This Law:

shall be  based on the principle that the State supports and

promotes science  and  studies,  and  considers  them  to  be  of

particular importance  in the culture and economy of the Republic

of Lithuania;

shall legitimize the indivisibility of science and studies;

shall make,  taking the need to humanize science and studies

into consideration,  the scientific  activities  which  meet  the

needs of Lithuania more progressive, and shall become more widely

involved in universal science;

shall recognize  scientific research  as a  form of creative

work; and

shall consolidate  the academic freedom, responsibility, and

professional and social guarantees of a scientist's activities.







Article 1. The System of Science and Studies


The system  of  science  and  studies  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall consist of the following institutions:

schools of higher education;

scientific institutes;

the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;

other scientific institutions; and

scientists or groups of scientists.


Article 2. The Scientist


A scientist  shall be  a person  who carries  out scientific

work, and  who has  a scientific  degree or academic (scientific)



Article 3. The Scientific Institution


A scientific  institution shall  be an  institution in which

the main activity is scientific research.


Article 4. Schools of Higher Education


A school  of higher  education shall  be an  institution  of

science and  studies in  which a  person may  earn the  degree of

specialist or  scientist, and  in which  scientific research  and

other types of creative work are carried out.

Studies shall include higher education, scientific training,

and  the   improvement  and  retraining  of  specialists  holding

diplomas. The  admissions process  (for students,  postgraduates,

probationers, residents,  etc.)  and  the  form  and  content  of

studies, upon  approval of  the Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania and  taking into  account the needs of the State, shall

be established  by the  institutions of  science and studies. The

requirements for persons beginning their first year of studies at

a school  of higher  education shall correspond to the programmes

of secondary education.


Article 5. The Scientific Institute


A scientific  institute shall  be an  institution of science

which carries out scientific research and, together with a school

of higher  education, prepares  scientists and assists schools of

higher education in the training of specialists.


Article 6. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences


The Lithuanian  Academy of Sciences shall be an institution,

supported by  the State,  in which  the most prominent Lithuanian

and foreign  scientists who,  because of  their  activities,  are

connected with  Lithuania, are  joined together.  The  Lithuanian

Academy  of  Sciences  shall  function  in  accordance  with  its

Statute, which  shall be adopted and amended in a general meeting

of the  Academy of Sciences, and shall be approved by the Supreme

Council of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 7. Public Organizations of Scientists and Students


Social organizations of scientists and students (ie. unions,

academies of  sciences, conferences  of rectors, societies) shall

be established  at the initiative of the members in order to meet

professional, creative,  and social  needs.  These  organizations

shall function  pursuant to their statutes (charters) which shall

be  adopted   during  congresses   (conferences)  and   shall  be

registered according to the procedures established by law.






Article 8. The Self-Government of Science and Studies


The Lithuanian  Council of  Science shall  be an independent

institution of  science and  studies. It  shall be  considered  a

scientific expert  by the  Supreme Council  and Government of the

Republic of  Lithuania on  issues of  organization and finance of

science and studies.


Article 9.     The Formation and Activities of the

Lithuanian Council of Science


The Lithuanian  Council of Science shall be formed and shall

function according  to the  regulations approved  by the  Supreme

Council of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 10.    The Province of the Lithuanian Council of



The Lithuanian Council of Science:

shall present  trends  of  development  in  the  spheres  of

science and shall assess scientific programmes of the State;

shall present proposals to the Government of the Republic of

Lithuania concerning the formation of the State draft budget;

shall assess  the distribution  of finances  for science and

studies,  as  well  as  for  the  maintenance,  development,  and

establishment of facilities of science and studies;

shall  organize   scientific  examinations  for  development

programmes in  the spheres  of Lithuanian  economy, culture,  and


shall  present   proposals  concerning   the  establishment,

reorganization, and  liquidation of  institutions of  science and

studies; and

shall  present,   to  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania, its  conclusions concerning  the right of institutions

of science  and studies  to grant  scientific degrees or academic

(scientific) titles.


Article 11. The Rights of the Lithuanian Council of Science


The Lithuanian Council of Science shall have the right:

to obtain  information and  statistical data  on  issues  of

their  own  competence  from  State  governing  institutions  and

institutions of science and studies; and

to  settle  disputes  arising  from  the  implementation  of

statutes (charters) of institutions of science and studies.






