30 May 1995   No I-907

(As last amended on 25 May 2023 – No XIV-2001)






Article 1. Purpose of the Law

This Law lays down the status of the National Audit Office of Lithuania as the supreme audit institution, the legal framework and principles of activities, the remit and the working conditions of its employees.


Article 2. Definitions

1. ‘Compliance audit’ means a type of a public audit whereby the compliance of activities of an audited entity with requirements of legal acts as well as with other requirements is evaluated and an auditor’s independent opinion may be issued.

2. ‘Budget policy monitoring’ means monitoring of compliance with the rules and fulfilment of the tasks set out in the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty, preparation and submission of opinions to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania as well as communication to the public of these opinions.

3. ‘Financial audit’ means a type of a public audit whereby data contained in a set of annual accounts of an audited entity are assessed and an auditor’s independent opinion is issued.

4. 'Annual activity plan’ means a planning document for the activities of the National Audit Office for a given budgetary year which sets out the scope of the activities.

5. ‘Entity’ means a public sector entity or any other legal person to whom state assets have been made available or transferred and/or over whom the public sector entity has a decisive influence and in which the National Audit Office performs public auditing, budget policy monitoring and other activities to achieve the goals set out in this Law.

6. ‘Employee of the National Audit Office’ means the Republic of Lithuania Auditor General, Deputy Auditors General, the Head of Administration, public auditors, employees carrying out other assessments, as well as employees assisting in the implementation of the goals of the National Audit Office and/or conducting internal administration, including material and/or technical support functions.

7. ‘Public audit report’ means a public audit document which presents results of a performed public audit.

8. ‘Public auditor’s report’ means a public audit document which presents an auditor’s independent opinion following a financial and/or compliance audit.

9. ‘Public audit recommendations’ means proposals formulated on the basis of results of a public audit and aimed at addressing issues identified in the course of the public audit, with a view to improving the performance of an audited entity/audited entities and increasing the benefits for society.

10. ‘Public audit’ means an independent and objective assessment carried out in entities audited by the supreme audit institution.

11. ‘‘Public auditor’ means an employee of the National Audit Office who performs a public audit and/or is involved in the public audit process, and/or monitors public audit recommendations, and/or who carries out assessments, is sworn to the Republic of Lithuania and has the rights and duties laid down in this Law.

12. ‘Performance audit’ means a type of public auditing where activities of an audited entity are evaluated in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

 13. Other terms used in this Law shall be interpreted as defined or used in the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Fiscal Discipline, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Budget Structure, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Public Sector Accountability, the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Audit of Financial Statements and the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania.





Article 3. Legal status of the National Audit Office

1. The National Audit Office shall be the supreme audit institution, accountable to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. The National Audit Office shall be a budgetary institution that has its bank account and seal with the Lithuanian state emblem and the name ‘Lietuvos Respublika. Valstybės kontrolė’ (‘Republic of Lithuania. National Audit Office’), as well as its symbols and insignia.

3. The National Audit Office shall have its seat in Vilnius.


Article 4. Legal framework and principles of activities of the National Audit Office

1. The National Audit Office shall act in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, this Law and other laws, international treaties and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

12. The activities of the National Audit Office shall be based on the principles of independence, transparency, lawfulness and professionalism.

3. In implementing goals and carrying out the necessary activities, the National Audit Office, the Auditor General, Deputy Auditors General and other employees of the National Audit Office must not seek or take instructions from any institution or person. Institutions and other persons must respect independence of the National Audit Office. They must not seek to exert influence, nor must they exert influence on the National Audit Office and its employees in the course of execution of their duties.

4. The structure of the National Audit Office shall be established in accordance with this Law and having regard to the goals and remit of the National Audit Office. The structure of the National Audit Office shall not be subject to the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Public Administration concerning the internal administration of a public administration entity.


Article 5. Council

1. A council shall be set up within the National Audit Office as an advisory body of the Auditor General.

2. The composition and the rules of procedure of the Council shall be approved by the Auditor General.


Article 6. Procedure for financing, audit and external review

1. The amount of state budget appropriations allocated to the National Audit Office shall be approved by the Seimas in a law of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of financial indicators of the state budget and municipal budgets for a given year. Having assessed the need for state budget appropriations in the coming budget year, the National Audit Office shall submit proposals to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania under the procedure laid down in legal acts governing the drawing-up of budgets. The Seimas Committee on Audit shall assess the conformity of the state budget appropriations proposed to the National Audit Office in the draft state budget, submitted to the Seimas by the Government, with the needs of the National Audit Office. The said Committee shall submit a conclusion and, if necessary, present this conclusion at the sittings of the Seimas when debating and adopting a draft law of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of financial indicators of the state budget and municipal budgets for a given year.

2. The amount equivalent to the most recently published average monthly earnings in the whole economy shall, subject to being accounted for, be granted on a monthly basis to the Auditor General for the purpose of financing his or her costs of representation in the Republic of Lithuania and abroad. The procedure for using these funds shall be laid down by the Auditor General.

3. Auditing of last year’s financial statements of the National Audit Office shall be performed each year by an audit firm selected by the National Audit Office under the procedure laid down in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Public Procurement. The same audit firm may perform audits of financial statements of the National Audit Office for a maximum period of five consecutive financial years. A set of financial statements of the National Audit Office, together with an auditor’s report, an audit report on the financial statements and an activity report of the National Audit Office shall be submitted to the Seimas by 1 May of the current year.

