Official translation






17 October 2000 No. VIII-2048




Chapter one

General Provisions


Article 1. Objective of the Law

This Law shall establish the purpose, principles and legal bases of the activities of the police of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as “the police”), goals of the police, organisational structure, fundamentals of co-operation between the police and the population, public organisations, local authorities and other institutions, as well as the powers, rights, duties, responsibility and conditions of the legality of coercion use, sources and forms of financing police bodies.


Article 2. Main Definitions

1. “Police” means the totality of police bodies and officers ensuring public safety and order.

2. “Police institution” means a legal person established in the manner prescribed by this and other laws, performing police tasks assigned by laws, foundation and other legal documents.

3. “Police officer” means a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania admitted as a statutory public servant to a police body and with public administration powers with respect to persons who are not subordinate to him.

4. “Group of increased risk persons” means persons who, in the manner prescribed by legal acts, are on prevention registers of health care institutions or the police.

5. “Status of the police officer” means a sum total of rights and duties in the service as defined by this and other laws, stipulated by legal acts regulating the recruitment and dismissal of a police officer from the public service, his rights, duties, responsibility, remuneration, social and other guarantees.


Article 3. Legal Bases for Police Activities

The police shall observe the Constitution, this and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania, international agreements of the Republic of Lithuania, the Police Service Statute and other legal acts.


Article 4. Principles of Police Activities

1. The police shall, in compliance with laws and other legal acts, impartially protect all persons who are in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, regardless of their nationality, race, sex, language, origin, social status, religious beliefs, convictions or views.

2. Police activities shall be based on the principles of democracy, respect for human rights, humanism, morals of society, lawfulness, professional openness, as well as on the principles of the use of coercion only when necessary and proportionality thereof.

3. The police and police officers shall not participate in political activities. Police officers may not be members of political parties or political organisations.


Article 5. Police Tasks

1. The main tasks of the police shall be as follows:

1) protection of human rights and freedoms;

2) ensuring of public order and safety;

3) rendering of emergency assistance to persons when it is necessary because of their physical or mental helplessness, as well as to persons who have suffered from criminal acts, other violations of law, natural calamities or similar acts;

4) prevention of criminal acts and other violations of law;

5) detection and investigation of criminal acts and other violations of law;

6) control of traffic safety.

2. Other laws may set another tasks for the police.

3. Other laws may establish characteristics of the implementation of police tasks in diplomatic missions, military territories and other facilities of special legal regime.


Article 6. Publicity of Police Activities

1. Without violating the interests of an individual and society, who are protected by the law, the police shall, in the manner prescribed by legal acts, inform State and local authorities, as well as the population about its activities.

2. Upon a person’s request, the police must, in the manner prescribed by the Government, furnish non-confidential information concerning the said person, which is stored in the police information systems. It shall be prohibited to disclose personal information to other persons, unless otherwise provided for by laws and other legal acts.

3. The police may not furnish or publicly announce information which is considered to be a State, professional, commercial, trade or bank secret, except for the cases provided for by the law. Information acquired in the line of duty, which would be harmful to the honour, dignity or safety of a person, lawful interests of natural and legal persons, obstruct the prevention, detection of criminal acts or commission the committing thereof.

4. The police shall not furnish information, which would violate presumption of innocence, norms of police ethics, interests of security of the individual, the public or the State.


Article 7. Competence of the Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior shall be a State politician setting main trends of police strategy when implementing the Government Programme. The Minister of the Interior shall:

1) submit to the Government drafts of laws and Government resolutions regulating police activities;

2) approve strategic programmes of police activities and control their implementation;

3) ensure the carrying-out of international agreements of the Republic of Lithuania at police bodies;

4) on the proposal of the Police Commissioner General, appoint and dismiss deputies of the Commissioner General;

5) recommend the Police Commissioner General to repeal legal acts adopted by him or agencies subordinate to him, if such legal acts, in the Minister’s opinion, are not in compliance with the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Lithuania, international agreements of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts;

6) submit to the Government for approval a draft of regulations of the Police Department at the Ministry of the Interior;

7) exercise other powers related to police activities, which are granted by laws, Government resolutions and other legal acts.


Article 8. Police Co-operation with Other State Institutions, Local Authorities and the Population

1. The Police shall co-operate with law-enforcement institutions in the manner prescribed by laws, legal acts and heads of law-enforcement institutions.

