Article 1. Objectives of the Law


This Law  shall regulate:  the establishment of a Population

Register of  the Republic  of  Lithuania,  the  registration  and

liquidation of the Register, the background information presented

for registration  and the  procedures for  their utilization, and

the rights  and liabilities  of persons  who provide  and use the



Article 2. Population Register of the Republic of



The Population  Register shall  consist  of  the  individual

records of  all Lithuanian citizens, and of foreign nationals and

stateless  persons   permanently  residing  in  the  Republic  of

Lithuania. These  records shall  be kept  in  the  data  bank  in

accordance with a uniform system of indices.


The purpose   of  the Population  Register is to collect and

compile information  concerning the  distribution and composition

of the  population, the  scope and  direction of migration, labor

resources, their  utilization, and  other social  information, as

well as  to constantly  update,  process, and provide this to the

institutions of State authority and government of the Republic of

Lithuania, and  to other  legal and natural persons in the manner

prescribed by law.


The Population  Register of  the Republic of Lithuania shall

be  comprised  of  the  central  population  register  and  local

population registers.  The latter  shall be  subdivisions of  the

central  population   register.  The  Population  Register  shall

provide the  opportunity to  obtain   information concerning  the

population according  to every  numerical equivalent  of personal

data and combinations thereof.


Article 3.  The Founding  and Supervision  of the Population



The Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania shall  be the

founder of  the  Population  Register.  The  regulations  of  the

Population Register  shall be  approved by  the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania in pursuance of this Law.


The  Population   Register  shall   be  supervised   by  the

Department of  Statistics under the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania.   The Department shall methodize the regulation of the

Register in  the Republic  of Lithuania and in its administrative

territorial divisions,  as well as the collection of data for the



Article 4. Data Compiled in the Population Register


Each resident  (person) must  register the following data in

the register:


1. Personal Identification Number:

1) identification number;

2) name;

3) surname;

4) personal identification number of his or her father;

5) personal identification number of his or her mother;

6) personal identification number of his or her spouse;

7) personal  identification number(s)  of  his  or  her

child (children);

8) family size;


place of Residence:

1) former place(s) of residence;

2) current place of residence;

3) city,  city district  office, street,  house number,

flat number;

4) district;

5) rural district;

6) village;

7) date of arrival;

8) date of departure;

9) place of departure;


3. Citizenship, Native Language, Passport, Military Service:

1) citizenship;

2) date of granting (or loss) of citizenship;

3) native language;

4) passport series and number;

5) place of issue;

6) date of issue;

7) conscript;


4. Demographic Data:

1) sex;

2) place of birth;

3) date of birth;

4) marital status;

5) date of death;

6) cause of death;


5. Occupation:

1) employment (trade);

2) profession or post;

3) date of employment;

4) date  of discharge from work (registration at labour



6. Education:

1) educational institution;

2) date of entry;

3) date of graduation;


7. Training, Profession:

1) training;

2) profession;


8. Information Concerning Pension:

1) type of pension;

2) date of assignment  (or loss) of pension.


Information which is not specified in part 1 of this article

shall not be recorded in the Register.

The data bank of the Population Register may be used without

charge by  other state  data banks concerning: education, health,

employment, social  security, passports,  municipal economy,  and



Article 5. Data Required in the Population Register


Individual data shall be recorded in the Population Register

only on the basis of the documents presented.


Data for the Population Register shall be presented by:


1) passport  agencies of  the Ministry of Internal Affairs -

if the data concerns personal identity, citizenship, passport, or

place of residence;


2) the  Ministry of  National Defence - if the data concerns

military conscription;


3) civil  registration agencies  -   if  the  data  concerns

birth, death, marriage, or divorce;


4) employers,  state  data  banks,  and  other  institutions

supervising the  registration of  the population  - if  the  data

concerns employment, education, or profession;


5)  institutions   of  secondary,  professional  and  higher

education -  if the  data concerns   education,  training, or the

acquired profession;


6)   social   welfare   institutions,   social   security

institutions,     and  other  institutions  responsible  for  the

granting of pensions - if the data concerns pensions.

