, the  Committee may  also discuss issues concerning the

preparedness to consider the draft at other sittings.


Article 154. The principal committee must send the draft law

to all interested State institutions and, as necessary, to public

organisations, so  that said  institutions and  organisations can

send their evaluations.

All material  which has been received concerning a draft law

shall be  evaluated and summarized by the principal committee. If

it has  been resolved  in the  Seimas to consider the text of the

draft presented  by the initiators, the principal committee shall

be  entitled   to  present   alongside  its   own   version   for

consideration at the Seimas sitting.

If a  draft  law  has  been  announced  to  the  public  for

consideration, the  received proposals  shall be  referred to the

principal committee.


Article 155.  Each draft  law  must  be  considered  by  the

principal committee  no  later  than  5  workdays  prior  to  the

consideration thereof  at a  sitting of  the Seimas. The time and

place of such deliberations must be announced at a sitting of the


Representatives   of    the   initiators   of   the   draft,

representatives of  the committees which are preparing additional                                          42

conclusions, and experts shall be invited to the deliberations by

the principal  committee. Said  persons must be granted the floor

at the sitting of the committee.

Representatives of  other interested  State institutions and

public organisations may also be invited to the sitting. Upon the

consent of  the presiding  officer, they,  as well  as members of

other committees  present at the sitting, may also be granted the


In the  event that  the principal committee fails to examine

the draft law within the established time period, it must address

the Seimas Speaker with a request to prolong the period.


Article 156.  One of the following decisions must be adopted

during deliberations in the principal committee:

1) to approve of a draft law submitted by the initiators, or

of a draft law revised by the committee;

2) to approve of an alternative draft law;

3) to approve of a draft with stipulations;

4) to announce the draft to the public for consideration;

5) to return the draft to its initiators for revision; or

6) to reject the draft.

The adopted decision shall be presented for consideration of

the draft at the Seimas sitting.

After deliberations  by the  principal committee,  the draft

which has  been submitted  by the  initiators or  revised by  the

committee shall  be forwarded to the Documentation Department for

editing.  The   edited  draft   shall  be   coordinated  with   a

representative of the initiators thereof.

The edited  text of  the draft must be distributed among the

Seimas members  and delivered  to the  Government no later than 2

days prior  to deliberations  at the  Seimas sitting.  Additional

data together  with a cover letter shall be distributed among the

Seimas  members   no  later   than  1   workday  prior  to  above


The  Seimas  Speaker  must  be  notified  of  the  principal

committee  reporter  no  later  than  2  workdays  prior  to  the

consideration of the draft law at the sitting of the Seimas.

When  possible,   a  recording  shall  be  made  during  the

deliberations in  the principal  committee, and  minutes shall be

kept of the speeches which are made.


Chapter 22. Consideration of Draft Laws at Seimas Sittings


Article 157.  During  consideration  at  a  sitting  of  the

Seimas, the  expediency, conception  and the basic provisions and

principles of  the draft  law shall  be  discussed  and  all  the

received amendments  and supplements  shall be  presented. At the

Seimas sitting,  the draft  law shall  be considered according to

the following procedure:

1) report  of the principal Committee which is examining the

draft law;

2) a  vote, should the principal Committee propose to return

the draft to its initiators or to reject it;

3) reports  by representatives  of initiators of alternative

drafts, should such be presented;

4) additional reports by other Committees;

5) a general discussion of the basic provisions of the draft

law  --   statements  of   the  Government,   other   Committees,

parliamentary group members, and individual Seimas members;

6)  a   special  discussion  of  the  structure,  individual

sections, paragraphs,  and articles of the draft. Should there be

no proposals to hold a special discussion, the Seimas may abandon

said discussion  or hold it together with the general discussion;


7)  a   concluding  word   by  the   principal  speaker  and

representatives of the initiators of alternative drafts.                                          43

The  time allotted to the special and general discussions in the

Seimas sitting  agenda  shall  be  divided  into  two  parts  for

representatives  of   the   majority   and   minority.   If   the

representatives of the Seimas majority or minority have not fully

used the  time allotted  for discussion,  the discussion shall be

completed prior to expiration of the allotted time.


Article 158. After consideration, the Seimas shall decide:

1) whether  or not  to approve  the draft  prepared  by  the

initiators or revised by the Committee, or one of the alternative

drafts, and  whether or not to appoint the date of passage of the

law after  at least  4  workdays.  If  necessary,  the  principal

Committee shall  be charged  to make the necessary amendments and

supplements in  accordance with  the comments  voiced during  the

discussion. In  this case,  the  passage  of  the  law  shall  be

prepared no sooner than after 8 days;

2)  whether   or  not  to  announce  the  draft  for  public

consideration provided  that the  proposals specified  in Par.  1

hereof have  been adopted.  The results  obtained from  the above

consideration shall  be summarised by the principal Committee and

the  entire  procedure  shall  be  repeated  beginning  from  the

consideration in  this Committee. As a rule, the draft of one and

the same  law shall  not be  announced for  public  consideration


3) whether  or not  to return  the draft for revision to the

principal Committee  examining it.  In such a case, the procedure

shall  be  repeated  beginning  from  the  consideration  in  the

principal Committee.  The above decision may be adopted only once

during the consideration of the draft;

4) whether  or not to adjourn the consideration of the draft

in the event that the consideration has not been completed at one

sitting,  if  it  transpires  that  the  Seimas  members  require

additional information  for the  passage of  the law,  or in  the

cases provided for in Article 110 of this Statute;

5) whether  or not to return the draft to its initiators for

fundamental revision.  In such  a case,  the  full  procedure  of

considering the revised draft law shall be repeated; and

6) whether  or  not  to  reject  the  draft  or  charge  the

preparation of a new draft.

Upon adopting  a decision  specified in  Pars. 2  or 3,  the

Seimas may  charge the principal Committee or other Committees to

examine the draft additionally.


Chapter 23. The Passage of a Draft Law at a Seimas Sitting



Article 159.  If the  Committee  presents  a  newly  revised

version of  a draft  for adoption, said draft must be distributed

among the Seimas members and delivered to the Government at least

2 workdays before the sitting.

If there  are essential  amendments and  supplements in  the

draft, the  criminological examination  provided for in part 4 of

Article 140 must be carried out.  

The Seimas members, parliamentary groups, Committees and the

Government must  present all  proposed deletions,  amendments and

supplements to  the draft law with their respective signatures to

the Secretariat  of the  sittings at  least 24  hours before  the

commencement of  the sitting whereat the passage of the draft law

is planned.  The Secretariat of the sittings shall hand the above

amendments, supplements  and  deletions  over  to  the  principal

Committee which  is examining the law, shall make copies thereof,

and shall distribute them to all of the Seimas members.

An amendment or supplement must be adequately formulated and

conform to  the substance  of the  draft, and  may not exceed one

article in volume.

During the  passage of  the law, new amendments, supplements                                          44

and deletions  shall not  be  accepted,  with  the  exception  of

editorial corrections which shall be neither discussed nor put to

vote, but  which shall  be submitted  in writing to the principal

Committee which examined the draft law.


Article 160.  During the passage of a draft law the reporter

shall give  a brief  notification of  the amendments  made by the

Committee  and   shall  discuss   the  additional  proposals  and

amendments which  have been  received,  naming  the  persons  who

submitted them.

Thereafter,  separate  parts  of  the  draft  law  shall  be

considered and  voted on.  The sections, chapters and articles of

the draft  shall be  discussed and  voted on  according to  their

sequence,  unless  the  Seimas  decides  otherwise.  The  officer

presiding over  the sitting  may put the articles which condition

the principles  and structure  of the draft to vote before voting

on other  articles. Articles  to which  no  proposals  have  been

submitted may  be passed without vote, provided that not a single

member of  the Seimas  objects thereto.  In other  cases, a  vote

shall be taken on each article, chapter, and section.

During passage, the floor may only be granted to the authors

of the  submitted amendments and supplements (for up to 3 minutes

on each  proposal), the reporter, and the members speaking on the

motives of voting; the reporter shall not be asked any questions.

Upon  being   granted  the   floor  concerning  an  amendment  or

supplement, the  author thereof  may not  speak on the motives of



Article  161.  A  separate  article  of  the  law  shall  be

considered and passed in accordance with the following procedure:

1) the  reporter shall  announce the  proposals received  in

writing --  either to  amend the  entire article,  to alter  some

statements of  the article,  to supplement the article, to delete

some statements of the article, as well as may briefly comment on

each proposal (for a maximum of 2 minutes each);

2) during  voting, alternative  proposals shall  be  chosen.

When several proposals concerning one article have been received,

voting shall  be conducted according to the sequence specified in

Par.1 hereof,  and in  the case  of  the  specified  sequence  --

according to  the sequence  in  which  the  proposals  have  been

submitted. Amendments  or supplements  to the  amendment shall be

voted on  prior to  voting on  the  amendment  itself.  Proposals

contradicting those  previously adopted shall be rejected without

voting by  the officer  presiding  over  the  sitting.  When  the

reporter announces  that the  principal Committee is adopting the

proposal, a  vote is  not necessary,  provided that no members of

the  Seimas   object  thereto.  Before  voting,  the  person  who

submitted the proposal may retract it; and

3) the entire article shall be put to vote. 

