Consolidated version valid as of 1 November 2014
Enterprises and Facilities of Strategic Importance to National Security and Other Enterprises of Importance to Ensuring National Security
10 October 2002 No IX-1132
(As last amended on 21 October 2014 No XII-1272)
Article 1. Purpose of the Law
The purpose of this Law shall be to identify which enterprises are of strategic or considerable importance to national security, which facilities are of particular strategic or strategic importance to national security, which of them must belong to the State by the right of ownership, in which of them a portion of the capital may be held by private national and foreign persons conforming to national security interests, and in which of them the decision-making power must be retained by the State, as stipulated in Article 4(3) of this Law. This Law shall also lay down a procedure for and criteria of determination whether potential participants of enterprises of strategic or considerable importance to national security conform to national security interests, define the economic sectors of considerable strategic importance to national security, as well as facilities of particular strategic and strategic importance to national security, and special security measures ensuring national security interests applicable to them and to investors in the economic sectors of considerable strategic importance to national security or to those intending to carry out activities in the territory of the protection zone of importance to national security of facilities of particular strategic or strategic importance to national security.
Article 2. Definitions
1. National security interests means protection of the independence and sovereignty of the State, European and trans-Atlantic integration, reduction of threats and risks to the energy and other economic sectors of crucial importance to public security.
2. Potential participant means a natural or legal person that has officially declared an intention of or interest in acquiring the shares of an enterprise of strategic or considerable importance to national security, or of an enterprise being established or operating in the economic sector of considerable strategic importance to national security, or acquiring ownership, management or any other rights to facilities of particular strategic importance or strategic importance to national security. In the cases provided for by this Law, an existing shareholder of an enterprise of strategic or considerable importance to national security seeking to additionally acquire the shares of the enterprise shall also be considered as a potential participant.
3. Special security measures means the conditions and requirements set forth in legal acts and international treaties intended for the protection of essential interests of the State (ensuring security, sovereignty and economic power of the State, public health and safe environment, public order etc.) with a view to preventing the acts and omissions posing a threat and eliminating the causes and conditions of their occurrence.
4. Enterprises and facilities of strategic or considerable importance to national security and facilities of particular strategic or strategic importance to national security means enterprises located or being established and facilities being designed or constructed in the Republic of Lithuania which, according to their purpose and/or nature of activities, are, under this Law, assigned particular strategic, strategic or considerable importance to national security and which, due to the protection of essential interests of national security, are subject to conditions and requirements regarding ownership, management or any other rights to the enterprises or facilities, the capital structure of the enterprises and changes therein, as well as requirements to be complied with by potential participants.
5. The terms ‘national investor’ and ‘project implementing company’ used in this Law shall be interpreted as they are defined in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Nuclear Power Plant (hereinafter: the ‘Law on the Nuclear Power Plant’).
Article 3. State and municipal enterprises of strategic importance to national security and facilities belonging to the State by the right of ownership
1. The following state and municipal enterprises shall be of strategic importance to national security:
1) public limited liability company Lietuvos paštas (Lithuanian Post);
2) state enterprise Ignalinos atominė elektrinė (Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant);
3) state enterprise Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija (Klaipėda State Seaport Authority);
4) state enterprise Lietuvos naftos produktų agentūra (Lithuanian Oil Products Agency);
5) state enterprise Oro navigacija (Air Navigation);
6) state enterprise Automagistralė;
7) state enterprise Alytaus regiono keliai (Alytus Region Roads);
8) state enterprise Kauno regiono keliai (Kaunas Region Roads);
9) state enterprise Klaipėdos regiono keliai (Klaipėda Region Roads);
10) state enterprise Marijampolės regiono keliai (Marijampolė Region Roads);
11) state enterprise Panevėžys Region Roads (Panevėžio regiono keliai);
12) state enterprise Šiaulių regiono keliai (Šiauliai Region Roads);
13) state enterprise Tauragės regiono keliai (Tauragė Region Roads);
14) state enterprise Telšių regiono keliai (Telšiai Region Roads);
15) state enterprise Utenos regiono keliai (Utena Region Roads);
16) state enterprise Vilniaus regiono keliai (Vilnius Region Roads);
17) state enterprise Vidaus vandens kelių direkcija (Lithuanian Inland Waterways Authority);
18) state enterprise Lietuvos oro uostai (Lithuanian Airports);
19) municipal enterprise Šiaulių oro uostas (Šiauliai Airport).