Article 12. The State Institution of Science and Studies


State  institutions   of  science   and  studies   shall  be

established  (acquired)  with  state  funds.  Upon  establishment

(reregistration) of  an institution,  the  State  shall  transfer

state  property  to  the  said  institution  for  possession  and



Article 13.    Non-governmental Institutions of Science and



The nature  of activities,  the province,  and the rights of

public  organizations,   as   well   as   private,   joint,   and

international institutions  of  science  and  studies,  shall  be

established by  their founders and by the laws of the Republic of


International or joint (international-domestic) institutions

of  science   and  studies   must  receive  permission  from  the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania for their activities on

the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 14.    The Right of Scientists to Engage in Private



A scientist  (or group  of scientists)  may take part in the

activities of  private institutions  of science  and studies,  in

accordance with the procedures established by law.


Article 15.    The Procedure for the Establishment of an



State schools  of higher  education  shall  be  established,

reorganized, and  liquidated, upon the proposal of the Government

of  Lithuania,   by  the  Supreme  Council  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania. Other  State institutions of science and studies shall

be established,  reorganized, and liquidated by the Government of

the Republic of Lithuania.

Non-governmental  schools   of  higher   education  may   be

established after  being granted  a permit by the Supreme Council

of the Republic of Lithuania.

Non-governmental scientific  institutions  shall  be  formed

upon the  decision of the founders and shall be based on the laws

of the Republic of Lithuania.

Qualification requirements  for schools  of higher education

and scientific  institutes shall be established by the Government

of the  Republic of Lithuania upon the proposal of the Lithuanian

Council of Science.


Article 16. The Independence of Institutions


State schools  of  higher  education  and  State  scientific

institutes shall have autonomy, as established by the laws of the

Republic of  Lithuania, and  as approved  in the  statute of  the

respective institution.  The State  may regulate an institution's

activities by  way of  subsidies, orders (agreements) financed by

the State,  and other  means provided for in laws of the Republic

of Lithuania.

The highest  decision  making  body  of  schools  of  higher

education  and   scientific  institutes   shall  be  the  Council

(Senate),  which  shall  be  elected  by  the  employees  of  the

respective institution  who have  scientific degrees  or academic

(scientific) titles. The Council (Senate) of an institution shall

elect and  appoint institutional heads (ie. rector, director) and

shall approve  deputies by  means of  a simple  majority vote.  A

person may  not be  both the head of the Council (Senate) and the

head of the institution.

The  limits  of  independence  of  other  institutions,  the

structure of  their  management,  and  the  procedure  for  their

formation shall  be established by their statutes and by the laws

of the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 17. The Statutes and Charters of Institutions


The statute  of an  institution of science and studies shall

be the  legal act  which regulates  the activities  of schools of

higher education  and scientific  institutes. The  charter  shall

regulate the activities of other scientific establishments.

The statute  (charter) of  an institution  which is  in  the

process of  being established shall be drafted by the provisional

(constituent) council  appointed by  the founder,  and  shall  be

approved by the founder.

The statute  of a  functioning institution  may be passed or

ammended  either   by  a   simple  majority  vote  of  a  meeting

(conference) of  the institution's  employees who hold scientific

degrees or  academic (scientific)  titles, or,  on instruction of

the meeting  (conference), by  a two-thirds  majority vote of the

Council (senate).

The statute  of an  institution of  science and studies must


1) the name of the institution;

2) the address;

3) the main goals of it's activities, as well as the type of

scientific and educational activities;

4) the  institution's  property,  including  plots  of  land

transferred for  its use,  and the  terms for  the  use  of  that


5) the  province  of  the  Council  (Senate)  and  governing

bodies, their composition, and their structural order.

Charters of other institutions shall be formed in accordance

with the model charter approved by the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania.

Other rules  may be  set forth  in statutes  and charters if

they do  not contradict  the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or

any international agreements.

The Supreme  Council of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall

approve statutes  of State  schools of  higher education, and the

Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall approve statutes of

State scientific  institutes. Charters and amendments to charters

shall be registered according to the procedure established by the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania. Institution of science

and studies,  with the  exception of  private institutions, shall

have the  rights of  a legal  person beginning  the day that it's

statute is approved or the day that it's charter is registered.


Article 18.    The Forms of the Activities of Institutions

of Science and Studies



An institution  of science  and studies  shall independently

establish  its   structure  and  relations  with  other  partners

(including  foreign   partners).  It   may  establish   and  hold

scientific  and   educational   centres,   institutes,   clinics,

experimental  stations,   faculties,  departments,  laboratories,

observatories, museums, botanical gardens, libraries, information

centres, enterprises,  experimental and  instructional farms, and

other subdivisions necessary for science and studies.


Article 19.    The Property of Institutions of Science and



The property  of institutions  of science  and studies shall

consist of  products of  creative work  (as long  as they  do not

violate  copyright   regulations),   land,   buildings,   movable

property, financial resources, securities, and other valuables if

they are  not prohibited  by laws.  Institutions shall  use  this

property in the procedure established by the laws of the Republic

of Lithuania.