Additional articles  of the  draft law  which are  submitted

shall be  considered and  adopted according to the same procedure

as for all the other articles of the draft law.


Article 162.  If the  reporter believes that it is necessary

to hold one more sitting of the Committee for the coordination of

the adopted  proposals and  so demands,  passage may be adjourned

after voting  on all  articles, but  for no longer than until the

next day of the Seimas sitting. After adjournment, amendments and

supplements made  by the  Committee which must not contradict the

content of the adopted articles shall be discussed and put to the

vote.  During   the  discussion,   other   proposals   concerning

amendments and supplements shall not be accepted.

In  the   event  that   the  articles  which  condition  the

principles and structure of the law, as well as separate sections

or chapters,  are not  adopted during  voting, the  reporter  may

propose to  amend the  draft prior  to voting on the entire draft                                          45

law. If  the Seimas  adopts said proposal, the procedure shall be

continued  from  the  consideration  of  the  draft  law  at  the

principal Committee.  During consideration  of a  draft law,  the

above alternative may only be used once.

When voting  for articles of the draft law on taxes or other

laws which  regulate taxes  or due to which the State revenue can

change immensely,  the passage  shall be  adjourned till the next

day  of   the  sitting   if  the  member  of  the  Government,  a

representative of  the Government  at  the  Seimas  or  a  person

authorized by  the head  or member  of the  Government demands so

during the passage of a law.

When  continuing  passage  of  the  law,  the  procedure  of

adopting the last article before the adjourn shall be repeated. 


Article 163.  During the  passage of  a  law,  proposals  to

reject the draft shall not be accepted. The draft may be rejected

only if it does not receive the required number of votes.

After all  the articles of the law have been considered, the

entire draft  law shall  be put  to the  vote. If  the law is not

passed, the  Seimas may charge the initiators of the draft or the

principal Committee to work out a new draft.

As necessary, a resolution concerning the enforcement of the

law shall  be considered  and  passed,  and  laws  on  amendment,

supplement and  repeal of other laws or their articles related to

the enacted  law shall  be  considered  and  adopted  during  the

passage of the law.


Article 164. The Seimas Speaker, a Committee or no less than

1/5 of  Seimas members  may address  the Seimas  with a justified

petition concerning  the violations of the Statute of the Seimas,

committed, in  their opinion during the passage of a law, as long

as the  law has  not yet  been signed  by the  President  of  the

Republic. Should  such a  petition be received, the Commission on

Ethics and  Procedures must present its conclusions and proposals

to the  Seimas within  5 workdays. Until the Commission on Ethics

and Procedures  presents such  conclusions,  the  Seimas  Speaker

shall not  hand the law over to the President of the Republic for


In the  event that  the Commission  on Ethics and Procedures

states that  the legislative  procedure or  any other significant

provisions of  this Statute  have been grossly violated, and that

this conditioned  the decision  of the  Seimas, the  Seimas shall

decide by  vote whether to revoke the disputed law or to leave it

in effect.    

Should the  Seimas revoke its former decision concerning the

draft, the  consideration thereof may be continued from the stage

when the violation was committed.


Article 165. If the draft law or the proposal concerning the

passing thereof is rejected at any stage of consideration, it may

be submitted again, but no sooner than 6 months thereafter.


Chapter 24. Consideration of Draft Law according to Procedures of

Urgency or Special Urgency


Article 166. Projects of Seimas resolutions and, should the

Seimas so decide, draft laws, shall be considered according to

the procedure of urgency.

The  above  procedure  shall  be  used  upon  the  justified

proposal of  the President  of the  Republic, the Seimas Speaker,

the Seimas  Board, the principal Committee, parliamentary groups,

or the Government. The decision to consider a draft law according

to the  procedure of  urgency may as a rule be adopted during the

presentation of  a draft  law by  a majority  of voting  members,

provided that  said majority  is more  than 1/4 of all the Seimas

members.                                  46


Article 167.  If the  urgent procedure  of consideration  is

applied, the  time period  between the  stages of consideration--

consideration in  the principal  Committee, consideration  in the

Seimas sitting,  and passage  -- shall  be shortened.  Said  time

periods must  not be  shorter than  1 workday  or longer  than  3

workdays. The  Seimas shall  establish the concrete terms in each

case separately,  however, in  each case,  the  draft  law  under

consideration must  be distributed to the Seimas members at least

1 day  prior to  the sitting  at which  it will  be considered or



Article 168.  On  the  proposal  of  the  President  of  the

Republic, the  Seimas Speaker  or the  Government, drafts of laws

and resolutions  of the Seimas may be considered according to the

procedure of  special urgency.  The decision  to apply  the above

procedure shall  be adopted  by a majority vote of all the Seimas

members participating in the sitting, provided that said majority

is more than 1/3 of all the Seimas members.

According to  the above  procedure, if  the draft  has  been

distributed to the Seimas members and the requirements prescribed

in  Chapter  19  of  this  Statute  have  been  implemented,  the

procedure  of  passage  may  be  commenced  immediately  and  the

requirements of  parts 1,  2 and  3 of Article 159 of the Statute

shall not  be applied,  however, all amendments must be presented

in writing  not later  than 2  hours prior to the commencement of

the passage procedure.


Chapter 25. Consideration at Seimas Sittings of the Law which has

been Returned by the President of the Republic


Article 169.  If, pursuant  to Par.  1 of  Article 71 of the

Constitution, the  President of  the Republic returns a draft law

which has  been passed  by the  Seimas to  the Seimas  for repeat

consideration, the Seimas Speaker shall notify the Seimas thereof

at the next sitting.

The Seimas  must decide  by voting  whether to  consider the

returned law  anew, or whether to deem the law as not having been

passed. In  the latter  case, the  Seimas may  charge one  of the

Committees to  prepare a  new draft  of the law or form a working

group for the above purpose. A discussion may precede voting.

Should the  decision be made to consider the draft law anew,

the Seimas  must decide  at the same sitting which Committees the

returned draft  law as  well as  the amendments  and  supplements

submitted by  the President  of the Republic shall be referred to

for examination.


Article 170.  Consideration  of  the  returned  law  in  the

Committees and  at  the  Seimas  sitting  shall  be  prepared  in

accordance with  the requirements  set forth  in Part  5 of  this

Statute. However, said law may not be considered according to the

procedure of  special urgency,  and constitutional  laws may also

not be considered according to the procedure of urgency.

During the above consideration a decision shall be passed on

whether to accept all of the amendments and supplements submitted

by the President of the Republic or whether to vote on the entire

draft law without amendments.


Article 171.  During passage  of the  returned law,  a  vote

shall first  of all  be taken  on whether  to pass the entire law

without amendments  or whether to adopt all of the amendments and

supplements submitted by the President of the Republic.

A law  which has  been repeatedly  considered by  the Seimas

shall be  deemed passed provided that more than half (in the case

of a  constitutional law  -- at  least 3/5)  of all of the Seimas

members voted in favour thereof.          47

If  during  consideration  the  Seimas  adopts  all  of  the

amendments and  supplements submitted  by the  President  of  the

Republic, the  repeatedly considered  law shall be deemed to have

been passed  provided that  the majority  of the  Seimas  members

participating in the sitting (in the case of a constitutional law

-- more  than half  of all  the Seimas  members) voted  in favour



Chapter 25. Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of

Lithuania and Consideration of Draft Constitutional Laws


Article 172. The following shall be deemed to be

constitutional laws:

1) laws  provided for  in Article 150 of the Constitution as

well  as   Constitutional  amendments.  The  procedure  of  their

consideration and  passage shall  be established in Chapter 14 of

the Constitution  and this  Chapter of the Statute of the Seimas;


2) laws  which are directly specified in the Constitution as

well  as   other  laws   which  give   concrete   expression   to

constitutional norms  and are set forth in the Law on the list of

constitutional laws.  The procedure  of their  consideration  and

passage shall be defined in Article 69 of the Constitution and in

this Chapter of the Statute.

The list  of constitutional laws shall be established by the

Seimas by  a 3/5  majority vote of the Seimas members. Laws which

have already  been passed may also be included in the list if the

Seimas arrives at the conclusion that said laws are, according to

their content and significance, constitutional.


Article 173.  Consideration of the draft Law on Amendment of

the Constitution  shall commence consideration in the Seimas only

in cases  when the  draft is submitted by a group of at least 1/4

of the  Seimas members  or at  least 300,000  electors  who  have

expressed their  will by  putting their signatures under the text

of the  proposed amendment,  with the exception of cases provided

for  in   the  Constitution   which  provide  for  Constitutional

amendment only by referendum.

The Constitution  may not  be  amended  during  a  state  of

emergency or martial law.


Article 174.  Drafts of  constitutional amendments and other

constitutional laws  shall be  registered, submitted, considered,

and passed according to the procedure established in Chapters 19-

25 of this Statute, with the exception of provisions set forth in

this Chapter.  Said drafts may not be considered according to the

procedures of urgency or special urgency.

Before commencing  consideration of such a draft at a Seimas

sitting, the  draft must be considered by the principal Committee

which is  examining said  draft within  the 10-day  period  prior

thereto, and  distributed to  the Seimas members and delivered to

the Government  within the  7-day  period  prior  thereto.  After

consideration at the Seimas sitting, the procedure of passing the

law shall commence no sooner than 10 days thereafter.