2. The following facilities and their appurtenances belonging to the State by the right of ownership and protection zones of these facilities of importance to national security, as established by a resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter: the ‘Government’), shall be of strategic importance to national security:
1) hydraulic engineering facilities, quays, navigation tracks and channels, navigation facilities and other infrastructure of Klaipėda State Seaport;
2) roads of national importance according to a list approved by the Government;
3) flight control system facilities;
4) public railways;
5) polders and related structures managed by the right of trust by Klaipėda and Šilutė district municipalities and Pagėgiai municipality;
6) aerodromes.
3. The following economic sectors shall be of considerable strategic importance to national security:
1) energy;
2) transport;
3) information technologies and telecommunications, other high technologies;
4) finance and credit.
4. The state enterprises indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article may be converted into public limited liability companies or private limited liability companies or reorganised in the ways specified by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania only subject to passing of an appropriate law by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
5. The facilities indicated in paragraph 2 of this Article shall belong to the State by the right of ownership, but in cases provided for by laws and in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts may be leased and transferred under a loan for use agreement or may be transferred for management, use and disposal by the right of trust only to the state enterprises indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article, to the municipalities indicated in point 5 of paragraph 2 of this Article and to the enterprises indicated in Article 4(1) of this Law.
Article 4. Enterprises and facilities of strategic importance to national security
1. The following enterprises in which a portion of the capital may be held by private national and foreign persons conforming to national security interests, provided that the decision-making power is retained by the State, shall be of strategic importance to national security:
1) public limited liability company Detonas;
2) public limited liability company Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways);
3) public limited liability company Lietuvos radijos ir televizijos centras (Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre);
4) public limited liability company Jonavos grūdai (Jonava Grain);
5) public limited liability company Lietuvos energija, AB (Lithuanian Energy);
6) public limited liability company LITGRID, AB;
7) public limited liability company LESTO, AB;
8) public limited liability company Klaipėdos nafta (Klaipėda Oil);
9) national investor;
10) operator of the liquefied natural gas terminal;
11) liquefied natural gas terminal operator;
2. Facilities which form an electric power transmission network of the voltage of 110 kV and above, the oil terminal located in the territory of the Klaipėda State Seaport as well as appurtenances thereof shall be of strategic importance to national security. These facilities may be owned by the right of ownership or be used by the State, legal persons controlled (directly or indirectly) by the State or other entities conforming to national security interests.
3. In this Law, the decision-making power of the State shall mean that, in the enterprises indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article, the State must, directly or through its controlled enterprises, hold over 1/2 of the voting shares of these enterprises.
4. The foreign capital shall make up a portion of the capital of the enterprises indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article under the same conditions as the private national capital in accordance with the procedure laid down by laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
5. The decision-making power of the State must be preserved in the enterprises continuing after conversion, reorganisation or split-off of the enterprises indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article.
6. The laws regulating types of specific legal persons shall apply to the legal persons indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article to the extent they do not contradict this Law.
Article 5. Enterprises of importance to ensuring national security
1. The following enterprises shall also be of importance to ensuring national security:
1) public limited liability company ORLEN Lietuva;
2) public limited liability company Lietuvos dujos (Lithuanian Gas);
3) project implementing company stipulated in the Law on the Nuclear Power Plant;
4) public limited liability company TEO LT, AB;
5) public limited liability company Achema;
6) enterprises providing water supply and sewage disposal services according to a list approved by the Government;
7) public limited liability company Giraitė Armament Factory (Giraitės ginkluotės gamykla).