4. Internal audit of the National Audit Office shall be performed by the Internal Audit Division established within the National Audit Office.

5. External review of the activities of the National Audit Office shall be carried out at least once every five years by independent external reviewers under the procedures laid down by international organisations. The results of the external review shall be submitted to the Seimas.





Article 7. Main goals of the National Audit Office

The goals of the National Audit Office shall be as follows:

1) to supervise the lawfulness and effectiveness of the management and use of the state assets and implementation of the state budget;

2) to promote a positive and effective public auditing impact on the public finance management and control system and on results-driven and public needs-oriented public management;

3) to monitor the compliance with the rules and fulfilment of the tasks set out in the Constitutional Law on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty, to ensure transparency and accountability of public finances.


Article 8. Remit of the National Audit Office

1. The National Audit Office shall perform public auditing, carry out budget policy monitoring and engage in other activities in the implementation of the goals laid down in this Law.

2. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall annually perform audits of the sets of annual accounts referred to in this paragraph. It shall submit to the Seimas and to the public sector entities who prepared those sets of accounts, the public auditor’s reports and public audit reports on the following:

1) the set of annual accounts of the State;

2) the set of annual accounts of state social funds;

3) the set of annual accounts of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund;

4) the set of annual accounts of the Pension Annuity Fund;

5) the national set of annual accounts.

3. The National Audit Office as the supreme audit institution shall perform audit of the use of state budget funds allocated to municipal budgets. The National Audit Office as the supreme audit institution shall perform audit of the implementation of municipal budgets and the management, use and disposal of municipal assets to the extent laid down in Article 13 of this Law.

4. The National Audit Office as the supreme audit institution shall, in a manner prescribed by international treaties and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, perform audits of the European Union financial assistance allocated to the Republic of Lithuania and submit records of these audits to the relevant institutions.

5. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, may conduct performance auditing of the Bank of Lithuania, with the exception of the fulfilment of the tasks of the European System of Central Banks and the Eurosystem, without violating activities of independent external auditors of the Bank of Lithuania. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall take into consideration the independence of the Bank of Lithuania and shall refrain from issuing instructions to the Bank of Lithuania, the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, its members in matters pertaining to their exercise of the functions related to the fulfilment of the tasks of the European System of Central Banks and the Eurosystem.

6. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall, under the procedure laid down by the Auditor General, carry out an external review of the audits performed by the control and audit services of municipalities.

7. When exercising the functions of the budget policy monitoring authority set out in the Constitutional Law on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty, the National Audit Office shall submit to the Seimas the following:

1) within 30 working days after the Government or an institution authorised by it submits to the Seimas a report on the fulfilment of the structural adjustment target for the previous year and the structural general government balance indicator for the previous year, an opinion on the validity of the reasons for failure to implement the structural adjustment target for the previous year and the eligibility of measures to implement this target;

2) within 15 working days after the Government submits to the Seimas a draft law of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of financial indicators of the state budget and municipal budgets for a given year (a law amending it), an opinion on the structural adjustment target set out by the draft law of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of financial indicators of the state budget and municipal budgets for a given year and on the need for additional measures (in monetary terms) to implement this target;

3) within seven working days from making the economic development scenario publicly available by the Government or an institution authorised by it, an opinion on its approval;

4) within seven working days from making the economic development scenario publicly available by the Government or an institution authorised by it, an opinion on the correspondence between the current or foreseeable situation and the concept of extraordinary event in accordance with the provisions laid down by Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/1997 of 7 July 97 on the strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic policies, as last amended by Regulation (EU) No 1175/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2011;

5) within 15 working days after the Government submits to the Seimas a proposal on the structural adjustment targets and the measure guidelines for fulfilling these targets, an opinion on the compliance of the structural adjustment targets and the measure guidelines for fulfilling these targets proposed by the Government to the Seimas for approval with the requirements for medium-term target achievement time limits set out in the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty;

6) within seven working days from making a Stability Programme of Lithuania for a given year publicly available, an assessment report on that Stability Programme of Lithuania;

7) by 30 June of each year, an assessment report on the compliance of municipal budgets with the rules laid down in paragraphs 2, 4 to 7 of Article 4 of the Constitutional Law on the Implementation of the Fiscal Treaty and on the adjustment of non-compliance with these rules.






Article 9. Remit of the Auditor General

1. The Auditor General shall:

1) be in charge of the institution;

2) himself or herself represent or authorise another person to represent the National Audit Office at state and municipal institutions and agencies, in court, and international organisations;

3) approve the personal composition and the rules of procedure of the Council of the National Audit Office;

4) establish the structure of the National Audit Office, the remit of the Deputy Auditors General not provided for in Article 10 of this Law, the number of employees’ positions, the list of employees’ positions, and the regulations of structural units;

5) under the procedure laid down by legal acts, recruit to and release/dismiss from the posts employees of the National Audit Office, except Deputy Auditors General;

6) submit to the President of the Republic nominations for Deputy Auditors General and make proposals for their release/dismissal from the posts in the cases established in this Law;

7) submit to the Seimas a set of annual statements of the National Audit Office together with an auditor’s report;

8) submit public audit reports and public auditor’s reports specified in Article 8(2) of this Law to the Seimas;

9) be entitled to attend sittings of the Seimas and present his views when issues related to the activities of the National Audit Office are being considered;

10) be entitled to make proposals to the Seimas, the President of the Republic or the Government for the improvement of legal acts with regard to the regulation or/and the results of the activities of the National Audit Office;

11) be entitled to attend or authorise another person to attend Government meetings;

12) be entitled to express a separate opinion on resolutions of the Government with regard to the results of the activities of the National Audit Office. The Auditor General shall inform the Seimas and the Government about this opinion within three working days after the Government meeting;

13) lay down the procedure for examining requests and complaints of individuals at the National Audit Office;

14) be entitled to resolve current internal administration issues related to him or her.

