Lithuanian SSR, Eleventh Convocation, 12 February 1990)
Chapter 1
General Principles
Article 1. Concept and Legal Regulation of Local Government
1. Local government shall be the independent activity on
resolving local issues and implementing the decisions adopted
under law as carried out by the citizens residing on the
territory of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of
Lithuania and by the bodies of local government accountable to
2. Local government shall be the unity of the citizens
residing on the territory of the administrative-territorial unit
and the bodies of state power and government formed by them.
3. Local governments of the Republic shall be regulated by
the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Republic of Lithuania, this
Law and also laws of the Republic of Lithuania or of the local
government of rural territorial units, settlements, towns and
regions, and also by other laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 2. Principles of Local Government
The underlying principles of local government shall be as
1) direct participation of the citizens of the Republic of
Lithuania in the preparation, consideration, adoption and
implementation of decisions on public life matters that are of
importance for them;
2) supremacy of the representative state power bodies and
their officials to the citizens, and control exercised by the
3) accountability of local government bodies and their
officials to the citizens, and control exercised by the citizens;
1. The foundation for the organisation of local government
shall be administrative-territorial units of the Republic of
Lithuania established and altered by the Supreme Council of the
Republic of Lithuania.
2. There shall be two levels of local government: the
lower level and the higher level.
The lower level of local government shall embrace the rural
territorial units, settlements, and regional cities.
The higher level of local government shall embrace regions
and towns under the Republic's jurisdiction.
3. Taking into consideration the interests and requests of
the citizens residing on the territory, the appropriate councils
of people's deputies (hereinafter: councils of local government
or councils) authorised by the Presidium of the Supreme Council
of the Republic of Lithuania may divide their respective
territory into smaller units to better organise their government.
Article 4. Means for the Implementation of Local
2. The most important forms of direct democracy through
which local government is implemented shall be civic initiative,
participation of citizens in the discussion and resolution of all
significant questions, election of representation bodies,
participation in the implementation of adopted decisions and
possibility to exercise control over the activity of local
government bodies.
3. The basis of representative democracy of local self-
government shall be local government councils elected in
accordance with the Law on the Election of Deputies to the Local
Councils of People's Deputies.
Local government councils shall form executive bodies
subordinate and accountable to them, govern them and control
their activity.
Chapter 2
State Governing Bodies of Local Government
Article 5. Councils of People's Deputies
1. The councils of people's deputies shall constitute the
representative state power body of local government within its
territory; it shall coordinate the activity of other local
government bodies, direct the local economy and cultural
activities, concern itself with rational exploitation of natural
wealth and protection of the environment, with the observance of
laws and implementation of government directives, and ensure
public order and protect citizens' rights and legitimate
2. The first session of the newly elected council shall be
convened by the appropriate electoral committees not later than
two weeks after the elections, provided no less than two-thirds
of the deputies of the council are elected. The first session of
the council shall be opened by the chairman of the electoral
committee who shall preside over the session until the election
of the chairman of the council. (Amended 5 April 1990)
Subsequent sessions of the council shall be convened by the
chairman (presidium) of the council on his own initiative or on
the demand of no less than one-third of the deputies of the
council, expressed in writing with the indication of questions
which need to be considered, as well as on the proposal of the
executive body of the local government. The chairman (presidium)
of the council shall convene the session not later than within
two weeks from his receipt of the deputies' demand to do so. If
the session is not timely convened, it may be convened on the
decision of no less than one-third of the deputies of the
3. A session of the council shall be valid if it is
attended by no less than two-thirds of all the deputies of the
If the session did not take place, or if not all the
questions were considered at it owing to the absence of a quorum,
a new session on the basis of the prior agenda, or sittings on
unconsidered questions shall be valid if attended by a majority
of the council deputies.