8) public limited liability company Amber Grid, AB;
2. The enterprises providing water supply and sewage disposal services indicated in point 6 of paragraph 1 of this Article must belong to the State or a municipality by the right of ownership, or the State or a municipality must hold over 3/4 of the shares granting votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these enterprises.
3. The Government and state institutions, when adopting decisions and concluding agreements, also holders of the State’s shareholding, when adopting decisions, concluding agreements and exercising the rights of a shareholder of the national investor, indicated in Article 4(1)(10), to the extent of the shares held by the State by the right of ownership, shall ensure that in relation to the participation in the capital of the project implementing company, indicated in point 3 of paragraph 1 of this Article, of the strategic investor and/or strategic partners (and/or their controlled persons) the essential interests of national security and of the State be protected. The essential interests of national security and of the State shall be protected by carrying out assessment of conformity of potential participants of the project implementing company, indicated in point 3 of paragraph 1 of this Article, with national security interests when this is required under Article 7 of this Law.
Article 6. Enterprises and facilities of particular strategic importance to national security and special security measures ensuring national security interests applicable to them and to investors
1. Interconnections of the power system of the Republic of Lithuania with the power systems of the Republic of Poland and the Kingdom of Sweden and the liquefied natural gas terminal as well as their appurtenances shall be of particular strategic importance to national security.
2. The Government and state institutions, when adopting decisions and concluding agreements, holders of the State’s shareholding, when adopting decisions, concluding agreements and exercising the rights of shareholders of the constructor (builder) and operator of electric power transmission interconnections belonging to the State by the right of ownership, the liquefied natural gas terminal project implementing company and the liquefied natural gas terminal operator, to the extent of the shares held by the State by the right of ownership, shall ensure that:
1) the constructor (builder) and operator of electric power transmission interconnections, the liquefied natural gas terminal project implementing company, and the liquefied natural gas terminal operator efficiently and in accordance with their respective functional purpose contribute to implementation of the principal task of the energy system of the Republic of Lithuania, namely to provide Lithuanian consumers with electricity and/or heat and natural gas under the most favourable economic conditions for an unlimited period of time and in an independent, safe and reliable manner;
2) electric power transmission interconnections with the Republic of Poland and the Kingdom of Sweden, ensuring efficient electric power exchanges of the required volume between the electric power system of the Republic of Lithuania and the electricity networks of continental Europe, become operational within the reasonably shortest time;
3) technical solutions and parameters of the electric power transmission interconnections with the Republic of Poland and the Kingdom of Sweden be selected so that the main part of the reserve capacities required for the nuclear power plant could be received from other Member States of the European Union and that the conditions for the synchronous operation of the power system of the Republic of Lithuania with the electricity networks of continental Europe be met;
4) the electric power system of the Republic of Lithuania be prepared for immediate connection to the electricity networks of continental Europe for synchronous operation as soon as electricity network interconnections are in place, technical measures are implemented and the actions required for the Republic of Lithuania to join the electricity networks of continental Europe are performed;
5) heads and deputy heads of the constructor (builder) and operator of electric power transmission interconnections, the liquefied natural gas terminal project implementing company, the liquefied natural gas terminal operator and the enterprises indicated in Article 4(1) of this Law in which the State has the decision-making power, as well as persons seeking to hold or holding positions in which by virtue of the functions or duties assigned to them they are authorised to access, unaccompanied, facilities of particular strategic importance to national security, adopt decisions concerning the operation of these facilities (hereinafter: ‘managing officers’) be screened in the manner specified in this Law.
3. Interconnections of the electric power system of the Republic of Lithuania with the electric power systems of the Republic of Poland and the Kingdom of Sweden and investors in such interconnections shall be subject to special security measures ensuring national security interests.
4. The following special security measures ensuring national security interests shall be stipulated in legal acts:
1) physical safety and information security requirements;
2) employee compliance requirements;
3) security of power supply and diversification of primary power sources;
4) ensuring of reserves of the electric power system of the Republic of Lithuania.
