26 April 1994 No. I-446
1. General Provisions
Article 1. Purpose of the Law
This Law establishes the relations of ownership, management
and use of land in the Republic of Lithuania.
Relations pertaining to land shall be regulated in such a
manner as to the create conditions for the satisfaction of the
needs of the population, rational territorial distribution and
development of all branches of economy, protection and
improvement of the environment, rational land use, protection of
the rights of ownership, management and use of land.
Article 2. Definitions
In this Law:
"Land" means the basic part of natural environment,
comprising areas of dry land, water and forest, located within
the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and characterised by
natural and economic properties. In human activity, land is real
property, the basic instrument in agriculture and forestry, and
territorial basis for the development of other branches of
economy and for the distribution of the elements of residential
areas and the system of infrastructure. The subject of regulation
in the relations pertaining to land is the entire territory of
the Republic of Lithuania, including the surface of the earth,
air space and internal and territorial waters required for
rational use of land.
"Land plot" means a portion of territory having fixed
boundaries and the proper purpose for which the land is used;
"Area of used land" means a plot of land or two or more
plots of land connected by common agricultural activities the use
whereof by a natural or legal person has been legalised in
accordance with the established procedure;
"Land holding" means a plot of land or an area of used land
held by the right of private or state ownership;
"Lands" means areas of land differing from other areas by
their characteristic natural properties or peculiarities of
economic use;
"Farming lands" means lands (arable land, orchards, meadows,
pastures) used for or suitable for growing agricultural products
without applying additional land-improvement measures;
"Land user" means owner of unleased privately-owned land or
a natural or legal person to whom, according to the established
procedure, state-owned land has been leased or allotted for use,
or private land has been leased;
"Land servitudes" means the obligations of the landowner or
the user of state-owned land to grant, according to the procedure
established by law, other persons permission to make restricted
use of a portion of land plot;
"State Land Cadastre" means a part of Lithuania's State
Cadastre which comprises the entire data concerning the amount of
land, its composition, value, state of economic use and legal
"State land-use planning" means the total system of measures
designed for state management of the stock of land of the
Republic of Lithuania and for the regulation of relations
pertaining to land which guarantee: 1) legal and organisational
conditions for the use of land and economic and infrastructure
units pertaining to it as well as other natural resources for the
purposes of public benefit and general welfare of the nation; and
2) protection of land ownership and land-use rights of the State
and its citizens;
"Taking of land for public needs" means the buying out of
land from the landowners according to the procedure established
by law or the termination of right to use state-owned land and
rescission of the contract for the lease of state-owned land
after the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or a local
government establishes that the land is required for public
"Agricultural enterprise" means an enterprise the principal
activity whereof is production of agricultural products for sale
and rendering of services to agriculture and which uses farming
land for the above activities;
"Farmer" means a person who is engaged in producing
agricultural products for sale using farming land for the above
Article 3. Ownership of Land
Ownership of land means the owner's right to hold, use and
dispose of the land possessed by him. When implementing his
rights the landowner must not violate the Constitution and laws
of the Republic of Lithuania or rights and freedoms of other
All land in the Republic of Lithuania belongs by the right
of ownership only to the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania
and the State.
According to the procedure and under the conditions
established by law, foreign states may possess land by the right
of ownership for the purpose of establishing their respective
diplomatic and consular institutions.
In the cases provided for in this Law, land may belong to
several citizens or citizens and the State by the right of common
Article 4. The State's Right of Exclusive Ownership
The Republic of Lithuania shall own by the right of
exclusive ownership the land which the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania has allotted according to the established procedure
1) State roads and general-use railways;
2) Kursiu Nerija (Spit) National Park;
3) forests of State significance;
4) historical, archaeological and cultural objects of State
significance. The list of such objects shall be approved by the
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;
5) internal water bodies of State significance; and
6) continental shelf of the territorial sea.
The land owned by the Republic of Lithuania by the right of
exclusive ownership may not be acquired in private ownership. The
conditions of its use shall be established by laws and
subordinate legislation.
Article 5. Stock of Land of the Republic of Lithuania
Private and State-owned land within the territory of the
Republic of Lithuania constitutes the stock of land of the
Republic of Lithuania.
The stock of land of the Republic of Lithuania shall be used
taking into account public interests and environmental
requirements, and in compliance with:
1) laws and special conditions of land and forest use
established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania; and
2) proper purpose of land use, business restrictions, land
servitudes and territorial management requirements established in
the land-use planning schemes prepared according to the procedure
set by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and other
documents of territorial planning.
According to the proper purpose of land use, the stock of
land of the Republic of Lithuania consists of:
1) land designated for agricultural purposes;
2) land designated for forestry purposes;
3) land designated for conservation purposes; and
4) land designated for other purposes.
State land which has not been allotted for use or leased
shall constitute the stock of the unoccupied state land.
Land under unprivatised water bodies shall constitute the
land of the state stock of waters.
Article 6. Right of Possession of State-owned Land
By the decision of the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania, the right of possession of State-owned land shall be
vested in State institutions, local governments, forestries,
administrations of national and regional parks, State
institutions and State enterprises financed from the State
The possessor of State-owned land shall have the right,
without exceeding the given authority, to use the land or to
lease the land to other natural and legal persons as well as to
adopt decisions concerning the allotment of land for use to
natural and legal persons.
Article 7. Rights of Owners of Land
The owner of land shall have the right to:
1) in accordance with the procedure established by law sell,
devise, donate as a gift, mortgage, exchange or lease the land or
its part, or to grant permission to other natural and legal
persons to temporarily use the land;
2) engage in and permit other persons to engage on the land
lot in the business not prohibited under law;
3) establish land servitudes on his land plot;
4) upon obtaining permission according to the procedure
established by law and the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania, change the proper purpose of land use;
5) request that the conditions and restrictions established
for the use of land, territorial management of land or business
as well as land servitudes be annulled or changed;
6) appeal to court or the institution exercising control
over the use of State-owned land concerning the violation of land
ownership rights and to receive compensation for the damage
caused to his business or property through the above violation;
7) use the territory of the private land plot for business
and other activities without violating the established proper
purpose of land use, special conditions of land and forest use,
business restrictions and land servitudes: to construct buildings
and facilities, to carry out land reclamation works, to build
roads, to plant trees, shrubs and forest, to build ponds and
objects of infrastructure, to lay communications;
8) use for the needs of the farm (not for sale) the useful
properties of the entrails of the earth, groundwater and surface
water, mineral resources (with the exception of amber, oil,
natural gas and quartz sand, the procedure of use, sale and lease
whereof is established by other laws and standard acts) in
compliance with laws as well as the exploitation and conservation
requirements prescribed for the above useful properties by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania; and
9) dispose of the produce grown on his land plot and
unrestrictedly use income received from the plot.