Decisions of the council shall be adopted by a majority vote
of all the council deputies if there is a quorum, or a majority
of the number of the council deputies, except in cases where the
law provides otherwise. (Amended 19 July 1990)
Article 7. Exclusive Competence of the Council
The council shall be empowered to discuss and resolve all
issues that are within its competence under the laws of the
Republic of Lithuania. Exclusively at sessions the Council shall:
1) affirm the powers of the deputies and revoke their powers
before the expiration of their term in the cases prescribed by
3) form standing and other committees, groups of deputies
and other bodies of the council and make alterations in their
9) establish basic trends of economic and social development
of the local government and evaluate the results of their work;
10) approve the budget and the report on its implementation;
distribute additional budgetary resources and approve estimates
of and reports on the utilisation of nonbudgetary resources;
11) establish statutory rules of ownership and
administration of objects owned by local government, exercise
control over their exploitation and resolve other questions
related to property;
12) revoke permits to engage in economic activity or suspend
the work of enterprises,
institutions and organisations in the event of violation of
laws on environmental
protection, land use, exploitation of local natural wealth,
sanitation and health
care, and safety of utilisation of labour resources;
13) establish reductions of taxes, duties and deductions
into the Council budget paid by natural and legal persons;
16) approve contracts concluded by the executive bodies of
local government in accordance with the procedure established by
law with other local governments, legal and natural persons,
foreign firms and also with local governments of foreign
17) submit for consideration proposals on administrative-
territorial division and adopt decisions in accordance with law;
1. The work of the council shall be organised by the
chairman of the council or by his deputy, and with local
governments of the higher level - the presidium of the council;
2. The chairman and deputy chairman of the council shall be
elected at the session of the council by secret ballot for the
term of office of the council but for no longer than two terms in
The chairman of the council shall:
1) represent the council in the relations with state bodies,
social organisations and other
public bodies and citizens;
2) organise the preparation of the session of the council
and of issues submitted to it for
consideration, also of control over the implementation of
the resolutions adopted by the council;
3) inform the deputies and the public of the place and time
of the convocation of the
session and of the issues submitted for consideration;
4) coordinate the work of standing and other committees and
groups of deputies formed by the council;
5) sign the records of the session of the council, the
resolutions of the council and inform the public of them; and
6) fulfill other assignments of the council and perform
other powers prescribed by law.
The chairman of the council shall be accountable to the
council. When the chairman cannot perform his duties, or in his
absence his functions shall be exercised by the deputy chairman
of the council.
The chairman of the council shall adopts decisions on issues
that are within the limits of his competence.
The council shall have the right to revoke the decisions of
the chairman of the council.
On the decision of the council, the chairman or his deputy
may be dismissed from their respective posts before the
expiration of their terms of office.
The council shall consider the issue of the dismissal of the
chairman or his deputy from their respective posts at the session
of the council either at their request or at the request no less
than one-third of council deputies.
The decision to dismiss the chairman of the council or his
deputy from their respective posts shall be adopted by secret
The decision of the council on the election of the chairman
of the council or his deputy, as well as on their dismissal from
their respective posts shall be signed by the deputy presiding
over the session (at the first session of the newly elected
council, during the election of the chairman of the council - by
the chairman of the electoral committee).
Article 9. Committees and Groups of Deputies of the Council
1. Committees and groups of deputies of the council shall be
formed for preliminary consideration and preparation of issues,
also for assisting to implement the resolutions of the council,
exercising control over the observance of laws of the Republic
and resolutions of the council by enterprises, institutions and
organisations located on the territory of the local government.
The council may form standing and other committees, groups of
deputies or other bodies.
2. The competence of said bodies shall be established by
the council within the limits its powers. They shall be
responsible and accountable to the council which elects them.
Chapter 3
Local Government of the Lower Level
Article 10. Institutions of Local Government of the Lower
Institutions of local government of the lower level shall
body of power - council of people's deputies;
executive body - chief local executive of rural territorial
unit or settlement, and mayor of regional town;
the auditing committee.