5. Persons may not be appointed to or hold the positions referred to in point 5 of paragraph 2 of this Article in the presence of the following circumstances:
1) a person has been convicted of a crime against the independence of the State of Lithuania, its territorial integrity and constitutional order, or a crime against public security, or for a crime relating to possession of weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive or radioactive substances or military equipment, irrespective of whether or not his conviction has expired;
2) a person has been convicted of any grave crime, irrespective of whether or not his conviction has expired;
3) a person has been found guilty, by an effective judgment of conviction, of a serious or less serious crime and has an unexpired or unexpunged conviction;
4) a person has been found guilty, by an effective judgment of conviction, of a criminal act against civil service and public interests or the governance order and has an unexpired or unexpunged conviction, or, in the case of a misdemeanour, less than three years have passed from the coming into effect of the judgment of conviction;
5) a person has, in the manner stipulated by law, been adjudged incapacitated or of limited legal capacity, or the person is subject to compulsory medicinal treatment;
6) a person collaborates or collaborated, or maintains or maintained relations with an intelligence or security service of a foreign State or with person collaborating or maintaining relations with the intelligence or security service of a foreign state due to the interests hostile to the Republic of Lithuania;
7) a person participates or participated in the activities of a terrorist organisation or terrorist group or knowingly maintains or maintained relations with a person belonging to a terrorist organisation or group;
8) a person is subject to preventive measures in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Organised Crime Prevention;
9) a person has, in the course of the past three years, been entered into the records of a healthcare establishment because of his alcohol or drug addiction;
10) a person has, in the course of the past three years, been imposed penalties more than once for commitment of an administrative offence, where the offence or commitment thereof is related to the use of alcohol, drugs or psychotropic substances;
11) a person suffers from mental disorders in view of which a threat could be posed to the safety of facilities of particular strategic importance to national security. The list of mental disorders shall be approved by the Government or an institution authorised by it;
12) a person refuses to submit the documents referred to in paragraph 8 of this Article, or submits false data that may possibly affect the decision concerning the appointment to the positions referred to in point 5 of paragraph 2 of this Article.
6. Nationals of foreign states or stateless persons not residing, on a permanent or temporary basis, in the Republic of Lithuania, may be appointed to the positions referred to in point 5 of paragraph 2 of this Article only provided that the circumstances referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article are not present, based on legal acts of the foreign country whose nationals or permanent residents they are and the competent institutions thereof confirm this at request of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter: the ‘Ministry of the Interior’) (regarding the information indicated in points 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10 of paragraph 5 of this Article), at request of the State Security Department of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter: the ‘State Security Department’) (regarding the information indicated in points 6 and 7 of paragraph 5 of this Article) and at request of the above mentioned persons (regarding the information indicated in points 5, 9 and 11 of paragraph 5 of this Article).
7. The information referred to in points 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10 of paragraph 5 and in paragraph 6 of this Article shall be supplied by the Ministry of the Interior, the information referred to in points 6 and 7 of paragraph 5 and in paragraph 6 of this Article shall be supplied by the State Security Department to the head or collegial management body of an enterprise appointing a managing officer (hereinafter: the ‘entity appointing or having appointed a person’), upon their request (before appointing) or on its own initiative (at any time when the respective circumstances come to light), and the information referred to in points 5, 9 and 11 of paragraph 5 and in paragraph 6 of this Article accompanied by the supporting documents issued by competent institutions shall be supplied by the managing officers themselves.
8. The form of the application to submit the information about a managing officer shall be approved by the Government or an institution authorised by it. The entity submitting the application must, together with a written application to supply the information about the managing officer, supply to the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Department a consent to screening, in the established form, by the managing officer about whom the information is being requested, as well as the documents specified by the State Security Department required to assess the circumstances referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article.