The Committee  on State  and  Law  shall  be  the  principal

Committee  examining   drafts  of   laws  on   amendment  of  the


It shall  be  prohibited  to  restrict  discussions  on  the

constitutional  law   which  is  under  consideration,  with  the

exception of  cases when such a decision is adopted by a majority

vote of at least 1/3 of all of the Seimas members.


Article 175.  Laws on  constitutional  amendments  shall  be

considered and  voting in the Seimas thereon shall be held twice,

with an adjournment of at least 3 months between voting.

A law  on amendment  of the  Constitution shall be deemed to                                          48

have been  passed by the Seimas provided that at least 2/3 of all

the Seimas  members voted  in favour  thereof during each voting,

and that  the same text of the amendment was put to the vote each


A constitutional  amendment which has not been passed may be

submitted to the Seimas for repeat consideration no sooner than 1

year thereafter.     Other constitutional laws shall be deemed to

have been  passed if  more than a half of the Seimas members vote

in favour thereof.

Amendments to  said constitutional laws or laws which repeal

or amend the laws which have been in effect prior thereto must be

passed by a 3/5 majority vote of all the Seimas members by taking

a single vote thereon.


Chapter 27. Adoption of Resolutions


Article 176. A resolution shall be a non-standard act of the

Seimas which  shall be  adopted when it is required to confirm in

writing the  opinion of  the Seimas  on any  issue  which  is  of

national  importance.  Other  non-standard  acts  of  the  Seimas

(appeals, declarations, etc.) shall be adopted in the same manner

as resolutions.

The right  of initiative  to submit  a resolution  shall  be

vested in  the President  of the Republic, members of the Seimas,

Committees,  parliamentary   groups.  Proposals   to  consider  a

resolution may  be submitted  during the discussion of the agenda

of a week's or a day's sittings.


Article 177.  The text  of the draft of a resolution must be

presented to  the Seimas  members at  least one  day prior to the

consideration thereof.

During consideration,  a representative of the initiators of

the draft  of the resolution shall be granted the floor and shall

answer  questions;   thereafter,  a   discussion  shall  be  held

according to the general procedure.


Article 178.  After consideration  the Seimas  shall resolve


1) to adopt the resolution without amendments. Said proposal

may not  be adopted if more than 1/3 of all of the Seimas members

object thereto;

2) to edit the draft of the resolution; or

3) to  reject the  draft of  the resolution or to charge the

preparation of a new draft.


Article 179.  Should it  be decided to edit the draft of the

resolution, the  Seimas shall  assign the  date and  time of  its

consideration and  shall form a drafting commission. No more than

9 members  of the  Seimas may  be on the commission. The drafting

commission must  include at  least one  initiator of the draft of

the resolution.  Other members  of the  Seimas shall submit their

written proposals to the drafting commission.


Article 180.  After the  drafting commission  announces  the

revised text,  new  proposals  may  be  considered  only  on  the

decision of the Seimas.

Should the  drafting commission  reject the  proposals which

have been  submitted in  advance, the Seimas shall take a vote on

said proposals  at the  request of  the submitters  thereof. Upon

completion of  the voting  on alternative  proposals, the  entire

text of the resolution shall be voted on.


Chapter 28. Approval of State Budget


Article 181. Upon drawing up the draft State Budget for the

following year, the Government shall submit said draft to the                                          49

Seimas Chancellor by the 17th of October. Upon receipt of the

draft, the Chancellor shall forward copies thereof to the

Committees and parliamentary groups within 2 workdays.

The report  of the  Government on  the draft Budget shall be

heard at  the next sitting of the Seimas. Thereafter, at least 10

days shall  be assigned  for consideration of the draft Budget in

Committees and parliamentary groups. Sittings of the Seimas shall

not be held during the above-specified period.


Article 182.  The Committees  shall examine  the chapters of

the draft  State Budget  in accordance with their competence, and

shall formulate  their conclusions and amendments and submit them

by the 10th of November to the Committee on Budget and Finance.

Representatives of  the  Government  and  the  Committee  on

Budget and Finance shall be invited to the sittings of Committees

during which  the draft  State Budget  is  to  be  examined.  The

Government must  furnish the Committees with all the data whereon

the draft Budget is based.


Article 183.  At all  stages of  consideration of  the draft

State Budget,  Committees, parliamentary  groups, and  individual

members of the Seimas may propose an increase in the expenditures

provided for in the draft only on condition that they specify the

sources of financing said expenditure.

It shall  not be  permitted to  propose a  decrease  in  the

expenditures included in the draft Budget pursuant to laws, other

standard  acts   adopted  by   the  Seimas,   and   international

obligations of  the Republic  of  Lithuania.  Should  the  Seimas

desire to reduce said expenditure, it must first of all amend the

appropriate standard acts.


Article 184.  Upon  receipt  of  the  conclusions  of  other

Committees  and  of  the  opinions  and  proposed  amendments  of

parliamentary groups,  the Committee on Budget and Finance shall,

together   with    the   representatives   of   the   Government,

parliamentary groups,  and other  Committees, consider  the draft

State Budget and formulate conclusions thereon.

The Committee  on Budget  and Finance  must either adopt the

amendments to  the Budget  Law proposed  by another  Committee if

said amendments  are within  the  competence  of  the  respective

Committee, or  reject said  amendments,  presenting  a  justified


All Committees  of the  Seimas shall  also  be  entitled  to

submit proposals  to amend those chapters of the Budget which are

not within  their competence.  In such an event, the Committee on

Budget and Finance shall not be obligated to notify the Committee

of the adopted decision.


Article 185.  The draft  State Budget  must be considered at

the Seimas  sitting no later than by the 20th of November. At the

sitting, a report of the Committee on Budget and Finance shall be

heard, and  conclusions of  other Committees  as well as opinions

and commentaries  of parliamentary  groups and  individual Seimas

members, which  have been rejected by the Committee on Budget and

Finance shall be submitted.


Article 186.  The second  deliberation of  the  draft  State

Budget shall  be conducted  within  10  days  after  the  primary

deliberation  of  the  draft;  at  the  second  deliberation  the

Government shall present the draft revised in accordance with the

received  proposals  and  commentaries.  During  the  sitting,  a

representative of  the Government  shall announce which proposals

and amendments submitted by Committees, parliamentary groups, and

individual members  of the Seimas have been included in the draft

Budget and  which have been rejected, shall give reasons for said

rejections, and shall answer questions of the Seimas members.                                          50

After the  discussion, a vote shall be taken on assigning at

one of  the next  Seimas sittings  the passage  of  a  law  which

approves the  State Budget.  Prior to  the  commencement  of  the

sitting, new  proposals and  amendments shall be submitted to the

representative of  the  Government  according  to  the  procedure

established in  Article 159  of this  Statute. Should  there be a

great number of significant comments concerning the draft Budget,

said draft  may be  returned to  the Government  for revision. No

more than  10 days  shall be  allotted therefor;  thereafter, the

procedure of second deliberation shall be resumed.    


Article 187.  Alternative proposals and amendments which are

objected to  by the  Government but which meet the conditions set

forth in  Article 183  of this  Chapter may be adopted only after

more than half of all the Seimas members vote in favour thereof.

Upon  considering  and  adopting  decisions  concerning  the

proposals and  amendments, the  Seimas must  vote on  the  entire

draft State Budget.

The  Budget  shall  be  approved  pursuant  to  the  indices

established in the Law on Budgeting of the Republic of Lithuania.

The  appropriations   according  to   the  chapters   of   budget

expenditure   shall    also   be   concurrently   approved.   The

appropriations shall be mandatory to all executors of the Budget.


Article 188.  In the event that the Seimas rejects the draft

State Budget,  one more deliberation shall be assigned to be held

no sooner  than 5  days, and  no later than 10 days after, during

which a  draft revised  by the  Government in accordance with the

comments of  the Committees, parliamentary groups, and members of

the  Seimas   shall  be  presented.  The  deliberation  shall  be

conducted according  to the procedure provided for in Article 186

of this Chapter.

Should the  Government resign  by reason  of non-approval of

the  State   Budget,  the  draft  Budget  submitted  by  the  new

Government shall  be considered  and approved  according  to  the

procedure provided  for in  Articles 181-187 of this Statute. The

time of  consideration shall  be fixed  by a  resolution  of  the

Seimas which  shall be  adopted no  later than on the next day of

sittings after  the new Government has been granted authorization

to act.

In the  event of  failure to approve the State Budget within

the established time limits, the monthly budgetary expenditure in

the beginning of the budget year may not exceed 1/12 of the State

Budget expenditure of the preceding year.


Article 189.  The Seimas  may revise  the Budget  during the

budget year. The Budget shall be revised in the same procedure it

is drawn  up, adopted  and approved. As necessary, the Seimas may

approve an additional budget.

In the  event that  funds which cannot be allocated from the

Government Reserve  Fund or  additional funds  which are obtained

during the performance of the Budget are required, the Government

shall  submit   to  the  Seimas  a  draft  law  on  supplementary

appropriations. The  purpose and  amount of the required funds as

well as the source of the financing thereof shall be specified in

the draft.

Adhering to the conditions stipulated in Article 183 of this

Chapter, Committees,  parliamentary groups  or individual members

of the  Seimas may propose a draft law on the revision of certain

budget expenditure clauses.