The above rights of land owners may be restricted only
according to the procedure established under law.
Article 8. The Rights of Land Users
Tenants of private and State-owned land as well as natural
and legal persons who have been granted the right to use land by
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or institutions
authorised by it, shall have the right:
1) to use the land plot territory for their business and
other activities in compliance with the proper purpose of land
use, special conditions of land and forest use, business
restrictions, land servitudes and conditions established in
contracts for the lease of land or documents concerning the
allotment for use of State-owned land;
2) users of State-owned land - to establish land servitudes
on the land plot used by them;
3) to use for the needs of their farm (not for sale) the
useful properties of the entrails of the earth, groundwater and
surface water, mineral resources (with the exception of amber,
oil, natural gas and quartz sand), unless the contract for the
lease of land or the documents concerning the allotment of State-
owned land for use establish otherwise, in compliance with laws
and with the requirements for their exploitation and conservation
prescribed by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania; and
4) dispose of the produce grown on their land plot and
unrestrictedly use income received from the lot, unless the
contract for the lease of land provides otherwise.
Article 9. Duties of Land Users
Land users must:
1) use land according to its proper purpose of use;
2) comply with the special conditions of land and forest use
established for the land plot, with the conditions restricting
construction works and other activities on the plot, with the
land servitudes as well as with other conditions of land use
established in the documents on allotting State-owned land for
use or in the land lease contract;
3) use the land rationally and preserve agricultural and
recreational land, forest, water bodies, mineral resources and
other natural resources the exploitation of which has been
permitted as well as the landscape properties;
4) implement measures provided by laws and subordinate
legislation for the protection of land, forest and water bodies
from pollution, for the protection of soil of farming land from
erosion and exhaustion, for environmental protection so as to put
a stop to the deterioration of the ecological situation;
5) comply with the requirements established for the use of
land reclamation equipment, road maintenance and exploitation,
forest management, protection, use and reforestation;
6) when carrying out construction work and exploiting
mineral resources, comply with the requirements prescribed by
laws and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania with the aim
of ensuring the preservation of the fertile layer of soil and
recultivating damaged soil;
7) during the conduct of economic and other activities on
the land plots used by them, refrain from violating the interests
of the neighbouring land users and residents;
8) permit prospecting for mineral resources and works of
land survey after the parties have agreed on the duration of
prospecting, on plot boundaries, the time period of work and
compensation of damage, refrain from destroying and damaging the
laid up boreholes and facilities used for research purposes; and
9) permit the erection of geodetic, geophysic signs in
buildings, structures and on land, and protect them.
Article 10. Conditions of Land Use and Business Restrictions
Special conditions of land and forest use shall consist of
the regulations and requirements approved in the established
manner for:
1) the use of land and forest in the protected territories;
2) the way of using shrubbery, marshes, stony land, other
unused land as well as natural meadows and pasture land and
transforming said areas into lands which could be used for other
3) the exploitation and protection of recreational
territories and objects, natural, historical, archaeological and
cultural objects, their protective zones, other valuable
landscape objects and separate forest areas;
4) the exploitation and protection of state geodetic points;
5) the preservation of boreholes for the monitoring of
subterranean waters, laid up oil wells and bench-marks of
prospected deposits; and
6) compliance with the conditions of land and forest use
established by other laws.
Business restrictions provided for in the territorial
planning documents must be approved in the established manner by
town (district) local governments.
Land plots shall be transferred or leased without changing
the established conditions of their use.
Legal action shall be taken against land users who do not
comply with the established conditions of land use and business
restrictions and they must compensate property owners for the
losses incurred by them as well as compensating for the damage
inflicted on the environment and society.
Article 11. Land servitudes
All servitudes which affect lands shall be prescribed:
1) by law;
2) on the decision of the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania or town (district) local government taking into account
public needs; or
3) on the mutual agreement between landowners or users of
state land and natural and legal persons, effected by concluding
a written agreement. Agreements which establish the obligation of
a private land owner to permit other persons to use the portion
of land owned by him by ownership right shall be certified by a
Land servitudes shall be recorded in the conditions set for
the use of land plots and shall be registered with the
institutions which manage the State Land Cadastre.
Land owners and other users may be compensated for the
losses incurred by them by reason of the prescribed servitudes
(with the exception of compensations for private land owners
because of servitudes established pursuant to item 3 of Par. 3
hereof) in the manner established by the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania with the funds of the interested persons or
state funds. For the losses incurred by them because of the
servitudes established by mutual agreement between the land
owners and natural and legal persons owners of private land may
be compensated with the funds of the interested persons as agreed
between the parties.
Land servitudes established according to the procedure
specified in items 1 and 2 of Par. 1 hereof shall be transferred
to other persons together with the title to the land plot.
Land servitudes shall be abolished in the following manner:
1) by law, if land servitudes were established by law;
2) Government of the Republic of Lithuania or town
(district) local governments - if land servitudes were
established by the resolution of the above institutions; or
3) by agreement between the parties or by court decision if
land servitudes were established by mutual agreement between land
owners or users of state land and natural and legal persons.
Article 12. Legal Registration of Land
Land plots, land holdings and other areas of used land as
well as their legal status shall be registered with the
institutions managing the State Land Cadastre according to the
procedure established by law and the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania.