2. While seeking to ensure individual’s and public’s safety and order, the police shall co-operate with other State institutions and local authorities when implementing crime control and prevention programmes and otherwise involving public organisations and residents in such activities. The police shall co-operate with public organisations and individual persons in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts.

3. The police shall support legal education programmes of various forms, promote legal knowledge at educational institutions, mass media and printing activities.


Article 9. Police and the Mass Media

1. The police shall co-operate with the mass media in the manner prescribed by the law.

2. The police may establish means of mass communication, which would inform the population about the implementation of measures pertaining to the prevention of criminal acts and other violations of law, as well as the implementation of other tasks of the police, and would announce other information, related to police activities.


Article 10. Control of Police Activities         

1. The Minister of the Interior and institutions authorised for that matter shall, in the manner prescribed by the law, exercise control over police activities.

2. The Police Commissioner General shall establish the procedure of internal control of police bodies.





Article 11. Police System

1. The police system shall consist of:

1) the Police Department at the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Police Department);

2) territorial police bodies;

3) police professional training institutions;

4) specialised police bodies.

2. Territorial police bodies shall be police commissariats, which carry out the functions, attributed to them by legal acts, in the established territory.

3. Police professional training institutions shall be police professional training divisions, established by the Police Commissioner General, which ensure constant professional improvement of police officers.

4. Specialised police bodies shall be police divisions established on a non-territorial principle, which carry out certain (special) police functions assigned to them by legal acts.


Article 12. Police Commissioner General

1. The Police Commissioner General shall head the Police Department.

2. The Police Commissioner General shall:

1) establish internal structure and staff list of police bodies directly subordinate to him;

2) supervise and co-ordinate activities of the bodies directed by him;

3) organise necessary material technical provision for the bodies directed by him;

4) in a prescribed manner establish territorial, specialised police bodies and police professional training institutions;

5) in the manner prescribed by the law draw up and submit to the Ministry of Finance a draft budget of the Police Department;

6) be responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to his competence and organisation of the work of the bodies headed by him;

7) exercise other powers granted by laws and other legal acts.

3. Orders and instructions of the Police Commissioner General shall be mandatory for police officers who are subordinate to him. He shall have the right to revoke unlawful decisions adopted by subordinate police officers, except for the decisions in administrative and criminal cases.

4. At the proposal of the Minister of the Interior and on the recommendation of the Government, the Police Commissioner General shall be appointed for a five-year term of office and dismissed by the President of the Republic. The Police Commissioner General shall be directly subordinate to the Minister of the Interior and accountable to the President of the Republic.

5. The Police Commissioner General may be a person who is not younger than 35 years of age, has received a master’s of law qualification degree or single-stage higher legal or equivalent education and has worked as chief or senior commissar, usually not less than three years.

6. The Police Commissioner General may be removed from office:

1) of his own volition;

2) for health reasons, in the presence of conclusions of the medical expert examination commission regarding his inability to continue carry out his duties;

3) because of the discredit to the name of the public officer, if there are appropriate findings of the Senior Professional Conduct Commission available;

4) upon the coming into effect of the court sentence imposed upon the officer for the committed criminal act;

5) if his activities received a negative assessment in the manner prescribed by the law;

6) if he is transferred to a elective position or a position to which a person is appointed by competition;

7) if he loses citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania;

8) upon the expiration of the term of office, unless he is appointed for the second term of office.

7. Upon the expiration of the term of office of the Police Commissioner General or upon being dismissed of his own volition, he shall continue holding office until the appointment of another police commissioner general.


Article 13. Police Department

1. The Police Department shall be a police body which assists the Police Commissioner General to form a strategy of police activities and control its implementation, as well as to organise and implement the management of police bodies.

2. The Police Department shall:

1) ensure the implementation of police tasks assigned to it;

2) control and co-ordinate activities of police bodies subordinate to it, and submit recommendations and instructions to them;

3) form a general strategy of activities of subordinate police bodies and policy of personnel;

4) ensure the implementation of State programmes at police bodies;

5) organise the enforcement of decisions of the Police Commissioner General and control thereof.

3. The Government shall set up the Police Department.


Article 14. Territorial Police Bodies

1. Territorial police bodies shall consist of police headquarters of a higher level and police units of a lower level.

2. Police headquarters of a higher level shall be established in county centres and ensure the implementation of police tasks in the whole county territory. The said police headquarters shall:

1) co-ordinate and, in the manner prescribed by foundation and other legal documents, control activities of police units of a lower level functioning in the territory of an appropriate county;

2) submit to the Police Commissioner General drafts of budgets of all police bodies functioning in the territory of an appropriate county;

3) implement other tasks and functions provided for in foundation and other legal documents, and account for their implementation to the Police Commissioner General.