9. The information about a managing officer referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article shall be submitted by the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Department not later than within 20 working days from the receipt of a written application to submit the information about a managing officer. The above mentioned time limit may be extended by a reasoned decision of the Ministry of the Interior or the State Security Department for not longer than 40 working days where the managing officer is a national of a foreign state or a stateless person residing outside the Republic of Lithuania. In the event that the information is not supplied within the indicated time limit, it shall be deemed that the persons may be appointed to or hold the positions indicated in Article 6(2)(5) of this Law.
10. The entity appointing or having appointed a managing officer may use the information submitted in the manner specified in this Article only for the purpose of adopting a decision concerning the suitability of that managing officer for the position sought or held. The entity appointing or having appointed a managing officer may not transfer or otherwise disclose the information received in the manner specified in this Article about that managing officer to any third parties, except in the cases stipulated by laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
11. Having assessed the entirety of the information submitted in the manner specified in this Article and having adopted a decision not to appoint that person to the position, the entity appointing a managing officer must, within three working days, notify the managing officer thereof and familiarise him, against his signature, with the information submitted by the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Department, except for the part thereof that contains classified information.
12. A person shall be entitled to appeal against the adopted decision not to appoint him to a position in the manner set forth by laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
13. The Ministry of the Interior, the State Security Department, as well as the entities appointing or having appointed a managing officer must ensure that the data of the managing officer received in the manner specified in this Article be managed and stored in the manner set forth by legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 7. Assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests
1. Assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests shall be carried out in the manner and cases stipulated by this Article.
2. Assessment of conformity of a potential participant to national security interests shall be carried out in the cases where it:
1) acting independently or, in the cases specified by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Securities (hereinafter: the ‘Law on Securities’), jointly with other persons acting in concert, seeks to acquire the shares granting 1/20 or more of votes in an enterprise of strategic or considerable importance or an enterprise operating in the economic sector of considerable strategic importance to national security indicated in Article 3(3) of this Law;
2) acting independently or, in the cases specified by the Law on Securities, jointly with other persons acting in concert, seeks to acquire the shares which, together with the shares already held by him or together with the shares held by other persons acting in concert, grant over 1/3 of votes in an enterprise of strategic or considerable importance or an enterprise operating in the economic sector of considerable strategic importance to national security indicated in Article 3(3) of this Law;
3) seeks to acquire ownership or management, or any other rights to a facility of strategic importance to national security or intends to carry out activities in the territory within the protection zone of importance to national security of these facilities.
3. The Government shall form a commission for assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests (hereinafter: the ‘Commission’). The Government shall appoint to the Commission its own representatives and representatives of the competent institutions in the field of national security and shall approve a description of the rules of procedure of the Commission.
4. The management bodies of enterprises of strategic or considerable importance to national security, and of enterprises holding by the right of ownership or using the facilities of strategic importance to national security must refer to the Commission with regard to assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests, upon receiving consent of the respective potential participant, and submit the documents and information about the potential participants, indicated in the description of the rules of procedure of the Commission, received from the potential participants.
5. Assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests may be initiated at the Commission by the Government, also by a state or municipal institution which is the manager of the shares of a public limited liability company held by the State or a municipality by the right of ownership (whereto these shares have been transferred by the right of trust) or which exercises the rights and duties of the owner of a state or municipal enterprise, or which adopts decisions on investment in an economic sector of considerable strategic importance to national security or decisions on investment in the territory of the protection zone of facilities of strategic importance to national security, or by a potential participant.
6. In assessing conformity of potential participants to national security interests, conclusions shall be submitted to the Commission, within the sphere of their competence and in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts, by the State Security Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior, other pre-trial investigation bodies, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania, and other institutions by a decision of the Commission.
7. A decision on conformity of a potential participant to national security interests shall be adopted by the Commission upon assessing conformity of the person to the criteria specified in paragraph 10 of this Article and the conclusions of the competent state institutions participating in the assessment not later than within 30 days from submission of the respective application. If the Commission fails to adopt a decision within the above mentioned time limit, it shall be deemed that the person conforms to national security interests.