2. In the absence of the Auditor General, including the cases established in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 20 of this Law, one of the Deputy Auditors General shall deputise for the Auditor General on the instruction of the Auditor General, but the said Deputy Auditor General shall not have the powers specified in point 6 of paragraph 1 of this Article. In the absence of the instruction of the Auditor General, he or she shall be deputised for by the eldest Deputy Auditor General.


Article 10. Remit of Deputy Auditors General and Head of Administration

1. Deputy Auditors General shall:

1) deputise for the Auditor General;

2) coordinate and control the activities of the structural units performing public auditing;

3) ensure the quality of public auditing;

4) carry out other instructions of the Auditor General.

2. The National Audit Office shall have its own Administration. The Head of Administration shall be in charge of it. The Head of Administration shall be subordinate to the Auditor General.

3. The Head of Administration shall:

1) coordinate and control the activities of administrative, resource management and other structural units assigned by the Auditor General, contributing to the fulfilment of the tasks of the National Audit Office, and carrying out internal administration. The Head of Administration shall ensure optimal management and use of financial, material, intellectual and information resources;

2) organise and coordinate the carrying-out of instructions of the Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General, as well as the preparation and coordination of legal acts;

3) organise preparation of regulations of structural units of the National Audit Office, a list of employees’ positions, other legal acts and orders of the Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General;

4) on the instruction of the Auditor General, recruit to and release/dismiss from the posts employees of the National Audit Office under the procedure laid down by law;

5) carry out other instructions of the Auditor General.

4. In the event of a temporary absence of the Head of Administration, the Auditor General shall assign all or part of his or her functions to one of the heads of the structural units of the National Audit Office.

5. The Head of Administration or, in the event of his or her temporary absence, the head of a structural unit of the National Audit Office appointed by the Auditor General shall, within his or her remit, adopt ordinances.


Article 11. Rights and duties of public auditors and employees carrying out other assessments

1. Public auditors and employees of the National Audit Office carrying out other assessments shall be entitled to:

1) select work procedures independently;

2) obtain the documents and information requested to carry out the activities;

3) examine the assets and liabilities of the entity and take any other necessary steps;

4) obtain the necessary written explanations;

5) draw up records of administrative offences;

6) obtain electronically free of charge data and information necessary for carrying out the activities from state and municipal institutions and agencies, state information systems and registers;

7) obtain the conclusions of the expert bodies on the basis of the documents submitted;

8) to engage experts and bodies in the required fields.

2. Public auditors and employees of the National Audit Office carrying out other assessments must:

1) respect rights and legitimate interests of the entities;

2) not make audit or assessment data public and not evaluate them publicly until the audit or assessment report or the auditor’s report is signed.







Article 12. Types of public audit

1. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall conduct financial, compliance and performance audits. A compliance audit may be conducted in combination with a financial or performance audit.

2. Public audits shall be performed in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions.


Article 13. Scope of activities

1. The National Audit Office shall exercise independence in determining the scope of activities set out in its annual activity plan in order to fulfil the tasks assigned to it and to carry out the necessary activities. This plan shall be approved annually by the Auditor General after presenting it to the Seimas Committee on Audit.

2. Audits or assessments provided for in an annual activity plan of the National Audit Office shall aim to ensure that the most significant risks in the public sector are identified and the public audits and other assessments mandatory under this Law are performed.

3. The Seimas may, by resolution, assign the National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, to perform a public audit not provided for in an annual activity plan of the National Audit Office within the remit of the supreme audit institution.


Article 14. Entity’s rights and duties

1. An entity shall be entitled to have access to a draft public audit or another assessment document and to submit comments on it within the time limit set out by the National Audit Office, which must not be less than ten working days. With regard to public audit documents specified in the Law on Public Sector Accountability, the National Audit Office may set out a shorter time limit for access to and submission of comments to the National Audit Office.

2. An entity shall ensure the right of public auditors and employees of the National Audit Office carrying out other assessments to freely enter premises, obtain documents, check information sources and receive data, including information obtained electronically, as well as to meet with the entity’s management and employees and to receive their written explanations.

3. An entity must provide adequate working conditions for public auditors and employees of the National Audit Office carrying out other assessments.

4. An audited entity must, within the time limit specified in the recommendation implementation plan, inform the supreme audit institution of the implementation of the recommendations of the public audit.


Article 15. Operating results and their formalisation

1. Operating results of the National Audit Office shall be formalised in reports, opinions and other documents.

2. Working papers shall be the ownership of the National Audit Office and may not be transferred to third persons without the consent of the National Audit Office, except for the cases when, under the procedure laid down by law, the court requests to submit written evidences.


Article 16. Recommendations of the National Audit Office and monitoring of the implementation thereof

1. An entity shall, within the time set out in Article 14(1) of this Law, submit to the National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, the measures and time limits for the implementation of recommendations of the National Audit Office.

2. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall submit to the Seimas reports on the implementation of recommendations of the National Audit Office twice a year, i.e. before the opening of the spring and autumn sessions of the Seimas of the current year (at the latest by 10 March and 10 September of the current year).

3. The monitoring of the implementation of recommendations of the National Audit Office shall be carried out under the procedure laid down by the Auditor General.