3. Police headquarters servicing county territories may also, beside the powers provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, service the territory of the municipality in which they are located, carrying out the tasks and functions of the police units of a lower level.

4. The police headquarters of a higher level may be founded to service the territory of the municipality of the City of Vilnius - the capital of the Republic of Lithuania. Such police headquarters shall carry out the tasks and functions provided for in paragraph 6 of this Article.

5. Police headquarters of a higher level shall be responsible and accountable to the Police Commissioner General.

6. Police units of a lower level shall be established in administrative centres of municipalities to service territories of appropriate municipalities. Such police units shall:

1) ensure public safety and order;

2) taking into account the needs of the local population and together with local authorities, public organisations and residents, draw up and implement programmes intended for crime prevention, protection of lives, health and property of the population, as well as public order;

3) carry out prevention of criminal acts and other violations of law, detect and investigate criminal acts and other violations of law;

4) submit draft budgets to the heads of police headquarters of a higher level;

5) implement tasks and functions, which are assigned to their competence, set by foundation and other legal documents;

6) account for their activities to the police headquarters of a higher level, the municipal mayor and community of the municipality.

7. Territorial police bodies shall be headed by police officers who are appointed and dismissed by the Police Commissioner General.

8. Upon the joint decision of the police officer who heads a territorial police body and the municipal mayor, police stations may be established to service separate territories of municipalities. Police units as structural subdivisions of police headquarters of a higher level may also be established to service parts of municipal territories. Police stations and other subdivisions may be established for the implementation of separate police tasks and functions.

9. When appointing heads of territorial police bodies to office, their candidatures shall be co-ordinated with the head of respective county or the municipal mayor.

10. This Law, laws and other legal acts regulating the service in the police shall establish the procedure and grounds for the appointment and dismissal of police officers.


Article 15. Training of Police Officers

1. The preparation of police officers for the implementation of police tasks shall comprise the training of police officers at educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science and professional education of police officers at police institutions - qualification improvement centres.

2. Educational institutions training police officers in accordance with the study programme approved in a prescribed manner, provide education and professional knowledge necessary for the enforcement of police tasks. Relations between educational institutions and the Police Department shall be based on a co-operation agreement.

3. Professional education of police officers at police institutions - qualification improvement centres - shall be organised by the Police Department in accordance with special professional education programmes.






Article 16. Powers of the Police Officer

1. This and other laws shall grant the police officer the right to request that, when carrying out police tasks, persons who are not directly subordinate to him, would carry out his lawful instructions, and to use coercion in the case of their non-compliance or resistance.

2. When exercising the powers granted to them, police officers shall observe only the law. Law-based requests of police officers shall be obligatory to all natural and legal persons. Persons shall be held liable for non-compliance with such requests in the manner prescribed by the law.

3. Heads of the police body shall have the right to change unlawful decisions of police officers subordinate to them, or to suspend the implementation of such decisions in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts.


Article 17. Granting of Status of the Police Officer

1. Status of the police officer shall be granted to a person who is accepted to the service in the police in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts.

2. Temporary status of the police officer shall be granted to person who is accepted to the police reserves or a police professional training institution in the prescribed manner, when appointing him to a concrete position in the police body and only during the performance of official duties. The conditions and procedure of the acceptance to the police reserves shall be established by regulations of the police reserves of the Republic of Lithuania, which are approved by the Minister of the Interior.

3. An official identification card, special dress (uniform) or a special police identification emblem shall prove status of the police officer.


Article 18. General Rights of the Police Officer

1. When ensuring the implementation of police tasks assigned to him, the police officer shall have the right:

1) having reasonable suspicion that an administrative violation of law or a criminal act has been carried out, to check documents of the person who is related to it, documents of the means of transport, freight documents and to seize them temporarily, until the adoption of a decision;

2) in the manner prescribed by the law, to detain and bring offenders to official premises of the police or other law-enforcement institutions for the purpose of establishing their identity, drawing up records, statements and reports, and examining the persons and their possessions;

3) while in pursuit of criminal suspects or absconding criminals, or in an attempt to prevent a criminal act from being carried out, to enter, at any time of day, residential or non-residential premises, territories of natural and legal persons, as well as to halt and enter any means of transportation. If such actions are met with resistance, police officers shall have the right to use force to open the premises or means of transportation in question. A police officer shall also be granted this right in the event of a natural calamity or catastrophe. The Prosecutor’s Office shall be notified within 24 hours of such actions;