8. A potential participant in respect whereof assessment of conformity to national security interests has been performed on the grounds specified by this Article and in accordance with the procedure laid down by the legal acts implementing this Law and a decision has been adopted on conformity of that person to national security interests shall be considered to be a person conforming to national security interests.
9. Where a person is a legal entity, it shall be considered that it conforms to national security interests provided that the entity itself and the persons directly and/or indirectly holding over 2/3 of the voting shares of this enterprise conform thereto.
10. A potential participant shall be recognised as conforming to national security interests provided that he meets all of the following conditions:
1) meets the criteria of European and trans-Atlantic integration referred to in Article 8 of this Law;
2) is not a dominant importer of fossil energy resources of any kind to the Republic of Lithuania, a person controlled by such an importer or related thereto by cooperation or partnership relations where such relations may be regarded as a threat to national security;
3) does not maintain the relations with institutions of the foreign states not members of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or with persons from those states which might increase the risk or pose a threat to national security;
4) there are no data that a person is related to organised criminal groups, special services or groups of foreign states, related to international terrorist organisations or maintaining relations with persons suspected of membership thereof;
5) has not committed any serious and grave crimes indicated in the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania or is not subject to proceedings in respect of commission of the mentioned crimes, also the corresponding acts in foreign states;
6) has not been, in accordance with the procedure laid down by legal acts, recognised as having committed crimes against the independence, territorial integrity and constitutional order of the State of Lithuania and/or over the last 24 months having materially violated this Law and other legal acts regulating the activities of enterprises and facilities of strategic or considerable importance to national security.
11. Where the Commission acknowledges that a potential participant does not meet national security interests, the decision must specify the legal and factual basis thereof. A negative decision of the Commission shall mean that the State objects to that person’s becoming a potential participant and such a person may not become a potential participant in the manner prescribed in paragraph 2 of this Article until he eliminates the reasons for the non-conformity to national security interests as specified in the decision of the Commission, and the Commission passes a new decision confirming the conformity of this person to national security interests.
12. The Commission’s decision may be appealed against to Vilnius Regional Administrative Court in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Administrative Proceedings.
13. The Member States of the European Union, the parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, also legal persons in which the Member States of the European Union or the parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area directly or indirectly hold over 2/3 of the voting shares or other portions of capital of such legal persons shall meet national security interests and shall not be subject to obligations stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, and assessment of conformity of potential participants to national security interests shall not be carried out.
14. Persons carrying out or seeking to carry out an economic activity in the territory of the protection zone of importance to national security of facilities of particular strategic or strategic importance to national security shall be subject to the same limitations and requirements as apply to potential participants of enterprises of strategic or considerable importance to national security.
Article 8. Criteria of conformity of a potential participant to European and trans-Atlantic integration
The Commission shall assess conformity of a potential participant to the following criteria of European and trans-Atlantic integration:
1) the nature and know-how of long-term operation in a relevant field in the Member States of the European Union and member countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, also in other states of importance to the strengthening of national security which develop security relations with the Member States of the European Union and member countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation;
2) actual intentions, possibilities and planned ways of making a direct or indirect contribution to Lithuania’s economic sector of importance to national security or accelerated integration of the energy system into trans-Atlantic and European markets;
3) business cooperation and partnership relations favourable for Lithuania’s European and trans-Atlantic integration.
Article 9. Safety of enterprises and facilities of strategic or considerable importance to national security
1. Taking account of peculiarities of activity of enterprises, the Government or an institution authorised by it shall set forth requirements for the physical safety and information security of enterprises and facilities of strategic or considerable importance to national security, employee compliance requirements, also the procedure for implementation of these requirements.
2. Heads of enterprises and facilities of strategic or considerable importance to national security shall be responsible for implementation of the requirements for physical safety and information security as well as employee compliance provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The nuclear power plant shall be subject to the safety requirements established in the Law on Nuclear Energy, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Nuclear Safety, Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Nuclear Waste Management, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Radiation Safety and other laws and legal acts.
I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.