The specific powers of the above bodies of local government
and the organisation of their activity shall be established by
this Law, the laws of the Republic of Lithuania on the local
government of rural territorial units, settlements and towns.
Article 11. Council of Local Government of the Lower Level
The council of rural territorial unit, settlement or
regional town shall exercise the powers conferred on it by
Article 7 of this Law. Furthermore, exclusively at sessions the
council shall:
1) appoint the chief local executive or the mayor and their
deputies and consider their
dismissal from their respective posts, establish salaries
of said officials, and also
supplementary amounts payable to the chairman of the
council or his deputy in accordance
with the salaries list approved by the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania and within
the limits of the established pay-roll fund;
2) determine the sum total of appropriations for the chief
local executive or the mayor, their respective deputies, and
their staff; and
1. The chief local executive of rural territorial unit or
settlement and the mayor of regional town shall be elected by the
appropriate councils by secret ballot for the term of office of
the council. At the recommendation of the chief local executive
or the mayor the council shall appoint deputies to the chief
local executive or the mayor.
2. Any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania shall be
eligible to be appointed to the post of chief local executive or
the mayor and their respective deputies, provided he or she is 21
years of age and over and has command of the state language. The
chief local executive or the mayor and their respective deputies
may not, at the same time, be deputies of the council that elects
or appoints them.
3. Executive bodies of local government shall function in
accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the
resolutions of the Government of the Republic and resolutions of
the appropriate council, and ensure the implementation of the
government function of the local government.
4. The chief local executive and the mayor and their
respective deputies shall be responsible and accountable to the
council that elects or appoints them. At the proposal of one-
third of the deputies the issue of their dismissal from their
respective posts before the expiration of their term of office
shall be presented for consideration at the session.
Within the limits of their powers the chief local executive
and the mayor shall issue regulations and exercise control over
their implementation.
The chief local executive and the mayor shall employ or
release from office members of their respective staff, fix their
salaries in accordance with the salaries list approved by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania and within the limits of
the established payroll fund.
Article 13. Auditing Committee of Local Government of the
Lower Level
The council of local government shall elect the auditing
committee whose chairman or deputy chairman shall be the deputies
of the council that elects them.
The auditing committee shall exercise control over the
implementation of the council resolutions by the chief local
executive and the mayor, and audit their financial activity.
Chapter 4
Institutions of Local Government of the Higher Level
Article 14. Institutions of Local Government of the Higher
1. Institutions of local government of the higher level
shall be:
body of power - council of people's deputies
executive institutions - regional manager and the board
headed by him, and the mayor of the town under the Republic's
jurisdiction and the board headed by him the auditing committee.
2. The specific powers and organisation of work of the
above bodies shall be defined by this Law, and the Laws of the
Republic of Lithuania on Regional Local Government and on the
Local Government of Towns under the Republic's Jurisdiction.
Article 15. Councils of Local Government of the Higher
The regional council and the council of the town under the
Republic's jurisdiction shall exercise the powers conferred on
them by Article 7 of this Law. In addition, exclusively at
sessions, the council shall:
2) elect the regional manager and the town mayor, appoint
their respective deputies and secretaries of the council and
relieve them of their respective posts, approve and alter the
composition of the regional and town boards;
form departments and other divisions of boards, and
establish their powers;
approve the appointment chief executives, with the
exception of cases provided by law; (Amended 30 July 1990)
3) establish the sum total of appropriations for the
chairman of the council or his deputy, the secretariat of the
council, the board, its departments and other divisions;
establish the salaries of the chairman of the council and
his deputy, the regional manager, the mayor, their deputies and
the secretary, and of staff members of the secretariat of the
council in accordance with the salaries list approved by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania and within the limits of
the established pay-roll fund.
Article 16. Presidium of the Council
1. The presidium of the council shall organise the work of
the regional council and of the council of the town under the
Republic's jurisdiction, and also perform other functions
prescribed by law. The presidium of the council shall consist of
the following members: the chairman of the council, his deputy,
and chairmen of the standing committees of the council. The
council may decide to add other members to the presidium who
shall be chosen from among the other deputies of the council.