4) to use, in cases provided for in Chapter 4 of this Law, firearms, physical and other kind of coercion;

5) when going to the scene of an incident, pursuing criminals, or transporting persons in need of urgent medical aid, to health care institutions or in other urgent cases, to use, without intervention and without charge, all means of transportation belonging to natural and legal persons, with the exception of means of transportation belonging to diplomatic or consular missions. In case of official exigency, the police officer shall have priority in the acquisition of tickets for all means of transportation; when all tickets are sold out they shall have the right to board all means of transportation. Upon request of the owner of the means of transportation, the police must, in the manner prescribed by the Minister of the Interior, compensate for the damages inflicted on him;

6) to use, in cases of official emergency, communication facilities owned by natural or legal persons without charge. Upon request of the owner of communication facilities, the police must, in the manner prescribed by the Minister of the Interior, compensate for the damages inflicted on him;

7) to temporarily restrict access to a particular territory or premises, to halt on-going works, to restrict or suspend traffic in the event that nature is endangered, public order, security of the individual or the State is being threatened;

8) to check a person driving the means of transportation, when suspecting that the said person is under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic or other toxic substances or affected by medicaments, not to allow such person, as well as the person who does not have the right to drive or who due to his health condition creates danger to traffic safety, to drive the means of transportation;

9) to prohibit to exploit means of transportation the construction or technical state of which does not correspond to valid road traffic rules, norms or standards;

10) to seize, in the procedure established by the law, firearms, ammunition, explosives, narcotics, and other objects and substances subject to license if the said object or substance is being kept or used in violation of rules;

11) in the manner and cases prescribed by laws and other legal acts, to demand and to free of charge get from State and private institutions information necessary for the implementation of police tasks;

12) when ensuring the implementation of police tasks and without violating the inviolability of individual’s private life guaranteed by the law, to take photographs, to make audio or video recordings.

2. The police officer shall have other rights granted to him by the law.


Article 19. Rights of the Police Officer when Carrying out the Prevention of Criminal Acts and other Law Violations

1. While preventing criminal acts and other law violations, the police officer shall have the right:

1) to visit persons who are put on the police prevention register in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts at their homes or to summon them to police quarters for preventive discussions, as well as to summon to police quarters and to officially caution other persons for their inadmissible behaviour which is in conflict with public interests;

2) to enter, at any time of day, residential premises of convicted persons when this is related to the enforcement of a decision adopted by the court or carrying-out of assigned obligation, as well as to summon and bring such persons to police quarters, and to supervise their complying with laws and restrictions imposed by the court;

3) while monitoring compliance with the pass system at the State border, requirements of legal acts regulating immigration, to enter residential premises from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., to request personal documents;

4) to take photographs and make audio and video recordings of persons under administrative arrest or who are on the police register in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts, as well as to fingerprint the said persons and take other samples for comparative investigation or identification;

5) to take to health care institutions for compulsory testing law offenders intoxicated with alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substances, and in order to prevent the spread of venereal and other infectious diseases, persons attributed to the group of increased risk persons who are put on the medical institution or police prevention registers;

6) to bring from public places or dens to a health care institution a person intoxicated with alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or other dangerous substances, or substances severely acting on the mind, if he is unable to move or is liable to harm themselves or the people around them.


Article 20. Rights of the Police Officer when Detecting or Investigating a Criminal Act

While investigating a criminal act or possessing information that such an act is being planned, is carried out or has been carried out, the police officer shall, in the manner and on the basis established by legal acts, have the right:

1) to inspect economic and commercial as well as financial or other activities of enterprises, agencies and organisations of all types, the state of protection of material valuables and goods, the legality of their acquisition, production, utilisation, and sale, and the premises of production, administration, and other spheres, including sealed premises;

2) to inspect vehicles entering or leaving the territory of enterprises, agencies, and organisations, as well as the freight and goods carried by means of transportation belonging to natural or legal persons;

3) to order and carry out inventory, auditing, check measurements and other inspections; to examine, review and seize documents concerning book keeping, personnel, inspections and audits, other documents, as well as samples of raw materials, products, and goods, other items; to demand that book keeping be in order;

4) to obtain information and explanatory statements concerning criminal acts or violations from managers, officers, and persons who are materially responsible and others;

5) to inspect means of transportation, individuals and their personal luggage at check posts of all kinds;

6) to enter the premises of enterprises, agencies, and organisations of all types during working hours; during non-working hours, to enter the said premises with an administrative representative, a representative of the owner, or the owner of the enterprise, agency, or organisation;

7) within his competence, to perform operational activities, investigate criminal cases, to draw up criminalistic databases (files and compilations) and carry out other activities provided for by laws and other legal acts.