Article 17. Relations with the Seimas, the Government, law enforcement institutions and other institutions

1. In the event of detecting material breaches, the National Audit Office shall inform the Seimas, the Government, law enforcement institutions or other public administration institutions and agencies, and/or take other preventive measures.

2. The National Audit Office shall co-operate with institutions, enterprises and organisations operating in the Republic of Lithuania.


Article 18. International relations

1. The National Audit Office shall maintain international relations with the European Court of Auditors, the supreme audit institutions of other countries, independent fiscal and other institutions.

2. The National Audit Office, as the supreme audit institution, shall participate in the activities of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), its regional group EUROSAI, the Contact Committee of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union and other international activities.






Article 19. Status of employees of the National Audit Office

1. The Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General shall be subject to other laws to the extent that their status is not governed by this Law. No employment contracts shall be concluded with the Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General. The duties of the Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General shall be incompatible with any other elected or appointed posts at state and municipal institutions and agencies, as well as with work at legal persons. The Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General may not receive any other remuneration apart from their official salary and remuneration for scientific and teaching activities at higher education or qualification improvement institutions, for non-formal adult education and for royalties for creative work.

2. Employment contracts shall be concluded with employees of the National Audit Office, except with those referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. Employees of the National Audit Office may work only within the National Audit Office. With the consent of the Auditor General, employees of the National Audit Office may also work elsewhere, provided that this does not give rise to a conflict of public and private interest, does not lead to the use of work within the National Audit Office for personal interest, does not discredit the authority of the National Audit Office, does not prevent a person holding the post of an employee of the National Audit Office from properly exercising the set functions, also where this is not the case of working in enterprises, agencies or organisations in which the employee of the National Audit Office may carry out audit procedures or other activities of the National Audit Office, and where there are no other circumstances preventing employees of the National Audit Office from performing other employment and receiving remuneration.

3. Employees of the National Audit Office shall hold an employment certificate. The form of an employment certificate and the description of a procedure for issuing and using it shall be approved by the Auditor General.

4. Employment relationships of employees of the National Audit Institution shall be governed by the Labour Code, this Law and other legal acts regulating employment relationships. The Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General shall be subject to the laws and other legal acts regulating employment relationships and social guarantees to the extent that their status and social guarantees are not regulated by this Law.


Article 20. Procedure of the Appointment and Release/Dismissal of the Auditor General

1. The Auditor General shall be appointed for a term of five years by the Seimas upon submission by the President of the Republic and shall be released/dismissed on the grounds laid down in paragraph 6 of this Article.

2. The same person may be appointed as Auditor General for a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

3. A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania of good repute who has a university degree or an equivalent degree, has a command of the official language, has at least five-year experience in management and at least ten-year experience in auditing, legal, economic, public administration, management and/or financial work or pedagogical experience in these areas may be appointed as Auditor General.

4. The Auditor General shall assume his or her post only after taking an oath of office to the Republic of Lithuania at a sitting of the Seimas.

5. The powers of the Auditor General shall cease:

1) upon the expiry of his or her term of office;

2) upon his or her death;

3) the Auditor General is appointed to another post by, or with the consent of, the Seimas.

6. The Seimas shall release/dismiss the Auditor General:

1) upon his or her resignation, save for the exception provided for in paragraph 7 of this Article;

2) where the state of health of the Auditor General does not allow him or her to hold the post;

3) when a court judgment of conviction comes into effect in respect of the Auditor General;

4) when the Auditor General loses the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania under the procedure laid down by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Citizenship;

5) when the Auditor General breaks the oath of office.

7. The Auditor General shall submit his or her resignation statement to the President of the Republic. A decision on the resignation statement of the Auditor General shall be taken within 30 calendar days from its submission. If no decision to grant or reject the resignation statement of the Auditor General is taken within the specified time limit, the Auditor General shall remain in office, unless the Auditor General submits a repeat resignation statement within 15 calendar days from the expiry of the time limit for the decision which has not been taken or from the taken decision to reject the resignation statement. Upon submitting the repeat resignation statement, the powers of the Auditor General shall be deemed to have expired from the day following the date of submission of the resignation statement.

8. The Auditor General shall be released/dismissed on the basis of the state of his or her health upon submission of the President of the Republic and only on the basis of the opinion of the medical commission set up by the Minister for Health of the Republic of Lithuania that the state of health of the Auditor General does not allow him or her to hold the post.

9. Upon the expiry of the term of office of the Auditor General or upon his or her resignation, if the Auditor General has held the post for a period not exceeding four years, he or she shall be paid a severance pay equivalent to two months’ average remuneration of the Auditor General. If the Auditor General has held the post for a period of at least four years, a severance pay equivalent to four months’ average remuneration of the Auditor General shall be paid to him or her.

10. The Auditor General released on the ground laid down in point 2 of paragraph 6 of this Article shall be paid a severance pay equivalent to four months’ average remuneration of the Auditor General. This pay shall be made no later than within one month after the release of the Auditor General.

11. Payment of a severance pay specified in paragraph 9 of this Article shall commence after the lapse of one month from the expiry of the term of office of the Auditor General or the date of his or her resignation and shall be paid every month in equal instalments. Payment of this severance pay shall cease if a person assumes the post of a state politician, a state official or a civil servant or commences employment with a state or municipal agency maintained from the state or municipal budget, the State Social Insurance Fund budget or other state-established funds, or with a state or municipal enterprise or a public establishment owned by the State or a municipality, or with the Bank of Lithuania. If the person assumes the post specified in this paragraph not on the first day of a month, a severance pay shall be paid only for the days of that month prior to the assuming the post of a state politician, a state official or a civil servant or taking up employment with the state or municipal agency maintained from the state or municipal budget, the State Social Insurance Fund budget or other state-established funds, or with the state or municipal enterprise or the public establishment owned by the State or a municipality, or with the Bank of Lithuania. Upon a person’s death, the portion of the severance pay which is due to the person for the month in which that person died but which was not paid before the person’s death shall be paid to his or her heir who has submitted the inheritance documents.


Article 21. Procedure of the appointment and release/dismissal of Deputy Auditors General

1. Deputy Auditors General shall be appointed for a term of five years on the proposal of the Auditor General and shall be released/dismissed by the President of the Republic before the expiry of their term office on the grounds laid down in paragraph 6 of this Article.

2. The same person may be appointed as Deputy Auditor General for a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

3. A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania of good repute who has completed a university degree or an equivalent education, has a command of the official language, has at least three-year experience in management and at least five-year experience in auditing, legal, economic, public administration, management and/or financial work or pedagogical experience in these areas may be appointed as Deputy Auditor General.

4. Deputy Auditors General shall take the oath of office to the Republic of Lithuania before taking up their duties. The oath of office of a Deputy Auditor General shall be administered by the President of the Republic.

5. The powers of a Deputy Auditor General shall cease:

1) upon the expiry of his or her term of office;

2) upon his or her death;

3) upon assigning him or her to another post by the Seimas or the President of the Republic or with the consent of the Seimas or of the President of the Republic.

6. A Deputy Auditor General shall be released/dismissed:

1) upon his or her resignation, save for the exception provided for in paragraph 7 of this Article;

2) where the state of health of the Deputy Auditor General does not allow him or her to hold the post;

3) when a court judgment of conviction comes into effect in respect of the Deputy Auditor General;

4) if the Deputy Auditor General loses the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania under the procedure laid down by the Law on Citizenship;

5) when the Deputy Auditor General breaks the oath of office.

7. A Deputy Auditor General shall hand in his or her resignation to the Auditor General. A decision on the resignation statement of the Deputy Auditor General shall be taken within 30 calendar days from the submission of the resignation statement. If no decision to grant or reject the resignation statement of the Deputy Auditor General is taken within the specified time limit, the Deputy Auditor General shall remain in office, unless the Deputy Auditor General submits a repeat resignation statement within 15 calendar days from the expiry of the time limit for the decision which has not been taken or from the taken decision to reject the resignation statement. Upon submitting the repeat resignation statement, the powers of the Deputy Auditor General shall be deemed to have expired from the day following the date of submission of the repeat resignation statement.

8. A Deputy Auditor General may be released in accordance with point 2 of paragraph 6 of this Article by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Auditor General.

9. A Deputy Auditor General may be released for health reasons by the President of the Republic only if there are the conditions specified in Article 20(8) of this Law.

10. Upon the expiry of the term of office of a Deputy Auditor General or upon his or her resignation, if he or she has served as a Deputy Auditor General for a period not exceeding four years, the Deputy Auditor General shall be paid a severance pay equivalent to two months’ average remuneration of the Deputy Auditor General or, if he or she has served as a Deputy Auditor General for a period of at least four years, a severance pay equivalent to four months’ average remuneration of the Deputy Auditor General.

11. A Deputy Auditor General released on the ground laid down in point 2 of paragraph 6 of this Article shall be paid a severance pay equivalent to four months’ average remuneration of the Deputy Auditor General. This pay shall be made not later than within one month after the release of the Deputy Auditor General.

12. Payment of a severance pay specified in paragraph 10 of this Article shall begin after the lapse of one month from the expiry of the term of office of the Deputy Auditor General or the date of his or her resignation and shall be paid every month in equal instalments. Payment of this severance pay shall cease if a person assumes the post of a state politician, a state official or a civil servant or commences employment with a state or municipal agency maintained from the state or municipal budget, the State Social Insurance Fund budget or other state-established funds, or with a state or municipal enterprise or a public establishment owned by the State or a municipality, or with the Bank of Lithuania. If the person assumes the post specified in this paragraph not on the first day of a month, a severance pay shall be paid only for the days of that month prior to assuming the post of a state politician, a state official or a civil servant or taking up employment with the state or municipal agency maintained from the state or municipal budget, the State Social Insurance Fund budget or other state-established funds, or with the state or municipal enterprise or the public establishment owned by the State or a municipality, or with the Bank of Lithuania. Upon a person’s death, the portion of the severance pay which is due to the person for the month in which he or she died but which was not paid before the date of person’s death shall be paid to the person’s heir who has submitted the inheritance documents.


Article 22. Requirements for recruitment of persons to the National Audit Office, grounds and conditions for release/dismissal of employees of the National Audit Office

1. A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania of good repute who has a university degree (Master’s qualification degree) or an equivalent degree, has a command of the official Lithuanian language, has at least three-year experience in management and at least three-year experience in auditing, legal, economic, public administration, management and/or financial work or pedagogical experience in these areas may be recruited to the post of Head of Administration. The Head of Administration may, by the decision of the Auditor General, be subject to a specific requirement to hold special rights laid down by law or to meet the requirements laid down by law necessary for issuing an authorisation to handle or familiarise with classified information or for granting other special rights.

2. A person recruited to the post of an employee of the National Audit Office must meet the requirements laid down by the Auditor General. Requirements which are not necessary for the exercise of the set functions may not be imposed.

3. Persons recruited to posts of employees of the National Audit Office, other than those exercising material and/or technical support functions, must be of good repute and must have declared their private interests in accordance with the procedure laid down by law. A person shall not be considered to be of good repute where he or she:

1) has been found guilty of a grave crime, under the procedure laid down by law, and ten years have not elapsed since the serving of the sentence, or has been found guilty of a serious crime, and eight years have not elapsed since the serving of the sentence, or has been found guilty of a less serious crime, and four years have not elapsed since the serving of the sentence, or has been found guilty of a minor crime, and three years have elapsed since the serving of the sentence;

2) has been found guilty, under the procedure laid down by law, of a criminal offence against the financial system or the civil service and the public interest, and three years have not elapsed since the serving of the sentence;

3) has been released from criminal liability, under the procedure laid down by law, for committing a grave crime, and four years have not elapsed since the release from criminal liability, or has been released from criminal liability for committing a serious crime (except for the release from criminal liability where the person or the criminal act has lost its dangerousness), and three years have not elapsed since the release from criminal liability, or has been released from criminal liability for committing a minor crime (except for the release from criminal liability where the person or the criminal act has lost its dangerousness or due to minor relevance of the crime), and two years have not elapsed since the release from criminal liability or the period of surety has not expired, or has been released from criminal liability for committing a minor crime or a criminal offence against the financial system or the civil service and the public interest (except for the release from criminal liability where the person or the criminal act has lost its dangerousness or due to minor relevance of the crime), and one year has not elapsed from the release from criminal liability or the period of surety has not expired;

4) has been dismissed from a civil service post for the gross violations referred to in points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 of Article 23(5) of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Civil Service or, in the case provided for in Article 25(2) of the Law on the Civil Service, has been found guilty of serious official misconduct for which the disciplinary penalty of dismissal should be imposed, and three years have not elapsed since the dismissal or since the recognition of commission of the serious official misconduct, or has been dismissed from work for serious breaches of the employment obligations as specified in the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania, and three years have not elapsed since the dismissal from the post or work, or from the recognition of commission of the serious official misconduct;

5) has been dismissed from work, from a post or has lost the entitlement to pursue the relevant activity due to non-compliance with the requirement of good repute set out in other laws or due to a breach of conduct (ethics) norms, and three years have not elapsed since the dismissal from work, from the post or loss of the entitlement to pursue the relevant activity, and his or her conduct is not in compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Employees of the National Audit Office;

6) has been dismissed or removed from the post whereto he or she was appointed or elected on grounds of breaking an oath or pledge, degrading the name of the officer, and three years have not elapsed from the dismissal or removal from the post;

7) is or was a member of an organisation prohibited under the procedure laid down by law, and three years have not elapsed since the expiry of membership.

4. If an employee of the National Audit Office is subject to a special requirement to hold special rights laid down by law or to meet the requirements laid down by law necessary for issuing an authorisation to handle or familiarise with classified information or for granting other special rights, the nomination of a person seeking the status of an employee of the National Audit Office must be examined under the procedure laid down by legal acts or the special right must be granted before the person is recruited/transferred to the post of an employee of the National Audit Office. The person shall be recruited/transferred to the post of an employee of the National Audit Office when the person has been granted the special right or the conclusion has been obtained from the competent state institution that he or she may be granted an authorisation to handle or familiarise with classified information, or that he or she may be granted another special right laid down by law. The National Audit Office shall be entitled to obtain data on the person seeking the status of an employee of the National Audit Office from competent state institutions.

5. Posts of employees of the National Audit Office referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be filled through open competitions or internal selections. The procedure for organising and conducting competitions or selections shall be laid down by the Auditor General. Participation in competitions and selections shall be open to persons meeting the special requirements laid down by the Auditor General, except for the case provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the specific requirements. During a competition and/or selection, a person’s suitability to perform the duties of an employee of the State Control referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be examined.

6. Public auditors shall take the oath of office to the Republic of Lithuania before taking up their duties. The oath of office of a public auditor shall be administered by the Auditor General or a Deputy Auditor General deputising for him or her.

7. Employees of the National Audit Office exercising material and/or technical support functions shall be recruited without competition, unless otherwise provided by the Auditor General.

8. With the exception of those exercising material and/or technical support functions, employees of the National Audit Office must, for a period of one year after discontinuing the performance of their duties, avoid any conflict of public and private interest arising from their new activities. When they intend to engage in activities which, in their opinion, could cause a conflict of public and private interest, they shall inform the National Audit Office in writing and request a recommendation-type opinion before committing to do so.

9. The Head of Administration shall be recruited for a term of seven years. The same person may not hold the post of Head of Administration for more than two consecutive terms of office.

10. Employees of the National Audit Office referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, other than those exercising material and/or technical support functions, shall also be dismissed:

1) they, through their conduct, discredit the name of an employee of the National Audit Office during or outside working hours;

2) if they disclose a state secret or an official secret;

3) if they have lost the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania under the procedure laid down by the Law on Citizenship;

4) if they break the oath of office. Only public auditors shall be subject to this requirement;

5) upon entry into force of a judgment imposing a penalty on the employee for a serious or grave crime, for a criminal act against the civil service and the public interest, or for a criminal act of corruptive nature, or a penalty barring the employee from executing his or her duties;

6) if they lose good repute;

7) if it emerges that, at the time of the recruitment to the post of an employee of the National Audit Office, falsified documents have been submitted, data/documents have been concealed or false data/documents have been presented rendering the person ineligible for the said post.


Article 23. Restrictions on the recruitment to the National Audit Office

A person may not be recruited to the post of an employee of the National Audit Office specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, except those exercising material and/or technical support functions, if:

1) it transpires that the person has lost good repute;

2) the person refuses to take an oath of office to the Republic of Lithuania. Only public auditors shall be subject to this requirement;

3) the person refuses to declare his or her own and his or her family members’ assets, income and private interests;

4) the person’s spouse, partner, cohabitee (indicated in the employee’s declaration of private interests), a close relative or a person who is related to him or her by marriage hold the post at the National Audit Officer, provided that in their work one of them would be in direct subordination to the other.


Article 24. Oath of office of the Auditor General, Deputy Auditors General and public auditors

1. The Auditor General, Deputy Auditors General and public auditors shall take an oath of office to the Republic of Lithuania. The text of the oath of office shall be as follows:

‘I (forename, surname)

swear to be faithful to the Republic of Lithuania;

to respect and observe its Constitution and laws;

to strengthen, to the best of my ability, the independence of Lithuania,

to protect state property,

to conscientiously serve the Homeland, democracy, and the well-being of the people of Lithuania.

So help me God.’

2. A person taking an oath of office shall have the right to choose and may take the oath of office without the last sentence.

3. A person who has taken an oath of office shall sign the text of the oath of office. The signed text of the oath of office shall be kept in the personal file.

4. Non-signing of an oath of office or signing it with a reservation shall mean failure of a person to take the oath of office and therefore the person may not execute his or her duties.


Article 25. Ethics of employees of the National Audit Office

1. Ethics of employees of the National Audit Office shall be governed by the Code of Ethics of Employees of the National Audit Office approved by the Auditor General.

2. The procedure for examining violations of ethics of employees of the National Audit Office shall be laid down by the Auditor General.

3. Employees of the National Audit Office shall be held liable in accordance with the procedure laid down by this Law for the non-compliance with the Code of Ethics of Employees of the National Audit Office.


Article 26. Gross breach of work duties, suspension from work of an employee of the National Audit Office, legal consequences of suspension from work

1. In addition to the cases referred to in the Labour Code, the following may be considered as a gross breach of work duties:

1) an infringement of requirements of the Law on the Adjustment of Public and Private Interests;

2) an infringement of this Law and other laws, the Code of Ethics of Employees of the National Audit Office and/or other actions of an employee of the National Audit Office discrediting the name of the employee of the National Audit Office and/or undermining the authority of and/or trust in the National Audit Office;

3) failure to declare his or her own or his or her family members’ property and income under the procedure laid down by law;

4) provision of misleading data. This provision shall apply only to public auditors and employees of the National Audit Office carrying out other assessments.

2. In addition to the cases specified in the Labour Code, an employee of the National Audit Office must be suspended from his or her duties by the decision of the Auditor General under the following circumstances: when there is no post available to which the employee of the National Audit Office may be transferred, after having been forbidden, under the procedure laid down in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on State Secrets and Official Secrets, to handle or access classified information; or when the employee of the National Audit Office does not agree to be transferred to another post. In this event, the employee of the National Audit Office shall be suspended for the period of screening carried out under the procedure laid down by the Law on State Secrets and Official Secrets.

3. An employee of the National Audit Office may be suspended from his or her duties upon receipt of information from an official authorised under the Code of Criminal Procedure to bring suspicions or charges that the employee is suspected or accused of the commission of a premeditated serious or grave crime, or of a crime or a criminal offence against the civil service or the public interest. In this case, the employee may be suspended for a period of up to six months, considering the nature of his or her duties, the functions the employee exercises, and any other relevant circumstances that would render the continuation of his or her duties incompatible with the suspicions or charges brought against him or her. This measure may be extended for up to three months if necessary. There is no limit to the number of extensions; however, in all cases, the suspension may not last beyond the conclusion of the criminal proceedings.

4. A decision of the Auditor General to suspend an employee of the National Audit Office from his or her duties must specify a period during which the employee of the National Audit Office is suspended from his or her duties, the reasons for and the legal basis of the suspension from his or her work as well as the procedure and the time limits for appealing against the decision.

5. At the request of the entity that made the decision to suspend an employee of the National Audit Office, the suspended employee of the National Audit Office must return the employment certificate, all tools necessary for the exercise of the job functions, and any documents in his or her possession.

6. At the end of the period of suspension from work, an employee of the National Audit Office shall be reinstated in his post if there is no reason to terminate his employment contract after his suspension from work.

7. No remuneration shall be paid to an employee of the National Audit Office for the period of suspension from work, except for the cases provided for in the Labour Code. An employee of the National State Audit Office whose suspension from work has proved to be unfounded or if the circumstances giving rise to the suspension from work have not been confirmed shall be reinstated in his or her post and, within ten working days from the date on which the employee of the National Audit Office resumed his employment, shall be paid remuneration for the period of suspension from work, as well as default interest, the amount of which is determined under the procedure laid down by law.





Article 27. Improvement of qualifications

1. The Auditor General shall lay down priorities for the improvement of qualifications of the employees.

2. The National Audit Office must facilitate the improvement of qualifications of its employees and the employees must continuously improve their qualifications under the procedure laid down by the Auditor General.

3. Improvement of qualifications shall be organised in compliance with annual plans of the National Audit Office at educational institutions/enterprises of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries as well as in other ways and forms.