Records of the legal registration of land shall be revised
in the following cases:
1) upon the change of the owner of the land plot;
2) if the land plot is increased or reduced in size;
3) upon dividing the land plot among the co-owners or upon
allotting to the co-owners a portion of the plot owned in common;
4) upon redividing the area of the plot of land owned in
common between the co-owners or upon changing in another way the
portions of co-owners;
5) upon joining another plot of land [to the one recorded];
6) upon leasing or in any other way transferring the plot of
land for a period of at least 3 years; and
7) if the special conditions of land use and business
restrictions or other characteristic properties recorded in the
land cadastre are changed.
The institutions which manage the State Land Cadastre may
present a substantiated refusal to register land if the documents
which confirm the right to the land are not in compliance with
the standard acts. Disputes concerning the registration of land
shall be settled by court.
Documents concerning the legal registration of a plot of
land issued by the institution which manages the town (district)
land cadastre shall constitute the basic state information
concerning the right of land ownership and land use and no other
documents shall be taken as a substitute for said documents.
Article 13. Transactions Concerning Land
Transactions concerning land shall be actions of natural and
legal persons whereby it is being sought to create, alter or
abolish the rights of land ownership, land holding or land use
together with the obligations pertaining thereto.
Legal norms of this Law, the Civil Code and other laws of
the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to the transactions
concerning land. In the event of collision of laws, the norms of
this Law shall apply.
Article 14. The Form of Transactions Concerning Land
Transactions concerning land shall be concluded in writing.
Transactions concerning private land (with the exception of land
lease and land use contracts) must be certified by a notary. A
plan of the land plot (object of transaction) approved by the
State Land-use Agency shall constitute an obligatory part of any
transaction concerning land.
All transactions concerning land shall be within 3 months
registered with the institutions managing the State Land Cadastre
in accordance with the procedure established by law.
Citizens who fail to register the acquired plot of land
according to the established procedure shall have no right to
dispose of it.
Article 15. Object and Types of Land Transactions
The object of a transaction concerning land shall be a plot
of land registered in accordance with the established procedure
with the institution managing the State Land Cadastre or a
portion of such plot of land held in common ownership.
The following transactions may be concluded in respect of
land in accordance with the procedure established by law:
1) sale of plots of state land into private ownership,
gratuitous transfer thereof into private ownership, or exchange
thereof for private land, or lease or use thereof, or agreements
concerning servitudes; and
2) purchase and sale of private plots of land, or transfer
thereof as a gift, or exchange, lease, use or mortgage thereof,
or agreements concerning servitudes.
Article 16. Contents and Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement on the Transfer of Land
The following must be specified in the agreement on the
transfer of land:
1) parties to the agreement (names, surnames, the name of
the legal person, addresses, personal codes);
2) the object of the land transaction and the basic data
from the Land Cadastre which characterise the plot of land which
is to be transferred;
3) records testifying to the land owner's will to transfer
the plot of land specified in the agreement;
6) land servitudes, conditions of land use and other
restrictions established for the plot of land which is to be
The following conditions restricting the possession and
disposal of the plot of land may be established in the land
transfer agreement:
1) the land is to be retained for life (the land may not be
transferred to a third person during the period of validity of
the agreement);
2) the period during which the proper purpose of land use is
not to be changed is for life of the person transferring the
land, but not in excess of 10 years; or
3) the land is not to be transferred to a third person for
the period limited to the life of the person transferring it, but
not in excess of 10 years, with the person who transfers the land
being entitled to buy the land back within the period at the
price fixed in the agreement.
In the cases where the land owner transfers a part of the
land plot, said part must be separated from the entire plot and
registered as a separate plot of land with the institution which
manages the State Land Cadastre. The boundaries of the land plot
which is separated shall be formed in compliance with the
requirements set forth in Article 18 of this Law.
Article 17. Right of Ownership of Private Land
The following land shall belong to citizens of the Republic
of Lithuania:
1) land which has been returned or received into ownership
without payment pursuant to the "Law on the Procedure and
Conditions for the Restoration of Ownership Rights to the
Existing Real Property" of the Republic of Lithuania;
3) land which has been acquired from other citizens in
accordance with the procedure established by law under the land
transfer agreements, as well as land which has been received by
inheritance as a matter of law or by will.
The rights of the land owners shall be protected and
defended by the State. Private land may be taken from the owners
only in accordance with the procedure established in this and
other laws when required for public needs (adequately
compensating for the taken land) and in the cases provided for in
Article 33 of this Law.
Water bodies and forest, trees and shrubbery, perennial
planting stock and land-reclamation facilities belonging to the
owner of private land by ownership right and situated on the plot
of land shall also pass to the citizens by ownership right
together with the acquired land.
Article 18. Conditions of Transferring and Dividing Private
A plot of private land may be transferred to other citizens
provided that they take over the special conditions of land use,
business restrictions and land servitudes established for the
If the owner retains the title to buildings, facilities or
any other real property on the transferred plots of land,
servitudes shall be established for his benefit on the
transferred plots of land (to have right of access to facilities
owned by ownership right, to supply electricity, water, to lay
communications, etc.)
Private land shall be transferred on mutual agreement
between the parties.
Citizens shall have priority right to purchase at the price
fixed by the seller the land which is under the buildings and
facilities belonging to them by ownership right as well as the
land required for servicing the above facilities.
When land held in private ownership in national and regional
parks is being sold, the state shall have priority right to
purchase the land under equal conditions and at the price agreed
by the seller and the buyer.
The state shall have priority right to purchase under equal
conditions and at the price agreed by the seller and the buyer,
for the needs of municipal economy, common residential needs,
public construction and recreation, the land held in private
ownership in towns, urban-type and rural settlements if the land
is to be assigned for the above purposes under the territorial
planning documents.
For economic-commercial activities land may be acquired by
citizens who have a licence to engage in the activities
registered in accordance with the procedure established by law.
The land of a bankrupt owner shall be sold and acquired in
the manner established by law and at market price.
Plots of land designated for agricultural purposes as well
as forest tracts may be divided or portions thereof may be
separated for the purpose of transferring or leasing the land
only upon coordination thereof with the land-use plan or any
other territorial planning document approved by the town
(district) local government.
A plot of private land may be divided into two or more plots
planned to be used for residential, public and economic-
commercial construction only provided that the construction is
included in the territorial planning documents and the prescribed
size of the plot as well as the density and type of buildings are
adhered to.