State institutions  of science  and studies  shall,  without

compensation, use  State property, and shall preserve and augment

this property.


Article 20.    Associations of Institutions of Science and



Institutions of  science and  studies or their subdivisions,

may join together or with other institutions or organizations, by

various types  of permanent  or temporary  relations, in order to

resolve general scientific, studies, social, and economic issues.

In such  an event, an agreement shall be made and approved by the

Councils  (Senates)   of  the   participating  institutions.  The

objectives of  the affiliation,  the structure of management, the

province, and  the activities and conditions of liquidation shall

be established in the said agreement.

Agreements  concerning   affiliations  of   institutions  of

science  and   studies  shall  be  registered  according  to  the

procedure established  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania. Associations  of science  and studies  shall have  the

same rights  as a  legal person  from the  day of registration in

cases provided for in the agreement.

The State  shall support  associations which are established

with the intent to integrate science and studies.






Article 21.    Sources of Financing Institutions of Science

and Studies


Institutions  of  science  and  studies  may  receive  State

subsidies, resources  from science  and studies  funds, and other

resources and  means of support (grants) for science and studies.

Institutions  of   science  and   studies  may  carry  out  State

programmes of science and other developmental trends, may execute

orders according to agreements (including agreements with foreign

organizations), and  may participate  in international scientific


Applied  scientific  research  necessary  for  developmental

programmes of  Lithuanian culture,  economy, society, well-being,

environmental protection,  and other  fields shall be financed by

allocations  appropriated   for  the   implementation   of   such

programmes and for the regulation of economical development.


Article 22. Budgetary Allocations


Budgetary  allocations   shall  be   appropriated  for   the

financing of  studies, fundamental research, and applied research

necessary for the Republic of Lithuania.

The State shall always recognize the priority of fundamental

research of the Lithuanian language and Lithuanian culture.

The Supreme  Council of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania  shall

approve the sum total of allocations for science and studies.

The Government  of the  Republic of  Lithuania, taking  into

consideration the  Lithuanian Council of Science's examination on

project  financing,   shall  distribute  budgetary  subsidies  to

institutions of  science and  studies, as well as allocations for

State  scientific   programmes,  science   and   studies   funds,

infrastructures of  science and studies, and for other scientific

and educational purposes.


Article 23.    State Subsidies for Institutions of Science

and Studies


Subsidies shall  be appropriated  to State schools of higher

education and  to scientific  institutes, upon the recommendation

of the  Government of  the Republic of Lithuania and the approval

of the  Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania. The minimum

amount  of   subsidization  shall   be  determined   during   the

establishment (reregistration) of the institution.


Article 24. State Scientific Programmes


The Government  of the  Republic of Lithuania shall organize

the formation  and implementation of State scientific programmes.

Contracts for  carrying out  State scientific programmes shall be

made on a competitive basis.


Article 25. Funds for Science and Studies


Funds for  science and studies shall be appropriated for the

additional  financing   of  fundamental   researches,   for   the

exploration of  new scientific  trends, and  for the  training of


The Government  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania,  upon  the

recommendation  of  the  Lithuanina  Council  of  Science,  shall

approve boards  and  regulations  for  the  activities  of  State

science and studies funds.

Companies, enterprises,  organizations, and  private persons

may  support  State  funds  for  science  and  studies,  and  may

establish their  own funds for carrying out purposive programmes.

The State shall grant tax deductions to legal and natural persons

who support the activities of science and studies funds.


Article 26.    Financial Activities of Institutions of

Science and Studies


Institutions of  science and  studies shall  have  available

resources at  their  disposal  in  keeping  with  the  procedures

established by  statutes (charters). They shall have the right to

establish salaries  and norms for employees of various categories

in accordance  with the  approved wage  fund (except for in cases

when the  Government of  the Republic of Lithuania passes special

regulating directives),  and shall  also have  the right  to sell

scientific production and goods.

The portion  of economic  and  commercial  profit  of  State

institutions of  science and  studies which  is allotted  for the

financing of scientific research and studies shall not be taxed.







Article 27. College and University Degrees


Studies of  one  or  more  levels  shall  be  recognized  in

Lithuania. Upon  the completion  of such  studies, a  college  or

university may  confer a Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree, or

another degree  of qualification.  Qualification requirements for

these degrees shall be approved by the Government of the Republic

of Lithuania  on the  recommendation of the Lithuanian Council of



Article 28. Scientific Degrees


Scientific degrees of Doctor and Doctor Habilius??? shall be

conferred in the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 29. The Training of Scientists


Doctors of Science shall be trained in post-graduate studies

for a  doctorate  degree.  The  Government  of  the  Republic  of

Lithuania shall  approve the  post-graduate doctorate studies and

habilitation regulations  prepared by institutions of science and

studies on  the  recommendation  of  the  Lithuanian  Council  of



Article 30.    The Procedure of Conferment and

Nostrification of Scientific Degrees


Scientific degrees  shall be  conferred by  institutions  of

science and  studies to  which this right has been granted by the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania.  The Government of the

Republic of  Lithuania shall regulate the procedure of conferment

and nostrification of scientific degrees on the recommendation of

the Lithuanian Council of Science.


Article 31. Academic (Scientific) Titles


Academic (scientific)  titles  of  Associate  Professor  and

Professor shall  be conferred  in the  Republic of Lithuania. The

Government  of   the  Republic   of  Lithuania   shall  establish

qualification requirements  of academic  (scientific)  titles  as

well as  the procedure for their conferment and nostrification on

the recommendation of the Lithuanian Council of Science.


Article 32.    State Registration of Scientific Degrees and

Academic (Scientific) Titles


Diplomas (certificates)  of scientific  degrees and academic

(scientific) titles  conferred and  nostrificated in the Republic

of Lithuania shall be registered in accordance with the procedure

established by  the Government  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania.

Diplomas  (certificates)   of  scientific  degrees  and  academic

(scientific) titles  acquired in other states and which have been

registered  according   to  the   procedure  established  by  the

Government of  the Republic  of Lithuania  shall be recognized in

the Republic of Lithuania.







Article 33. The Duties and Rights of Students


Every member  of society,  according to their competence and

knowledge, shall have the right to become a student.

Statutes  (charters)  of  institutions  shall  regulate  the

duties and  rights of  students of  institutions of  science  and



Article 34. Student Scholarships


Students may  receive scholarships from enterprises, schools

of higher  education, scientific institutes, the State, and other


State scholarships  shall be  granted to  students and post-

graduates studying  for a  doctorate degree who do not have other

scholarships. State  scholarships shall  be financed by the State

subsidies and allocations appropriated to institutions of science

and studies in the procedure established by the Government of the

Republic of Lithuania. The amounts of other scholarships, as well

as the  procedure of  granting them,  shall be established by the

founders of the scholarships.


Article 35. The Rights of Scientists


In State  institutions of  science and  studies,  scientists

shall have  equal employment  opportunity on a competitive basis,

regardless  of   their  sex,  race,  political  views,  religious

convictions, nationality,  and citizenship.A scientist shall have

the right:

to work either independently or in a group;

to participate,on  a competitive  basis, in the execution of

scientific programmes;

to be  granted support from science and studies funds, to to

utilize the appropriated resources;

to apply,  on a  competitive  basis,  for  study  (inservice

training) both in Lithuania and abroad;

to issue scientific works;

to obtain  information which  is necessary  for a scientific

work from  State institutions.  If this  information is  a  State

secret, or  a secret  otherwise established  by the Government of

the Republic  of Lithuania,  it shall be provided and used in the

procedure established  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of


to participate  in adopting  decisions regarding the content

of  the  statute  (charter)  and  plan  of  activities  of  their

respective institution; and

to participate in the activities of various professional and

public associations  and organizations,  including those abroad.A

scientist shall be guaranteed:

norms and  authorship of  creative  works  and  products  of

inventive  labour   as  established  in  laws  and  international


independence from ideological and political institutions;

protection against  restrictions and  sanctions  for  making

public  the   results  of  his  or  her  research,  and  for  the

manifestation of  his or her beliefs, with the exception of cases

when the  declared information  is a  State secret  or  a  secret

otherwise established  by  the  Government  of  the  Republic  of



Article 36. The Responsibility of a Scientist


A scientist  must fulfill obligations and functions which he

or she  has assumed  voluntarily, or  which  are  established  by

statutes (charters)  of institutions of science and studies. If a

scientist fails to fulfill these obligations and functions, he or

she shall  be punished  according to the procedure established by

the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

A scientist  must adhere  to the  norms  of  scientific  and

professional ethics.


Article 37. Social Guarantees


Employment in  the sphere  of science  and studies and other

labour relations  shall be  regulated by the laws of the Republic

of Lithuania.  In addition,  if a  scientist  has  fulfilled  the

conditions  provided  for  in  the  statutes  (charters)  of  the

institution of  science and studies, he or she may not be removed

from  a   non-administrative  post   on  the  initiative  of  the

institution. The statutes may provide for other social guarantees

as well.

Disputes concerning the dismissal of a scientist from office

shall be settled in court.



Vytautas Landsbergis



Supreme Council

Republic of Lithuania



12 February 1991

No. I-1052