In the  above case, a law shall be passed by a majority vote

of the  Seimas members participating in the sitting provided that

the  Government   has  no   objections  thereto.  Otherwise,  the

affirmative vote  of more  than a  half of all the Seimas members

shall be required for passing the law.

Chapter 29. Ratification and Denunciation of International                                          51



Article  190.  Resolutions  of  the  Seimas  concerning  the

ratification of  a international  treaty shall  be adopted  if no

less than  2/5 of  all of  the  Seimas  members  vote  in  favour

thereof, and  denunciation of  international  treaties  shall  be

adopted if  no less than 3/5 of all of the Seimas members vote in

favour thereof. International treaties concerning the realignment

of the  state borders  of the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall  be

ratified by 4/5 of all of the Seimas members.






Chapter 30. The Procedure for Electing Members

to the Seimas Board


Article 191.  The Seimas  Speaker, Deputy  Speakers and  the

Seimas Chancellor  shall be elected from among the Seimas members

at the  first session  of the  Seimas for  the entire term during

which the Seimas is in office.

Upon the  resignation, demise, or dismissal by the Seimas of

any of  the above  officers from  office, or upon the election or

appointment thereof  to another  office, elections for an officer

to fill  the post  shall be  held during  the next sitting of the

Seimas in  accordance with  the procedure  provided for  in  this


Article 192.  The Seimas  Speaker shall be elected by secret

ballot  at   the  first  sitting  of  the  Seimas  following  the


Candidates to  the office of Seimas Speaker may be nominated

by written application by at least 1/10 of the Seimas.

Candidates to  the offices  of deputy  of the Seimas Speaker

and the  Seimas Chancellor  shall  be  nominated  by  the  Seimas

Speaker. Said officers shall be elected by secret ballot.


Article 193.  After being  nominated to  a post,  candidates

must, prior  to the elections, state whether or not they agree to

run for election.

Each candidate,  in alphabetical order, shall be granted the

floor for  15 minutes; candidates to the office of Seimas Speaker

shall be  entitled to  30 minutes;  corresponding amounts of time

shall  be   allotted  for   said  persons  to  answer  questions.

Thereafter, a  debate shall  commence if  the Seimas  members  so


Article  194.  Voting  for  each  candidate  shall  be  done

separately. If  more candidates  than necessary are nominated for

election to  one office,  voting shall  be done  by ballot with a

list of candidates.

A candidate shall be deemed elected if more than half of the

voting Seimas  members vote for him or her, with the exception of

repeat voting  as provided for in this Chapter, in which case the

candidate who  has received a relative majority of votes shall be

deemed elected.

In  the  event  that  no  candidate  receives  the  required

majority of  votes, or  if it is impossible to determine which of

the candidates  have been  elected due  to a  tie, a  repeat vote

shall be held.


Article 195. In voting for an empty post when there are more

than two candidates, all of the candidates, with the exception of

those who  received the  lowest number  of votes, shall remain on

the ballot  for repeat balloting. If several candidates have tied

for the least number of votes and two or more candidates received

more votes,  the candidates  with the least number of votes shall                                          52

be removed from the next ballot. Otherwise, all of the candidates

shall remain  on  the  next  ballot.  If  the  situation  remains

unchanged after  the repeat vote, the election shall be postponed

to another  day. If two candidates receive the required number of

votes, the provisions of Par. 2 hereof shall apply.

If there  are two  candidates for  an empty  office during a

repeat vote,  the Seimas  member who received more votes shall be

deemed to have been elected. In the event of a tie, a repeat vote

shall be held the next day; if no candidate is elected during the

repeat vote, a new election shall be held.

When  elections   to  several   unfilled  offices  are  held

simultaneously and the number of candidates exceeds the number of

offices, the  names of  all of  the candidates who were nominated

but not  elected shall  be entered  on  the  ballots  for  repeat

voting. After  the repeat  vote, the  candidates who received the

most votes  shall be deemed to have been elected. When necessary,

balloting shall be repeated on another day. 

Chapter 31. Consideration of the Prime Minister's Candidature

and the Government Programme


Article 196.  In the cases provided for in the Constitution,

the Seimas shall, upon receiving a nomination for the candidature

of the  Prime Minister  from the  President of the Republic, give

the President  of the  Republic an  opportunity  to  present  the

candidate  during   the  next   sitting.  Upon   presenting   the

candidature of  the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic

shall not  be asked  any questions.  After the  President of  the

Republic has presented the candidature of the Prime Minister, the

candidate shall  be granted  the floor  (for up  to 30  minutes);

thereafter the  candidate shall  answer questions  posed  by  the

members of the Seimas (for up to 40 minutes).

Thereafter, the  candidature of  the Prime Minister shall be

referred to parliamentary groups of the Seimas for consideration.

Parliamentary groups shall have the right to invite the candidate

to their  sittings for  a question  and answer  session at a time

coordinated with the candidate.

Parliamentary groups  must consider  the candidature  of the

Prime Minister within 2 work days.


Article 197. Another sitting of the Seimas must be organised

within 5  work days  from the  presentation of the candidature of

the Prime  Minister in  order to  adopt a decision concerning the

proposed candidacy.

During this sitting, the conclusions of parliamentary groups

shall be  heard first. Thereafter, a discussion shall be held, at

the end of which the candidate shall be granted the floor (for up

to 20 minutes), and shall also be given the opportunity to answer

questions posed by members of the Seimas (for up to 30 minutes).

Once the  candidate finishes  answering  questions,  a  vote

shall be  taken on  whether or  not the  candidature of the Prime

Minister should be approved. 

The President  of the  Republic has  the right to revoke the

nominated candidature  at any  time up until the beginning of the

vote for approval.


Article 198.  The Prime  Minister shall,  within 15  days of

being appointed,  present a Government which has been approved by

the President  of the  Republic to  the  Seimas  and  submit  the

Government programme  for consideration.  Members of  the  newly-

formed Government  must attend  the presentation.  The Government

programme must  be distributed  among the Seimas members at least

24 hours prior to the sitting.

When explaining  the programme, the Prime Minister may speak

for up  to 40  minutes. A total of one hour shall be allotted for

answering questions. Questions may be posed to the Prime Minister

and any of the ministers.                 53


Article 199. After being presented, the Government programme

shall be  considered by  the Seimas  parliamentary groups,  while

appropriate  Seimas  Committees  shall  consider  the  individual

sections thereof.

Committees and  parliamentary groups shall have the right to

invite  the   Prime  Minister   or  other  minister,  at  a  time

coordinated  therewith,   to  answer   questions  concerning  the

Government programme.

Seimas Committees  and  parliamentary  groups  must  prepare

their conclusions  concerning the  Government programme within 10

days after it is presented.


Article  200.   The  Seimas  must  consider  the  Government

programme during a sitting within 15 days after it is presented.

Conclusions of the Committees and parliamentary groups shall

first be  heard at  the sitting.  Thereafter, a  debate shall  be

held, at  the termination  of which  the Prime  Minister shall be

granted the  floor (for up to 20 minutes); the Prime Minister and

ministers shall also be given the opportunity to answer questions

posed by  the Seimas members one more time (for a total period of

up to one hour).

The  debate  concerning  the  Government  programme  may  be

terminated by  majority vote  of more  than half  of  the  voting

members of  the Seimas.  Such a  proposal shall  be put  to  vote

without discussion provided that at least one other member of the

Seimas expresses support therefor.

When the question and answer session has been completed, the

Seimas must adopt a decision concerning the Government programme.

The wording of the decision shall be presented in the conclusions

of the Committees and parliamentary groups. In the event that the

Government programme  is not  approved  or  is  returned  to  the

Government for  improvement thereof,  a revised  version  of  the

Government programme  must be  presented to  the Seimas within 10

days, and  the procedure for discussion thereof shall be repeated

in the manner established in Articles 198, 199, and 200.


Article  201.   The  new   Government   shall   be   granted

authorisation to  act after  the Seimas approves its programme by

majority vote of the Seimas members present at the sitting.

In  the  event  that  the  Seimas  refuses  to  approve  the

programme of the newly-formed Government two times in succession,

the Government must resign.


Article 202.  When more  than a  half of  the ministers  are

changed, the  Government must  be regranted  authorisation by the

Seimas. Otherwise the Government must resign.

If more  than half  of the ministers have been replaced, the

Prime Minister must, within 7 days of the appointment of the last

new minister,  present the  newly appointed ministers, as well as

the amendments  to the  Government programme  if amendments  have

been made,  during a sitting of the Seimas in order to be granted

new authorisation;  in the  event that  said  changes  were  made

between sessions, the Prime Minister must make said presentations

during the first 7 days of the next Seimas session.

During  the   presentation,  the  Seimas  members  may  pose

questions to the Prime Minister and the newly appointed ministers

(for a total of 30 minutes).

In the event that amendments to the Government programme are

presented,  discussion   shall  be  continued  according  to  the

procedure established  in Articles  198 and  199 of this Statute.

Otherwise, a  discussion shall  be  held  immediately  after  the

presentation, whereafter  the Seimas  may take  a vote concerning

the granting of authorisation or may decide to refer the issue to

the Committees  and parliamentary  groups for  consideration, but

for no longer than 7 days. In the latter case, a discussion shall                                          54

be held after the conclusions of the Committees and parliamentary

groups have been presented, and a vote concerning the granting of

authorisation shall be taken upon hearing an additional speech by

the Prime Minister (not exceeding 15 minutes).