Article 19. Inheriting Private Land
Private land shall be inherited by operation of law or by
will in accordance with the procedure established in this Law and
the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
Only a plot of land registered in the established manner or
a part of such a plot held in common ownership may be an object
of inheritance.
An inherited plot of land must be registered with the
institution managing the State Land Cadastre within 3 months of
the day of issue of the certificate testifying to the right to
inheritance. If a plot of land is inherited by several persons,
the plot shall be registered in the name of all the persons who
receive the inheritance, specifying their respective shares in
the common property.
If land is inherited not by a citizen of the Republic of
Lithuania but by other natural or legal persons of the Republic
of Lithuania or foreign states, they shall acquire the right only
to the sum of money received from the sale of the inherited plot
of land. The land plot shall be at the heir's request sold by the
district (town) local government either to the buyer - citizen of
the Republic of Lithuania named by him or by auction. The sum of
money received from the sale of the land minus the sale or
auction expenses shall be recorded in the issued certificate
testifying to the right of inheritance.
Article 20. Mortgage of Private Land
Private land shall be mortgaged in the manner established by
law. When a portion of land is being mortgaged, it must be
registered as a separate plot of land with the institution which
manages the State Land Cadastre.
Land plot mortgage agreements shall be concluded in writing,
shall be certified by a notary and shall be registered with the
institutions managing the State Land Cadastre within 3 months of
the day of their approval.
The mortgaged land shall be at the disposal of the land
owner. Land shall not be transferred into the ownership of the
When dividing the mortgaged plot of land among the persons
possessing it by the right of common ownership or when separating
it from the common plot of land, each part shall be burdened with
liabilities under the mortgage agreement in proportion to the
value of the plot, unless the co-owners decide otherwise.
Mortgaged land plots may be joined into one after the
creditors agree upon the order of succession of satisfaction of
claims under the mortgage agreement. Upon joining together two or
more land plots of which only one is mortgaged, after the
registration of the joining of land plots the mortgage shall
cover all the land.
Mortgaged land may be transferred only with the consent of
the citizen who is the transferee. In this case the citizen shall
take over all the former land owner's obligations under the
mortgage agreements.
In the event that the owner of the mortgaged land fails to
satisfy the liability by the date specified in the agreement, and
after he receives a notice from the mortgage office stating that
in case of failure to repay the debt the land will be sold by
auction, the land may not be transferred to other persons or
mortgaged or leased or burdened with any other restrictions of
the rights to dispose of or to use the land.
III. State Ownership of Land
Article 21. Land in the Ownership of the State
The following land belongs to the State of Lithuania: land
specified in Article 4 of this Law, land donated as a gift to the
State and land inherited by the State, and other land which has
been taken, bought out or in any other way acquired into the
ownership of the State.
The land subject to be returned in accordance with the "Law
on the Procedure and Conditions for the Restoration of Ownership
Rights to the Existing Real Property" of the Republic of
Lithuania may be, prior to its return in kind into private
ownership, be leased by the State in the manner established in
the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Lease of Land.
State-owned land may be used by natural and legal persons
provided that said land has been allotted for use or leased by
the institutions specified in Article 23 of this Law. The
decisions of the above institutions to allot land for use or the
agreements for the lease of state land shall be concluded taking
into account the proper purpose of land use as projected in the
territorial planning documents, the area of the available land
and the presented substantiation of the need of land and business
Article 22. Allotment of State Land for Use; Leasing of
State Land
State land shall be allotted for use either for an
indefinite or for a definite period to institutions and
organisations financed with the State budget funds without
concluding any agreements for the lease of state land according
to the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of
The procedure for allotting land to be used for facilities
established by the Ministry of National Defence shall be
established by laws and the Government of the Republic of
The procedure for leasing state land shall be established by
laws and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 23. Institutions having the Right to Lease or Allot
for Use State Land
The right to use state land shall be granted by:
2) town (district) boards.
The town (district) boards shall grant the right to use
plots of land of such size and in such cases as are established
by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
State land shall be leased in accordance with the procedure
established by the Law on Land Lease and the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania by town (district) boards, other
institutions which perform the functions of the owner of state
land or which have the rights to possess said land and (when land
is subleased) by the users of state land.
Article 24. Transfer of State Land into Private Ownership
State land shall be sold or in any other way transferred
into private ownership by town (district) boards in accordance
with the procedure established by law and the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania.
IV. Common Ownership of Land
Article 25. The Concept and Types of Common Ownership of
A plot of land may belong by the right of common ownership
to two or more citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or to the
State and one or several citizens.
There may be two types of common ownership of a plot of
land: common ownership with the owned parts being specified -
part ownership, and common ownership with the parts being
undivided - joint ownership.
A plot of land held by the right of common part ownership
shall be registered with the state institutions which manage the
State Land Cadastre, listing the co-owners, specifying the
location of the common plot of land and the area and portion of
value of the land plot which belongs to each co-owner, whereas a
plot of land held by the right of joint ownership shall be
registered by stating the owners in common, the location of the
common plot of land as well as its total area and value.
Common ownership shall be considered as signifying divided
interest (part ownership) unless the law established otherwise.
Article 26. Acquisition and Holding of Land by the Right of
Common Part Ownership when Part Owners are
When part owners are two or several citizens, land shall be
acquired by the right of common part ownership or the acquired
land shall be joined and held in accordance with the procedure
established in this Law and in the Civil Code of the Republic of
When land is purchased by the right of common part
ownership, the shares of the land of the part owners shall be
established by their mutual agreement and shall be recorded in
the land purchase-sale contract specifying the size and value of
their respective shares.
On the agreement of owners of plots of private land, two or
more plots may be joined into one plot of land held by the right
of common part ownership. The plots of land shall be joined by
concluding a written agreement which shall be certified by a
notary and shall be within 3 months registered with the
institutions which manage the State Land Cadastre.