2. The presidium of the council shall:
1) organise and call sessions of the council; direct the
preparation of issues to be submitted for consideration to the
2) coordinate the work of committees formed by the council,
or groups of deputies and other bodies of the council;
5) organise public-opinion polls and also public discussion
of the draft resolutions of the council and of other significant
7) resolve questions related to the organisation of
elections as prescribed by law, and also
prepare proposals concerning suspension of the powers of
deputies before the expiration of their term of office; and
3. The sessions of the presidium of the council shall be
called when necessary, and shall be presided over by the chairman
of the council. Other deputies of the council as well as the
regional manager, the mayor, their deputies and the secretary may
take part in the session without the right to vote.
Resolutions of the presidium of the council shall be adopted
by a majority vote of all the members of the presidium.
Resolutions of the presidium of the council shall be signed by
the chairman of the council.
4. The council and the presidium shall be assisted in their
work by the secretariat of the council. The presidium shall
establish the structure of the staff of the secretariat and also
appoint and dismiss its staff members.
Article 17. Regional Manager and Mayor of the Town under
the Republic's Jurisdiction
1. The regional manager and the mayor of the town under the
Republic's jurisdiction shall be elected by the respective
councils by secret ballot for the term of office of the council
and for no longer than two terms in succession. Upon the
recommendation of the regional manager and the town mayor, the
respective councils shall appoint deputies to the manager and to
the mayor, and also to the secretary.
2. Any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania shall be
eligible to be appointed to the posts of regional manager, town
mayor, their respective deputies and the secretary, provided he
or she is 25 years of age or older and has command of the state
language. The regional manager, the town mayor, their respective
deputies and the secretary of the council may not, at the same
time, be deputies of the council that elects or appoints them.
Thy shall be responsible and accountable to the council that
elected them. The issue of their dismissal from their respective
posts before the expiration of their term of office shall be
submitted for consideration at the session of the council at the
request of one-third of deputies.
3. The regional manager and the town mayor shall issue
instructions within the limits of their powers and control their
Article 18. Regional Board and the Board of the Town under
the Republic's Jurisdiction
1. The regional board and the town board are collective
executive bodies that shall be comprised of the regional manager,
the town mayor, their deputies, the secretary, and also members
of the board appointed by the respective councils on the
recommendation of the manager or the mayor for the term of office
of the council. Members of the board may not, at the same time,
be deputies of the council that elected them.
2. Regional and town boards of local government of the
Republic shall collectively resolve questions if the legislation
of the Republic, directives of the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania or resolutions of the appropriate council provide for
same, or if the questions are submitted by the regional manager
or the mayor. With the aim of considering such questions the
regional manager or the town mayor shall convene a session of the
regional or town council, respectively. Minutes of the session
shall be taken, while the adopted decisions shall be issued in
the form of directives of the manager or the mayor.
If there is a disagreement on the question under
consideration or the adopted act between the manager, or the
mayor and the board, the dispute shall be settled by the council
of the local government. (Amended 30 May 1990)
3. The functions of the board in specific spheres shall be
performed by its departments and other divisions headed by
executives who are appointed and dismissed from their posts by
the board.
4. In their work the executive bodies of local governments
shall guide themselves by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania,
directives of the Government of the Republic, and also
resolutions of their respective councils and ensure the
implementation of the functions of local government.
Article 19. Auditing Committee of the Region and of the
Town under the Republic's Jurisdiction.
1. The council of local government shall elect the auditing
committee. The chairman and deputy chairman of the committee must
be deputies of the council.
2. The auditing committee shall exercise control over the
implementation of decisions of the council by the manager, the
mayor and the board, audit their financial activity, and also the
financial activity of the secretariat of the Council.
Chapter 5
Economic Basis of Local Government
Article 20. Economic Basis of Government.