Article 28. Remuneration

1. Remuneration of employees of the National Audit Office, the procedure and conditions of payment thereof shall be established by this Law and other laws. The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Remuneration of Employees of State and Municipal Bodies and Members of Commissions shall not apply to employees of the National Audit Office.

2. The Auditor General shall lay down the Remuneration System of National Audit Office Employees.

3. The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Remuneration of State Officials shall set out the amounts of remuneration of the Auditor General and Deputy Auditors General.

4. The basic salary of an employee of the National Audit Office other than the employees specified in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be set by applying the basic salary coefficient which is not lower than the basic salary coefficient established for the position referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article or within the range of the fixed part of basic salary coefficients established in the Remuneration System for the group of positions referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article. The fixed part of the basic salary of the employees of the National Audit Office may not exceed the remuneration set for the Auditor General.

5. The unit of the basic salary coefficient shall be the base amount of the basic salary (remuneration) (hereinafter: the ‘basic amount’) established by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Establishment of the Basic Amount of the Official Salary (Remuneration) and on the Recalculation of the Appropriation to the Remuneration of Workers. The basic salary or its fixed part shall be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of the basic salary or its fixed part by the basic amount.

6. The basic salary of the Head of Administration shall be set by applying the basic salary coefficient, which is not less than 2.3.

7. The coefficient for the fixed part of the basic salary of employees of the National Audit Office who hold the post of the head or deputy head of a structural unit or other employee with direct subordinates may not be less than 1.42. With the exception of employees of the National Audit Office who perform material and/or technical support functions, the coefficient for the fixed part of the basic salary of employees of the National Audit Office may not be less than 0.53. The coefficient for the fixed part of the basic salary of employees of the National Audit Office who perform material and/or technical support functions may not be less than 0.49. For the employees of the National Audit Office referred to in this paragraph, the specific amounts of the fixed part of the basic salary shall be set by the Auditor General in the Remuneration System from the range of coefficients set for the fixed part of the basic salary of the position concerned. The Remuneration System shall delineate the criteria for determining the fixed part of the basic salary, including factors such as the complexity of knowledge and expertise, problem solving abilities, intricacy of the activity, workload, level of responsibility, and any additional relevant skills or qualifications associated with the position held, etc.

8. The procedure and conditions of payment of the variable part of the basic salary shall be laid down in the Remuneration System of National Audit Office Employees. The variable part of the basic salary may not be less than 10 % and not more than 80 % of the fixed part of the basic salary. The variable part of the basic salary shall comprise the following bonuses: for assignments, documented in writing, entailing temporary performance of the functions of another employee of the National Audit Office, for work involving deviations from regular working conditions, or for increased workload carried out in the performance of defined functions within the prescribed working time.

9. The variable part of the basic salary shall not be set for the Head of Administration.

10. Employees of the National Audit Office, other than the Auditor General, shall be eligible for a lump-sum cash benefit for large-scale and intricate public audits deemed significant for the State and society or for achieving other results pertinent to activities of the National Audit Office. The lump-sum cash benefit may not exceed the basic salary for an employee of the National Audit Office or the fixed part of the basic salary for the employees holding the posts referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article, and shall be paid within the limits of the funds allocated for remuneration in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Auditor General.

11. For participation in support projects financed by the European Union, international organisations or foreign states, or in Lithuania’s development cooperation and democracy promotion projects pursuing the activities related to the goals of the National Audit Office, employees of the National Audit Office shall be eligible for a lump-sum or periodic allowances from funds of the European Union, international organisations, foreign states under the conditions and at rates set out in agreements on support projects, where such allowances are not included in the remuneration of the employees of the National Audit Office determined in paragraph 3, 6, 7 and 8 of this Article. During the duration of the participation of employees of the National Audit Office in support projects or Lithuania’s development cooperation and democracy promotion projects referred to in this paragraph and for which they receive allowances from funds of the European Union, international organisations or foreign states allocated for the implementation of the support projects, the said employees of the National Audit Office shall not be paid the remuneration from the state budget appropriations allocated to the National Audit Office.

12. Data on the remuneration of employees of the National Audit Office shall be publicly available. These data shall be provided under the procedure laid down in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Right to Obtain Information and Re-use of Data.


Article 29. Additional annual leave

When an employee of the National Audit Office is granted additional annual leave in accordance with Article 138(2) of the Labour Code, the years of service to the State of Lithuania referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 31 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Civil Service shall be included in the period of long-term continuous employment at the same workplace.



Final provisions


Article 30. Provision of information to the public

Public audit reports and public auditor’s reports, reports on the implementation of recommendations of the National Audit Office, documents referred to in Article 6(3) of this Law, opinions referred to in Article 8(7) of this Law and other information regarding the activities of the National Audit Office shall be published on the website of the National Audit Office and disseminated through other media under the procedure laid down by legal acts.


Article 31. Examination of requests and complaints of persons

1. Requests and complaints of persons shall be examined by the National Audit Office if they are directly related to the results of the activities of the National Audit Office.

2. Requests and complaints of persons where it is not possible to identify a person who has submitted a request or a complaint and to verify the authenticity of the person’s request or complaint shall not be examined, unless the Auditor General or an employee of the National Audit Office authorised by the Auditor General decides otherwise.

3. Complaints of persons against actions, omissions or administrative decisions of the National Audit Office shall be examined and decided upon under the procedure for examining requests and complaints of persons, without applying the requirements for the administrative procedure as laid down in the Law on Public Administration.



I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.