Article 27. Acquisition and Holding of Land by the Right of
Common Part Ownership when Part Owners are the
State and One or Several Citizens
When part owners are the State and one or several citizens,
land shall be acquired and held by the right of common part
ownership in accordance with the procedure established by this
Law and by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
Common part ownership of land of the State and citizens
shall be formed when citizens acquire from the State a part of
the land plot of the house holding. An agreement between the
State and other part owners shall be required for holding, using
and disposing of said plot of land only in the cases specified in
Article 29 of this Law, or when the jointly held plot of land is
being redivided among the part owners, or upon changing the areas
of land used by them and the conditions of use. In this case the
State shall be represented by a town (district) local government.
Article 28. Acquiring and Holding Land by the Right of
Common Joint Ownership
Land may belong by the right of common joint ownership only
to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania. It shall be acquired
and possessed in accordance with the procedure established by
this Law, the Civil Code, and the Marriage and Family Code of the
Republic of Lithuania.
Article 29. Termination of the Holding of Land by the
Right of Common Part Ownership and
Separating Land from the Plot of Land Held
in Common
Upon mutual agreement the part owners of the plot of land,
held by the right of common part ownership, shall have the right
to terminate the holding of the land by the right of common part
ownership, and each co-owner shall be entitled to request the
separation of his share.
A plot of land held by the right of common part ownership
may be divided among the part owners or shares of the land area
may be divided off - in kind to one or several part owners in
accordance with the requirements set forth in Article 18 of this
The division of the land plot held by the right of common
part ownership as well as the separation of the co-owner's share
from the common plot of land shall be executed by a written
agreement which shall be certified by a notary and shall be
within 3 months registered with the institution which manages the
State Land Cadastre. When a land plot is divided off in kind, the
plan of the plot of land which is divided off must be appended to
the agreement.
Article 30. Powers of the State in Regulating
Relations Pertaining to Land
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shall:
pass and revise laws on the regulation of relations
pertaining to land.
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall:
1) issue and revise, in accordance with the procedure
established by law, standard acts on the regulation of such
issues as the ownership, holding, use of land and other issues of
regulation of relations pertaining to land;
2) work out and implement programmes for the use of land,
optimisation of territories and land improvement;
3) prepare and approve the master plan of the territorial
planning of the Republic of Lithuania, approve other territorial
planning documents of national significance;
4) plan and finance land-use planning, forest-management
works and works related to the management of the land cadastre;
6) settle the issues concerning the taking and allotment of
land, the changing of the proper purpose of land use and other
issues related to the management of the stock of land, provided
that they are not assigned within the powers of local
governments; and
7) prescribe business restrictions and conditions of land
use in the allotted areas of land.
The Ministry of Agriculture or the institution specially
authorised by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to hold
the stock of state land shall:
1) direct the institutions and enterprises which carry out
the works of the State Land Cadastre and state land-use planning;
2) prepare material for the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania required for the taking of land or for allotment
thereof for public needs, for changing the proper purpose of land
use and for settling other issues of land-use planning; and
1) implement the Law on Land and the decisions of the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania and its authorised
institutions on the use of land;
3) settle issues concerning the taking or allotment of land,
the changing of the proper purpose of land use in the event that
the area of the allotted land does not exceed 1 hectare in towns
and urban-type settlements and 10 hectares in rural areas and if,
in the cases specified by the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania, the taking or allotment of said land has not been
assigned to the competence of the Government of the Republic of
5) approve and implement land use planning schemes and plans
as well as other territorial planning documents which provide for
the restrictions of areas of used land and land holdings as well
as changes of proper purpose of land use and business
restrictions on the territory of the local government;
6) in accordance with the procedure established by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania establish conditions of
land use, land servitudes and business restrictions;
7) carry out, in accordance with the procedure established
by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, works of the Land
Cadastre and the Cadastre of other Real Property which conditions
the use of land;
8) carry out, in accordance with the regulations approved by
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, state control of the
use of land; and
9) perform other actions provided by law concerning the
regulation of the state holding of the stock of land and
regulation of land use.
Article 31. Procedure for Establishing and Changing the
Proper Purpose of Land Use
Land users who wish to use it for a purpose other than that
established during the acquisition of land or the leasing or
allotment thereof for use must receive a permission of the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania or of the town (district)
local government.
The proper purpose of land use shall be established by the
documents of territorial planning: plans of local government
territorial management, master plans and detailed plans of towns
and settlements, special-purpose territorial plans, land-use and
forest-management plans.
The proper purpose of land use shall be established or
changed pursuant to the documents of territorial planning.
Decisions on the establishment or changing of the proper purpose
of use of a plot of land shall be adopted by :
1) town (district) board if the area of the plot of land
does not exceed 1 hectare in towns and urban-type settlements and
10 hectares in rural areas, provided that in the cases
established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania the
allotment of said plots of land has not been assigned within the
powers of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as
in the cases when the plots are larger in size, upon coordination
thereof with the interested ministries in accordance with the
procedure established by the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania; and
2) the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in other
cases and on the recommendation of the Ministry of Agriculture.
When the purpose of land use is being changed, the principal
conditions for the change of the proper purpose of land use and
the compensation of losses inflicted by the change to
agricultural production and forest economy shall be specified in
the decision in the manner established by the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania. A decision concerning the changing of the
proper purpose of use of a forest tract land shall be adopted
only on coordination with the Ministry of Forestry and the
Department of Environmental Protection.
Records in the town (district) register of land shall be
revised pursuant to the adopted decision.
The proper purpose of land use in the territories of
preserves, national and regional parks shall be changed only in
accordance with the approved plans of management of preserved
territories or upon receiving the permission of the Department of
Environmental protection.
Article 32. Taking of Land for Public Needs
The land may be taken from land owners and the users of
state-owned land only in the exceptional cases by the decision of
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania or a local government
of a town (district) when land is needed:
3) for the construction of state railways, state roads and
pipe lines, high voltage transmission lines;
4) for the constructions of national significance, the
development of urban and rural infrastructure, common needs of
the population, public construction and recreation;
8) for the needs and common ( public) use by local
governments, if it is provided for in the detailed plans of towns
and settlements and land use plans prepared according to the
established procedure.