Chapter 32. Consideration of Candidatures of other State

Officers, Constitutional Court Judges, and Supreme Court Judges

and their Appointment


Article 203.  The Seimas  shall appoint  the judges  of  the

Constitutional Court  and  the  Supreme  Court  as  well  as  the

chairpersons of  these Courts  and shall also appoint officers of

the  State  and  appoint  or  form  collegiate  institutions  (in

corpore) which  are provided  for in the Constitution and laws of

the  Republic  of  Lithuania.  The  persons  who  shall  nominate

candidates to  the above  offices shall  be  established  by  the

Constitution and other appropriate laws.

The Seimas  shall also  decide whether  or not to approve of

the candidatures  of the  judges and  officers appointed  by  the

President of  the  Republic  if  this  is  provided  for  in  the

Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 204.  Candidates to  offices  whereto  officers  are

appointed by  the Seimas  or offices  for the appointment whereto

approval of  the Seimas  is required shall be presented at Seimas

sittings by  the person  who nominated said candidate or proposed

the composition  of a  collegiate  institution  (in  corpore).  A

maximum of  10 minutes  shall be allotted for the presentation of

individual candidates,  whereas a  maximum of 20 minutes shall be

allotted  for   the  presentation  of  members  of  a  collegiate

institution. The  biographical data  of the  candidates  must  be

distributed to the Seimas members prior to the presentation.

Information concerning  candidatures of Constitutional Court

and Supreme  Court judges must be published in the press at least

two weeks before their presentation in the Seimas.

Said   candidates,    including   cases    when   collegiate

institutions (in  corpore) are  being  formed,  must  attend  the

Seimas sitting at which they are presented.

After being  presented, candidates  to Constitutional  Court

and Supreme  Court judges as well as candidates to heads of State

institutions shall  be granted  the floor  (for a  maximum of  10

minutes).  All   candidates  must,   without  exception,   answer

questions put  to them by members of the Seimas: up to 15 minutes

shall be  allotted to  each candidate to the Constitutional Court

and the  Supreme Court judge as well as to every other individual

candidate, and  up to  30 minutes shall be allotted to all of the

candidates to a collegiate institution.


Article 205.  After being  presented, candidatures  shall be

considered by  the Seimas  parliamentary groups  and  appropriate


Parliamentary groups  and Committees shall have the right to

invite candidates,  at a  time coordinated  therewith, to  attend

their respective sittings in order to pose questions to them.

Parliamentary  groups  and  Committees  must  present  their

conclusions concerning  candidatures to  the Seimas within 7 days

from the presentation of the candidature.


Article 206.  Proposed candidatures  must be considered in a

sitting of  the Seimas  within 10  days from  their presentation.

This sitting  must be  attended by  the person  who presented the


candidatures as  well as  the candidates, including candidates to

collegiate institutions (in corpore).

The conclusions of parliamentary groups and Committees shall

be heard first. Thereafter a discussion shall be held, during the                                          55

end whereof  members of the Seimas shall be given the opportunity

to pose  questions to the candidates and the person who presented

the  candidatures   (up  to  20  minutes  shall  be  allotted  to

individual candidates  and up  to 30 minutes shall be allotted to

collegiate  institutions).   Furthermore,   candidates   to   the

Constitutional Court  and the  Supreme Court judges, and heads of

State institutions  shall be  granted the floor (for a maximum of

10 minutes) prior to being questioned.

Thereafter the  Seimas shall  take  a  vote  concerning  the

appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court and the Supreme

Court and  of other  officers, the  appointment or formation of a

collegiate  institution  (in  corpore),  or  the  approval  of  a

candidature appointed by the President of the Republic.


Article 207.  Prior to  the commencement  of work, judges of

the Constitutional  and Supreme  Courts shall take an oath in the

Seimas  to  be  loyal  to  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  and  its

Constitution, and  to administer  justice only in accordance with

the laws. The State Controller, Chairman of the Board of the Bank

of Lithuania,  as well  as other  newly-appointed officers of the

State shall  publicly take an oath during a sitting of the Seimas

if it  is so  provided in  the laws  regulating the activities of

their respective State institution.


Article 208.  If an officer of the State or a court judge is

dismissed, resigns,  or for  some other reason cannot continue to

carry out  his or  her duties,  another  person  must,  during  a

session of  the Seimas,  be appointed  or approved  to said  post

within one month of the beginning of the vacancy or the beginning

of the session.






Chapter 33. Accountability of the Government and other State

Officers to the Seimas


Article 209.  Within 2  workdays after  every sitting of the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania,  copies of the decrees

adopted by  the Government  must be  delivered to  the Seimas for

distribution  among  all  of  the  Committees  and  parliamentary



Article 210. At the request of the Seimas, the Government or

individual  ministers  must  account  to  the  Seimas  for  their

respective activities.  The above  shall also  apply to  heads of

other State  institutions who  are either appointed by the Seimas

or for  whose appointment the approval of the Seimas is required,

with the exception of courts.

Persons who  are invited shall answer questions posed by the

Seimas members,  and shall  furnish other  information concerning

their own  activities and  the  activities  of  the  institutions

subordinate to them.

When drawing  up the week's work programme of the Seimas, it

shall be  established which  State institution  head shall answer

the questions  and interpellations  of the  Seimas  members  that



Article 211.  During a session of the Seimas, members of the

Government of  the Republic of Lithuania shall, as a rule, answer

questions of the Seimas members submitted through the Secretariat

of the  sittings for  a period  of one  hour and  no later than 2

workdays prior  to the  sitting. The  list of questions which are

planned to  be answered  and the  sequence of  their presentation

shall  be   established  by  the  Seimas  Speaker  and  shall  be                                          56

distributed among the Seimas members before the sitting.

Time permitting, members of the Seimas may pose questions to

the members of the Government participating in the sitting either

orally or in writing.


Article 212. At least once a month, the State Controller and

other heads of State institutions who are either appointed by the

Seimas or  whose appointment requires the approval of the Seimas,

with the  exception of  judges, must  answer the questions of the

Seimas members  during a  sitting of  the Seimas;  said questions

must be  submitted in  advance in written form. The procedure for

submitting and registering the questions shall be as specified in

Article 211.

Time permitting,  the  Seimas  members  may  ask  the  above

officers other questions either orally or in writing.


Article 213.  Criminal action  may not  be taken against the

Prime Minister,  ministers, or  judges; said officials may not be

arrested, or their liberty may not be in any other way restricted

without the prior consent of the Seimas or, in the period between

the sessions  of the  Seimas, without  the prior  consent of  the

President of the Republic.

Should a  motion be  submitted by  the Procurator General of

the Republic  of  Lithuania  to  institute  criminal  proceedings

against the  Prime Minister, an individual minister or a judge, a

commission of  inquiry shall  be formed  and other  acts shall be

performed pursuant to Article 24 of this Statute.


Chapter 34. Interpellations


Article 214.  A member  or group  of members  of the  Seimas

shall  address   a  written  interpellation  to  members  of  the

Government or  any other  heads of  State  institutions  who  are

appointed  by  the  Seimas  or  whose  appointment  requires  the

approval of  the Seimas, with the exception of courts, requesting

that  said   officers  present   information   concerning   their

activities and adopted decisions.

Only a  question of  national  or  public  significance,  in

respect whereof  a member  or group of members of the Seimas have

applied to  State institutions  and have  not, in  their opinion,

been given due consideration or have been given a negative reply,

shall be considered as an interpellation. Questions, the national

or public significance whereof is recognised by the Seimas or the

Seimas Board or a Committee or a parliamentary group, may also be

considered as interpellations.


Article 215.  The Secretariat of the sittings shall register

interpellations and  hand them  over to the Chancellor, who shall

notify the Seimas thereof and shall deliver the interpellation to

the appropriate officer.

Persons who  submit interpellations  must name  the  officer

whom they are addressing and specify whether they expects an oral

or written  reply. In  the event  that the  form of  reply is not

specified, it  shall be given in writing, shall be distributed to

the  Committees  and  parliamentary  groups,  and  shall  not  be

considered in a sitting of the Seimas.

Persons who  submit interpellations  shall have the right to

withdraw them at any time.


Article 216.  The period  within which  a reply to a written

interpellation must  be given may not be longer than 2 weeks and,


during its  consideration in the Seimas sitting during a session,

no longer than 3 weeks from the day of its lodging.

In the  event that the officer to whom the interpellation is

addressed cannot  reply within  the established period, he or she                                          57

must give  a written  substantiation thereof  and propose  a  new

date, but  no later  than within  one month  from the  day of the

lodging of the interpellation; however, should the interpellators

object  to   the  substantiation,   the  consideration   of   the

interpellation must be held at the fixed date.


Article  217.  During  sessions,  interpellations  shall  be

considered at  least twice a month at the sittings of the Seimas.

Should at  least 1/5  of the Seimas members request consideration

of an  interpellation, the  interpellation shall be considered in

the mandatory procedure.

The list of interpellations shall be presented to the Seimas

members no later than one day before the consideration thereof.