1. The economic basis of local government is comprised of
the property of local government, objects of local economy
assigned to the local government, resources of the local budget,
non-budgetary and other resources of the local government.
2. Enterprises (associations) and organisations functioning
on the territory of the local government that are not assigned to
the local economy thereof shall pay a prescribed amount of
compulsory budget payments to the local government.
Enterprises (associations) and organisations having the
rights of legal persons shall in addition also pay to the local
government a part of compulsory budget payments for the dependent
structural units subordinate to them. The payments shall be made
to the local government on whose territory the units are located.
3. The rights of local government to the land, bodies of
water, forests and other natural resources shall be established
by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 21. The Property of Local Government.
1. The property of local government shall be the property
that belongs it and on its behalf is owned and used by the
appropriate council or other legal or natural persons authorised
by it.
A control office shall be established at the council that
shall control the legality of the utilisation of financial and
material resources, the efficiency thereof, and the protection of
the council's property. The functioning of the control office
shall be regulated by law. (Amended 20 November 1990)
2. Local government may have the right of ownership to the
following objects:
social housing fund enterprises and establishments of a town
(settlement), fixed and current assets of enterprises assigned to
the local government, objects of infrastructure, and the capital
of local government invested in shares and other securities.
3. Local government shall acquire rights to ownership when:
1) objects of state property are turned over to the local
government according to the procedure established by law;
4. Realising its ownership rights the Council of local
government shall:
1) found enterprises, institutions, organisations to which
it can transfer property according to the procedure established
by law;
2) lease the piece of property or turn it over for use to
work collectives, public organisations, cooperative societies,
organisations of lease-holders, associations, and also to
citizens in accordance with the procedure established by law;
5. Local government shall have the right of priority to
acquire according to the procedure established by law: public
buildings, facilities and other objects located on its territory
which can be of use to the local economy.
Article 22. The Local Economy.
1. The local economy is comprised of enterprises,
institutions and organisations with different types of ownership
located on the territory of local government and catering mainly
to the needs of local enterprises and the population. Their work
is controlled by the council of the local government according to
procedure defined by law.
2. As a rule, enterprises of industry, agriculture,
construction, repair, housing, transport, road-building, land
reclamation installations, trade, communications, public
catering, environmental protection and forestry, establishments
of education, culture and cinematography, health care, social
welfare and sporting facilities, and also enterprises, offices
and organisations serving other purposes as specified in part 1
hereof shall be assigned to the local economy of.
3. Enterprises, offices and organisations shall be assigned
to the local economy by the Councils of Ministers of the Republic
of Lithuania, taking into consideration proposals of local
governments. Enterprises, offices and organisations of the local
economy may not be assigned to the higher level of control
without the consent of the local government.
Article 23. Financial Resources of Local Government.
1. Financial resources of local government shall be
comprised of the budget, non-budgetary funds and the resources of
the local government.
3. The relations between the state and local budgets, as
well as between the budgets of local governments of the higher
and lower levels shall be regulated by the laws of the Republic
of Lithuania on budgeting and taxation.
4. The budget revenues of local governments of the lower
level shall be formed from sources of revenue assigned by law and
from state tax and revenue deductions in accordance with stable
norms established by councils of the higher level, and also from
5. The budget revenues of local government of the higher
level shall be formed from sources of revenue assigned by law and
from state tax and revenue deduction in accordance with fixed
norms established by law, and also from subsidies.
6. Norms of deductions to the budgets of local governments
shall be established and subsidies shall be provided in
accordance with the approved system of calculation. In these
cases, the longer term deduction norms still being valid the
revenues and expenditures of local budgets undergo changes owing
to decisions passed by the Government of the Republic or by the
executive bodies of local government, the sums of differences are
compensated for.
7. Local governments of the higher and lower levels may
accumulate and use non-budgetary resources and funds according to
the procedure established by law. Non-budgetary funds may be
formed from voluntary contributions to the budget by enterprises,
organisations and citizens, compulsory payments for the
exploitation of local natural resources, for the employment in
enterprises of persons who are not living on the territory of the
self-government, for the violation of environmental protection
regulations, for the damage inflicted, for administrative
offenses and from other resources.