Emigration and  immigration agencies  shall furnish  all the

data concerning emigrants and immigrants.


The data  specified above  shall be  furnished in accordance

with the  regulations of  the Population  Register. Officials who

present erroneous  data, who  do not present the required data on

time, or  who fail  to present the required data at all, shall be

held responsible  in accordance with the procedure established by

the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 6. Personal Identification Number


The personal  identification number  shall be  an individual

sequence of decimal numbers assigned to a person by the agency of

Population Registration. The personal identification number shall

be  used   for  personal  identification,  and  for  establishing

interrelations between separate data banks.


The structure of the personal identification number shall be

as follows:

the first  number  shall  represent  the  person's  sex  and

century of birth,

the second  and the  third numbers  shall represent the last

two  numbers of the year of birth,

the fourth  and the  fifth numbers shall represent the month

of birth,

the sixth and the seventh numbers shall represent the day of


the  eighth,  the  ninth,  and  the  tenth  numbers  shall

represent the  sequence of  registration   of persons born on the

same day,

the eleventh  number shall  represent the  control number of

the ten preceding  numbers.


The personal  identification number shall be recorded in the

passport, birth  certificate, state  social security certificate,

driver's licence, and other personal documents.


Article 7. Utilization of the Data Recorded in the

Population Register



A council  shall be  formed to  manage issues concerning the

preparation of  data to  be recorded  in the Population Register,

its  utilization,  and  its  protection.  The  formation  of  the

council, as  well as   its  regulations, shall be approved by the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


The utilization  of data recorded in the Population Register

shall be as follows:


1) data  presented in  summary reports  may be  used by  all

legal and natural persons of the Republic of Lithuania;


2) data  collected in  the lists  of voters,  preschool  and

school  children,  military  conscripts  or  alternative  service

conscripts, specialists,  and unemployed  persons may be used  by

State government  institutions and local government  institutions

(if the data concerns residents of their respective territories);


3) upon  purposive requisition,  lists shall be presented in

accordance with  the  type  of  activities  of  the  agencies  in

question, and  shall only be provided upon written decision of an

appropriate body of power;


4) each resident of the Republic of Lithuania shall have the

right to utilize personal data which concerns him or her.


Article 8. The Powers of the Supervisors of the

Population Register


If erroneous  data was  recorded in the Population Register,

the Department  of Statistics must correct the entry on the basis

of the applicant's documents.


The  Department  of  Statistics  shall  be  prohibited  from

correcting   entries (data) in  the presented documents, and from

requiring the bearer to do the same.


Employees of   the  Population Register  agency must  sign a

pledge promising  not to violate the requirements under this Law.

Employees of  the Population  Register  agency  who  violate  the

requirements shall  be held  responsible under  the laws  of  the

Republic of Lithuania.


Article 9. The Rights of Residents of the Republic of

Lithuania in the Utilization of Population

Register Data


Residents of  the Republic of Lithuania shall have the right

to obtain  a certificate  containing  their  personal  data.  The

certificate shall be legally valid.


Upon presention of identification documents, citizens of the

Republic  of  Lithuania,  as  well  as    foreign  nationals  and

stateless persons who are permanently residing in the Republic of

Lithuania, shall  have the  right to check their personal data in

the Population  Register, and,  upon finding  errors, to  request

their correction.  


Disputes concerning the canceling or altering of the data of

the Population Register shall be resolved in court.



Article 10. Publication of Data in the Population




Population data   recorded  in the Register may be published

only in summary reports.


Article 11. Financing of the Population Register


Resources from  the State  budget of Lithuania shall be used

for the founding and supervision of the Register. The  Department

of Statistics,  which is  responsible for  the supervision of the

Population Register,  may accumulate  resources by providing data

for a set cost in the manner established by this Law.


Article 12. Liquidation of the Register


The Population  Register shall  be liquidated  in accordance

with the  resolution of  the Supreme  Council of  the Republic of





Bronislovas Kuzmickas

Vice President

Supreme Council

Republic of Lithuania


January 23, 1992

No. I-2237