The interpellators  (at least  one  representative  thereof)

must participate  in the  consideration of the interpellation. If

the interpellator  is absent  from the  sitting, consideration of

the interpellation  shall be  postponed. If  the interpellator is

absent from  the sitting without prior notice, the interpellation

shall be annulled.

Interpellator may  not preside  over sittings in which their

interpellations are considered.


Article 218.  An interpellation  shall be  considered at the

sitting of the Seimas according to the following procedure:

1) a  speech delivered  by the  interpellator (for  up to  5


2) a  reply given  by the officer to whom the interpellation

is addressed (for up to 15 minutes); and

3) a  discussion, should it be requested by any Committee or

parliamentary group. During the discussion, the floor shall, as a

rule, be  granted in  turn to  those members  of the  Seimas  who

approve of  the reply  to the  interpellation and  to  those  who

object thereto.  No more  than 4  members of  the Seimas shall be

granted the  floor, unless  the Seimas  decides  to  prolong  the


In the  event that  the interpellators are dissatisfied with

the  reply  to  the  interpellation,  they  may  submit  a  draft

resolution for  consideration in  the Seimas;  the  Seimas  shall

evaluate the reply and the draft therein.



Chapter 35. Removal from Office of Seimas Officers and Heads of

other State Institutions


Article 219. Proposals to dismiss a Seimas officer or a head

of a  State institution  who is appointed by the Seimas, with the

exception of  cases of impeachment proceedings as provided for in

the Constitution, must be considered when they are presented by a

justified letter  from the Seimas Board, a committee, or at least

1/5 of  the Seimas members. A committee may not propose to remove

the chairman of another committee from office.


Article 220.  Petitions concerning the removal of an officer

from office  shall be filed with the Seimas Speaker; petitions to

remove the  Seimas Speaker  from office  shall be lodged with the

Seimas Chancellor.  Such petitions  must be announced in the next

sitting of the Seimas.

The same members of the Seimas may not request to remove the

same officer from office more than once during a single session.


Article 221.  The officer  of the  Seimas whose removal from

office is under discussion may not preside over that sitting.

During discussions concerning the dismissal of an officer of

the Seimas or head of a State institution, the first person to be

granted the  floor shall  be the representative of the initiators

of the  issue concerning  removal  from  office  (for  up  to  10                                          58

minutes); thereafter,  the floor  shall be granted to the officer

whose removal  from office  is under  consideration (for up to 30

minutes). The  latter shall  then be  given up  to 30  minutes to

answer questions.  The subsequent  discussion shall  be continued

according to the general procedure.


Article 222.  Decisions concerning  the dismissal  of Seimas

officers or  heads of  State institutions  shall  be  adopted  by

majority vote  of more  than a  half of  all Seimas members. Said

voting shall be done by secret ballot.


Chapter 36. Interpellations and Non-Confidence in the



Article 223.  During a  session, a  group of at least 1/5 of

the Seimas  members may  submit an  interpellation to  the  Prime

Minister or  an individual minister requesting that said officers

elaborate on the motives of the decisions they have adopted.

No signature  may be  cancelled after the interpellation has

been filed  with the  Seimas Chancellor,  who  shall  immediately

register the  interpellation and  refer  it  to  the  appropriate

member of the Government.

The same  group of  the Seimas  members may  not  repeatedly

interpellate  the  same  member  of  the  Government  during  one



Article 224.  Upon receipt of an interpellation, a member of

the Government must deliver a written reply to the Seimas Speaker

within two  weeks; the  Seimas members shall be familiarised with

said reply.

Upon receiving a reply to an interpellation, the Seimas must

consider said reply during a sitting within 5 workdays.


Article 225. Interpellations shall be considered at sittings

of the Seimas according to the following procedure:

1) a  speech  by  the  representative  of  the  persons  who

submitted the interpellation (for up to 10 minutes);

2) a  reply by  the officer  who received the interpellation

(for up to 30 minutes);

3) answers  to questions  posed by the Seimas members to the

officer who received the interpellation (for up to 30 minutes);

4) a  discussion during which, as a rule, the floor shall be

granted in  turn to  the members of the Seimas who approve of and

to those who object to the reply to the interpellation;

5) the  final speech  of the  officer who  has received  the

interpellation; and

6) the  formation of  a drafting commission according to the

requirements set  forth in Article 77 of this Statute for drawing

up  the   draft  resolution   of  the   Seimas   concerning   the

interpellation. The members who submitted the interpellation must

constitute at least 1/3 of the commission members.


Article 226.  Draft resolutions  of  the  Seimas  concerning

interpellations must be presented to the Seimas for consideration

no later  than on  the next day of sittings. The Seimas' approval

or disapproval  of the  reply of the Prime Minister or individual

minister may  be stated  in the  draft of  the resolution  of the

Seimas concerning the interpellation.

In the event that non-confidence in the Prime Minister or an

individual minister  is declared  in a  draft resolution  of  the

Seimas, said draft may be adopted by majority vote of more than a

half of  all the  Seimas members;  said voting  shall be  done by

secret ballot.  Should such resolution be adopted, the Government

in corpore  or the individual minister in whom non-confidence has

been declared must resign.


Article 227.  During a  session of the Seimas, a group of at

least 1/5 of the Seimas members may submit a draft of a justified

resolution wherein  non-confidence in the Government is declared.

Such draft  resolution shall  be considered in the same manner as

an interpellation to the Prime Minister.


Chapter 37. Ad Hoc Commissions of Control or Inquiry


Article 228.  Ad hoc commissions of control or inquiry shall

be formed  for exercising  control over the implementation of the

decisions of  the Seimas,  for collecting  and presenting  to the

Seimas information  and conclusions  required for  dealing with a

pending problem  and adopting  a decision  thereon, as well as in

other cases provided for in this Statute.

Ad hoc  commissions of  control or  inquiry shall  be formed

according to  the procedure  set forth  in  Article  77  of  this

Statute and  shall  consist  of  at  least  four  members  and  a

chairperson. The chairperson of the commission shall be appointed

by the Seimas.

For its  work the  commission may  enlist the specialists of

appropriate spheres.

The period  of work  of the ad hoc commissions of control or

inquiry shall be up to 6 months.


Article  229.  The  right  of  initiative  to  form  ad  hoc

commissions of  control or  inquiry shall be vested in the Seimas

Board, Committees,  and parliamentary  groups, unless  in special

cases  this  Statute  provides  otherwise.  The  initiators  must

present to  the Seimas  a draft resolution concerning the forming

of  an  ad  hoc  commission  of  control  or  inquiry,  in  which

resolution the objective of forming the commission as well as its

tasks and powers shall be specified.

As necessary, the Seimas Speaker must notify the Prosecutor-

General and  the Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania of the

initiative to form an ad hoc commission of control or inquiry. If

the  Prosecutor-General   notifies  in   writing  that   criminal

proceedings have  been instituted  in connection  with the  facts

which determined  the initiative  of forming the commission, such

commission shall  not be formed; in the event that it has already

been formed,  its activities  must be terminated by a decision of

the Seimas.   


Article 230.  The sittings  of ad hoc commissions of control

or inquiry  shall be closed to all persons, with the exception of

those persons  who are  invited; a  list of said persons shall be

drawn up according to the requests of the commission members. The

information collected  by the  commission during  its work period

shall not be made public.

Ad hoc  commissions of  control or  inquiry shall  have  the

right to request that enterprises, institutions and organisations

present the  required  information  concerning  their  respective

activities, that  the officers  of the law enforcement bodies and

the prosecutor's  office present documents and give evidence, and

that any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania give evidence.


Article 231.  Upon completing  the work  it was charged with

and collecting and summarizing the data, the ad hoc commission of

control or  inquiry  shall  present  their  conclusions  and  the

prepared draft resolution to the Seimas.

A resolution  shall be  adopted at the sitting of the Seimas

concerning the  issue which  has been  considered by  the ad  hoc

commission  of   control  or   inquiry.  Non-confidence   in  the

Government, a  minister or  any other  head of  State institution

appointed by the Seimas may be declared or motions concerning the

proposed  impeachment   proceedings  may   be  presented  in  the

resolution. In  the case  of non-confidence, the requirements set                                          60

forth in  Articles 222  or 226  of this  Statute shall  apply  in

adopting the resolution.


Chapter 38. Control of the State Budget Statement


Article 266.  The general  permanent control of State Budget

performance shall  be exercised  by the  Committee on  Budget and

Finance.  Other   Committees  of   the  Seimas  may  control  the

performance  of  the  Budget  chapters  which  are  within  their


The State  Budget performance  shall be  considered  at  the

sitting of  the Seimas  at least  once every 6 months. In such an

event, the  Government shall present the State Budget performance

statement for consideration.


Article 233.  The Government shall prepare and, by March 31,

present to  the  Seimas  Speaker  the  State  Budget  performance

statement for  the  previous  year.  The  State  Controller  must

present to  the Seimas  Chancellor a  report on  the State Budget

performance statement  within a  month from the date on which the

Government presented the statement to the Seimas Speaker.

The Seimas  Chancellor shall,  within  2  workdays,  present

copies of  the above  statement and  of  the  State  Controller's

report to  the Committee  on Budget  and Finance,  as well  as to

other committees and parliamentary groups.  