8. Local government may raise bank credits, conclude
contract and grant loans, issue shares and hold lotteries.
Article 24. Basic Socioeconomic Rights of Local Government
1. Local government shall also resolve the following
1) work our the basic trends of economic and social
development of its territory, long-term (five-year period)
programs and forecasts, taking into consideration production
capacities, financial labour resources, social and financial
norms; local government shall have the exclusive right to
establish priorities of social activity;
2) coordinate and approve the projects of work of
enterprises, irrespective of their status, with regard to the
spheres of construction, utilisation of labour force, local raw
materials, land, water and forest, environmental protection,
services to local residents and other spheres within the limits
of powers of local governments;
3) work out and submit proposals on long-term programs for
the development and distribution of productive forces, work out
and approve town and settlement development plans, organise their
implementation, participate in the preparation and the
realisation of national programs;
4) found and reorganise enterprises, institutions and
organisations of the local economy, regulate the functioning of
the local economy, coordinate the issues of founding and
reorganising other enterprises, institutions and organisations;
5) issue licences to engage in economic activity, register
enterprises, offices, organisations and associations;
establishes requirements for the construction, extension and
reconstruction of all objects located on the territory of the
local government, for the formation of landscape and
architecture, and control their observance;
6) solve questions related to the planning and construction
of all objects of social and industrial infrastructure, and may
directly perform the function of builder;
7) distribute resources formed on a centralised basis for
the enterprises of the local economy, organisations and citizens;
8) allocate plots of land, exercise state management and
control over land use, land protection and solve other questions
in accordance with the procedure defined by law;
9) jointly with other state bodies work out and implement
measures for the rescue of population and protection of the
national economy in cases of accidents, catastrophes and
natural disasters;
10) define on the territory of economic activity
requirements for environmental protection and exploitation and
control their implementation;
may suspend economic activity if the requirements are not
11) suspend or terminate production and sale of foodstuffs
and consumer goods in cases when sanitation standards and
requirements are not observed;
12) advance proposals for the foundation of protected areas,
organise their protection and help to establish rules of their
13) designate protected areas of local importance, national
monuments or architecture, nature, history and culture, organise
registration of national monuments and protect them;
14) coordinate and regulate on its territory the location,
structure and activity of objects of social infrastructure,
establish their exploitation regulations and resolve issues
related to the provision of citizens with housing;
15) create and expand establishments of health care, social
welfare, education, culture, physical education and sports
facilities and other social establishments and organisations,
ensure their continued functioning;
16) regulate the distribution of labour resources, migration
processes, organise rational employment of citizens, retraining
and training of workers and employees;
17) regulate within the limits of established procedure
prices and tariffs of services to the population offered by all
the enterprises located on its territory, of services offered by
the enterprises of the local economy to other organisations and
also prices of goods produced by the enterprises of the local
19) grant reductions of payments to its budget, determine in
accordance with the Government-approved system the amount of
payment (compensation) for the allocated plots of land, for the
use of installations of town and township economy and other
objects, and also for persons living on the territory of the
self-government who are employed in enterprises located on the
territory other local governments;
20) approve according to the procedure established by law
the payroll fund of offices and organisations maintained with
budget resources;
21) conclude contracts and cooperation agreements, as
necessary, with enterprises, offices, and organisations assigned
to the local economy, other local governments, foreign firms
and local government authorities of foreign countries;
2. Socioeconomic rights outlined herein are defined for
local governments of different levels in other laws.
Chapter 6
Legal Guarantees of Local Government
Article 25. General Questions of Legal Guarantees of Local
1. Resolutions of local government bodies, adopted within
the limits of their powers, must be observed by all enterprises,
institutions and organisations on its territory, as well as by
officials and citizens. Refusal to observe the resolutions shall
be punishable under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. The statutory rights of local governments may not be
violated or curtailed, except in the event of national necessity.