Land plots shall be taken from the owners of land by buying
them out at the official land market price of that locality or by
giving into their ownership other plots of land of equal value in
another locality in accordance with the procedure established by
the laws and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Provided the owner of land does not agree with the decision of
the state agency that the land would be taken for public needs,
or with the method of buying out land and/ or the offered price,
this decision may be appealed against to court within one month
from the adoption of such decision.
In the cases not specified in Par.1 hereof, the land
necessary for state enterprises, offices and organisations, as
well as for other needs of the State and the population may be
bought out from the land owners at the price and under the terms
and conditions agreed upon by a local government of a town
(district) and the land owner.
If the land allotted for use or leased state land is taken
for public needs specified in Par.1 hereof, the right to use land
or the lease shall terminate prior to the expiration in
accordance with the procedure established by laws or the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the tenants of state
land and other users thereof shall be compensated for all losses
relative thereto.
If leased private land is taken for public needs, the land
lease contract shall be terminated prior to the expiration of its
term and the owner of land shall compensate the tenant for all
losses relative thereto.
Article 33. Taking of Land into the Stock of Unoccupied
State Land
The land shall be taken from the land owners into the stock
of the unoccupied state land provided:
3) the right of the ownership of land is terminated by the
decision of the court to transfer land to the State.
The land shall be taken into the stock of the unoccupied
state land from the users of state land who have concluded lease
contracts provided:
1) they decline of their own free will to use the land given
to them for use or held by them on lease;
2) the term for which the land has been allotted for use or
the lease term expires and the land lease is not extended;
3) the land lease or the right to use is terminated
according to the procedure established by laws prior to the
expiration of the term.
The land shall be taken into the stock of unoccupied state
land according to the procedure established by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 34. Protection of the Right to Ownership and Use of
The State shall protect the rights of ownership and use of
land as well as the interests of the population of the Republic
of Lithuania, which may be affected by the activities of the
users of land.
Sanctions established by laws shall be applied to persons
who have committed trespass to land or by their business
activities in the land used by them caused harm to the legitimate
interests of other owners of private land, the State and
individuals, as well as have violated environmental requirements.
State institutions, other natural and legal persons through
the fault of which landowners could not use, hold and dispose of
land, and the land users could not use it for its proper purpose,
must indemnify losses incurred by landowners or land users.
Natural and legal persons the activities of which carried
out on the land used by them caused harm to the interests of
other land users or inhabitants and have breached environmental
requirements, must indemnify damages caused by these violations.
V. The Land Designated for Agricultural Purposes
Article 35. The Land Designated for Agricultural Purposes
and the Management of its Territory
The land designated for agricultural purposes shall comprise
the plots of land used or allotted for the functioning of
agricultural enterprises and farms and for other agricultural
activities, including agricultural land, the land occupied by
dwelling houses and farm buildings, yards, roads, the land
suitable to be transformed into agricultural land and other lands
lying within the boundaries of these plots.
The territory of land designated for agricultural purposes
shall be managed according land- use plans prepared and approved
by a local government of a town (district), taking into account
the interests of landowners, land users and of the public: the
boundaries of the existing land holdings shall be revised; new
land holdings shall be formed; farmsteads and production
facilities shall be built, roads with hard cover shall be laid;
ponds shall be made; forest shall be planted; forests, marshes
and shrubbery shall be transformed into agricultural land.
The procedure for assigning forests lying within the
boundaries of lands designated for agricultural purposes to the
land designated for forestry purposes and the procedure for the
use of these forests shall be established by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania.
Upon the approval of comprehensive land- use plans of land
reform, the maximum size of agricultural land acquired by persons
into private ownership for the expansion of farmer's farm or the
establishment of new farmer's farm or ( when said persons are
members of agricultural enterprises) for common agricultural
activities ( when the acquired land shall be leased to these
agricultural enterprises), shall be established by a local
government of town (district) according to land- use plans
prepared in the established manner or according to the land- use
plan of an administrative territory.
The maximum size of land designated for agricultural
purposes, which is being taken on lease for the expansion of
farmer's farm or for agricultural enterprise for the period not
shorter than 3 years shall not be limited if the boundaries of
the land plots taken on lease and the management of their
territory is coordinated with the land- use plans approved by a
local government of town (district).
The maximum size of land designated for agricultural
purposes, which is being acquired or taken on lease for other
agricultural activities, shall be established by the Government
of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 36. Land Designated for Agricultural Purposes Used
by Agricultural Enterprises
Agricultural state enterprises and state joint stock
enterprises shall use public or private land held on lease.
Other agricultural enterprises shall use private land taken
on lease, allotted to them according to the procedure established
by the Law on the Procedure and Conditions for the Restoration of
Ownership Rights to the Existing Real Property and the leased
land that is being purchased for public needs, as well as leased
unoccupied land belonging to the stock of state land.
The lands of agricultural enterprises shall be managed and
used according to the land-use plans.
Article 37. Farmer's Farm Land
Land holdings acquired into private ownership or taken on
lease for more than 3 years period and registered with a local
government of town (district) as a farmer's farm according to the
procedure established by the Ministry of Agriculture shall be
attributed to the farmer's farm land.
The farmer's farm shall be registered on the basis of
information furnished by the interested person and the agency
operating State Land Cadastre provided:
1) the person in whose name the farm is being registered is
recognised as prepared to engage in farming according to the
procedure established by the Ministry of Agriculture. The
requirement of the preparedness to engage in farming shall not
apply to the person who inherits the farmer's farm, as well as to
the farmer's spouse and children to whom the farmer's farm land
is conveyed;
2) the land holding ( with the exception of land leased to
other persons) comprises not less than 3 hectares of farming land
or its user specialises in market plant- growing -- not less than
0.3 hectares of farming land;
3) the person in whose name the farm is being registered:
lives or is getting established himself in a farmer's
lives in the place other than the farmer's farm is located,
but has the possibility to organise independent agricultural
The farmer's farm land may comprise the private land of the
members of his family: spouses, parents (foster parents),
children (adopted children) as well as the private land of
brothers or sisters living on the same farm -- joined for holding
it by the right of common ownership or given into possession for
the use by one of theses persons.