Upon receipt of the State Controller's report, the report of

the Government  on the State Budget performance statement as well

as an additional report of the State Controller shall be heard at

the next sitting. Within 3 weeks from the sitting, the Committees

shall consider the State Budget performance statement and prepare



Article 234.  The State Budget performance statement and the

State Controller's  report must  be considered  at the sitting of

the Seimas by June 1.

A report  of the  Committee on Budget and Finance as well as

the conclusions  of  other  committees  shall  be  heard  at  the

sitting. Upon  the completion of discussions, a resolution of the

Seimas concerning  the performance  of the  State Budget shall be


In the  event that the statement is not approved, the Seimas

shall resolve the issue concerning the restoration of legality of

revenues or  expenditures. An  appropriate  resolution  shall  be

drafted for  that purpose,  and a  vote on  non-confidence in the

Government or an individual member thereof may be taken according

to the procedure established in Article 226 of this Statute.







Chapter 39. The proposal to Initiate Impeachment Proceedings

and the Preliminary Investigation



Article  235.   Impeachment   proceedings   shall   be   the

parliamentary procedure  which shall  be applied by the Seimas to

members of  the Seimas  as well  as to  State  officials  of  the

highest rank  who are specified in Article 74 of the Constitution

of the  Republic of  Lithuania for  their actions which discredit

the authority  of powers,  in order  to solve the question of the

responsibility of  such individuals. In the event that a concrete

individual is  found guilty  during this  procedure,  the  person

shall be  dismissed from his or her post or his or her mandate as

a Seimas member shall be abolished.       61

Article  236.   Legal  action,   in  accordance   with   the

impeachment proceedings,  may be instituted against the President

of the Republic, the Chairperson and judges of the Constitutional

Court, the  Chairperson and  judges of  the  Supreme  Court,  the

Chairperson and  judges of  the Court of Appeals, and the members

of the Seimas.


Article  237.   There  shall   be  grounds   for  initiating

impeachment proceedings in the event that an individual specified

in Article 236 of this Statute has:    

1) grossly violated the Constitution;

2) breached an oath; or

3) committed a felony.

Only one  of the  grounds specified  in this  Article  shall

suffice to initiate impeachment proceedings.


Article  238.   The  right  to  request  the  initiation  of

impeachment proceedings  against a concrete for reasons specified

in Article  237 individual  shall be  granted to,  any  group  of

Seimas members  consisting of  at least  1/4 of all of the Seimas

members, the  President of  the Republic and the Judges' Court of

Honour if  the case  concerns the  Chairperson or  judges of  the

Constitutional Court or the Court of Appeals.    

The  proposal   to  the   Seimas  to   initiate   impeachment

proceedings against  a concrete person shall not be related to the

norms of the Article 239 of this Statute.   

Article 239.  Upon establishing  that persons  referred to in

Article 236  of this  Statute are  suspected of having committed a

felony, the  Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania shall

immediately inform  the  Seimas  thereon  and  submit  appropriate

material thereto.  

In the event that the President of the Republic is suspected

of  having  committed  a  felony,  the  Seimas  shall  carry  out

preliminary impeachment  proceedings provided  for in Article 244

of this Statute.   

Upon hearing  the Prosecutor  General's report  on a  felony

committed by  other persons,  the Seimas  shall decide whether to

give its  approval to institute legal action against the concrete

person (according  to the procedure provided for in this Statute)

or to initiate preliminary impeachment proceedings.


Article 240.  While bringing a charge concerning a committed

felony, the  statutes of limitation provided for in criminal laws

shall be  applicable. In  other cases,  no statutes of limitation

shall be applicable notwithstanding when the misdemeanor has been

committed with  which an individual is charged with, however, the

committed misdemeanor  must have  been committed  while he or she

was in office referred to in Article 236 of this Statute.


Article 241.  Proposal to  initiate impeachment  proceedings

must be  submitted to  the Seimas  in writing  - in the form of a

motion, while  proposals made  by the  President of  the Republic

shall be  presented in  the form  of  appeal  by  indicating  the

concrete person,  the  charge  formulated  against  said  person,

arguments, major facts, and evidence or sources thereof.

Article 242.  Normally the  proposal to initiate impeachment

proceedings is  submitted during  sessions  of  the  Seimas.  The

Seimas Speaker  or Deputy  Speaker shall immediately present such

proposals to  the Seimas  members and shall, no later than within

one week during the session or within one week from the beginning

of the  session, submit  a proposal to the Seimas to consider the



Article 243.  Upon hearing  a proposal made by the initiators

specified in  Article 238  or their  representative concerning the

initiation  of   impeachment  proceedings   against   a   concrete                                          62

individual, the  Seimas shall form a commission to investigate the

validity and  seriousness of  the submitted charges and to prepare

the  finding  concerning  the  proposal  to  initiate  impeachment

proceedings. In  its work  the commission shall be governed by the

provisions provided for in Chapter 37 of this Statute.


Article 244.  A special  investigation commission  shall  be

formed from the Seimas members, representatives of the initiators

of the  impeachment proceedings,  and lawyers who are employed at

courts, investigative  structures, or  prosecutor's office.  Such

lawyers must  comprise no  more than  one half  of the commission

members. While working on the commission, the lawyers shall enjoy

equal rights  with other members of the commission, but they must

strictly comply  with the  principle of  political  impartiality.

There may  be no  more than 12 members on the commission. Members

of the commission shall be proposed by the Seimas majority or the

minority and  initiators of the impeachment proceedings according

to the  principles set  forth in Article 77 of this Statute which

shall be entitled to propose 1/3 of all the commission members.

Along with the formation of the commission, the Seimas shall

appoint the  commission chairperson  and deputy  chairperson, and

shall fix  the dates for the execution of investigation. At least

one of the heads of the commission must be a professional lawyer.


Article 245.  Sittings of  the special  Seimas investigation

commission concerned  with impeachment proceedings shall normally

be closed.  Only the  chairperson of  the commission  or a member

authorised by  the chairperson  shall inform  the press and other

mass media about the course of investigation.


Article 246.  The commission's sittings shall be recorded in

the minutes.  Minutes shall  be kept  by a secretary appointed by

the commission,  according to  the regulations of keeping minutes

of court  sittings. The minutes of the sitting shall be signed by

the chairperson and secretary of the commission. 

During sittings,  explanations as  well as  arguments of the

initiators of  impeachment proceedings  and defendants  (or their

representatives) shall  be heard,  witnesses shall be questioned,

the list  of whom  shall be  made up  according to  the proposals

submitted  by  all  the  members  of  the  special  investigation

commission  and  the  defendant,  and  other  evidence  shall  be

accumulated, examined  and evaluated; when necessary, experts and

specialists shall  be invited  and discussions shall be held. The

defendant's lawyer may also take part in the sittings.


Article 247.  Witnesses and  experts shall  be summoned  and

questioned in  accordance with  the rules  of the  criminal code:

they shall  be warned  of their  responsibility for  avoiding  or

refusing to  give evidence  as well as for giving knowingly false

evidence; the  giving of  such warnings  shall  be  confirmed  by

witnesses' signatures.  Minutes  concerning  the  questioning  of

witnesses shall  be recorded  and, after a witness has read them,

may be  supplemented or  amended, and  then must be signed by the

witness. Experts  shall present  their findings  in writing after

having signed them.


Article 248.  If the  special  investigation  commission  by

majority vote  so proposes,  the Seimas  may pass  a decision  to

appeal to  the Constitutional  Court  concerning  the  conclusion

whether concrete actions of the Seimas members or state officials

against  whom   impeachment  proceedings  are  initiated  are  in

conformity with the Constitution.


Article 249.  Upon the  conclusion of the investigation, the

special investigation commission shall present its findings which

shall contain:                            63

1) the  essence of  the  charge,  the  place,  time,  means,

motives  and  other  essential  circumstances  of  the  committed


2) the established facts and evidence;, and

3) the explanations of the defendant.


In the  event that  the  presented  charges  have  not  been

proved, it  shall be indicated in the findings and the actions of

investigation which  have been  carried out shall be described in

brief. Taking  into account  the results of the investigation, it

shall be  summarised at the end of the findings whether there are

grounds to  institute impeachment  proceedings in  the Seimas  or

whether such grounds do not exist.

More than  half of  majority votes  of  all  the  commission

members are  necessary for  the approval  of  the  findings.  The

results of  the voting  shall be  recorded in  the minutes of the

sitting. The  findings shall  be signed  by  the  chairperson  or

deputy chairperson of the commission.  

The commission shall prepare a draft resolution on the basis

of approved findings.


Article 250.  Upon coming  to the  conclusion that  there are

grounds for  initiating impeachment proceedings in the Seimas, the

special investigation  commission  must  also  formulate  concrete

charges. This  may be done at the end of the commission's findings

or in a separate document.   

The investigation  commission shall also decide who on behalf

of the committee shall substantiate the charge and carry out other

functions of  the prosecutor  in the Seimas during the impeachment

proceedings. The  commission may  appoint up  to 7  prosecutors --

members of  the Seimas.  The commission shall inform the Seimas of

their names and powers in writing.


Article  251.  The  commission  shall  submit  the  prepared

findings along with a draft Seimas resolution and other documents

to the  Speaker, who  shall submit these documents for the Seimas

consideration at its next sitting.