3. The bodies of local government shall exercise their
powers independently. By mutual agreement they may delegate part
of their statutory rights (along with resources necessary for
their realization) to local governments of a different level or
to other bodies.
4. Functions not established by law may be delegated to the
bodies of local government exclusively on the basis of agreements
between a state body and a local government body.
Article 26. Ensuring the Realisation of the Rights of Local
1. Higher state bodies, while considering issues related to
the interests of local governments, must inform the local
government of these deliberations. The council of the local
government shall present its proposals that should be considered
by the higher state bodies.
2. The council of the local government, taking into
consideration the interests of the citizenry shall have the
right to:
1) suspend the implementation of decisions adopted by legal
persons on its territory if they contradict the laws of the
Republic of Lithuania until the issue is considered by a
competent state body. If the implementation of decisions adopted
by the legal person is suspended unlawfully and this results in
damage, a legal action may be taken against the local government;
2) cancel the coordination of projects for the construction
of objects on its territory or a decision on the allocation of
land for construction, or prohibit construction if the builder or
the user of land violates the contracts concluded with the bodies
of local government or the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
In the period between the sessions of the council the
executive body of local government may
Suspend the implementation of the abovementioned decisions
and subsequently submit its decision for approval at the session
of the council;
3) require or organise additional ecological or other
investigations by experts to be carried out on the site of the
objects under construction or functioning objects;
1. The legality of activities of the executive bodies of
local government shall be supervised by the bodies of procuracy
and also controlled by other authorised state bodies.
Decisions adopted by the executive bodies and officials of
local government may be revoked by the appropriate council.
2. Legal and natural persons may in accordance with the
procedure established by law appeal against the decisions of
executive bodies and officials of local government to the court,
arbitration or appropriate council; appeals against the unlawful
decisions of the council shall be lodged with the council of
local government of the higher level.
3. The council of local government of the lower level shall
have the right to contest at the Supreme Council of the Republic
of Lithuania decisions adopted by the council of local government
of the higher level on issues assigned to the exclusive powers of
local government of the lower level.
4. The council of local government of the higher level shall
have the right to suspend the decisions of the bodies of local
government of the lower level if they contradict the laws of the
Republic of Lithuania. In the event of disagreement the final
decision on the issue is taken by the Supreme Council of the
Republic of Lithuania.
5. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania is
entitled to appeal to the Supreme Council of the Republic of
Lithuania against the decisions of the council of local
government of the higher level if they contradict the laws of the
Republic of Lithuania.
In the cases prescribed by the laws of the Republic of
Lithuania the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania
may suspend and appeal against the decisions of the executive
bodies of local government of the higher level to the council of
the local government. In the event of disagreement, the final
decision on the issue shall be taken by the Supreme Council of
the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 28. Dissolution of the Council of Local Government
1. The council of local government may be dissolved and the
activity of its executive bodies suspended in the following
1) if the activity of the bodies of local government
contradicts the Basic Law of the Republic of Lithuania;
2. The council of local government shall be dissolved by the
motivated decision of the Supreme Council of the Republic of
Lithuania adopted on the basis of conclusions presented by the
specially formed committee of deputies of the Supreme Council.
3. Upon the dissolution of the Council of local government,
the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania shall adopt one
of the following decisions:
1) to hold within three months extraordinary elections to
the appropriate council, empowering an authorised official of the
Government to perform the governing functions;
2) to suspend the laws of local government on its territory
and to introduce administrative rule for a period of up to one
year in accordance with special laws of the Republic of
4. The council of local government may be also dissolved if
the minimal required number of deputies prescribed by law fails
to convene for the session for three times in succession.
The proposal to dissolve the council of the local government
shall be submitted to the Supreme Council of the Republic of
Lithuania by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of the
local government.
In this case the Supreme Council of the Republic of