Article 38. Other Land Designated for Agricultural Purposes
The land designated for agricultural purposes which is not
attributed to the farmer's farm according to the established
procedure or is not leased to agricultural enterprises, shall be
considered as other land designated for agricultural purposes.
Its users may be:
1) persons who have acquired into private ownership or taken
on lease private plots of agricultural land for the production of
agricultural produce;
2) persons to whom state land was allotted for their
personal farm, office lot, gardening and vegetable growing;
3) research and educational establishments, forestries and
other offices and organisations specified in Article 22 of this
law, which use state plots of land allotted to them for the
production of agricultural produce;
4) other natural and legal persons who have taken the land
on lease from the stock of unoccupied state land for the
production of agricultural produce.
Article 39. Protection of Land Designated for Agricultural
State plots of land comprising agricultural land and other
used lands which due to the features of soil are suitable to be
transformed into agricultural land, shall be sold, allotted or
leased primarily for agricultural activities.
When using private and state land designated for
agricultural purposes, agricultural lands must be protected
against the impoverishment of soil, wind and water erosion,
overgrowing with shrubs and forest, turning into swamps or other
deterioration of properties. While carrying out constructions or
exploiting natural resources, fertile layer of soil must not be
destroyed and must be used for the improvement of agricultural
land whereas damaged land must be recultivated.
The land designated for agricultural purposes may be
transferred or may be allotted for other purposive use only
according to the territorial planning documents prepared in the
established manner and land-use (land allotment) plans, having
assessed the expediency of land transfer (allotment, losses of
agricultural production and possible losses incurred by natural
and legal persons caused by the change of the proper purpose of
land use and having provided the compensations for these losses.
Resources received due to the change of the proper purposive
use of the land designated for agricultural purposes shall be
used to finance the transformation of other lands designated for
agricultural purpose into farming land, improvement of the value
of farming land and soil improvement measures according to the
procedure established by the Government of the Republic of
VI. Land Designated for Forestry
Article 40. Land Designated for Forestry
Land designated for forestry shall comprise:
2) other forest land: cutting areas, burned areas,
thinnings, glades, waste plots of land, marking off and safety
strips, etc.
3) land occupied by forest roads, timber storage points, and
other facilities and equipment used for forestry needs;
5) game feeding points; other non-forest lands surrounded by
Regeneration and protection of forests in the land
designated for forestry purposes shall be regulated by the Law on
Funds received for the change of the proper purposive use of
forest land shall be used for afforestation, regeneration,
tending and protection of forests according to the procedure
established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Agricultural land lying within the boundaries of land
designated for forestry purposes must be used for the production
of agricultural produce until it is not used for its proper
Article 41. Owners and Users of Land Designated for Forestry
The owners of land designated for forestry shall be the
citizens who have been returned the former forest or land covered
with forest into their ownership, and who have received forest
without compensation in the process of land reform, or who have
bought forest. The maximum size of the forest tract acquired into
private ownership by one person shall be established by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania upon the approval of
comprehensive land-use plans of land reform.
State land designated for forestry purposes shall be
allotted for the use and possession or leased to forestries,
national and regional parks. Forestries and national parks are
government agencies responsible for the implementation of
regeneration, tending and protection of forests.
State forest tracts which due to their size, location and
characteristics of stands may be used for forestry activities
shall be allotted for use or leased to farmers and agricultural
enterprises, other natural and legal persons, provided these
tracts lie within the territory of their agricultural land.
Article 42. Land Designated for Conservation Purposes
Land designated for conservation purposes comprises the land
which, according to the established procedure is allotted or
attributed to:
4) other objects of nature wherein economic activities are
prohibited, which are not associated with special maintenance,
management and protection of the territory occupied by them.
The procedure for the use and protection of land designated
for conservation purposes shall be regulated by the Law on the
Environmental Protection, other laws and subordinate acts.
The land of other categories may also be designated for
conservation purposes according to the procedure established by
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 43. The Land designated for miscellaneous purposes
The land designated for miscellaneous purposes shall
comprise plots of land acquired by the citizens into private
ownership according to the established procedure, as well as
plots of land allotted for use or leased for :
2) the construction and operation of dwelling, social and
industrial establishments used for various purposes;
8) any activities other than agriculture and forestry.
The area of state land needed by the users of land
designated miscellaneous purposes, shall be established according
to the standards approved by the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania, the ministries and state agencies.
In the cases established by the laws and Government decrees,
the land shall be transferred, allotted or leased for
miscellaneous purposes on agreement, only upon the execution of
documents of territorial planning and land-use ( land allotment)
The land designated for miscellaneous purposes shall be
managed in compliance with building and planning projects
approved according to the established procedure.
Agricultural lands lying within the land designated for
miscellaneous purposes must be used for the production of
agricultural produce until they are used for the proper special
Article 44. The Land of the State Stock of Waters
The land of the state stock of waters shall comprise areas
of land occupied by:
3) rivers with constant water flow, the basin of which is
not less than 25, or connecting the lakes assigned to the
state stock of waters;
4) lakes with an area exceeding 5 ha, which have not been
returned into private ownership, and other lakes provided they
are connected by rivers assigned to the state stock of waters or
they are assigned to the state stock of waters according to the
procedure established by the Government of the Republic of
5) not privatised water bodies established with the funds of
the state or local government budgets.
The procedure for the use of water bodies assigned to the
state stock of waters shall be established by the Law on Water.
Article 45. The Stock of the Unoccupied State Land
The stock of the unoccupied state land shall comprise state
land which is not allotted for the use by natural and legal
persons, is not leased or transferred into private ownership.
The stock of unoccupied state land shall be operated by
local governments according to the procedure established by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Upon the determination
of the purposive use of its separate plots and upon the
completion of necessary works of territorial optimization,
management and soil improvement with the funds of local
governments, the land of the stock of the unoccupied state land,
which is not used for common needs of the inhabitants (streets,
squares, green belts, cemeteries, recreation, etc.) and is not
assigned to public needs, may be sold, allotted for use, or
leased according to the procedure established by this law.