Article 21. Duties of Police Officers

1. The police officer must:

1) respect and protect human dignity, ensure and safeguard human rights and freedoms;

2) take urgent measures, or upon receiving a report concerning a criminal act or other violation of law that is being committed, or upon witnessing such a criminal act or any other violation of law being committed, to stop the criminal act or other violation of law that is being committed, to protect the scene and evidences of crime, to detect, apprehend and bring to police quarters a person who has committed an act prohibited by the law and inform the police agency about this. The requirements of this subparagraph shall not apply to the police officer in the cases when the performing of such duties would obstruct the fulfilment of tasks of the special competence police agency;

3) guarantee the rights and legal interests of persons who have been arrested or brought to police quarters, and provide first aid to victims of law violations and persons who are in a helpless state;

4) take all possible measures to save the property of an individual, the State, public organisations, and other organisations in the event of natural calamity, catastrophe, accidents, or other emergency situations;

5) refrain from divulging information of a confidential nature, unless the execution of official duties requires otherwise.

2. The police officer must also perform other duties provided for by the law.

3. The police officer must identify himself while performing official duties. In the event that the police officer does not have distinguishing police marks (special dress (uniform) or a special official emblem) or upon a personal request, the police officer must present his official identification card.


Article 22. Responsibility of Police Officers

1. Police officers shall be personally liable for their own actions and decisions, and the consequences thereof.

2. Police officers who violate the requirements of the law in the execution of their duties shall, in accordance with the procedure established by laws and other legal acts, be subject to disciplinary, administrative, material, or criminal liability, depending on the nature of the violation.

3. A police officer who executes an knowingly unlawful order or directive shall not be relieved of responsibility.

4. The State shall, in accordance with the procedure established legal acts, compensate for damage inflicted on natural or legal persons by the unlawful actions of a police officer.

5. Police officers who act in accordance with the powers granted to them by laws and other legal acts, shall not be held responsible for damages inflicted when acting in accordance with the powers granted by laws and other legal acts.


chapter four

use of Firearms, physical and other COERCION


Article 23. Types of Coercion and Conditions of the Use Thereof

1. The police officer shall have the right to use coercion when it is necessary to prevent violations of law, to apprehend the persons who have committed said violations, as well as in other cases when protecting and defending lawful interests of an individual, society, the State. Coercion which might cause bodily injuries or death , may be used to the extent which is necessary for the fulfilment of the official duty, and only after all possible measures of persuasion or other measures have been used with no effect. The type of coercion and the limits of the use thereof shall be selected by the police officer, taking into account the concrete situation, nature of the violation of law and individual features of the offender. When using coercion, police officers must seek to avoid detrimental consequences.

2. The police officer may, in the manner and cases provided for by the law, use mental or physical coercion, a firearm and explosives.

3. When used in this Law, mental coercion shall mean as a warning about an intention to use physical coercion, a firearm or explosives. Demonstration of a firearm and warning shots shall be regarded as mental coercion, however, such measures of mental coercion may be used only in the presence of the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 of Article 24 of this Law.

4. When used in this Law, physical coercion shall mean:

1) use of physical force of any kind as well as methods of combat wrestling;

2) use of special equipment, i.e. of truncheons, handcuffs and restraining devices, gas, police dogs, methods of stopping transport by force, and other means of active and passive defence of the police, permitted by the law and approved by an order of the Minister of the Interior.

5. Before using physical coercion or a firearm, the police officer must warn the person about his intention, providing the said person with a possibility to fulfil lawful requirements, with the exception of the cases when delaying poses a threat to the life or health of the police officer or another person, or when such warning is impossible.

6. If the police officer does not carry special equipment or a firearm with him, he may use any additional measures necessary to repel an attempt or to liquidate sources of threat.

7. The police officer who has used coercion without violating the requirements of this Law, but who has inflicted damage on the valuables protected by the law, shall not be held liable.

8. The prosecutor’s office shall be immediately informed about the use by the police officer of coercion, which has caused individual’s death or injuries.

9. Police officers must undergo special training and periodically checked if they are able to act in the situations related to the use of physical coercion, firearms or explosives.


Article 24. Basis for the Use of Physical Coercion

1. The police officer shall have the right to use physical coercion:

1) when defending himself, another person from a started attempt or an attempt posing a direct threat to life or health;

2) when apprehending a person who has committed a violation of law and who evades arrest by active actions;

3) when an attempt is made to commit an offence against facilities controlled or guarded by the police, means of transportation, a firearm, explosives, measures of special communication, active or passive defence, or against other police property;

4) during mass riots or group actions which violate public order;

5) while stopping the means of transportation, in case of official exigency.

2. It shall be prohibited to use methods of combat wrestling and special equipment against women who are obviously pregnant, as well as against persons when they are visibly disabled or minors (if the police officer knows their age or if their appearance corresponds to their age, with the exception of cases when they resist in a manner which is dangerous to life or health, or a group of such persons attack and this attack poses a threat to life or health).


Article 25. Use of Firearms

1. When other coercive measures are ineffective, the police officer shall have the right to use a firearm as an extraordinary measure.

2. The police officer shall have the right to use a firearm against persons in the following cases:

1) when defending himself or another person from a started criminal attempt or a criminal attempt which poses a direct threat dangerous to life or health;

2) when apprehending a person who has committed a criminal act and who evades arrest by active actions, if it is impossible to apprehend him in any other way, as well as in cases when the person refuses to fulfil lawful requirements to put down a weapon or another thing with which it is possible to injure an individual, if a threat is posed to the life or health of the police officer or another individual and it is impossible to disarm him in any other way;

3) when repelling an attack of guarded facilities;

4) when it is necessary to free hostages or to prevent an act of terror;

5) in the event of escape from the place of imprisonment or riots therein.

3. The police officer shall have the right to use a firearm against means of transport and animals.

4. It shall be prohibited to use a firearm in public gathering places, if it endangers innocent people; against women who are obviously pregnant, as well as against persons who are visibly disabled, against minors, if the police officer knows their age or their appearance corresponds to their age, except in cases when said persons resist in a manner dangerous to human life or health or a group of such persons attacks and this attack poses a threat to life or health.


Article 26. Use of Explosives

Without posing a threat to human life, the police officer shall have the right to use explosives to destroy explosive devices to enter facilities (a place) where hostages are being kept or where other criminal acts posing a threat to human life or health.


Article 27. Guarantees of Personal Security of the Armed Police Officer

1. The police officer shall have the right to take out a forearm from the holster and prepare it for use where he thinks that he might have to use it in a concrete situation.

2. The police officer shall, without posing a threat to the valuables protected by the law, have the right to fire from a firearm, when it is necessary to give alarm signals, to call help or warn about possible use of a firearm.

3. The police officer shall have the right to use physical or mental coercion when a person who is being arrested or who is arrested, tries to use force or gets closer to the police officer and does not obey officer’s demand to keep his distance as directed or attempts to seize a firearm from the police officer. If the used coercive measures appear to be ineffective or their use is not possible because of the intensity of actions carried out by the person, or delaying poses a threat to the police officer’s life, the police officer may use a firearm.



Police Financing


Article 28. The Financing of the Police

1. The police shall be financed from the State budget. The Police Department shall have a separate estimate of costs.

2. By agreement of territorial police bodies and local authorities, joint programmes shall be drawn up and implemented, intended for crime prevention, protection of person’s life, health and property, as well as public order, and financed from municipal budgets. Local authorities may also finance from their budgets other programmes implemented by territorial police bodies, related to the ensuring of security of the local population.

3. Other non-budgetary funds, received in the manner prescribed by the law, may be used for the financing of the police.





Article 29. Invalid Legal Acts

Upon the coming into force of this Law, the following legal acts shall become invalid:

1) Articles 1-4, paragraphs 6, 8, 9, and 10 of Article 5, Articles 6, 7, 9-16, 163, 17-21, 212, 22-24, paragraph 3 of Article 27, Articles 28, 30, 33-39, 392, 40-43, 49, and 50 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Police;

2) Chapter 1 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Amendment and Supplement of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Police, the Provisional Law of the Republic of Lithuania on National Defence Obligation and the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on National Defence Service;

3) the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Amendment of Articles 12, 13 and 49 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Police;

4) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Articles of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Amendment of Articles 12, 13, 37, 50 and Supplement with Articles 163, 164, 212, 392 of the Law on Police;

5) Resolution No. I-852 of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania – Reconstituent Seimas on the Coming into Force of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Police, adopted on 11 December 1990.


I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.






PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC                               VALDAS ADAMKUS