Chapter 40. Impeachment Procedure in the Seimas


Article 252.  In the  event that  the special  investigation

commission reaches  the conclusion  that there are no grounds for

the initiation  of  impeachment  proceedings,  the  Seimas  shall

consider the  validity of  motives and  arguments which have been

formulated in the findings and shall decide whether said findings

shall be  assented. If  the Seimas  approves the  findings  by  a

majority vote  of the  Seimas members  who attend the sitting, it

shall be  held that  there was  no assent to initiate impeachment

proceedings. Impeachment  proceedings based  on the  same charges

may only  be instituted  against the  same person only after one-

year period , and only under the condition that new circumstances

have become evident.    

In  the   event  that   the  Seimas  does  not  approve  the

commission's  conclusion  that  there  are  no  grounds  for  the

initiation of impeachment proceedings, the Seimas must decide who

shall be  charged with  the execution of a repeat investigation -

the same investigation commission or a new one.


Article 253.  Upon  hearing  the  findings  of  the  special

investigation commission  according to which there are grounds to

initiate impeachment  proceedings, the  Seimas  shall  carry  out

necessary arrangements  and shall  adopt the  following decisions

necessary for the execution of this procedure:

1)  shall   adopt  a   resolution  to  initiate  impeachment

proceedings in the Seimas against a concrete person;                                          64

2) shall  establish of  the commencement  of the impeachment

proceedings  no   later  than  after  15  days  and  schedule  of


3) shall  adopt a resolution to invite the Chairperson of the

Supreme Court  or another  judge  thereof  to  preside  over  this

procedure, and  in  the  event  the  impeachment  proceedings  are

instituted against the Chairperson of the Supreme Court or a judge

thereof - to invite the Chairperson of the Constitutional Court or

another judge thereof to preside over this procedure; 

4) as  necessary, shall  request the Constitutional Court to

provide findings  whether concrete  actions of a Seimas member or

other state official comply with the Constitution; and

5) shall perform other necessary preparatory actions.


Article 254.  Impeachment proceedings  shall  start  in  the

Seimas on  the fixed  date. They  shall be  presided over  by the

Chairperson of the Supreme Court or another judge thereof, or the

Chairperson of the Constitutional Court or another judge thereof.

One more  judge of the Supreme Court or Constitutional Court must

take part  in all  sittings, from  the first  to the last, of the

impeachment proceedings,  and, as  necessary, shall  act for  the

Chairperson of the hearing.  

Upon  announcing   the  commencement   of  the   impeachment

proceedings, the  Seimas shall  become an impeachment institution

in which  investigation shall  be carried  out in compliance with

the principles  and rules  of criminal  procedure if this Statute

does not provide otherwise.

The minutes  of the  hearing shall  be kept by the secretary

appointed by  the Chairperson according to the rules of recording

court hearings.    

Impeachment proceedings  in the Seimas shall be public. They

may be broadcast by television and radio.


Article 255.  Impeachment proceedings in the Seimas shall be

comprised of the following major parts: the preparatory part, the

court investigation,  court disputes,  and the  defendant's final

word concerning  the articles  of impeachment  and voting  on the

presented charges.


Article 256.  During the preparatory part of the hearing the

essence  of   the  impeachment   case  under  investigation,  the

defendant, and the prosecutors and their representatives shall be

introduced, their  rights and  duties shall  be explained,  their

requests shall  be heard  and decisions  thereon shall be passed,

and the possibilities to continue investigation of the case shall

be clarified.


Article 257.  The court  investigation shall be commenced by

reading  the  material  of  the  charge  aloud  and  hearing  the

defendant's explanations.  Then the defendant and witnesses shall

be questioned,  the findings  of the  experts shall be heard, and

the evidence shall be examined.   

Prior to the end of the court investigation, the prosecutors

shall have  the right to define the formulation of the charge and

remove technical  errors which  have been  found  therein.  While

defining the formulations of the charge, the formulations must be

delivered in  writing to the defendant and the chairperson of the

hearing, who  shall  immediately  announce  them  to  the  Seimas

members. Upon  receiving the  defined formulations of the charge,

the defendant or the defendant's defender shall have the right to

demand the continuation or renewal of the court investigation.


Article 258.  Court  disputes  shall  be  the  speeches  and

remarks   of    the   prosecutor,   the   defendant   and   their

representatives. The  right to  the  final  remark  shall  always

belong to  the defender, and in the event of his or her absence -                                          65

to the defendant.  

In the  end of court disputes the defendant shall be granted

the final  word. It  shall not  be permitted  to ask questions or

make remarks at that moment.


Article 259. Issues concerning procedure shall be settled by

the chairperson of the hearing. As necessary, the chairperson may

ask the Seimas to voice its opinion or request approval of his or

her decisions.  Only upon  the permission  of the chairperson may

the members  of the  Seimas pose questions to the participants of

the proceedings. The members of the Seimas shall not be permitted

to speak about the essence of the case or to attempt to influence

the course  of the proceedings in any other manner. However, they

may protest  the chairperson's refusal to permit questioning or a

hasty decision to terminate interrogation, and may reject them by



Article 260.  The defendant  shall have  the right to resign

from his  office or  to renounce the mandate of the Seimas member

by  submitting  an  application  in  writing,  in  any  stage  of

impeachment proceedings  but  only  prior  to  the  beginning  of

voting. Such  applications must be immediately satisfied. In such

case, the  impeachment proceedings  shall be  terminated  and  it

shall be made official by a resolution of the Seimas.


Article 261.  The final part of the legal procedure - voting

for  the   articles  of  impeachment  -  shall  start  after  the

defendant's final word. 

Each article  of impeachment  shall be  put  on  a  separate

voting card.  After the  text  of  the  charge,  the  alternative

variants of  the response:  "I charge" or "I do not charge" shall

be made  thereon. Prior  to distribution,  voting cards  shall be

marked by a special seal of the chairperson of the hearing.


Article 262. A commission for the calculation of votes shall

be made  in compliance with the requirements set forth in Article

123 of this Statute.    

Each article of impeachment shall be put to vote separately.

Only the Seimas members shall take part in the voting.

Upon calculating  the votes,  the chairperson of the hearing

shall announce  the voting results on each article of impeachment



Article 263.  If 3/5  of all  the Seimas  members vote for at

least one  article of impeachment, it shall be considered that the

person has  been impeached,  i.e. the  Seimas has  found that  the

person is  guilty of  the felony  with which  he or  she has  been


Following the  report of  the commission for the calculation

of votes,  the chairperson  of  the  hearing  shall  dictate  the

following entry of the minutes:

"Upon the execution of impeachment proceedings in the Seimas

on ...  (date), it  has been  found by a majority vote of all the

Seimas members  that citizen ............(name, surname and post)

...(entry according  to the  text  of  the  approved  article  of

impeachment)..., therefore,  from this day the .... (date), (said

person) shall  be removed  from his  (or her)  post (or  shall be

deprived of  the mandate of Seimas member) by the decision of the


Then the  chairperson shall  sign this  entry  and  publicly

announce it during the Seimas sitting.


Article 264.  In the  event that  not a  single  article  of

impeachment receives  at least 3/5 of the votes of all the Seimas

members, it  shall be considered that the Seimas has not approved

the impeachment.  The chairperson  of the  hearing shall announce                                          66

this publicly  and an  appropriate entry thereon shall be made in

the minutes of the sitting.

In cases  where less  than 3/5  but more than 1/2 of all the

Seimas  members  voted  for  the  article  of  impeachment  which

corresponds to the indications of a criminal offence, it shall be

considered that  the Seimas  has assented  to  bringing  a  legal

action against  a concrete  person  with  the  exception  of  the

President of the Republic.


Article 265.  The minutes  of the  Seimas sittings  shall be

signed by the chairperson of the hearing and the secretary of the

hearing appointed by him or her.  

Entries of  the minutes  concerning the voting results shall

be equaled  to the  resolutions of  the Seimas.  They shall enter

into effect  from the  moment of  their announcement  and must be

executed .  Along with  the  voting  results,  they  may  not  be

appealed against or subjected to review.


Article  266.   When,  according   to   the   procedure   of

impeachment, the  Seimas finds  that a concrete person is guilty,

he/she shall  be considered  to have been removed from his or her

post or to have been deprived of the mandate of Seimas member.

Legal liability  may also  be  incurred  on  them  for  committed

felonies according to general procedure.

Individuals who  have resigned from their posts of their own

accord or  who have  renounced mandates  of a Seimas member shall

lose the  right of inviolability established by the Constitution,

and shall  therefore be subjected to legal liability according to

the general procedure.





Article 267.  All issues  concerning the  procedure  of  the

Seimas activities, which are not provided for in this Statute and

the laws  of the  Republic of  Lithuania, shall  be  proposed  to

decide upon  by the  chairperson  of  the  Seimas  sitting.  Such

decision shall  be adopted without debate by majority vote of the

Seimas members who participated in the voting.


Article  268.   Until  31   December  1994   amendments  and

supplements of  this Statute  shall be  adopted according  to the

general procedure  and in  compliance with  the requirements  set

forth in Part 5 of this Statute.

Beginning from  1 January 1995, the Statute of the Seimas of

the Republic  of Lithuania  and  its  separate  articles  may  be

repealed, supplemented  or amended  by majority vote of more than

half of all the Seimas members.