Article 46. The Objective of the State Land-use Planning
The objective of the state land-use planning is:
1) to prepare the state land development and protection
programmes and land- use plans of administrative territories of
the country, as the integral part of territorial planning
2) to prepare land-use plans for the determination or
revision of administrative boundaries, and other management plans
of administrative territories;
3) to prepare land-use plans for the taking of land for
public needs and for the allotment of land to local governments
and the common use of the inhabitants, state enterprises, offices
and organisations;
4) to prepare land-use plans for the buying out, transfer
and exchange of land, for the formation of new or restructuring
of the existing land holdings, and for the establishment of
special conditions for land use, restrictions of activities and
5) to prepare land-use plans for the management of land
holdings of agricultural enterprises and on individual orders,
for the management of land of farmers' farms and of other land
users and for the organisation of rational land use.
Article 47. Carrying out of the State Land-use Planning
The state land-use planning works shall be carried out at
the expense of the State, the landowners and of other land users.
The works of the state land-use planning shall be organised,
managed, controlled and accepted by the State Land-use Planning
Agency, the functions, rights and responsibility of which shall
be established by the laws and the Government of the Republic of
State land-use planning works shall be carried out by the
state land-use planning agencies, production state land-use
planning institutions or other enterprises and organisations
hired by these agencies, offices and institutions.
The procedure for and the contents of the works of land- use
planning and research shall be established by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania or by any other institution authorised
by it.
Article 48. Private Land-surveyors
A private land-surveyor may be a person having a special
higher or high education and who obtained a licence issued
according to the procedure established by laws, to perform
geodetic, topographic and cartographic works and a licence issued
according to the procedure established by the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania to perform state land-use planning works.
The rights, duties and responsibility of private land-
surveyors and the type of work that they are permitted to perform
shall be established by the laws and the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania.
Article 49. The Objective of the State Land Cadastre
The objective of the State Land Cadastre is:
1) to register the existing and new private and state-owned
plots of land and land holdings formed in the process of land-use
planning; and
2) according to the system established by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania, to accumulate and update information
about the possession of land plots, their size and value, the
conditions and restrictions of land use, other features of land
as the property or object of use, and of other real property
located on that land, other distribution of land according its
owners, users and land holdings.
While registering plots of land and land holdings, maps of
land cadastre shall be prepared and revised, whereon registered
plots of land and other objects of real property and the nature,
affecting the value of land plot and conditions of use, shall be
marked. The contents of maps of land cadastre shall be
established by the state land-use planning agency.
The data of State Land Cadastre is an official information
about the stock of land of the Republic of Lithuania, its use and
Article 50. The Management of the State Land Cadastre
The State Land Cadastre shall be drawn up and kept by the
state land-use planning agency and its offices according to the
procedure established by the laws and the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania.
Survey, soil research, land accounting and valuation works
necessary for the State Land Cadastre shall be carried out by the
production state land-use planning institutions or other
enterprises, organisations and private surveyors hired by them.
Legal and natural persons and state institutions must
provide offices that manage the State Land Cadastre with
necessary information about the land used by them or which is at
their disposition, as well as the buildings and facilities
located thereon.
Works necessary for the drawing up of the State Land
Cadastre shall be carried out at the expense of the state, local
governments, land owners and land users according to the
procedure established by the Government of the Republic of
Article 51. Application of Data of State Land Cadastre
The data of the State Land Cadastre shall be furnished to
state institutions and natural and legal persons and used for :
Article 52. The Contents of State Control of Land Use
State control of land use shall be carried out by the
institutions specified in Article 30 of this law according to the
regulations approved by the Government of the Republic of
State control of land use shall embrace:
1) coordination and examination of programmes, plans,
schemes, other documents of territorial planning relative to the
principle purposive use of land, revision of the boundaries of
the plots of land and conditions of land use; and
2) systematic checking whether the activities of land users
are in compliance with laws and the procedure established by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 53. Liability for the Violation of Land Legislation
Natural and legal persons shall incur disciplinary,
administrative, material and criminal responsibility under the
laws of the Republic of Lithuania if they have :
6) failed to take mandatory measures for the improvement and
protection of soil of agricultural land ;
10) made other violations of legislation regulating land use
Willfully occupied plots of land shall be taken away without
reimbursing inputs made during the unlawful use of land . Plots
of land must be brought to such a condition that they could be
used for their proper purpose at the expense of enterprises,
organizations or individuals which occupied them willfully,
Article 54. Reimbursement of Damage Caused by Reason of
Unlawful Activities
Natural and legal persons who have violated the established
land use requirements, must compensate for the damage caused to
other natural and legal persons and the State according to the
procedure established by laws.
Article 55. Definition of Land Disputes
Land disputes mean the disputes arising between:
2) land owners and other legitimate users of land and other
individuals, enterprises, offices and organisations -- concerning
the unlawful occupation of a plot of land or prevention from the
use of a plot of land belonging by the right of ownership or used
on other grounds;
3) land owners and other legitimate users of land --
concerning the termination of activities ( even though, lawful)
in the adjacent plot of land, which cause damage to other land
belonging by the right of ownership or used on other grounds;
4) land owners and the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania or a local government of town (district) -- concerning
the method and amount of compensation for the land taken for
public needs;
5) land owners and land tenants and the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania or a local government of town (district) --
concerning the change of the proper purpose of its use or (and)
setting of special land use requirements and restrictions of
7) land co-owners -- concerning the holding, use and
disposal of the plot of land that is a common property.
Article 56. Procedure for the Consideration of Land Disputes
Land disputes shall be considered by courts according to the
civil proceedings.
By the agreement of the parties, land and other disputes
arising in respect of civil legal relations may be referred for
decision to the arbitration court, the regulations thereof shall
be approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 57. International Agreements
In the cases where the international agreements binding upon
the Republic of Lithuania prescribe the rules of land use other
than those established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania,
the rules provided for in the international agreements shall
apply, provided they do not contradict the Constitution of the
Republic of Lithuania.
Article 58. Enactment of this Law
The present law shall come into effect as of 1 July 1994.
Upon the coming into effect of the Law on Land of the
Republic of Lithuania, Par. 10 of Article 11 of the Law on Land
Reform shall become invalid.
I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic